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If you want to attribute words to me, at least do it correctly


What I said was:

If they don't like their hosts and don't want to respect their laws, nothing prevents them from leaving, unmolested and unharmed. That is what being a free country is all about.

I never said they must leave. They have the freedom of choice to leave if they find the place so awful.

I'm sorry if I have perceieved what you said different than what you mean.


Also, you seem to have taken offense at my use of the terms "guest" and "host". Let me ask you this... If somebody moves into your place, yet clearly states they don't want to be part of your household. Do you consider them family or guests? If they not only do not want to be part of your household, but wants to wreck the place, then I think "guest" is being a very generous term.

I think Danish government and citizens could be more tolerant to the Muslims you talk about. Some of them have a situation that is in fact very similar to those immigrants in the USA who even do not know to speak English or do not know anything about where they live except for the street they live on. Such immigrants of very different nations(like Spanish, Indian, etc) are present in the USA and no American official are encouraging them to leave their country for such reasons. I don't know what you mean via 'being a household', but if you mean a pure and full 'assimilation', let me remind you that such a political strategy is not only against human rights, but also against the laws of European Union. Cultural rights are there to 'keep' different cultures not only with their lifestyles, but also with their languages. You cannot expect a Muslim to drink alcohol with you at a pub(there are some drinkers though) or apply the same lifestyle you choose. They do have a different culture and they cannot be blamed if they are not same with the rest of Danish population and also cannot be forced to be the same like Danish clones or something.


All in all, if you call a person visiting your house and not communicating with you as a 'guest' it maybe a generous term, but if you call a citizen of your country who has the same rights with you, as a 'guest', just because of some communication problems and religious differences, I find it harsh.


Again, for the nth time... he is either an ignorant mouth piece, or he lies about his countries disgusting practices and deserves a million middle fingers from a million women.

I find such methods of protesting(finger staff) immature and primitive for whatever reason you protest something. Also I have summed up the laws of Iran and homosexuals are not approved in that country, maybe that's why he said such a thing, but I agree that despising or insulting any country which approves homosexuals was a political mistake for him, however, after seeing some European leaders making bigger mistakes like calling the president of Turkey as a 'f***k', such a mistake from Ahmedinejad is forgivable for me.


Also, it is rather humerous that you come back with the 'OH, lots of religions and goverments have done disgusting things in the past, so whats the big deal if Iran does it right now?'. Maybe you have some example that comes close in America... besides conspiracy theories about the lunar landing being faked and NY jews being responsible for 9-11.

Let me remind you that Israel is almost a hell for its non-Jew, especially Muslim citizens. If you insist, I can also remind you that it is 'legal' to use women instead of cows in the farm in India. I can add more easily if you wish. Those are bigger tragedies, but however, are being consciously ignored maybe because those countries are allies with the countries who have an Islam obsession.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.


Yes, there are real injustices in the world. A drawing Muhammad isn't one of them. Anyone who is "offended" by words or pictures need thicker skins. Sure you can use words and pictures back at them. That is fine. Going after them with bombs and hatchet axes is not. The problems with Israel needs to be addressed with more force in my opinion. As for theocratic Islamic countries, theocracies are the worse form of government. I would rather live under LoF's socialistic "utopia" than any theocracy, and no theocracy should have nuclear weapons or power.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

Again, for the nth time... he is either an ignorant mouth piece, or he lies about his countries disgusting practices and deserves a million middle fingers from a million women.

I find such methods of protesting(finger staff) immature and primitive for whatever reason you protest something. Also I have summed up the laws of Iran and homosexuals are not approved in that country, maybe that's why he said such a thing, but I agree that despising or insulting any country which approves homosexuals was a political mistake for him, however, after seeing some European leaders making bigger mistakes like calling the president of Turkey as a 'f***k', such a mistake from Ahmedinejad is forgivable for me.


Also, it is rather humerous that you come back with the 'OH, lots of religions and goverments have done disgusting things in the past, so whats the big deal if Iran does it right now?'. Maybe you have some example that comes close in America... besides conspiracy theories about the lunar landing being faked and NY jews being responsible for 9-11.

Let me remind you that Israel is almost a hell for its non-Jew, especially Muslim citizens. If you insist, I can also remind you that it is 'legal' to use women instead of cows in the farm in India. I can add more easily if you wish. Those are bigger tragedies, but however, are being consciously ignored maybe because those countries are allies with the countries who have an Islam obsession.

