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Mass Effect 3


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Haven't tried MP yet. Don't generally play mp, but since got live gold for the cloud storage in a fit of paranoia earlier this year, might give it a shot at some point. Tempted to find that webcomic about why adults will never be any good in online games, though.

Just play Vanguard. Level charge to max and spam it. If at any point there is an enemy on screen and you aren't using charge, you are doing it wrong.

Never liked the ME2 vanguard. My cautious nature drove me to the Sentinel.

I've only played and liked the soldier in single player ME 1 and ME 2, but things are different in MP. You're not just fighting against the enemies but competing against other players. After the twentieth time I unloaded half a clip into an enemy only for a Vanguard to rush in and slaughter them with one hit, the Soldier became far less appealing.


Also, my level 20 Vanguard can go head-to-head with a Phantom. I don't think any other class can say that. '1015 kill' is great to see on the screen.


Linking it in to get the best ending could end up backfiring ?

Howso? You can also get the best ending via SP. It's just another way to get the War Assets.


You haven't met the wonder of a Krogan Soldier. Everything Vanguard does, but with better protection and faster attack.


If you melee one guy to death, you can then melee everyone else with a single hit. You can two-hit Atlases with the right combo of Fortification and Rage.

Yeah, the unlocked classes are very nice. I have a drell Vanguard and a salarian Infultrator. I want an asari though.


Is your Origin ID Tale82?

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Krogan Soldiers can go head to head with anyone. My guy was one-shotting phantoms by level 8.


They are insane.



If your Origin ID Tale82?

Taleroth most likely.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Probably should have tried the MP before wiping it off my PC, ah well. Not that long to go until it's out.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I tend to prefer the shotgun and Assault rifle in MP. I tried the Sniper Rifle at first but since everything comes from all sides, wasn't as effective as other methods. The asari is an interesting character, I think races get specific abilities over other races for classes as the Asari has skills the humans don't.

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You haven't met the wonder of a Krogan Soldier. Everything Vanguard does, but with better protection and faster attack.


If you melee one guy to death, you can then melee everyone else with a single hit. You can two-hit Atlases with the right combo of Fortification and Rage.


Haven't unlocked one myself, but a couple of the people I play with have them.


Krogan can headbang with the best of them, but they still have to walk across the map to get to the enemy. I'll grant you their superiority against Atlases, but that's it! Walking is for losers!

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Fortification is broken anyway, just like Adrenaline Rush. Every class can rule the battlefield, depends on the players how good it is. Well i've seen everyone but the sentinel. The sentinel just isn't that special or powerful.


As far weapon combos are concerned for me Mantis and Mattock is the most lethal combo. Both of course on level X and with mods. Powerful and light with enough ammo per round. Doesn't matter which class.


And Atlus goes down with one rocket. Not really that tough. The real danger in MP are enemy turrets that their engineers set.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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N: But I want moooooore. Why do you hate money?



I, and many other gamers, have never voiced anything remotely like this, at all. I'm perfectly happy with buying a game, and getting *that game.* I do not expect, nor do I want, stupid tacked-on ****. If it's game-crucial, it should be there at launch, in the standard game. If it's not, those development resources should go towards other, complete games (or expansions). Cut this entire bull**** DLC trend and I'll be a happy man.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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The Protean might be an unsufferable dousche and they are trying to save the majority of their customer base the agony. In any event I'm not getting any DLCs for this, my nuissance tolerance for all this nickle and dime stuff has been exceeded.


I'm going further than that. I'm not going to boycott the game, but I am *not* going to buy it until they release the inevitable lowered-price bundle with all the nonsense that they charge for on day 1 included. The only way you can persuade companies to not to something is to convince them that it is not profitable - for that to work, they have to lose money, and what would have possibly been a day 1, full-price purchase from me is now no longer.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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One has to wonder whether at some point they'll just release a character creator as the main game and have the rest carved out for dlc, got to be running through some Bioware executives head right now.

Slightly similar to Gratuitous Space Battles. Everything is in the planning and equipment selection.


Then you hit the start movie button :)


The Protean might be an unsufferable dousche and they are trying to save the majority of their customer base the agony. In any event I'm not getting any DLCs for this, my nuissance tolerance for all this nickle and dime stuff has been exceeded.


Jah man... Don't mess with da dreads man... Galactic peace man...


(yes, Gorths rastafarian imitations suck)


I'm going further than that. I'm not going to boycott the game, but I am *not* going to buy it until they release the inevitable lowered-price bundle with all the nonsense that they charge for on day 1 included. The only way you can persuade companies to not to something is to convince them that it is not profitable - for that to work, they have to lose money, and what would have possibly been a day 1, full-price purchase from me is now no longer.


Similar approach here. My wallet may only be one vote amongst a million, but if I don't use that vote, I can't claim moral high ground. Starting with FO3, I buy DLC's (what few I do buy) in bundles at discounts or not at all. If I suspect that the main game is going to be designed deliberately as a launch platform for DLC's I'll not bother at all. Just another reason for waiting and see how a game turns out, study player feedback, lets-play videos on youtube etc.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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N: But I want moooooore. Why do you hate money?



I, and many other gamers, have never voiced anything remotely like this, at all.

I, and many other gamers, have voiced things like this.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Actually neither is going to do anything, the only effective message would be not to buy the game. I don't think there are going to be enough first class passengers flying coach on principle to make a difference.


I disagree - the difference in profit between a day-1 purchase and a purchase several months later is huge.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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And the difference between DDeluxe and standard is what 25%, if you strongarm people into buying that instead, that's huge.


Which is precisely why anyone who doesn't want to put up with this **** should not give BioWare full price for a non-full product. Buy the whole thing a few months later, when you'll get all that content for less money. If enough people do that, BioWare have incentive not to pull this ****.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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Either way, I don't think that Prothean DLC is gonna be that important. If it turns out it was totally critical to the lore of ME3, not even BioWare would have been that stupid to seperate it from the main game.

*cough* Lair of the Shadow Broker *cough* Arrival *cough*

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I don't get exactly what they lose buy getting paid few months later. It's a game. Box office openings are not a concern.

Investment companies (e.g. publishers) wants as much return of investment as fast as possible. Otherwise they won't have that return to reinvest asap in the next project. The faster you get your money back, the faster it can get reinvested, the higher the profitability. Not much different from a financial institution or a movie company.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The Prothean party member, while delightfully absurd, does not impress me all that much. Nothing is every going to top Anachronox, where you got a planet as party member.


But yeah, Anachronox blows Mass Effect away in pretty much every regard. Come to think of it, the way space travel works and the Ancient Evil

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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