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Thanks for make ann awesome Fallout game!


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I want to thanks Obsidian and Bethesda for make a great fallout game. FONV is a great experience. Don't forget to make a patch as soon as possible to fix a lil of glitches that have the game. Keep gamers like me that love your work happy and keep making great RPG's like you always do. I know the forum of NV is in Bethesda site...i just wanted to thank the devs in their right site.

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Sorry to be a buzz killer but


This game is really glitched and has so many bugs, I am disappointed in this game.


It seems that Obsidian developers did not even test this game or played it before releasing it.


I guess game developers no longer have Q A for their customers.



How can a Giant Rad Scorpion crawl thru the sand and rock formations and kill me underground?


I even saw a gekko "walking" in the sky


And every 20 feet (in the game) the screen lag locks for about a 1/1o of a second.


Seems like Obsidian just made Fallout 3.5



They already got my money so no doubt nothing we serious games can expect.

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Mention a game released without glitches...the game have the same glitches that FO3 had. My copy is working fine...i only experienced 1 freeze and i have almost 20 hrs playing it. This game is great , much better than FO3 . Obsidian don't let the haters win this time , release patches and shut up their mouths.

They could ruin AP with their unfair review/impressions but this time is different because FO games are your specialty.

Edited by Alpha
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Sorry to be a buzz killer but




Played the game 25 hours, yes there are a few glitches and performance isn't quite that of Fallout 3 but nothing is a complete game breaking bug. Regarding performance, the game has come out 2 years later than FO3 and you can visually tell that characters have more detail (polygonal and texture wise) so it is understandable that it wouldn't perform exactly as Fallout 3 did.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going to keep saying this until someone punches me or explains why I'm wrong:


Complex games have emergent properties, especially when played on a smorgasbord of game platforms, not just consoles. It's simple system theory.


So we can either put up with a few bugs in games which give us freedom, multiple game mechanics, and stories... or we can play Super Mario Platform Punch 15.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm going to keep saying this until someone punches me or explains why I'm wrong:


Complex games have emergent properties, especially when played on a smorgasbord of game platforms, not just consoles. It's simple system theory.


So we can either put up with a few bugs in games which give us freedom, multiple game mechanics, and stories... or we can play Super Mario Platform Punch 15.


Agreed I guess. Gamers need to be more lenient. A movie will never have 'bugs', so you can't compare games to things like movies or books in terms of how polished you expect them to be.


Tangentially to that, complex games (as in, less streamlined games) have emergent qualities (the most common example being metagaming) for different players which often increase enjoyment of the game in ways developers didn't expect or plan. This is an argument for increased complexity in games.

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A movie will never have 'bugs', so you can't compare games to things like movies or books in terms of how polished you expect them to be.

Actually, movies have plenty of bugs. You know those things when a movie changes scene and the heroes clothes that were dirty three seconds ago are now mysteriously clean? Or when you see the cameraman flash by in a mirror? Or when you can see the microphone hanging down? Those are the movie version of bugs, although they are called goofs.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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A movie will never have 'bugs', so you can't compare games to things like movies or books in terms of how polished you expect them to be.

Actually, movies have plenty of bugs. You know those things when a movie changes scene and the heroes clothes that were dirty three seconds ago are now mysteriously clean? Or when you see the cameraman flash by in a mirror? Or when you can see the microphone hanging down? Those are the movie version of bugs, although they are called goofs.



Boom in the shot "goof" or whatever you are saying doesn't cause the consumer to have to restart the movie and watch it again.

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