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Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Revival


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Yeah, I'd like to see a turn-based MMO with immediate reactions and no facing rules.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The name of "Project Jefferson", AKA "Baldur's Gate III" AKA "The Black Hound". A game whose development had progressed quite a lot before being cancelled by Interplay, due to Atari wrestling the license and rights to publish it away from them (I'm sure there is a certain irony in there somewhere),


Edit: J.E.Sawyer was quite heavily involved in the game. Might still be a sore subject :lol:


They didn't wrestle it. Some accountant? at Interplay ****ed up and they lost the license. All they had to do was to pay for the renewal of the license... I believe at this point quite a lot of folk form BIS left.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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The BG consol games have nothing to do with the great BG/IWD Infinity series.

They have next to nothing in common(!)


What do they have in common?


There is no party you can control.

No creating your own character.

No rpg to speak of, hell - it's just thumb-numbing grinding.

No strategy-combat, no pause and think what to do next.

No battling it out with an intelligent selection of spells which counter

and/or break down your enemy's defences.


BG:DA is just your ultra-average dumbed down mediocre

monster-mashing consol-nonsense.


And it's not even a good monster-mashing game.


So stop being silly ppl.




End of discussion.



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First off, you BG Fanboys should know that BioWare's Baldur's Gate was over. It was done. Tell me, what are the connections between the GTA series? Nothing really. The Baldur's Gate series was supposed to be divided into three series: Bhaalspawn Saga Series (DONE!), Black Hound Series (Waaah!) and the Dark Alliance Series (INCOMPLETE).


I'm guessing you guys can get off this thread because the only reason Dark Alliance is Baldur's Gate is because of the name. It is an awesome game with awesome gameplay and graphics, suck it up princesses, we don't care if it has no connection to Abdel Adrian (which it does).


Plus, almost 150 Signatures and some guy opened up a Twitter Thing based on what I was doing?




I don't know, Twitter is not my thing. Or Facebook.


Plus, this is not a TBH Thread.


Dark Alliance is in Forgotten Realms canon.

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First off, you BG Fanboys should know that BioWare's Baldur's Gate was over. It was done. Tell me, what are the connections between the GTA series? Nothing really. The Baldur's Gate series was supposed to be divided into three series: Bhaalspawn Saga Series (DONE!), Black Hound Series (Waaah!) and the Dark Alliance Series (INCOMPLETE).


I'm guessing you guys can get off this thread because the only reason Dark Alliance is Baldur's Gate is because of the name. It is an awesome game with awesome gameplay and graphics, suck it up princesses, we don't care if it has no connection to Abdel Adrian (which it does).


Plus, almost 150 Signatures and some guy opened up a Twitter Thing based on what I was doing?




I don't know, Twitter is not my thing. Or Facebook.


Plus, this is not a TBH Thread.


Dark Alliance is in Forgotten Realms canon.


If you really want PC BG fans to... get off... you probably chose the wrong (or right if you're a fan of innuendo) forum to do so. This place is basically CRPG heaven, and Baldur's Gate is a junior god up here behind Planescape: Torment. And before you call me a fantard, I played Dark Alliance first due to its highly praised nature, but all I remember playing was a Diablo clone that wasn't nearly as good. After actually playing the PC series, there was no going back. Baldur's Gate is not an anthology series with vaguely connecting continuities. They may have tried to make it such, but the fact that the PC series still permeates through CRPG culture and influences series like Dragon Age is pretty big. Dark Alliance isn't influencing anyone that isn't already entranced by Diablo 3 or the upcoming Dungeon Siege game.


There is no Abdel Adrian. Suggesting otherwise causes scary things to happen.

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I'm not telling the PC Fanboys to get off. I'm saying, don't compare Dark Alliance to Baldur's Gate. They were just two series in one franchise which is under a greater franchise. Plus, don't compare anything that Blizzard makes to anything Interplay makes: EVER. That is just plain wrong!


And Purkake, what is that supposed to mean?


and as of today, Interplay is dead. Haven't seen the news, they have financial woes because of Bethesda. The last time a game of theirs sold out was on the WiiWare from MDK2 which is digital and did top the charts. So they need to release their WiiWare and DSiWare games at the same time and make 3DS Store Games. This means that they might not be able to make Fallout: Online.


