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Guest Slinky

- More atmospheric world, I want to really see and sense the madness of war. I want to see desperation and death, not some happy happy world where the biggest problem people have is to think what they should drink at the bar. The more desperate the world, the better it feels to do something good in game.


- Evil people should really be evil, not just annoying idiots. When I want to be evil, there should be options to be really sinister, instead saying something rude to someone.


- Is there a way to add facial animations on the engine? In FO3 people have the same Stallone Face™ on when they are listening radio or getting shot on the kneecaps, and it really bothered me.

Edited by Slinky
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Game play mechanics: Make it ATI friendly! For some reason Fallout 3 doesn't like ATI cards/drivers and since this game will be using the same engine, make it compatible.

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Guest Slinky
Game play mechanics: Make it ATI friendly! For some reason Fallout 3 doesn't like ATI cards/drivers and since this game will be using the same engine, make it compatible.

Huh? I didn't have any problems on my HD4870.

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2. A personal story, not a save the world or in this case save NV story. (Not FO3 version, more like MOTB)


Arguably, FO3 *was* a personal story since it all hinged on the protagonists dad.


Personally I'd rather have a story that allows me to come at it from whatever angle I choose rather than one that I'm beholden to because of the way the backstory of the protagonist is set up.


3. Less area, more content, FO3 was a step up from Oblivion, but I prefer qualtiy over quantity.


I'd like to be able to explore more buildings. I was sad that there were tonnes of buildings around and nine-tenths weren't even accessible. I really enjoyed the fight with the supermutants in the destroyed school. I didn't like that there were several other places in the game where opponents were situated in inaccessible places and could hit you rather easily and you couldn't run in the building after them for revenge. I wanted to climb up there and make them pay! :brows:


5. If I take the Cyborg perk, let me look like one. Turn it into a small quest if you want it to make total sense, but this bugged me in FO3 and it was something you didn't do in NWN2 with the palemaster class.


If they went this route, I'd want people to notice. I mean if you are noticeably going to be a cyborg, other people should notice it in the game, I think. And freak out probably.

Edited by Amentep

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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This is my list of demands for improving new vegas over fallout 3:


First of all: Story and characters

Second of all: Include a third person over the shoulder view that one can actually use in combat.


[some time later]


Five Hundredth and Eighty Second of all...

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/Shoo will you. Go and debate story in its own thread! :thumbsup:

Anyway back on topic, there are lots of areas Obsidian will have to tweak, overhaul, fix or ultimately build from ground up.


Skills & Stats

Abilities (Perks need overhaul, traits should come back, backgrounds would be nice, decent and logical reward perks would be nice "ability to skin animals, ability to do this or that etc)


Combat calculations need to be overhauled (Stats, Skills and To Hit bugs primarily.)

Ranged Combat "feeling" needs to be adressed. At the moment it feels empty and bland (most of the time and most of the weapons feel plastic toys that pew pew)

Meele and Unarmed need fixing badly. Compared to games like Riddick the whole close quarters action feel wooden.

Some more combat options like cover (personally I would prefer Call of Juarez version than Gers of War weirdness), tactical view (Nothing grand, just a pause key that allows you a somewhat TPP to birdeye wiev to watch your surroundings and maybe give order to your henchman Brother in Arms or Mass Effect stle: Go there; Hold there, shoot this etc)


Existing Crafting and Repair sytems needs to be recycled and build from ground up Obsidian style. A system between to SoZ and Kotor 2 would be very nice (You can take apart weapons and items for "generic spare parts" (Nuts and bolts etc) and specific spare parts (Stock, trigger, barrel, rails, whatever. It would be very nice if you can build your own weapons using stocks and barrels you get from other guns," if you are intrested in that kind of thing". Otherwise a normal system like SoZ'S crafting book would be nice too )


Diverse Character Models would be nice. Its getting boring to see every male with same body and different head. Even peglegs, hook arms, some tall(er) and some short(er) body model mods would be enough.

Weapon Models and Weapon Types need some adjustments. It would be grand if we could craft our own weapon ingame using different stocks, muzzles, triggers etc...


