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New Mass Effect 2 character


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Guest Slinky
Then he should say that. Gay goes for either.

True, I totally forgot that Liara swinged both ways, and I have never played Jade Empire.


Hm, maybe I was totally wrong about the whole thing then.


Meh, gay romances or not, couldn't care less :yes:

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The problem with the bio boards, is that they seem to think romances are the main part of the games, which they aren't IMO, instead of the nice rp extra they're supposed to be. Mind you DG seems to be of the opposite opinion, but he's not on the ME2 team.

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That's what I was saying. And you cant get any feedback past them because they're so militant about the issue. A romance or any other affection for a virtual character is notoriously difficult to pull off, and more often then not comes of as feeling forced. Just like the romances in Mass Effect, KOTOR and even Jade Empire.

The key, I think to a convincing romance is passage of time, and time is something recent Bioware games do not have. Epic storylines are crammed in 15 hours of gameplay, the PC is swamped by rapid changes of events and on top of all of that a romance is supposed to foster.

Torment avoided this issue wisely by only starting the romance and letting the plot explain why they wont be possible. It added another layer of RP, and sadness for the fate of the Nameless one and that was it. It served the plot as much as it could.


I dont know how Mass Effect 2 will resolve the issue of the first one. A fully blown romance with next to no background or depth is how the story finished. If they are continued they would really need get fleshed out. if they are not, it makes them even more pointless than they were originally.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I just found pin up porn of Garrus. Oh, how I love the furry community.


Garrus porn isn't furry. It's just weird alien porn.


I personally have nothing against gay people and I wouldn't mind at all if some game had a gay romance, if it is optional. But I really don't see any major gamestudio, like bioware, doing a gay romance anytime soon. Games are a multimillion business and I have no doubt in my mind what would happen if ME2 (or some other game) had a gay romance.


Mass Effect and Jade Empire had gay romances. It

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Imagine in that every single RPG game with a romance option, the only option available to you was a Male+Male romance. But on occasion, it would have a Male+Female option. However, you can only think of 2 rpg's with that option.


Maybe this should be split up into "The Gay Romance Thread" :yes:


Anyways... on topic... I've liked the new characters so far.


That said, I hope Zevran is not a gay male romance as the developers have described him as a
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Mass Effect and Jade Empire had gay romances. It’s fairly obvious that Dragon Age will at least have a f/f romance, and we know the romance with Liara carries over in ME2, even if you play a FemShep.


Society is far more accepting of lesbians, then it is of homosexuals, for all the obvious reasons, sad but true. But there is another nail in the ME M/M romance IMO, and that is the fact the ummm 'love scenes' are sort seen, now with JE they had the faid to black scene for IMO obvious reasons, if they were to do that again in ME2, well there would be some very angry gay gamers. Now if they put the scene in, well lets just say it would cause an almighty uproar, unlike anything seen before in games.


Lesbians are homosexual, what is it with you people and the terminology? If you mean to say gay men, then say it.


Imagine in that every single RPG game with a romance option, the only option available to you was a Male+Male romance. But on occasion, it would have a Male+Female option. However, you can only think of 2 rpg's with that option.


Let's see, I still wouldn't care. What's your point?

Edited by Purkake
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Imagine in that every single RPG game with a romance option, the only option available to you was a Male+Male romance. But on occasion, it would have a Male+Female option.


That sounds like a jail simulator.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Imagine in that every single RPG game with a romance option, the only option available to you was a Male+Male romance. But on occasion, it would have a Male+Female option. However, you can only think of 2 rpg's with that option.


It's not fair, but neither is life. I want to play the villain in almost every game I play, the closest that's come to it is Overlord. :down:


Maybe this should be split up into "The Gay Romance Thread" :lol:




Anyways... on topic... I've liked the new characters so far.


You like Grunt and Saggers?


Lesbians are homosexual, what is it with you people and the terminology? If you mean to say gay men, then say it.


I did say gay later on, nothing to do with terminology, that's just the word that poped into my head.


That sounds like a jail simulator.



Edited by Bos_hybrid
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I guess now is a good time to mention again that Bioware romances are completely optional.




The start of this discussion was that many on the bio boards thought they weren't optional but essential. If you saying there is an anti-gay sentiment here, I pretty sure your wrong.

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I guess now is a good time to mention again that Bioware romances are completely optional.




The start of this discussion was that many on the bio boards thought they weren't optional but essential.


That doesn't make them mandatory for the player.

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The start of this discussion was that many on the bio boards thought they weren't optional but essential.


That doesn't make them mandatory for the player.


It was more about the undue/disproportionate attention romances got. I've got no problem with romances, in fact I can enjoy them, I just don't see them as the main point in bio's games.

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Yes complaining about it on a totally unrelated forum seems like a good idea to me as well :p


:o Bitchy much? Never said it was a good idea, also seems that the ME2 thread would be appropriate for it, given you know it's a Bioware game. But hey I'd rate it on par with the, defending the honour of HL2.

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"That said, I hope Zevran is not a gay male romance as the developers have described him as a

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Yes complaining about it on a totally unrelated forum seems like a good idea to me as well :p


:o Bitchy much? Never said it was a good idea, also seems that the ME2 thread would be appropriate for it, given you know it's a Bioware game. But hey I'd rate it on par with the, defending the honour of HL2.


Discussing HL2 is like bitching about people on the Bio boards wanting romances? The point is that whatever people on other boards want has very little to do with ME2, Bioware are making the game they want. If you want to say something to them go and argue with them there.

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"Yes complaining about it on a totally unrelated forum seems like a good idea to me as well wink.gif"


it IS a good idea. the gay threads is annoying and excessive at bio. the developers and mods at bio, presumably 'cause they not wanna seems bigoted, lets the angry ghey mob get away with spam and other nonsense. so, if teh ghey begins to show up here, why not try to kill before it becomes similar to bio?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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The point is that whatever people on other boards want has very little to do with ME2, Bioware are making the game they want. If you want to say something to them go and argue with them there.


Have no desire to do that, just as I said before, was voicing an opinion, if you got a problem with it, too bad. But you do realize you are 'bitching' about 'bitching'?


Because preemptive action is the best kind!


What's with all the hate? If you don't like the Bio boards don't go there.


I don't recall saying I hate the bio boards, just that some of it's contents raise an eyebrow.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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Because preemptive action is the best kind!


What's with all the hate? If you don't like the Bio boards don't go there.


Who pissed in your cornflakes today? You're just arguing for the sake of arguing on like, the last ten posts.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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