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Choosing some ammo types would be cool, just research it in the foundry or something.


Although I'm really not missing having to make ammo clips and grenades. That little piece of simplification is fine by me :)



Edit: I would love TFTD DLC. Fighting through the cruise ships was always a blast.

Edited by Hurlshot
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Well mods are out of question for me for now, since i'm playing it on PS3. I need to upgrade my rig and OS to play it on PC. :/ But it should have a better reason to upgrade than just a few great games. :/

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I like to roll with 2 snipers.

2 snipers + Double Tap + plasma sniper rifle = I win mode.


Bingo. :D


Last night I had brought a berserker down to one health and was going to move my assault guy in for a stun, but the berserker did some rage move and one of my other guys fired off a reaction shot that killed him. First time I've ever screamed NOOOO! at a dead on interrupt shot.

I had that exact thing happen to me last night while talking with Allan. I shot the Berserker 3 times, but he still had 4hp left. So I had my support, which was standing right beside the assault with the arc thrower, fire off a shot with his pistol. Took it down to 2hp and triggered the move and as soon as the close combat animation started to play I yelled at him "No you fool! I wanted him alive!" Shotgun to the face for 7 damage crit. >_<

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I was shocked earlier that my fairly heavily armored medic got one shotted critically by a muton and died outright. Luckily I had another highly ranked medic, because I am now heading off to the big final battle.

Yeah those crits make you hurt inside hahaha.

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New to this game, and new to this type of game really. I gotta say I didn't think anything could tear me away from Borderlands 2, but xcom is an absolute blast. I'm still just learning my way around the combat and figuring out how to keep everyone in cover all the time, and only succeeding half the time.


Just had my first batch of promotions, although I dunno why, the way this squad couldn't hit the broadside of a barn on the last mission. But nobody died, although my newly promoted support guy is spending the next 18 days in the infirmary.

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I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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I just can't believe how long it took for us to get a good squad level tactical combat game. It isn't magic! Seriously, it was a long barren stretch between JA2 and here.


Silent Storm says hello (as does Fallout Tactics for that matter)...


But yeah, these types of games aren't exactly common. So it's good that we get some fantastic ones every now and then.

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Choosing some ammo types would be cool, just research it in the foundry or something.


Although I'm really not missing having to make ammo clips and grenades. That little piece of simplification is fine by me :)



Edit: I would love TFTD DLC. Fighting through the cruise ships was always a blast.


Specialized ammunition and grenades would be a nice addition, and you having to make them, but oh well. Lost a bunch of guys due to a car explosion, had to abort and evac the 3 survivors, so my current game looks like a failure. Shame too, I got a Major and got the Squaddie bonus for all new guys - which actually sucks as I have 8 or 9 snipers.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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So I've finally managed to get a game going that feels like I'm going somewhere. My base is progressing nicely, and my team is starting to look like super soldiers. I have lost Mexico (before the first council vote even) and am on the verge on losing another one by the next vote, but I think that'll be ok.


yeah, I haven't gotten very far, but for the first time I don't feel like I'm behind in any specific area (except maybe my council relations, but there's not much I could have done there).


Of course, one bad mission and it can all go down the drain, I realize that. but I'm hopeful.


One question though, how do people level up their snipers? They should be extremely deadly, but mine just don't feel that way. I guess it could be because I suck at getting elevation (because always when I try to get a sweet spot, there are always aliens there waiting to kill me, so I'm cautious these days)

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What level of difficulty are you playing at Spider? At Normal, I feel like snipers don't really need to get in an elevated position all that much to be honest, I usually just equip them with a scope and they're extremely efficient already. Plus, when you get the Foundry upgrades for the pistol and get a plasma pistol, you basically only need to use sniper rifle for long-range shots/headshots.


But anyway, basically what I would do with snipers is keep them on overwatch as much as possible, and in protected positions. To be honest, they always level up pretty fast (fastest among my troops, actually). Then again, the experience might be very different on Classic.

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I just can't believe how long it took for us to get a good squad level tactical combat game. It isn't magic! Seriously, it was a long barren stretch between JA2 and here.


Silent Storm says hello (as does Fallout Tactics for that matter)...


But yeah, these types of games aren't exactly common. So it's good that we get some fantastic ones every now and then.



The problem with Silent Storm is it's story took a complete turn for the absurd and stupid with the panzerkleins.

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I did enjoy Silent Storm, but even that was a long time ago.


For snipers, I have one with the ability to hit anything the squad can see, and one with the ability to move and still shoot. I'm leaning towards the squad sight being a better choice, she just gets some great long distance kills whereas my other one has to get too close to the action.


But it's nice having one of each too.

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The problem with Silent Storm is it's story took a complete turn for the absurd and stupid with the panzerkleins.


Yeah, the story there got kinda meh. gameplay was still fantastic though. Of course the expansion, Silent Storm Sentinels, was even better and is my favorite game of this type to date.

The combat in F:T is average and not good.


I think the combat in FO:T is better than the one in XCOM. I think XCOM is a better game overall, mind.


(ok, if you factor in those damn robots in the end as part of the combat, I'll agree, but the system was solid)

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Yeah you should be able to, from the Barracks menu.

Strange, I had to pull them out of the eval in order to re-equip. Anyway the equipping system is really dumb in that they don't automatically pool any resources that are not in your currently selected squad.


As for myself I am stopping playing until they fix the alien spawn bug where enemies spawn on top of your troops.

Today a Sectopod decided to spawn inside my squad, luckily I had sniper coverage from two double tap snipers to take it down quickly but I know that sooner or later this bug is going to get me killed (not to mention prevent me from wanting to start a game on classic).

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One question though, how do people level up their snipers? They should be extremely deadly, but mine just don't feel that way. I guess it could be because I suck at getting elevation (because always when I try to get a sweet spot, there are always aliens there waiting to kill me, so I'm cautious these days)

Its a real bitch until you get squad sight, after that they level faster than anything else because they will be racking up kills at the safe distances.

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