He isn't just insulting countries which tolerate (tolerance is a key word here) homosexuals, but lying/being ignorant of his countries murder of them. Its kind of like the Nazis with Jews. Really, if you find someone calling the president of turkey a ****** to be on the same level as Ahmedinejad then you have serious issues.


As for the second part... please elaborate on women being used instead of cows. Are they working women hard or... milking them? :lol:

He isn't just insulting countries which tolerate (tolerance is a key word here) homosexuals, but lying/being ignorant of his countries murder of them. Its kind of like the Nazis with Jews. Really, if you find someone calling the president of turkey a ****** to be on the same level as Ahmedinejad then you have serious issues.

Don't you have any knowledge about this very recent issue? It seems the media of your country is not broadcasting such tragedies, but I'm sure they would loudly present such a news if a political leader from Turkey was to call a Dutch politician with the same insult. Let me inform you about that racist politician who must be prevented to continue his tragedy smelling political career.


As for the second part... please elaborate on women being used instead of cows. Are they working women hard or... milking them?

From my recent experiences here on this site, I have concluded that the media focuses of the countries where the members of this site live, immidiately popularizes possible tragedies which happen in the Muslim countries, but probably consciously hide or ignore the tragedies which occur in the Non-Muslim world. Such a double standarded, one sided and Islamophobia producing attitude is a shame for western media I think. Also dramatically it seems to me that the aim or ideal of this attitude is with no doubt reaching a big success in means of produing Islamophobia or Islam obsession especially after seeing you comparing Ahmedinejad with Nazis for a comment about 'homosexuals in Iran' as if he has set camps for them to produce soups from their corpses, but having no information or such a phobia against a Dutch political leader who has made obviously a more tragedical insult about a 'President' of a Muslim country. If you had basic knowledge about diplomacy, you could easily realize that the real person to compare with nazis when considering the comment of Ahmedinejad about homosexuals and the comment of Wilders about Erdogan, was simply Geert Wilders.


I am again sure that if Erdogan was to call Wilders with the same insult, the whole western press would give this news as the first news on the TV channels.


Another surprise for me was that finding pictures of the Indian women doing the job which cows or machines must do was hard for me to find via English googling with which Islamophobic news are easy to find, so I will make the picture link of this religiously approved action via a Turkish site while making the other link explaining the holiness of the cows in India via an English site link.


I'm sure when the political benefits of the western governments start to produce rivalry with Indian or Far Eastian political benefits, we shall start to see irrespectful cartoons about Hinduism or Buddhism on the newspapers of the western countries which try to produce Hindophobia or Buddhaphobia this time via laughable abusements of freedom of speech which this time would be valid only against Hinduism and Buddhism.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

-Don't you have any knowledge about this very recent issue? It seems the media of your country is not broadcasting such tragedies, but I'm sure they would loudly present such a news if a political leader from Turkey was to call a Dutch politician with the same insult. Let me inform you about that racist politician who must be prevented to continue his tragedy smelling political career.


-From my recent experiences here on this site, I have concluded that the media focuses of the countries where the members of this site live, immidiately popularizes possible tragedies which happen in the Muslim countries, but probably consciously hide or ignore the tragedies which occur in the Non-Muslim world. Such a double standarded, one sided and Islamophobia producing attitude is a shame for western media I think. Also dramatically it seems to me that the aim or ideal of this attitude is with no doubt reaching a big success in means of produing Islamophobia or Islam obsession especially after seeing you comparing Ahmedinejad with Nazis for a comment about 'homosexuals in Iran' as if he has set camps for them to produce soups from their corpses, but having no information or such a phobia against a Dutch political leader who has made obviously a more tragedical insult about a 'President' of a Muslim country. If you had basic knowledge about diplomacy, you could easily realize that the real person to compare with nazis when considering the comment of Ahmedinejad about homosexuals and the comment of Wilders about Erdogan, was simply Geert Wilders.


I am again sure that if Erdogan was to call Wilders with the same insult, the whole western press would give this news as the first news on the TV channels.


Another surprise for me was that finding pictures of the Indian women doing the job which cows or machines must do was hard for me to find via English googling with which Islamophobic news are easy to find, so I will make the picture link of this religiously approved action via a Turkish site while making the other link explaining the holiness of the cows in India via an English site link.


I'm sure when the political benefits of the western governments start to produce rivalry with Indian or Far Eastian political benefits, we shall start to see irrespectful cartoons about Hinduism or Buddhism on the newspapers of the western countries which try to produce Hindophobia or Buddhaphobia this time via laughable abusements of freedom of speech which this time would be valid only against Hinduism and Buddhism.