The minigames need to be tweaked (skill only means if you can access it or not atm. sweet spots and hacks are really irrelevant due to games being too easy) and some new ones would be good too (at lest disguised as other kinds of locks and so on)


Pipboy needs a serious fix bot in mechanics department and ingame departments



I really didn't like how the whole inventory was squeezed into it. It would have felt much better if you had your Inventory and Quickslots were repsented in a more graphical way (A backpack for your main inventory and a fannypack and vestpockets for your quickslots. When you access your inv, the character kneels and shrugs the backpack off and brings it in front of him to open it etc) and Pipboy hud/interface displaying known details about the item. The devs could even have it display unknown item / error / corrupted file now and then (when you get hold of an item for the first time) and your character inputting new text on the fly by himself (with keyboard noises in the background, the char types: This fruit looks like an bright red apple but with more squishy feeling. If you have enough doctor or survival (or if you consume it :)) the char adds that it is mildly poisonous etc.)


The main benefit of it is being a working computer by itself. It should give you the option to hardwire it into dead computers using feeler cables on the main board (with enough repair) and hunt for... whatever. Who knows what gems could a pre war comp may have (even if its only a working part / tube that you can scavenge and sell for good buck to techno worshipping idiots)



First of all It is supposed to be a "worn" computer system of 2 or 3 parts (similar to this coupled with this part). It probably does not have much in the processor power department being a mass produced civilian model but in the wastelands it still reprsents very high to cutting edge tech for a tech savvy person. Just getting hold of a working model would be a 1000 xp point adventure for a non-vault citizen. (No i do not mean the act of getting it alone but the whole deal you get through (dungeon crawling in an abandoned old site, killing some rats, some puzzles and everything else together).


Secondly; it should be a giant sign shouting: "Incredibly, stinking, filthy RICH person. Rob him before others do!" (If you openly wear it). By itself it should be enough to open some nice little quests and also cause trouble for you just be existing.

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Arguably, FO3 *was* a personal story since it all hinged on the protagonists dad.


Arguably, it was a story hinged on the assumption that everyone loves Dad.

It's Liam Neeson. How can you not love him?

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Arguably, FO3 *was* a personal story since it all hinged on the protagonists dad.


Arguably, it was a story hinged on the assumption that everyone loves Dad.


Nope, not at all. The only assumption is that you want to find him, maybe to kill him for being an Ahole, but even that is a weak assumption. You find him eventually even if you aren't looking for him.

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I was thinking on how to fix VATS. First of all, why does VATS suck?

Because its a specific part of Fallout 1/2 made for sharpshooting/expert melee characters in turn based combat shoehorned into a real time game. The mechanic was simple, in a pool of action points you cold sacrifice a point or two extra for a chance to get something special in return, like a disabling shot or instant kill. Often it meant making one attack per round only instead of two untargeted ones. So you gave more to, potentially recieve more.

In Fallout 3 you gave nothing, for an often instant kill button, which invalidated the entire idea.


Now there are two ways I see this can be fixed:

1. Make the points required to go into VATS mode, much harder to get - so it cant be abused.

2. Retain the same system, but put pressure on the player with an ATB Final Fantasy like system where you have limited time to choose your option (like you're doing with AP dialogue now).

3. Take both of these together? To make it more challenging...


Other complaints:

4. kill animatons must be shorter, skippable and less cartoony

5. the action should not go on in real time, in the background when you character is firing leading to potential retaliation from enemies since it turns the entire concept into another bullet time for no good reason.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I agree with all the changes/improvements that have been listed.



COme on Josh, hop to it. This should only take you the next thirty years of your life. Just think, you can retire when you are done. :biggrin:

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Arguably, FO3 *was* a personal story since it all hinged on the protagonists dad.


Arguably, it was a story hinged on the assumption that everyone loves Dad.


It didn't go on an assumption, it made it your backstory (been awhile since I played it, but even in the sections with being a kid/teenager you couldn't really tell your dad off).


So I take it to mean that the game essentially gives your character one thing - no matter who your character is they like (or at least respect) dad and no matter what you have to leave the vault to find him.


That's the kind of thing I'd rather avoid. I'm not keen on "child of destiny" storylines anyhow.