But, Interplay has stated that they are interested in merging with another company. This brings me hope for Fallout: Online and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance III.

How? Maybe Interplay will merge into Atari? Maybe they will merge into one of Atari's partners:


Possible Mergers:


Atari - With this merger, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is virtually going to happen. Plus, Fallout: Online will seem more likely especially because they'll be backed by a lot of funding and money from The Witcher 2 sales (which I think might be able to beat out a lot of Interplay's debt with only part of its assets).


Bethesda - If you cant beat them, join them. Though after the lawsuit, NOOOO WAAAAY!


Activision Blizzard - They would buy Interplay and with only a small part of their CoD Sales they could wipe out Interplay's debt.


Square Enix - I mean, Squaresoft can make good games with Interplay's assets. Right?


Sony - Maybe FOOL will be a Playstation Exlcusive? I mean MMO's do work good on the PS3 and this way a lot of copies can get sold.


Microsoft - Same as above.


Ubisoft - Who says Interplay cant develop Driver. I do. But I do say that Interplay can make games for Ubisoft who can easily pay them off.


EA - Interplay and BioWare back together again. Its a dream. EA could easily pay off Interplay's debt but they are cheap and after the Take-2 thing, they would never.


Take-2 - Who says hostile takeovers ruin your reputation. I do. Although, Interplay could make a RPG for this sporting company.

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Possible Mergers:


Atari - With this merger, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is virtually going to happen. Plus, Fallout: Online will seem more likely especially because they'll be backed by a lot of funding and money from The Witcher 2 sales (which I think might be able to beat out a lot of Interplay's debt with only part of its assets).


Bethesda - If you cant beat them, join them. Though after the lawsuit, NOOOO WAAAAY!


Activision Blizzard - They would buy Interplay and with only a small part of their CoD Sales they could wipe out Interplay's debt.


Square Enix - I mean, Squaresoft can make good games with Interplay's assets. Right?


Sony - Maybe FOOL will be a Playstation Exlcusive? I mean MMO's do work good on the PS3 and this way a lot of copies can get sold.


Microsoft - Same as above.


Ubisoft - Who says Interplay cant develop Driver. I do. But I do say that Interplay can make games for Ubisoft who can easily pay them off.


EA - Interplay and BioWare back together again. Its a dream. EA could easily pay off Interplay's debt but they are cheap and after the Take-2 thing, they would never.


Take-2 - Who says hostile takeovers ruin your reputation. I do. Although, Interplay could make a RPG for this sporting company.

I'm not going to nitpick your suggestions, but I think a "merger" is very unlikely. Half the names on your list are themselves on financial lifesupport (with disconnection looming) and the other half are not interested in mergers, only acquisitions (sp?) and liquidations after cherry picking the assets. I would love to see Obsidian picking up the "Black Isle" brand name from Interplay some day, even if just for self publishing smaller, lower budget crpgs for those who love all things old style :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Or maybe Interplay would merge with Iceberg Interactive or directly with Masthead themselves. Or maybe they will merge or sell their assets with other companies.


Plus, those other developers that are not in a financial crisis are likely going to buy the assets of Interplay that Interplay is not currently using.

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And Purkake, what is that supposed to mean?

They overhauled the Realms with 4e, changing large parts of it. I doubt that any BG stuff survived.


Maybe I should start a Fallout: BoS revival petition, NMA would probably blow a gasket.

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That clears up a lot. I'm not very good with acronyms of fansites.


Plus, new news! Interplay is not dead but in fact coming out of a coma and making progress. Just read this, Interplay now owes from about 1.5 Mil - 2.5 mil way less compared to that giant number they owed and Interplay has a lot of games coming out which are helping this cause. This also means that Interplay is not dying, its the opposite.



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what's so good about Interplay anyway?


(oh and according to wiki, Titus were the ones to have driven Interplay into the ground)

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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That they did. Back in the day Interplay used to be a big publisher like EA is today.

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How I wish Titus was Activision.


Fallout Online. A lot of Masthead's staff is working on this game and not all of Interplay's staff is.


As Interplay's staff is working on:



Battle Chess

Earthworm Jim 4

ClayFighter: Call of Putty


This means Interplay is able to make Dark Alliance in their spare time.

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