No wonder I haven't heard about it... big friggin' deal. Since when is calling someone a 'freak' racist? I'm beginning to think you are a freak for your nutty ideas. Ahmedinejad is a bigot and a liar and you compare him to someone who calls the President of Turkey a freak!? I've called my own President worse. :grin: Not only that many world leaders have spoken badly of the U.S. Guess, what, I don't foam at the mouth and call racism or chant lets invade their country. I didn't when it was a President I liked either.


As for the situation in India, it is hard to judge from that link. India has had problems for years. http://www.gendercide.org/case_infanticide.html


I do find it ironic that someone from Istanbul, Turkey is judging India as far as mistreatment of women goes. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/0...ed-alive-turkey



Posted (edited)
Given that Illuminator's entire pitch since arriving - apart from some fascinating anecdotes about eating - has been to aver the existence of a Western plot to destroy all Muslims, and to define democracy as an abomination before God, is there really any point in arguing?

Firstly, I believe you are not accustomed to see members opposing your politicalideology on this site. This made me happy as it made me think that I am adding a wealth to the political ideologies of this site.



I'm not sure where you got the idea we're some political monolith on this forum. I've never seen such a mad mix.


What I am not accustomed to is people arguing their views here without any apparent foundations or internal consistency. Are you for or against terrorism? You say there is a plot to commit genocide on all muslims, then make an offhand remark about suicide bombings? You claim to hate fascism in your sig, and then defend the government of Iran which although not fascist is totalitarian! For that matter you are saying right now that you think challenging people's views is worth making them annoyed, in a thread about other people doing precisely that!!!!


What gives? What is your standpoint?

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

Posted (edited)
No wonder I haven't heard about it... big friggin' deal. Since when is calling someone a 'freak' racist? I'm beginning to think you are a freak for your nutty ideas. Ahmedinejad is a bigot and a liar and you compare him to someone who calls the President of Turkey a freak!? I've called my own President worse. :shifty:


Are you a political leader or a president of a country? If you are none of them then your calling of somebody 'freak' means nothing, but your calling 'me' as 'freak' means something: It is against the board rules as it is a personal insult.


Not only that many world leaders have spoken badly of the U.S. Guess, what, I don't foam at the mouth and call racism or chant lets invade their country. I didn't when it was a President I liked either.

Firstly let me remind you that 'none' of the world leaders called any of the American leaders with an insult word as Wilters did.


Honestly I don't believe you would say the same if a Turkish Political leader was to call a European Political leader with the same insult. I think such defence to such an insult is a blind and non-logical defence. I'd find it more logical if you were to say that Wildeers made a big political mistake and must feel sorry for his insult, but your comments of supporting a racist political leader and furtherly backing his insult didn't surprise me considering your former comments.


As for the situation in India, it is hard to judge from that link. India has had problems for years. http://www.gendercide.org/case_infanticide.html

Then it means that there are non-Muslim countries on the earth which have worse standards than Muslim countries and interestingly they are not so popularized as much as Muslim countries.


After that link, please do not call my links like prisonplanet as 'unreliable links' as your link, obviously from its name, an 'Islamophobic' link which is apparently set to spread Islamophobia to deceive people who are 'illeterate' about Islam and Islamic orders in Kuran.


If you had basic Islamic knowledge you could easily know honor killing was forbidden by Prophet Hz.Muhammed. It is also known as 'blood heritage killing' and is purely anti-Islamic, and so is a sin. I feel that you have strong Islamophobia and more dramatically have no intention to get rid of it, but to believe every negative anti-Islamic propoganda you see on the net.


I do find it ironic that someone from Istanbul, Turkey is judging India as far as mistreatment of women goes. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/0...ed-alive-turkey

Despite this link seems 'more' reliable according to your classification, same Islamophobia spreading tendency and illiterate news producing is again valid here as they do not mention Islam forbids honor killing, but has other punishments for some actions.


Meanwhile, firstly, you also seem to know nothing about Turkey. Please search Turkey deeper just to realize that it is not a country as you have imagined. Unfortunately I have no time to explain this longly as I doubt you tend to realize this.


Secondly, I'm not in Istanbul, maybe you should take a look at the location of your oppose before typing such things.