Edited by Amentep

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Arguably, FO3 *was* a personal story since it all hinged on the protagonists dad.


Arguably, it was a story hinged on the assumption that everyone loves Dad.


And Fallout 1 was a story hinged on the assumption you liked living in your vault with your fellow vault dwellers. Where was the role playing for people who felt like: "To heck with those jerks! I'm going to make a living in the wasteland!".

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Hell, in Fallout 1, you had a time limit. If you didn't save your vault and do what you had to do, then the timer ran out. In Fallout 3, you can completely ignore everything and go out and explore. I don't remember the game using a time for the main questline. You could literally go explore the wasteland until you got tired of exploring and then retire.

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Hell, in Fallout 1, you had a time limit. If you didn't save your vault and do what you had to do, then the timer ran out. In Fallout 3, you can completely ignore everything and go out and explore. I don't remember the game using a time for the main questline. You could literally go explore the wasteland until you got tired of exploring and then retire.


Despite how much I hate being on a time limit when it comes to video games, I soft of wished Fallout 3's main quest had a time limit even if it was only to a certain point in the MQ. I guess it was just the nostalgia.

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Guys please stop making the mistake of making us chase our tails again. Yes Fallout 1 had its problems. But it has been 10+ damn years. Can't we just advance a bit more? I will not be defending FO1 anymore but stop saying FO1 or 2 did it too and start saying how we can improve this one.


Also if you missed it this is the damn Game Mechanics thread not Story (and story restrictions) one.




-Getting rid of the slow motion enemies / super fast pc (You can only dial the slow mo from 90% to 10% with mods created on GECK without the source code)

-Normalising the damage taken (Again you can only up this from 10% damage recieved to 90% without souce code)

-Adjusting the hit and positioning calculations (You get a massive buff to hit percentages and if the buffs get too high, the game just misses the attacks. In a similar vein, the game teleports you around randomly when calculations get high due to initiating meele/unarmed attack from too far or attacking with your guns muzzle stuck inside the thing you took cover behind)

-Working the Unarmed and Meele into the Vats system and making them work in ways other than basic "xxx damage to target area" script. These could be making the guy drop his weapon, interrupts, stuns (Not the paralysing palm stuns but stuns you get from closing your eyes with pain), chaining your attacks on different targets (move in hit one, step around him and kick another one then tackle the third guy without giving them clear shots) or even using cheesy maneuvers like kicking one guy onto another while you beat the last ones head in.

-Extra things to be done with the system like spending (100-Ag*9) ap to check your surroundings (6 in particular) in a Iso view,

-Ability to give orders to your henchman/squad,

-Ability to use the things you have in your quick slots (vest pockets, fanny pack, bandoleer, other pockets)

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Guest Slinky
-Ability to give orders to your henchman/squad

Yes please. How many here ran the whole journey in FO3 with dad after he was found to that ship? How many managed to keep dogmeat alive more than 2 minutes?

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I think the point is that Fallout 3 was plenty enough open ended in terms of dealing with the main quest. You weren't forced to love your dad. You were forced to work with him in order to finish the game, but you could play and do whatever you wanted, accumulate massive wealth, and get to the highest level all without finishing the main quest line. Saying that you're forced to love your dad or that the game assumes you must sounds pretty hollow to me. Every game I've ever played has had assumptions about character motives. That's ten years ago. That's twenty years ago. That's this year. So, let's not chase our tails, bro, I agree. ...But let's not hold it against Fallout 3 for committing a sin shared by all games.

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Sure, I "had" to find my Dad, but I didn't give a crap about him or what happened to him.



There's PS:T, where the writers actually worked to earn something. Then there's FO3 where the writers earned nothing and must not have worked very hard.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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WHat about eliminating combat XP? ANd make all XP from resolving quests only? It would certainly make the game easier to balance since the devs would know exactly how much XP was in the game and could set the level cap accordingly. Or vice versa.


Plus it would turn the game away from being such a combat heavy crpg and more into a crpg where you progress by interacting with the world rather than killing everything that looks at you funny.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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That's actually a really good idea. Did any other RPGs do that?

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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