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CoD: MW or BF2 Bad Company?

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Guys, I'm a bit jealous of all this shooter-action.


My question is this: On the PC what are your views on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and BF2: Bad Company? Will primarily play the single-player game but might try some online / co-op. Which one do you think is better, and why?


Many thanks in advance,



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Modern Warfare 2 was apparently reviled by PC Gamers because it lacks dedicated servers.

Dunno about Battlefield 2.

I've seen both in action on the Xbox and I haven't been particularly impressed by either to be honest, but then again, I rarely play shooter (and mostly the 'unpolished & strange' ones, like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the likes).

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I'd say the first MW and Battlefield 2. But it should be noted that both are primarily multiplayer (the campaigns aren't that long) MW would be worth the 20 odd bucks it is now if you're just getting it for the single player, but MW2 and BF:BC2 aren't worth it.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Bad Company is a boring single player experience and I definitely wouldn't recommend it - its really great in MP though and I've had a lot of fun online.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Bad Company is a boring single player experience and I definitely wouldn't recommend it - its really great in MP though and I've had a lot of fun online.


While I found the SP to be better than MW2, which isn't hard, I find that the online component of Battlefield is more diverse and much more rewarding overall. I'm completely stopped playing MW2 and have been enjoying online with BF2.

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Ive played both multiplayer for months and I have this to say:





+ extremely well designed and balanced in almost every aspect to make it as playable as possible

+ fast-paced non-stop action all the time, you can just log in and have instant fun

+ will run well on older computers

+ You are free to use watever combination of weapons and equipment you like. Sniper with grenade launcher? You can do that.

+ Levelling up is quite fast and you get access to very good guns from the very first level.


- odd hit detection

- very dependant on high FPS and low ping

- highest frequency of cheaters of all online shooters (although theres plenty of cheaters in BC2 too)





+ enormous beautiful maps with lots of different strategies possible

+ vehicles are fun

+ netcode is quite good in terms of hit detection and it isnt as ping-dependant as MW2


- Weapon design is broken; all guns are terribly inaccurate and do very little damage. Dice admits this to be one of the major flaws of the game, the reason why they did it like that is in my next line:

- Levels are not thoroughly tested and designed for gameplay. There is just an abundance of camping spots and its even possible to kill people in the spawn zones. If you has the same type of damage as in MW2, you would spend 99% of playtime being dead from being picked off by snipers

- Restrictive class system with poorly balanced classes. As a sniper you get both kickass sniper rifles, C4 to take out tanks AND mortar strikes that can destroy both people and vehicles.. while as assault, you only get a rifle and grenades with no ability to destroy vehicles whatsoever.

- Levelup is very slow and you are severely disadvantaged against more experienced players which have access to much better weapons and equipment than you. It is a system thats designed to punish beginners.


+/- Battlefield is not designed for casual public play. Its meant to be played with a group of friends or a clan and its only then that you actually get the proper experience. Public games tend to deteriorate into a chaotic mess where everyone is just out to grind experience points.



On BC2 I had a long talk with a guy from DiCE that told me alot of stuff about the internal design process and why they did this and that. If you're wondering where my knowledge comes from.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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^^^^ EDIT: Looks like I'm a bit late, as always. :lol: ^^^^


The ones I played so far (all on the PC):


- MW - SP & MP

- MW2 - SP

- BC2 - SP & MP



- Modern Warfare (the first one) was a decent game overall when it was "the thing" but I wouldn't recommend it at this point.

- I played both MW2 and Bad Company 2 single player on hardest setting. MW2 was definitely harder, longer, and more enjoyable (God, what the hell did I just say :(:lol:)

- I can't vouch for MW2 MP since I haven't played it, but [some] people seem to hate it, for some reason... :( But BC2 MP is just awesome, played it both alone and with a close friend, great fun either way.

- NONE of the games we're talking about here are worth the price only for SP. Just so you know. Hope it helps.

Edited by Nemo0071

"Save often!" -The Inquisitor


"Floss regularly!" -also The Inquisitor

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- snip -

The fact that MW games let you customize your character any way you want is awesome, I must say... But it must be avoided in a class based game system like in BF games. All in all it goes to show BF games are squad games, CoD games are lone wolf games. Personally I prefer the squad way.


And I disagree that the classes are poorly balanced. For example the "weakling" assault class can actually be a monster anti-personnel / room cleaner dude with his 40mm grenades + improved explosive kit + endless ammo supply. And the "tank-killa" sniper is pretty much screwed at close range. I know, I've been both. :( The point system also highly encourages players to "do their thing". Resupplies, revives, heals, motion sensor assists etc. (in a round, as medic, I remember getting 4000+ or so points with less than 10 kills) so even if you're playing with complete strangers, it's not uncommon for a decent squad to form on it's own, naturally / spontaneously.


But it's a sad truth that the game indeed punishes newcomers. Otoh, it took me a week or so to get to lvl 15-ish and I have all the equipment (and more) that I need to go against lvl 30-40 players, so no big deal. Also, if you are determined to play a single class for about 3 days, and you're at least as good a player as I am (and I'm not that good) you can get nearly all the weapons / gadgets for that class. This is also from personal experience.

"Save often!" -The Inquisitor


"Floss regularly!" -also The Inquisitor

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Battlefield 2142 is superior to both, really. But I would stick to the Battlefield series if you want the latest game, BC2 is supposed to be very good, you get vehicles and large maps, and that is all I need to be happy, along with a nice sniper rifle.


edit: This thread makes me miss playing BF2 with the Obsidian folks. I think I still have alanschu as my most killed in the BF2 stats.

