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Let's Play: Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Ch26 (Mae'Var)


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With friends like Tale doing the buffing, who needs enemies :lol:

I do! It's more people to explode.
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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Anybody can post on this thread asking to feature as a specific class, race, gender, personality style, meta-game role, etc. When party members die a third time, or are chunked, they will be replaced with the next person in line.

Wow, I'd love to join, as a mage, human, male, egocentric, what's meta-game role?

IE Mod for Pillars of Eternity: link
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With friends like Tale doing the buffing, who needs enemies :lol:

I do! It's more people to explode.

I thought Nepenthe was the one that was making people explode?

That's just in real life. In bg, I just have a cavalier attitude.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Anybody can post on this thread asking to feature as a specific class, race, gender, personality style, meta-game role, etc. When party members die a third time, or are chunked, they will be replaced with the next person in line.

Wow, I'd love to join, as a mage, human, male, egocentric, what's meta-game role?


If you're taking more names then I'd like to join as a multi-class cleric/mage, elf, male, who is totally not Aerie and acts as general support.

Edited by Serrano
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20. Trolls

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Here we are, the Crooked Crane. It is this dinky little inn by the City Gates where the owner of Kalah's lamp hides.



Clearly, an opportunity for a Jesus joke has been missed. Shame on you, Bioware.



We pay the fee of 1 gold and retire for the night. My sleep is disturbed by an odd dream. It must be the smell.



Imoen! My beloved half-sister who journeyed with me throughout my adventures in the Sword Coa- oh, right.



Listen, if you're trying to get me to come rescue you, you're not making a great case here.



Whoa. Now we're talking. How do I do that?



A cameo by Sarevok. Don't worry, in the upcoming Enhanced Edition , this interlude is sure to be replaced by a state-of-the-art, 2014-quality cinematic! A sneak preview:





(I have to say that Irenicus is written very well in the cutscenes. He doesn't say a whole lot, the voice acting is superb, and it ends just before it gets tedious.)



Alright, back to work. I put the odd dream behind me and make contact with Jafir, the man behind the circus incident...

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...who turns out to be a rakshasa, powerful Outsider sorcerers who are generally characterized by all being ****. He offers us the Word to unlock the lamp for ourselves, at a cost of only 500 gold. We could try and take him on, but given our recent luck, it seems a fair price. We cough up.



Rubbing the lamp yields a Genie, but he counts Kalah's two wishes, leaving us with only one. I knew I should never buy magic lamps second-hand.



Kalah appears to have wished, "I wish everyone loved me", and "I want to be awesome". Pretty hard to screw up with those wishes, but I suppose failure knows no depths. I of course picked up the Ring of Human Influence off his corpse, so I suppose we did benefit from that wish.



Here is the list of wishes we can make; in practice, it functions like the arcane spell Limited Wish, with several context-specific options. (I believe wishing Irenicus dead, etc. just returns a no-can-do.) I actually reloaded after this dialogue - I don't want to use the lamp yet, but wanted to show you guys the options. So, you can let me know if there's something, or I will save it for a rainy day (which, given our record so far, is coming very soon).



After spending that 500 gold, we're quite a way from the 5,000 needed for a magic user license in the city. So we might as well head out of town to raise the cash. We hardly journey an hour, however, when we are beset by a Random Encounter. Now, as we all know, Random Encounters are governed by a cosmic law of the universe:






Naturally, we break out everything we have against the goons. Thankfully, they are neither as numerous nor powerful as the slavers, and our party makes quick work of them.



Dude, we just left the city. If we take you back, we're going to have to come back out, and then we'll probably run into another random encounter. Weren't you paying attention?


Gorth: Come on, it's no big deal. They'll probably give us a reward.

Calax: I can carry him! He'll be no burden on my bulging, hormonal muscles.



And so we trod back to the city, and to the Docks District. Some thieves are fighting a vampire head-on, which, given the fact that they're thieves, seems rather idiotic. We don't want to get involved with anything that drains levels, especially since Pidesco would be level-zero'd in about two hits, but we'll have to deal with them soon enough.



So did I just embrace the Prince of Lies, or did I not?



We get some spare change and a negligible amount of XP for our trouble.


Gorth: Oh, come on. We got 14,000 XP!


Shared across 6 party members, yes. I believe about thirty of these would net me a level.


Gorth: Damn that inflation.

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We finally arrive at De'Arnise Keep, which Nalia told us was 'beset by unknown forces'. We are greeted by some sauteed skewers.



The drawbridge has been raised as well.



Off to the side, we find a small palisade camp housing the valiant fighters still keeping up the good fight. By valiant fighters, I mean two guards, a general, and Nalia the Unexperienced, who tells us that the keep is infested with trolls and yuan-ti. We smooth two dozen fire arrows, and enter the Keep via a secret passage.



Our rescue operation is nearly scuppered before it has even begun, but thankfully, Calax comes to the rescue.


Calax: It's skills like these that will get me the ladies. One day...



Our first troll...