After that link I have started to think that The Independent newspaper is consciously trying to produce Islamophobia via using every material they find and even if the material is dubious, they present it as if the aim of the murder was really homophobic. If this theory is valid how can you explain the gay-bars in Istanbul and lots of gays going to such places in Turkey without being murdered? Picking the only example can only be explained by a conscious negative propoganda. I, myself, felt fear when I came accross a group of homosexuals in Taksim/Istanbul or in a metro station when I was there. There are lots of murders 'they' are responsible for in Turkey and all of the Turkish citizens feeel the same fear when they meet them. I think you really need basic knowledge about Turkey but I doubt you could find it when even the supposedly objective newspapers of your countries are full of Islamophobia. I believe that it is impossible to get over it unless you 'really' want to get over it as long as there is such a one sided and illeterate media in your countries.


Let me help you to see some murderer homosexuals of Turkey via some Turkish news sites who are obviously impossible to find via English googling which is more interested on the news when they are killed in a way.


-Here is one about a group of arguing homosexuals chasing themselves and innocent citizens with butcher's knives

-Here is another one attacking the cops with knife when they just attempt to make a routine control to him/her because of his/her driving against traffic laws.


I can find countless examples of gay murderers in Turkey yet you claim they are murdered.


For my opinion I can simply say that I do not approve homosexuality because of my religious beliefs and it is also religiously forbidden by all of the 3 major religions.


I'm not sure where you got the idea we're some political monolith on this forum. I've never seen such a mad mix. What I am not accustomed to is people arguing their views here without any apparent foundations or internal consistency. Are you for or against terrorism? You say there is a plot to commit genocide on all muslims, then make an offhand remark about suicide bombings?

Let me refresh your memory. You called me 'terrorist' for countless of times and also made a thread about me which was about an ex-terrorist caught in England and claimed that you have located 'me' on that thread. Also you have claimed countless of times that I support El Kaida despite my countless of comments about them being anti-Islamic and me having no symphaty for them. Why did you do that? Because I was not supporting Anglo-American governmental invasions and moreover I was a Muslim. I believe you would not make such tragic comments about me if I was to hide my religion or nationality because you didn't claim the members of this site who critisized Anglo-American invasions to be terrorists.


You claim to hate fascism in your sig, and then defend the government of Iran which although not fascist is totalitarian!

The comment I made about Iran was about one subject and your comments show that you didn't read my post about him completely. Maybe you took a gaze at it. Also I believe you have no right to judge me even if I fully supported him as you were to support an English politician when he made a racial insult about Turks to defend the usage of chemical gases against The Ottoman Empire during WWI despite it was against the war rules and human rights at that time.


For that matter you are saying right now that you think challenging people's views is worth making them annoyed, in a thread about other people doing precisely that!!!!


What gives? What is your standpoint?

The only thing I do is 'posting my comments' about an issue which is open to discussion via a thread. If you are annoyed from my opinions it is not a problem as every political view causes annoyance amongst the defenders of the opposite political views, however your attempts of preventing me from saying them is pure fascism, and ironically you claim that I support fascism.

Edited by The Illuminator

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.


Just because something declared a sin doesn't stop from people from doing it or be supported by the clergy of a religion. Pedophilia and rape is considered a sin in Christianity, yet the Catholic Church has done its best to cover up and help the priests that did such acts. Honor killings happen, and yes that is a sin, yet in many areas of the world Islamic imams support it and encourage it.


This is why I don't like any of the Abrahamic religions and why I don't like their God.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

Posted (edited)
Just because something declared a sin doesn't stop from people from doing it or be supported by the clergy of a religion. Pedophilia and rape is considered a sin in Christianity, yet the Catholic Church has done its best to cover up and help the priests that did such acts. Honor killings happen, and yes that is a sin, yet in many areas of the world Islamic imams support it and encourage it.


This is why I don't like any of the Abrahamic religions and why I don't like their God.

However, I believe blaming a religion, or country with its citizens because of the actions of individuals, in this case, an individual who is obviously acting against the rules of that religion or country, is not appropriate I think(S/he uses phrases like from Turkey, Istanbul, etc. as if this place is full of religiously approved murders). Also let me remind you that being an atheist doesn't prevent you from committing murders. There are lots of atheist murderers in the human history.


All in all murder is bad, and mustn't be committed at all, under any defending opinion.

Edited by The Illuminator

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.


I am not an atheist. Belief does not equal worship.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."


