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So, I've been mulling over thw whole MP/camera issues that a lot of us have been having.


Supposing Obsidian could pull off a patch that would remedy this, has it ever been done in a game before? I mean a patch that pretty much completely alters an aspect of a game?


Just wondering as a lot of you have undoubtedly more experience that I do regarding this. Any ideas on this?

Posted (edited)
  AddziX said:
So, I've been mulling over thw whole MP/camera issues that a lot of us have been having.


Supposing Obsidian could pull off a patch that would remedy this, has it ever been done in a game before? I mean a patch that pretty much completely alters an aspect of a game?


Just wondering as a lot of you have undoubtedly more experience that I do regarding this. Any ideas on this?



Diablo 2. But that has been thrown around here already.


The MP issues would be remedied already when the camera issues could be fixed and if possible non-tetherd. As far as persistant co-op goes I'm the opinion that it just isn't worth it since there is not really any persistent MP focused content to speak of. Expect maybe if a expansion pack/larger DLC focused on that but that is A: Unlikely B: I'd rather see it in a DSIV

Edited by C2B
  C2B said:
  AddziX said:
So, I've been mulling over thw whole MP/camera issues that a lot of us have been having.


Supposing Obsidian could pull off a patch that would remedy this, has it ever been done in a game before? I mean a patch that pretty much completely alters an aspect of a game?


Just wondering as a lot of you have undoubtedly more experience that I do regarding this. Any ideas on this?



Diablo 2. But that has been thrown around here already.


The MP issues would be remedied already when the camera issues could be fixed and if possible non-tetherd. As far as persistant co-op goes I'm the opinion that it just isn't worth it since there is not really any persistent MP focused content to speak of. Expect maybe if a expansion pack/larger DLC focused on that but that is A: Unlikely B: I'd rather see it in a DSIV

I think you have a great point there. The camera system is definitely begging for a fix, but perpetual characters should wait until they can be implemented properly. I'd love to be able to use my character online, but thinking about it, what fun would it be to have a maxed out character running around in a beginner's game? That of course isn't to say that perhaps hosting options could remedy this.


Just my take, but from what I've played, the MP isn't nearly as bad as some folks are making it out to be. The fact the characters are "tethered" is certainly an issue, but it hasn't seemed that big a deal so far. Maybe at higher levels it gets worse, but I was playing earlier with a friend at around level 6 or 7, and it's not that much an issue.


If they could do something about the tethering thing, that's pretty much my only real complaint about MP. I don't really care that I can't carry my character over from SP into MP. And since I only play with my friends, we just keep a save for our MP game and only play that save when we're both online, thus our characters remain as we built them.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
Just my take, but from what I've played, the MP isn't nearly as bad as some folks are making it out to be. The fact the characters are "tethered" is certainly an issue, but it hasn't seemed that big a deal so far. Maybe at higher levels it gets worse, but I was playing earlier with a friend at around level 6 or 7, and it's not that much an issue.


If they could do something about the tethering thing, that's pretty much my only real complaint about MP. I don't really care that I can't carry my character over from SP into MP. And since I only play with my friends, we just keep a save for our MP game and only play that save when we're both online, thus our characters remain as we built them.


It can become an issue depending on who your playing; for example if your playing Lucas with a ranged heavy party. The ranged characters could sit back and shoot things at a location where all you could do is sit there and twiddle your thumbs hoping that they get close enough so you could get one or two hits in before they die.


I like the concept of the Tethering (Because unlike Diablo 2 the areas are corridors and thus have little in the way of exploration... Apart from minor off-shoots containing chests) but the shared camera tethering is a little too restricting.


I think we have to accept DS3 as a lost cause in the MP department. If there ever is a DS4 I hope it doesn't share the same fate as this game in terms of MP.


However if it were possible, simply a MP component the same as the first would be more than fine.


I really dont see it as a lost cause, I dont understand why a SIMPLE patch cant come out that gives independent camera or some form of fix for this horrific Shared Camera concept in Multiplayer.


I play Lucas, My fiancee plays Katarina. Most of the game thus far I have just stood with the block button pressed as she picks off **** thats off the screen.... Fun.... Game...


Fix the camera please.

Posted (edited)

The multiplayer concepts of this game is something comes from Jurassic age, please don't try to revive the dinosaurs.

But I highly doubt if its possible to fix, since its an congenital disease, you cant cure it by simple operation.


For shared camera issue, I'd suggest just zoom the camera distance... like 3 or 4 times, so players have much more room and can still see comrade and mobs.

And in this way, the "cough co-op" will still work to the console owners who play with their brothers on a single TV.

Simple workaround, but I think it would be easier for developers to make it than make everyone has their own camera.

Btw, if there is an option to make camera static in MP, it would be helpful.


I've purchased 2 copies of DS3 to find it out.. I wonder if this game has ever been tested under multiplayer environment.

If any of my friend interested in this game, I will lend them my steam account.

Since its no reason to buy another copy when you can only play single player game, and it can be finished in 3 days or so.


I'm pretty sure this game will be sold out much more of copies if the MP part is better.

Edited by zight

Yep, looks like zooming out further is the simplest option. This should be easiest to implement into a patch.


