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So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game.


Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind.

I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game.


Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind.

I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...

I think that's business as usual for Star Wars fans. :lol:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game.


Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind.

I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...

I think that's business as usual for Star Wars fans. :lol:


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So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game.


Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind.

I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...

I think that's business as usual for Star Wars fans. :lol:


That's a pretty crazy price. I was pretty set on getting the collectors edition, but I don't plan on swinging $150 for it. It's a bummer because I have a few collector's editions that I love. I've got WoW and LotRO sitting looking great next to a bunch of cool books. My daughter uses my Fallout 3 lunchbox for pre-school, and I use the GTA4 cash lockbox for car washes at the school. But nothing in the TOR collector's edition strikes me as worth an extra $90.


I also noticed that it is $60, instead of the typical $50 of most PC games. I guess that isn't a surprise.

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PC games are usually 70-90 dolalrs. *shrug*


P.S. No way would I pay $100+ for this. It's a MMO.. it ain't THAT good.

Edited by Volourn


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PC games are usually 70-90 dolalrs. *shrug*


P.S. No way would I pay $100+ for this. It's a MMO.. it ain't THAT good.


Let me put it this way. most games over here are in the ?24-35 , so when a collectors edition comes out that happens to be ?130 I really wonder what the hell is going on. Even Fallout 3 was only about ?60 and that had the whole.. metal lunchbox + bobblehead and wotnot.


Edit: Hm, and weirdness, every time I put in a pound sign, it shows up as a pound sign until I post..and then it turns into a question mark...

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game.


Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind.

I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...

What? That's obscene. I don't care if it comes with a free 3kg sample of premium-grade heroin for that money. Particularly given they're charging a monthly fee for this thing. Oh, and that thing about being able to play multiplayer? Not so much.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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Oh, and that thing about being able to play multiplayer? Not so much.


Well they've always said they wanted to give access to the game for people who view it more as Kotor3 rather then an mmo. So they've pushed elements of players being able to do most of the class storyline on their own / with npc companions rather then need to form groups. Although chunks of world missions and key flashpoints will require multiple players to even start....


Throw in the whole "200 hours" to do a single classes storyline.. I guess they're thinking that some people will be happy to buy the game, and spend that first month playing then potentially leaving the game... relying on the completionist nature of a lot of gamers to be hooked into spending another month or three to finish that class' storyline..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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They are throwing in a ton of in-game stuff in the collector's edition, but that is worthless to me. I'm really confused what they were thinking charging $90 for a few trinkets.


It will probably sell like hotcakes anyways, some people here about in-game rewards and freak out. To me it seems about as valuable as monopoly money.

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It will probably sell like hotcakes anyways, some people here about in-game rewards and freak out. To me it seems about as valuable as monopoly money.


Yup . There's hordes of people on the TOR forums who have pre-ordered the CE of the game.. and about an equal number of Australians complaining that they can't order the CE.


I just don't understand the need for it when it's that sort of price.

I mean, I can sort of understand the price getting nearly doubled to include flashy metal cases rather then plastic dvd cases, a soundtrack, an artbook, and a few other physical things as well as a couple of in-game knick-knacks.. But an extra hundred bucks for it? .. All because of a simple figurine? And really, what are you going to do with a figurine like that?

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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The launch conditions of TOR are nearly perfect, with WoW's last expansion being some time ago and no other big MMOs lurking around.


If this fails a few months into launch EA will have screwed up big time.


Knowing Star Wars fans, they might as well have included Collectible Lightsabers(collect all 7) at $499 and still have it sell well. Actually, I'm surprised that there isn't a super nerdy edition ala the Halo 3 cat helmet or Modern Warfare night sight goggles.

Edited by Purkake
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So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game.


Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind.

I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...

I think that's business as usual for Star Wars fans. :ermm:


That's a pretty crazy price. I was pretty set on getting the collectors edition, but I don't plan on swinging $150 for it. It's a bummer because I have a few collector's editions that I love. I've got WoW and LotRO sitting looking great next to a bunch of cool books. My daughter uses my Fallout 3 lunchbox for pre-school, and I use the GTA4 cash lockbox for car washes at the school. But nothing in the TOR collector's edition strikes me as worth an extra $90.


I also noticed that it is $60, instead of the typical $50 of most PC games. I guess that isn't a surprise.

I agree it's crazy, I was just pointing out that there are a lot of serious star wars fanatics who won't even blink at that price, and then you only get into the in-game-item-completionists etc.


Still probably not going to get this (at all), at least not until either an OS X client releases or I find myself with a serious excess of time.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Star Wars is a pretty powerful IP no doubt.


Is it powerful enough to throw down WoW? It'll have huge numbers at start-up no doubt. But for how long? Will this be end the end of WoW's otherwordly dominance?


It'll be cool to see what happens.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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"Downing" WoW shouldn't be anyone's goal since ~4 years ago. The trick will be to be profitable and maintain a decent playerbase.



That's definitely the sane and rational approach to developing an mmorpg in the Age of WoW, but given the power of the force as an IP, I can't believe that it isn't being targeted as a WoW killer. Or, if not a WoW killer, than at least a product that will compete at WoW's level. Which of course means they're going to have to sink in a ton of money on everything from promotion to infrastructure to support to development.


If it fails, it would be pretty painful. I don't think failure is pre-ordained however. WoW must be getting a little long in the tooth for players at this point.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Obviously, it'll be in the AAA category of MMOs. My point is that no sane company/person should set "kill WoW" as their goal, it has an ecosystem with its own ebb and flow. The only semi-realistic way to compete with WoW is to get enough new players to rival them.

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A MMO does not need WOW type of mnumbers to succeed. EA has already stated what their basic range is for both initial purchasers and long term subscribers. '11mil' was not any of the numbers they used.


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Your point being what? I know. You have no point except 'ea is evil lolololololollipop'. How deep and profound.


With your silliness I could point out that maybe internally, EA's goal is to sell 1 copy of MMO, but it would be garbage to do so.


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