Illuminator, I'm genuinely interested to hear you do not support terrorism, and I am more than willing to reconsider your statements now that you have stated unequivocally that you are of that opinion. However, to be fair to my prevailing mood, I have to also bear in mind all that business with you fondling your testicles constantly. And of course your defence of a man who - on balanec - is a violent dictator who kills people he disagrees with.



Talk about being torn in twain.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

Posted (edited)
Firstly let me remind you that 'none' of the world leaders called any of the American leaders with an insult word as Wilters did.


Honestly I don't believe you would say the same if a Turkish Political leader was to call a European Political leader with the same insult. I think such defence to such an insult is a blind and non-logical defence. I'd find it more logical if you were to say that Wildeers made a big political mistake and must feel sorry for his insult, but your comments of supporting a racist political leader and furtherly backing his insult didn't surprise me considering your former comments.

Hugo Chaves & Jos

Edited by Gorth
Indeed, much better to wait until they are older and cane/stone/honor kill them for drinking beer/talking with boys etc. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36128016/ns/wo...ific/?GT1=43001


I think discussing the reality of non-Muslim countries which have worse applications than Muslim countries with you makes no sense as you are very ignorant against my examples and you are blindly focusing only on Muslim countries probably to blame Islam as if those countries are perfectly applying Islamic rules. I must leave you with your Islamophobia not to experience worse dialogues with you as you seem happy with it with showing no attempt or desire to get rid of it.


Also ironic that you seem to believe every ridiculous conspiracy theory about the west you read but this is just too ridiculous for you. -_-

I make links to only the ones that I find logical and scientifically provable and as noone has proven any of them to be wrong, you have no right to blame me if I start to believe that they make some sense.


Maybe you should stop changing your location tag.

For what? Why should I lie about my location if I am not in Istanbul? To make you not to have a simple gaze at the locations of your opponents before you post about them? That makes no sense to me.


You gobble up every anti-west new story you can, then call western media 'illiterate' (another bit of irony when someone claims someone else is illiterate and can't spell the word). They have a saying about pots and kettles and blackness.

What is your overall point of mentioning this? I see no point. As they don't know Islam forbids 'honor killing' and as they represent that news as if 'Islam orders honor killing' they are obviously illiterate about basic Islamic knowledge. Do you claim that they are not? What is your supportive proof for that?


Another massive heaping of irony is when a bigot claims everyone else is a racist. 'For my opinion I can simply say that I do not approve homosexuality because of my religious beliefs and it is also religiously forbidden by all of the 3 major religions.' speaks volumes. Its no wonder you don't really give a damn about the situation in Iran. How would you solve your countries 'roving bands of homos' problem?

What do you mean via solving the roving bands of homos problem? As you may see, they are not hanged or killed for being a homo. Do you advice us to be homos ourselves to solve it as you call someone who is 'not' a homo 'a biggot'. Your definition of bigotness seems to be limited to being a homo or not. You cannot force people to approve homos or to be homos. You are expected to show respect to the ones who are not homos and who does not approve being a homo if you are expecting respect from them, otherwise no such a person respects to your opinion of supporting homos or being a homo and you have no right to ask for it.


Illuminator, I'm genuinely interested to hear you do not support terrorism, and I am more than willing to reconsider your statements now that you have stated unequivocally that you are of that opinion. However, to be fair to my prevailing mood, I have to also bear in mind all that business with you fondling your testicles constantly. And of course your defence of a man who - on balanec - is a violent dictator who kills people he disagrees with.

I think if you reread my posts with the provision of the reality that I don't support terrorism, the image you formed in your mind about me shall change completely, but I'm not sure if you are willing to do this as I have never understood why you thought that I support terrorism since our first dialogue about 4 years ago.


If you wish to find, you can easily find my 3 or 4 year old comments which were against terrorism at that time as well.


For the testicle thing I can say that about four years ago what I said was USA and the allies of that country have well developed technology which makes them able to see even the hair follicles in the testicles of the people. As I have read and linked some theories about 9/11 at that time claiming that CIA and FBI allowed that to form a reason to invade Iraq, Afghanistan and to allow Israel to perform bigger slaughters on Palestinians, I thoght it is logical to think that it was an organized action. There were visual proofs to that theory as one of the buildings near the two towers were being destroyed despite the reality that it had no damage from the crash. It was exploded by the bombs CIA and FBI agents located on it to form a more tragedic view of chaos. I believe they would easily stop those terrorists before they have entered the plane, or simply shoot the plane.


No logical person may think that the typer of that comment supports terrorism.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.