TBH, I only really with my fiancee, and am not one to join random games, so I'm not that fussed about perpetual characters. Simply being able to move a liitle more freely would help a great deal.

  zight said:
I'm pretty sure this game will be sold out much more of copies if the MP part is better.


This game is a modern day legend taking the ARPG community by storm. Probably the best game ever made. That's the focus of the game! Being the best.

  MonkeyLungs said:
This game is a modern day legend taking the ARPG community by storm. Probably the best game ever made. That's the focus of the game! Being the best.

I'm glad you love the game so much! I don't know about best game ever myself, but it sure beats the **** out of the originals! :thumbsup:


Yes and Yes on the suggested multiplayer changes. The fixed camera is weak, but it wouldn't be nearly as irritating if there were an option to zoom it out a little bit more.

  GreasyDogMeat said:
  MonkeyLungs said:
This game is a modern day legend taking the ARPG community by storm. Probably the best game ever made. That's the focus of the game! Being the best.

I'm glad you love the game so much! I don't know about best game ever myself, but it sure beats the **** out of the originals! :thumbsup:


LOL. Average title that doesn't try to do anything more than play it safe.

  GhostofAnakin said:
Just my take, but from what I've played, the MP isn't nearly as bad as some folks are making it out to be. The fact the characters are "tethered" is certainly an issue, but it hasn't seemed that big a deal so far. Maybe at higher levels it gets worse, but I was playing earlier with a friend at around level 6 or 7, and it's not that much an issue.


If they could do something about the tethering thing, that's pretty much my only real complaint about MP. I don't really care that I can't carry my character over from SP into MP. And since I only play with my friends, we just keep a save for our MP game and only play that save when we're both online, thus our characters remain as we built them.



I just wanted to complain to someone tangently related to the decision process of "Lets make multiplayer "this" way" that I believe it was a horrible decision and I was a little excited about this game until I read multiple sources describing the multiplayer.


3 things:


- Fix the camera. I suggest having an independent camera for each player, at least on the PC version. Don't make the zoom a toggle with a scroll wheel; it's pointless and thus dumb design. Put it on "Page Up / Page Down" like PC games do... or, you know, actually have multiple camera zooms if you're going to use the scroll wheel.


- Remove the retarded targeting system that NEVER targets the enemy you want. Have spells/abilities cast where the cursor is pointing. For the PC version at least.


- Have persistent Multiplayer characters. Save the order of where points have been spent on talents/abilities, etc. Upon entering a MP game, scale the level of the character based on the host. If the host is further into the game than the player who has joined, have the player level up to catch up and revert him back once he leaves the game. Equipment can be scaled by simply giving a % penalty or bonus to stats based on the level differences of the joining player and the host.


Voila, your game is now worth playing online!

  Gix said:
3 things:


- Fix the camera. I suggest having an independent camera for each player, at least on the PC version. Don't make the zoom a toggle with a scroll wheel; it's pointless and thus dumb design. Put it on "Page Up / Page Down" like PC games do... or, you know, actually have multiple camera zooms if you're going to use the scroll wheel.

Realistically, I don't think that will happen with DS3. It would probably take a complete rework of the core programming to do this. Zooming the camera out should be easy enough for a patch, though. Maybe the independent camera could be implemented if Obsidian decide to make an expansion.


Wasn't NWN2 patched in a better camera + controls? It's not completely out of scope so hopefully unlike Sega, Square will allow them to properly support the game with patches and dlc.


yes im preying they do the aspect is well off its not far back enough or high enough doesnt cover enough of the area i always find myself hitting the scroll wheel trying to get 5-10x further but yet it cycles the views :(


on top of this the whole everyone share a screen in multiplayer is so stupid i was expecting something like DS1 or DS2 where you know each person can be where they want when they want as it should be and no shared screen i had so many friends wanting to buy this then they heard shared screen they all said screw that to put it nicely so this NEEDS to change if not that will be another 50+ $ wasted and its happening alot lately too brink two worlds 2 final fantasy XIV thats just to name a few but its happening far to much DS 3 DOES have great story and gfx and game play hell i love it all but this camera crap its horrid and makes me wanna never play


sorry for the rant but please fix this asap

  ShadowScythe said:
Wasn't NWN2 patched in a better camera + controls? It's not completely out of scope so hopefully unlike Sega, Square will allow them to properly support the game with patches and dlc.

You could be right. I'm hoping for the devs to start commenting on this soon. Until then, everything is speculation.


Any changes which are proposed would be too late for me to want to play the game again.


I have to say, I feel cheated in the lack of a persistent co-op option, which was the reason why I purchased the game and convinced a load of friends to pick this title up.


Their choices in co-op have made me want to trade this in and just dissuade anyone else I know to avoid picking this title up.

  Affro said:
Any changes which are proposed would be too late for me to want to play the game again.


I have to say, I feel cheated in the lack of a persistent co-op option, which was the reason why I purchased the game and convinced a load of friends to pick this title up.


Their choices in co-op have made me want to trade this in and just dissuade anyone else I know to avoid picking this title up.


I couldn't see were to reply, but on further investigation of this game, I found this which sums it up completely for me;



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