...chunks a servant, but it's so match for us. They aren't too bad - fairly hardy, but beat them down, fire an acid or fire arrow, and we're done. They should only be dangerous for us in larger numbers.



I don't see why he's so angry. I just told him to run away from the trolls.



The central area of the floor is infested with trolls; instead, we keep to the side passages, discovering a few secret rooms in the process. If we find three heads of the Flail of Ages, we will be able to forge the legendary weapon - which, as it turns out, is highly effective against trolls.


Nepenthe: I love this keep. There aren't any traps.



In fact, we only need go one room across to find Head #1, and a giant elephant sculpture. I guess someone decided it didn't fit the style.



Again via side passages, we head outside to the courtyard. Here, we face our old enemy, the Otyugh. But of course, last time, we were indoors-

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Booya. (To be honest, TrueNeutral makes up for his uselessness everywhere else just with two Call Lightnings a day.)



Nearby we find Spot, with his friends Sparky, Rex and Rover. This will be important later on.



But our main task, at the moment, is to lower the drawbridge, which will allow reinforcements to enter the keep. Of course, they could all have entered with me via the secret passage and cause havoc that way, but I guess any excuse to not do their work is as good as any.



...and this is later on. Spot et al., we will remember your sacrifice.



Now we just need to search a couple of rooms before going up to the second floor. Gorth, as usual, takes over the sneak duties. You can see the central hall is a no-go...



...except Gorth, a Ranger in Studded Leather, is not so good at staying hidden. And with SCS's Better Calls for Help, the trolls all come to join the party.



It is not good. The rest of the party rushes in, and Gorth eventually loses the attention of several trolls, but there are enough of them to cause real trouble. We're going to need some buffing done.



Oh, rubbish.



Nepenthe, as a Cavalier, has an innate Remove Fear ability, which he quickly casts before everyone moves out of the zone. For some reason, it doesn't work on Pidesco...





Pidesco runs around in circles while we try and make the best of it- oh, bloody hell. Aren't there any good Wild Surges?



....no, guess not.

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Gorth levels up in the meantime.



We're doing reasonably well, but running out of healing spells to keep up the melee. It's time to break out our secret weapon.


TrueNeutral: It's time to reveal my true identity. I am.... I am...



TrueNeutral in his side job.



The Werewolf begins chomping on troll meat, but just when we seem to be winning, Pidesco flees round a corner, and...





This is bad. Pidesco kindly lures the trolls to our location, then runs off. I use my Stoneskinned body to block the way, but the last Wild Surge ('Dizzy') means all my spells are failing. The original group of trolls are half dead, and it's a race against time.



Barely three turns in my stoneskin runs out, and I have no choice but to admit Troll Pack #2. Our only solution is good ol' fashioned brawling.



Calax's muscles fail him.



Desperate, I dig out a scroll of Haste from my pack. The dizziness having worn off, this time, it works. Three trolls remain.



Quaffing healing potions liberally, I resort to The Power of Geometry to vanquish my enemies.



The last troll falls. The Werewolf stands alone, surrounded by a dozen unmoving limbs.


TrueNeutral: I. Am. Awesome.



There is no major problem after that, and we navigate the second floor of the Keep.



We come across Lady De'Arnise, who is a propser Arse. We do have the option to kill her, and simply claim that she was done in by the trolls. It's tempting, but my Adventurer roots tug at my alignment. I no longer seek the path of hero, only of power; yet am I someone who kills remarkably annoying morons without remorse?


In the end, I cannot decide, and the Arse runs free. The next one may not be so lucky.

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We pick up a frost wand, which happens to be hidden in a fireplace rigged with a firestrike trap.


Nepenthe: An Ironic Trap. My favourite.



Nepenthe: Well, this one's not very ironic.

Gorth: It's going to rebound across the entire room, get out!



Pidesco: RUN AWAY!


We narrowly avoid a Party Wipe by virtue of a single, rebounding lightning bolt. I'm a little sad, really. It would have made a great epitaph...



Glaicus was Lord De'Arnise's right hand man, now dominated by the Yuan-Ti into serving their will. You can actually dispel the magic and free him from his enslavement, though I dont' know if that was a mod restoration or in vanilla. In any case, we don't have such higher level magics available to us right now. (I believe it is Chaotic Commands we need here.)



A potion of- son of a b****, his strength is going up to 24.


Calax: It's time for me to shine. If there was TrueNeutral's shapeshifting, my worship of Talos grants me the power of LIGHTNING BOLT!





Glaicus makes the save, and the bolt begins rebounding.


Calax: NO! TIAX- uh, Calax will not be defeated by mere geometry!




Thankfully, the bolt only rebounds back and forth on the same spot, but Nepenthe is on low health and must stay at a safe distance, while Calax and Pidesco are also struggling.



Glaicus finally gets a quarterstaff to the face.



The final attraction of Level 2 is a giant room with golems in a line. On the top left, you see three statues; each holds a valuable weapon.



Grabbing one of them, we awaken two of the golems.



You'd think if you were assigning large golems to guard your treasure, you'd have a larger doorway. Or a door that closes when you touch the weapons. But no, I guess the Power of Geometry is with us yet again.