Those suing over the pics are scumbags trying to profit over something so silly. They should get over it. Beides, Muhammed liked to have sex with little girls. I have no sympathy for him or his worshippers when they get made fun of.


And, oh before accuses me of being a Muslim hating Christian, I'm not a big fan of 'God' either. Nor am I a fan of full fledge athiests.


I do believe you cna worship whatever you want but you should suck it up if others don't suck up to your gods. Everyone and eveyrthing should be allowed to be made fun of. There should be no 'sacred cow'. Except me. because, I'm that damn awesome. And, if someone cares enough to make fun of me years after myn die, my descedents will sue them. Ha.



"To make you not to have a simple gaze at the locations of your opponents before you post about them?"


Can't speak for others, but I don't care where posters are from. My responses are based on what they write not where they're from. or their gender. or their age. Or their skin colour.




"No logical person may think that the typer of that comment supports terrorism."


Conspiracy theorists aren't logical people. A conspiracy starts with the delusional belief that only they can see the truth and everyone else are ignorant tools. That's not logical behaviour. It's the same outlook of a crazy person who beleives god ordered them to kill their child because said child is satan. *shrug*


-Don't you have any knowledge about this very recent issue? It seems the media of your country is not broadcasting such tragedies, but I'm sure they would loudly present such a news if a political leader from Turkey was to call a Dutch politician with the same insult. Let me inform you about that racist politician who must be prevented to continue his tragedy smelling political career.


-From my recent experiences here on this site, I have concluded that the media focuses of the countries where the members of this site live, immidiately popularizes possible tragedies which happen in the Muslim countries, but probably consciously hide or ignore the tragedies which occur in the Non-Muslim world. Such a double standarded, one sided and Islamophobia producing attitude is a shame for western media I think. Also dramatically it seems to me that the aim or ideal of this attitude is with no doubt reaching a big success in means of produing Islamophobia or Islam obsession especially after seeing you comparing Ahmedinejad with Nazis for a comment about 'homosexuals in Iran' as if he has set camps for them to produce soups from their corpses, but having no information or such a phobia against a Dutch political leader who has made obviously a more tragedical insult about a 'President' of a Muslim country. If you had basic knowledge about diplomacy, you could easily realize that the real person to compare with nazis when considering the comment of Ahmedinejad about homosexuals and the comment of Wilders about Erdogan, was simply Geert Wilders.


I am again sure that if Erdogan was to call Wilders with the same insult, the whole western press would give this news as the first news on the TV channels.


Another surprise for me was that finding pictures of the Indian women doing the job which cows or machines must do was hard for me to find via English googling with which Islamophobic news are easy to find, so I will make the picture link of this religiously approved action via a Turkish site while making the other link explaining the holiness of the cows in India via an English site link.


I'm sure when the political benefits of the western governments start to produce rivalry with Indian or Far Eastian political benefits, we shall start to see irrespectful cartoons about Hinduism or Buddhism on the newspapers of the western countries which try to produce Hindophobia or Buddhaphobia this time via laughable abusements of freedom of speech which this time would be valid only against Hinduism and Buddhism.

No wonder I haven't heard about it... big friggin' deal. Since when is calling someone a 'freak' racist? I'm beginning to think you are a freak for your nutty ideas. Ahmedinejad is a bigot and a liar and you compare him to someone who calls the President of Turkey a freak!? I've called my own President worse. o:) Not only that many world leaders have spoken badly of the U.S. Guess, what, I don't foam at the mouth and call racism or chant lets invade their country. I didn't when it was a President I liked either.


As for the situation in India, it is hard to judge from that link. India has had problems for years. http://www.gendercide.org/case_infanticide.html


I do find it ironic that someone from Istanbul, Turkey is judging India as far as mistreatment of women goes. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/0...ed-alive-turkey




Hahahaha oh man. Best post in a long time by far.


****ing shutdown!

Posted (edited)
In fact, during the Middle Ages, Muslims and non-Muslims (Christians included), lived in peace and harmony...

You obviously forgot about the small "incident" that the Ottomans once almost took over Europe in a very brutal way, right?

What, you mean the 14th century Ottomans? I was specifically referring to the Caliphates that filled the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Western Roman Empire... six centuries earlier.


Your bringing up Ottoman expansionism in response to my point about religious tolerance in Al-Andalus makes about as much sense as comparing the Crusades to the US invasion of Iraq. A bit too much Medieval Total War, perhaps? ;)

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

You obviously forgot about the small "incident" that the Ottomans once almost took over Europe in a very brutal way, right?

