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Mass Effect 2


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"Mass Effect 2 is far superior to Mass Effect in regards to gameplay, story-telling, and squadmates."




Game play is worse. Seriously, mission areas are closed off? Come on. The only place you are allowed on the Citedal area where the humans have their base is the office. It's early, but that's pathetic. Combat is weird. You want to know my strategy for combat? Let me allies take the brunt of it while I hide in a corner as they kick butt and can stand in the open while laughing. I stand out in the open, I die in seconds. So, basically I can either pop up kill one eneny and hide if not die. My allies just stand there and laugh. Medi gel is only useful for raising unconcious companions. Is omnigel even in the game? It be nice to at least have a way - even if costs money - to bypass it though I do like the idea of these mini games then ME1's. More logical.


ME's inventory may have been poorly done but ME2's way is worse and also jarring changing mid series like that. People complaion about the poorness of the inventory does not mean get rid of it. That's dumb. The two dialogue talents are basically solely paragon or renegade making it less skill wise. At least ME1, you had to conciously improve your dialogue skills (thoguh most did); but at least the choice was there. Haven't done any side mission planets yet so i cna't talk about those.


I do like the new xp system.




Characters are overall better done but their dialogue on missions or walking around is dumb how they set up. You click on somehting and they talk and the game even tells you who will be talking. ie. Garrus will comment if you click on the doors out of the Citedal bay. That's silly. If he's gonna comment he should do so right away. L A M E


Otherwise, characters are soldly done but not exactly wow. Still early, but I do like them all though Miranda is asking for her throat to be cut. And, I'm playing a paragon. Heh.


My biggest problem with ME2 is it has HUGE potential to be best agme ever but dumb decisions ruin it. Omega is an example of this. Omega is a great setting but it's mightly hampered by the 'mission set up'.


I know I'm being hevaily negative here but most of the positive stuff are spoily outside of the fact that Nrmandy 2.0 is sweet.



"So blowing through it, around 22 hours or so. I can take a look at my final save when I get home."


Wow. I've just done Omega, and arrived on Citedal and am at around 8 hours at level 5 (starting level 2).



"ok MAN that opening was fracking AWESOME! <3



Yes, yes it is.






- Combat is much improved."





"- Pace. It's good, and varies a bit. As a whole it feels a lot more like KOTOR than ME, and that's good.



Nah. More like ME1. And, that's a good thing as KOITOR is vastly overrated and it's insult to compare ME2 to that wannabe space game. Then again, KOTOR and ME2 do share one thing in common - they love to dumb down what comes before them. LOL



"Characters are all pretty well done,"


Absolutely agreed.



"My playing time for almost total completion of ME was barely above 20 hours."


Yet, it took you 160 hours to beat BG2 which is a game that should be done under 100 hours. And, it took me 40 hours to finish ME1. L0LZ



Anyways, ME2 is a very good game but it has flaws, and thanks to the weaker combat it may have a hard time being better than ME1.

Edited by Volourn


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I personally find ME2's combat much more exciting and visceral. Things have been streamlined, but I honestly don't find myself missing anything from ME1 except the Mako. Yeah, it was overkill in ME1 but I still would have liked a bit of it in ME2.


Even streamlined, ME2 is still far beyond Jade Empire's RPG system. That and the combat is actually entertaining in ME2. If nothing else it feels like Gears of War with lots of talking.

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From what I gather, you can do what you want. I went to Omega as suggested then to Citedal.; but I guess it is up to you.


p.s. I must say I really love how you travel on the galaxy map now. Fun 'flying' the little spaceship. Heh.


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For those who have completed the game / nearly finished with it, answer me this: What is the extent of the...sensuality choice & consequence?


Aw, who am I kidding?! Basically, I want to be able to bang all the ladies while on the Normandy, and while planet-side. Heck, I'm not adverse to shagging in space just for the sheer awsomeness of the zero-grav-money-shot. However, If my salacious shenanigans will result in the loss of lascivious opportunities, then I might elect to stay my hand, or wang as the case may be.


So for those who a deep in the game (pun intended) feel free to spill the beans (pun not intended).

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And you wont even get to see a pair of boobz. The gif of Miranda stripping is the most explicit thing in the game.


*waits for jaguars to implode*

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Its taking forever to install :)


Mordin on inter-species romance. Don't..*cough* ..ingest. laughing.gif


I can't decide whether its hilarious or sad. Sad because they have nothing better to talk about than interspecies-sex. (of which nothing at all is seen xD). And because well - its the kind of joke you'd hear in a bar sometime around the fifth beer with guys who thing scratching their testicles in public is a manly thing to do. Meh.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I know he is, it just seems that the romances were bearing heavily on the minds of people at Bioware, when they start making in jokes about sex between fictional characters/races :)

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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The store mailed my copy yesterday so I should have it tomorrow, hooray! That is, if EA/STEAM will let me activate it, I might have to wait until friday.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I'm normally getting the CE on Friday. I'm not looking forward to getting the DLCs to work... it took ages to get Shale with Dragon Age.

Haha, DA's DLC system was probably an alpha test, so I take it that ME2 is going to be the beta then :)


Since some of you are already playing the game, could someone give any feedback about the squad AI? Do the squadies still shoot the PC in the back more than the enemy?

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If you're a dude, you can have sex with Miranda, Tali, Subject Zero, and Kelly. No threesomes. All the ladies magically know if you've shagged one of the others.

What kind of magic know are we talking about? This better not be the Oblivion Steal A Spoon In The Palace of Chorrol And The Peasants of Cheydinhal will know of your crime against humanity...


And you wont even get to see a pair of boobz. The gif of Miranda stripping is the most explicit thing in the game.


*waits for jaguars to implode*


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GOD DAMN IT my old sheppy is lvl 47. No bonuses for me.


Noooooooo, my graphics card overheated.... No ME2 for me. :)


Btw the introduction is great.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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