Pidesco levels up once again. He's still at 19 THAC0 and can't hit anything smaller than a house, but one day, he dreams of being... useful.

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We pilfer the second statue, and this time, it's two stone golems. Unfortunately, they can cast Slow repeatedly as an innate power, and Nepenthe is too slow to get back on the right side of the chokepoint.



We beat a retreat to try and admit Nepenthe, but that just lets the trolls through. Pidesco is on 1HP, and Slowed...


Pidesco: MOVE! MOVE!



Calax keeps the golem at bay, while I swoop in with my innate Heal Light Wounds. The golem soon falls.


F4JgP.jpg Achievement Earned!

NfJih.jpg What?

F4JgP.jpg It looks like you healed an ally at just 1 hit point! This qualifies you for Achievement: Back From The Brink!

NfJih.jpg ...do I get anything?

F4JgP.jpg Well, collect all the achievements, and you'll be able to feel the satisfaction of having every achievement available!

NfJih.jpg ...how many do I have?

F4JgP.jpg Oh, you already have 62!

NfJih.jpg How the hell do I have that many?

F4JgP.jpg Would you like a list of your achievements? Achievement: Watched the Opening Cinematic! Achievement: Quick-Saved A Game! Achie-

NfJih.jpg Ah.



The experience of being an achiever has lifted me to new heights of power.



And now, it's time for the final statue. A giant iron golem, who is in fact immune to +5 to hit weapons and lower, awaits us. (Or was it +3? I forget.)



Of course, it can't actually fit through the doorway. (I often try and take him on, but we dont' have anything more than +2 to hit - SCS also mods Melf's Minute Meteors from +6 to hit to +2, which I *think* is more orthodox.)

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Come on, guys. He'll be fine without us.



We take stock of our haul. First, a hammer that is good against giants... which doesn't really help us.



An Elven Court Bow with +4 THAC0, which we hand to Pidesco as the only bow-user in the group. (Seriously, the proficiencies are screwed up. The only character with longsword proficiency is Gorth, who's an Archer, and only Pidesco has bow proficiency - and those are the two best weapon categories in the campaign.) Given he still has 19 THAC0, I suppose this helps.



Also a nice battle-axe, except nobody uses axes.



We have also found all three pieces of the Flail of Ages - the third piece was in the statues, and I forget where the second was. Being magical, the complicated process of forging a sturdy flail takes about three seconds.



The weapon goes to Calax, as the only blunt weapon proficient in the party.



The experience of forging flails triggers a Pid-Up.

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Anybody can post on this thread asking to feature as a specific class, race, gender, personality style, meta-game role, etc. When party members die a third time, or are chunked, they will be replaced with the next person in line.

Wow, I'd love to join, as a mage, human, male, egocentric, what's meta-game role?


If you're taking more names then I'd like to join as a multi-class cleric/mage, elf, male, who is totally not Aerie and acts as general support.


Sure. By 'meta-game role' I just mean if you wanted your character to 'play' in a particular manner, e.g right now Nepenthe's the resident trapbreaker. The waitlist is now pretty lengthy, but we seem to be racking up at least 1 death each update.


I'll probably start new characters at Tales of the Sword Coast XP cap, so that they don't take forever to catch up. Currently Calax, TrueNeutral and Pidesco are on Strike 1/3.

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A cameo by Sarevok. Don't worry, in the upcoming Enhanced Edition ™, this interlude is sure to be replaced by a state-of-the-art, 2014-quality cinematic! A sneak preview:







That troll fight was epic!


Is that Kalah's lamp thing a mod? Don't remember ever seeing that.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Sure. By 'meta-game role' I just mean if you wanted your character to 'play' in a particular manner, e.g right now Nepenthe's the resident trapbreaker. The waitlist is now pretty lengthy, but we seem to be racking up at least 1 death each update.


I don't suppose mages have more than one role? How long exactly is the queue?

IE Mod for Pillars of Eternity: link
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Sure. By 'meta-game role' I just mean if you wanted your character to 'play' in a particular manner, e.g right now Nepenthe's the resident trapbreaker. The waitlist is now pretty lengthy, but we seem to be racking up at least 1 death each update.


I don't suppose mages have more than one role? How long exactly is the queue?


Current wait list is as follows:









Gorth: The Kalah's lamp thing was part of a cut sidequest that was added in as part of the Unfinished Business mod.

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Don't worry about it Bester, when we get to you I'll make something of your mage.


Next update will come before the end of 25th, finishing up De'Arnise Keep then returning to Athkatla for some non-combat oriented quests. We seriously need some loot/XP beefing up for this party, I really don't know if I can beat SCS Torgal...

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Don't worry about it Bester, when we get to you I'll make something of your mage.


Next update will come before the end of 25th, finishing up De'Arnise Keep then returning to Athkatla for some non-combat oriented quests. We seriously need some loot/XP beefing up for this party, I really don't know if I can beat SCS Torgal...


Don't worry about it. Forge ahead. I believe in you guys!

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