Edited by Hurlshot
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Battlefield Tip of the Day:


At the start of a round, select Recon / Sniper as your class, plant C4s on an ATV, rush to the enemy tank which is now probably at the first capture point, drive headfirst into it, bail, detonate C4.


Works wonders especially in maps with two tanks on each side rushing to each other and the tank battle ending in a stalemate. Turns the tide.


The only downside is not the fact that you'll probably die in the following 5 seconds, it's that you can't see the expression on their faces. :lol:

"Save often!" -The Inquisitor


"Floss regularly!" -also The Inquisitor

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I enjoyed the BFBC2 single player, mostly because the dialogue is crazy and over the top. It's an action movie.


I love BFBC2 MP, and they just released a patch that toned down mortars on vehicles and whatnot. The fact that you can be rewarded points for doing so much more than just killing the other team is such a fantastic idea IMO. Just remember to hit the 'spot' button when targeting hostiles, and you'll be twice the player of most BFBC2 players without even firing a bullet ;P

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I enjoyed the BFBC2 single player, mostly because the dialogue is crazy and over the top. It's an action movie.

(teeny-tiny spoiler)After a battle I was rearming and looking for new guns lying around*, then the squad started talking. About random stuff in their lives. Started throwing lame jokes at each other. They just wouldn't shut up. And it was awesome. Very ordinary, but very life-like dialog. Even better than in the cutscenes. :lol: (/teeny-tiny spoiler)


But of course I still say it's definitely not worth the price only for the SP.


I love BFBC2 MP, and they just released a patch that toned down mortars on vehicles and whatnot. The fact that you can be rewarded points for doing so much more than just killing the other team is such a fantastic idea IMO. Just remember to hit the 'spot' button when targeting hostiles, and you'll be twice the player of most BFBC2 players without even firing a bullet ;P

My point exactly. And the "spot" function simply CANNOT be stressed enough. I remind people about it almost everytime I join a new server. Well, my team of course... :(



*Does anyone know what the heck those collectibles (guns & M-COM stations) in SP do? I mean you get access to those weapons in-game but what's up with them being "collectibles"? Especially those annoying M-COM things... I collected all of them except one weapon in my first playthrough and I'm starting to feel a bit stupid...

"Save often!" -The Inquisitor


"Floss regularly!" -also The Inquisitor

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BFBC2: I'm trying to remember the single player experience but all that comes up is a ball of dust. Wonder why? :lol:


MW, is the overall better experience. Although I gotta go with the consensus that the servers are horrible, although on the bright side it's still an awesome game.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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BFBC2: I'm trying to remember the single player experience but all that comes up is a ball of dust. Wonder why? :lol:
NONE of the games we're talking about here are worth the price only for SP.
MW, is the overall better experience. Although I gotta go with the consensus that the servers are horrible, although on the bright side it's still an awesome game.
All in all it goes to show BF games are squad games, CoD games are lone wolf games. Personally I prefer the squad way.



"Save often!" -The Inquisitor


"Floss regularly!" -also The Inquisitor

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is a ball of dust. Wonder why?


You watched Yahtzee's review?

No I actually played the game before and the dust isn't anything subtle that's exaggerated for comedic effect, it will actually hinder your game. The only thing that pleased me was looking for the radio on the enemies camp and shoot it to stop that unholy "reaggeton" sound. Everything else felt a little weird, the obsession (and lack of explanation) with vehicles, awkward game mechanics and lack of inspiring moments.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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is a ball of dust. Wonder why?


You watched Yahtzee's review?

No I actually played the game before and the dust isn't anything subtle that's exaggerated for comedic effect, it will actually hinder your game. The only thing that pleased me was looking for the radio on the enemies camp and shoot it to stop that unholy "reaggeton" sound. Everything else felt a little weird, the obsession (and lack of explanation) with vehicles, awkward game mechanics and lack of inspiring moments.



I liked the dust in the game personally. It was annoying that the AI could see you through it, but since the game wasn't particularly difficult to begin with. I liked MW1's story better, but pretty much everyone I know considers MW2's single player to be so absurd that it's worse than BFBC2's/

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I liked the dust in the game personally. It was annoying that the AI could see you through it, but since the game wasn't particularly difficult to begin with. I liked MW1's story better, but pretty much everyone I know considers MW2's single player to be so absurd that it's worse than BFBC2's/

That's because most people don't know what an ACS module is.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Thanks for all the replies which, as usual, have been very helpful to my decision-making.


If I wanted a single-player action shooter, then, what would you guys suggest. I liked Crysis and Farcry... any others than would suit. I like MP / online but can't afford the time investment.


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what FPS games haven't you played?


I'll just throw in a couple that I've had fun with. These aren't the latest shooters, but just ones that stick out in my memory.


Tron 2.0 - Kind of a sequel to the movie. Interesting story and fun gameplay, especially after you master the disc throwing and blocking.


NOLF (No one lives forever) 2 - Fun game with lots of humor. The evil organization is called H.A.R.M.


FEAR is another good action shooter. Scary at times too with an adequate story to move things along.


I just realized that the three games so far were all developed by Monolith. Oh well.


You could try the two first Halo games on PC. I got them when they were dirt cheap and they were fun. The music is great.


Bioshock is a good choice if you haven't tried it.


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is also fun. I guess its not technically a shooter, but it is first person and you get to kick lots of people off cliffs, into spike traps etc. Fun.

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Thanks for all the replies which, as usual, have been very helpful to my decision-making.


If I wanted a single-player action shooter, then, what would you guys suggest. I liked Crysis and Farcry... any others than would suit. I like MP / online but can't afford the time investment.

There are free online shooters, not with the same level of quality but if you can look past that.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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