That post of yours make it obvious that you preferebly believe every brutal fairy tale which is made up to make people think that Ottomans were barbarians cutting people and abusing their countries.


An objective and honest historian can easily recognize that it is a lie that Ottomans have brutally invaded Europe. It was a no-no situation and if they didn't invade Europe, Europe was to invade them. After Ottomans got control, women and other citizens of Europe got rid of the problems like being burnt alive for witchcraft blame or being murdered to say the earth is round and turning around.


Ottomans have never killed innocent people after wars or raped women as it is forbidden and is a big sin and no Ottoman Sultan who was also a Caliphe after Yavuz Sultan Selim would allow such a big sin in a Religious Empire.


In the areas like south-eastern europe and middle-east where Ottomans ruled with peace and justice, citizens have leaved peacefully for ages and when this empire has fell, those areas have never seen peace but always seen slaughters which not only EU but also USA is unable to control or end. So I believe this empire was a great example and lesson to manage different cultures in peace for ages.


The Armenian Genocide or Greek Massacre tales are only lies to provoke and keep alive nationalism amongst those people and the other minorities of that empire.


As your tendency is to believe those lies, I am not thinking of wasting my hours to persuade you and prove you wrong. I will give only a few examples proving that such tales are only lies.


--Prof.Mc Carthy is an objective historian declaring that the tales made about Ottoman Empire are only lies to make them seem brutal and to provoke the minorities it consisted of with pseudo-nationalism.


--This site sums up everything about the stages of making a lie believable. If the blamed country is politically not strong enough to form a side amongst Wrold Countries, and if your government has a gobal power and moreover has profits on the losses of that opponent country, then you are ready to produce fairy tales about that country and its past.


The citizens of your country, knowing 'nothing' about that opposed country apart from the false propoganda you make with your media and education, are ready to believe or shall inevitably believe the lies you produce and I think you are an example of such a citizen.


As history repeats itself, I can say for certain that when Turkish Republic gains global power, all of those lies shall suddenly be proven wrong and you shall be illuminated with truths. Even your media shall type the truths as your government this time shall desire to be allies with that country they lied about in the past. Until that time that illumination is possible only if you want it, and such a desire is not seeable in your posts.


Those suing over the pics are scumbags trying to profit over something so silly. They should get over it. Beides, Muhammed liked to have sex with little girls. I have no sympathy for him or his worshippers when they get made fun of.

I am surprised how you can say such a thing. Obviously you have no knowledges about the orders of Kuran except the lies you read from Islamophobic sites. Pedophilia is forbidden in Islam and there is 'no' verse in Kuran allowing it. The ones resisting to perform it even after being Muslim are the ones who could not get rid of their nasty cultural traditions being remnants of their pagan times. No girl at least having 3 months of menstrual cycle is allowed to marry with. The example the ones using as a proof for marrying non-menstrual girl is a dubious claim probably made by the Islamophobia producers during the few ages after Islam. Their source is not Kuran itself. Only a dubious hadith which itself cannot be proof as it does not say Hz.Muhammed had sexual intercourse with the mentioned women. Only says he married them to prevent them from being enslaved by the non-Muslim citizens of Meccah at that time, as in their pagan religion non-Muslim Arabs were enslaving little girls and using them for whatever they want. Hz.Muhammed, to prevent this, has married a few woman and according to some Islamic Authorities, He did not marry Hz.Aisha until she was about 18. The claims saying He did are the desperate struggle of half-Muslims who try to justify their old bad habbit, pedophilia.


All I will say about that issue are those and making generalizations from the actions of few is not appropriate as in this case I can make generalizations about Christianity via using Mormonism, which is a sect.


I do believe you cna worship whatever you want but you should suck it up if others don't suck up to your gods. Everyone and eveyrthing should be allowed to be made fun of. There should be no 'sacred cow'. Except me. because, I'm that damn awesome. And, if someone cares enough to make fun of me years after myn die, my descedents will sue them. Ha.

I think noone must make teases about the belief of the other. This also is an order in Kuran, saying, ''Do not curse or swear on the Gods of others, as this may cause them to curse or swear on Allah.'' That's why Muslims and Christs lived peacefully under Islamic Empires. After this thread I have a doubt such an order is valid for Christianity.


"To make you not to have a simple gaze at the locations of your opponents before you post about them?"

