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Games for Windows & Achievements

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Q) Will the be Games For Windows? A) I ****ing hope not.

Q) Will there be achievements in the PC version? A) I ****ing hope not.

It most definitely will be Games for Windows, it's there on the box.


Games for Windows Live on the other hand seems unlikely (and I second, third.. googleplexth, the "I ****ing hope not" sentiment) since it isn't on the box. Whether no Live means no achievements at all or whether it just means they cannot be tied to a profile I have no idea.

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While I don't mind the game having online options, I also don't care about them.


As long as the game does not attempt to do anything online (including tracking how much I play, or what I do in-game) without my explicit consent, I am good. However any feature or function that would attempt to send any kind of information online without my explicit consent would be an instant deal breaker.

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I never understood what the deal is with achievements. Why do people like collecting them? It's not much different from getting a little star sticker on your homework when you are 8.


Personally I prefer no content locked (I don't want to have to spend a lot of spare 'working' to get stuff..I prefer to have fun in a game I paid for) and Windows Live is usually terrible but have to say it wasn't badly implemented recently in Street Fighter IV.

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Some achievements are dumb while others are well made and help the player to know what to expect from the game. An achievement for a player who finishes the game without killing or knocking out more than N npcs would be cool and tells everyone they can play like this, unlike other games who promise lot's of cool things but when you play the the game you realize it's only for a quest or two.

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That's a pretty good explanation, but wouldn't it be easier to just document or otherwise make salient those features?


Personally, I find it somewhat gratifying when the game recognizes an unorthodox method I'm using of my own volition, but I can't imagine actually trying to get all the achievements in a game.

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Ya maybe I was to quick to judge -- big achievements like finishing the game without wasting someone is cool. I guess I just feel more annoyance with the huge mass of easy (shoot 2 people in a row) , or dumb (break 1000 boxes) achievements found in many games these days.

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I never understood what the deal is with achievements. Why do people like collecting them? It's not much different from getting a little star sticker on your homework when you are 8.


Personally I prefer no content locked (I don't want to have to spend a lot of spare 'working' to get stuff..I prefer to have fun in a game I paid for) and Windows Live is usually terrible but have to say it wasn't badly implemented recently in Street Fighter IV.


Damn ****ing straight. The unlockable content via achievements bullcrap in Mass Effect is ****ting me to tears.

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...and Windows Live is usually terrible...

Ok, someone needs to explain this to me. I can understand why a pirate like Purkake would think it's a nuisance (since it also functions as some sort of DRM), but for a normal user? I've only played a few games using Windows For Games Live and the last two worked like this: I started up the game, a small box exclaimed that I was online and then I didn't notice it. Except for perhaps once every second hour when I achieved something.


How is that terrible? I find it very slick and unobtrusive. I mean, compare it to Rockstar's Social Club and it's an absolute dream!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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...and Windows Live is usually terrible...

Ok, someone needs to explain this to me. I can understand why a pirate like Purkake would think it's a nuisance (since it also functions as some sort of DRM), but for a normal user? I've only played a few games using Windows For Games Live and the last two worked like this: I started up the game, a small box exclaimed that I was online and then I didn't notice it. Except for perhaps once every second hour when I achieved something.


How is that terrible? I find it very slick and unobtrusive. I mean, compare it to Rockstar's Social Club and it's an absolute dream!


Oh, hey. Are we having a witch hunt already? It not even October yet.


I'll go out on a limb here and say that you're a closet-pirate.

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Oh, hey. Are we having a witch hunt already? It not even October yet.


I'll go out on a limb here and say that you're a closet-pirate.

Yeah, sure. Oh hey, you've mentioned before that you've played both Fallout 3 and GTA4. Both are games that support Games for Windows Live and achievements. Mind showing me your gamercard? I'm interested to see how many points you have. I can show you mine, since you accuse me of being a pirate. Notice how easy it is to prove you're not?


Let me take a wild one: you "deactivated" your GfWL because it's "terrible"?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I don't do GFWL achievements, I do have some Steam achievements, if you really want to see them.


Also, I have played GTA IV at a friend's place, but no way in hell would I want to own that buggy mess.


Also, you don't have to "deactivate" the GFWL service, you can just create an offline account and not have it pop up all the time.

Edited by Purkake
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