I think you didn't read the post completely in which I typed this. My opposer typed a post claiming that I am in Istanbul. After my remind that I'm not in there, I'm in Sarikamis, he said ''You mustn't change your location.'' as if I have to type my locations according to his/her demands.


Conspiracy theorists aren't logical people. A conspiracy starts with the delusional belief that only they can see the truth and everyone else are ignorant tools. That's not logical behaviour. It's the same outlook of a crazy person who beleives god ordered them to kill their child because said child is satan. *shrug*

All of the police researches about murders starts with similar conspiracy theories about the suspects. Can you claim that they are illogicall too? Then such an illogicality is necessary to find the real murderer.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

That post of yours make it obvious that you preferebly believe every brutal fairy tale which is made up to make people think that Ottomans were barbarians cutting people and abusing their countries.


An objective and honest historian can easily recognize that it is a lie that Ottomans have brutally invaded Europe. It was a no-no situation and if they didn't invade Europe, Europe was to invade them. After Ottomans got control, women and other citizens of Europe got rid of the problems like being burnt alive for witchcraft blame or being murdered to say the earth is round and turning around.


Ottomans have never killed innocent people after wars or raped women as it is forbidden and is a big sin and no Ottoman Sultan who was also a Caliphe after Yavuz Sultan Selim would allow such a big sin in a Religious Empire.


Historians do not dwell on the rightoussness of any empire overtaking land of the other. No historian cares whether it was rightful act of the crusaders to ransack Constantinople. No historian care whether Julius rightfully ascended the throne as Caesar. No historian care of the rigthoussness of Mongols burning Bagdad to the ground. Only people with political agendas do.


And oh, it was so nice and noble of the Ottomans to liberate those barbaric people from themselves. Especially the women, so they could sell them as slaves until as late as 1908.


In the areas like south-eastern europe and middle-east where Ottomans ruled with peace and justice, citizens have leaved peacefully for ages and when this empire has fell, those areas have never seen peace but always seen slaughters which not only EU but also USA is unable to control or end. So I believe this empire was a great example and lesson to manage different cultures in peace for ages.


1. Nationalism didn't exist as a movement when the Ottoman empire expanded. Nationalism was also the reason on why the Ottoman empire declined.

2. Peacefully ruled? kinda. With Justice? not by a long shot, unless you adhere to archaic systems of justice. Paying a tax for believing in the wrong entity is not justice.


The Armenian Genocide or Greek Massacre tales are only lies to provoke and keep alive nationalism amongst those people and the other minorities of that empire.


As your tendency is to believe those lies, I am not thinking of wasting my hours to persuade you and prove you wrong. I will give only a few examples proving that such tales are only lies.


--Prof.Mc Carthy is an objective historian declaring that the tales made about Ottoman Empire are only lies to make them seem brutal and to provoke the minorities it consisted of with pseudo-nationalism.


--This site sums up everything about the stages of making a lie believable. If the blamed country is politically not strong enough to form a side amongst Wrold Countries, and if your government has a gobal power and moreover has profits on the losses of that opponent country, then you are ready to produce fairy tales about that country and its past.


One historian. That has an honorary doctorate from Boğazi

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 


Leaving aside the other stuff...


''Do not curse or swear on the Gods of others, as this may cause them to curse or swear on Allah.''


That is a "breach" of free speech? Seriously? ;(


Free speech is a principle, not an idol of worship.

Posted (edited)

Right on, Tigger. The right of Free Speech trumps any religious scripture.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."


There are millions of Muslims in the US who practice freely and play large roles in their communities, so it always makes me scratch my head when folks feel the Western World is trying to wipe out Islam. We even have a Muslim congressman who was sworn in on the Qu'ran.


It stems from the fact that Christianity and Islam has, for the most part, been at each other's throats for centuries, and when the typical Western mindset thinks about Islam they see Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, and Iran. Which completely ignores the fact that the greatest concentration of Muslims in the world resides in Indonesia, not the Middle East.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

You obviously forgot about the small "incident" that the Ottomans once almost took over Europe in a very brutal way, right?

That post of yours make it obvious that you preferebly believe every brutal fairy tale which is made up to make people think that Ottomans were barbarians cutting people and abusing their countries.

Fairy tales? There were tons of records of massacres. Women and children were often abducted and used as slaves, while men were just slaughtered. Hell, there are tons of vilages near where I live that carry names derived from the Ottoman onslaught.


Now I don't give a damn generally what happened 500 years ago, but saying the intention of the Ottoman conquerers was about peace and enlightmenent just shows how ignorant of historical facts you are.

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