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New Mass Effect 2 character


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... you create content could be impossible to be seen by a large part of your audience. Does it make more sense to invest time and effort into a character (optional or not) that anyone that picks up the game can experience, or one that can only properly appeal to those that played the previous game?


Your argument rests on a rather extreme supposition. There are canon choices on Virmire in regards to Wrex or Kaiden/Ashley. Are you telling me that a 'large amount' of people killed Wrex in a single ME saved game and that they will only play ME 2 off that single saved game? It seems more likely that people who are so into ME 1 that they'll only play off saved games will have more than one saved game. And people who just pick up ME2 and play it will have whatever canon situation it starts with. If BioWare is smart, that's with Wrex alive. It's far more likely that the number of players for whom getting Wrex is *impossible* is 0%, while those who stick to only playing off their single ME 1 save where Wrex dies will be minute.


Is BioWare on the record for acknowledging Canon? In that case, who's in, Ashley or Kaiden?



This is the same with Kaiden and Ashley. A player who *always* has Ashley die is just as likely as a player who *always* rejects Thane. Given that there
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I don't know why Bioware chose 12 NPCs who can join Shepards team. IMO one of the better things that games like NWN2:MotB and ME did was to have small number of NPCs who can join your party. One could argue that they were still underdeveloped (especially in ME) but raising number to 12 ain't certainly going to help. Majority of the players do only one run or quit before the end. It don't seem like good use of limited resources and development time to create way too many party members.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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I think that the more people are made aware that there are cool things they're going to miss in one play-through, then the majority of people are going to play the game at least twice.


EDIT: also add to the equation tha many people these days like to get all the achievements they can. Agree or disagree about whether they're any good or not, achievements are the new sensation.

Edited by mr insomniac

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Mass Effect Update 1.02 has been released: Click


Update 1.02


* The player will no longer become stuck in the Feros elevator

* Quickslot abilities are now disabled in elevators

* The pixilated bloom and DoF on Radeon x1650 and x1950 cards has been addressed

* GPF crashes when playing Quasar have been addressed

* The player's weapon will not auto fire if the fire button is released as an active loading screen appears

* Low LOD on Garrus' face has been addressed

* Reconfiguring the PRIMARY INTERACT key (Default set to E) to any other key will no longer make the ENTER key interact TWICE when used.

* Player will not become stuck in his action station in elevators (primarily occurred in the Peak 15 elevators)

* Occasional crash when encountering Rachni on UNC_73 has been addressed

* Using the enter key to add and remove talent points will function properly

* GUI: Pressing U when first getting control of Shepard and then pressing ESC to close it will not cause the player to lose all input functionality

* Romance confrontation conversation will fire after 3rd planet complete

* The player will no longer become stuck when using the Enter key rather than the primary interact key to initiate conversation with certain followers on the Normandy

* Audio skipping during conversations has been addressed

* Addressed cases where Realtec HD audio users were experiencing issues with cut off / crackling audio after patching the game to version 1.01

* The issue regarding dynamic character shadows appearing grainy has been resolved.

* Nihilus and all Turians are no longer missing their face markings

* The issue of Garrus having no lighting on his face until a save is loaded has been addressed

* The game will now create save files when "My Documents" is set to the root of a drive




* -The issue where PCs with NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx and above video cards were experiencing random General Protection Fault crashes appears to have been fixed with the GeForce 182.06+ drivers. Please ensure when playing Mass Effect that all PC drivers are up to date.

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Is BioWare on the record for acknowledging Canon? In that case, who's in, Ashley or Kaiden?


Yes. They haven't told us.



I know. "As you say, they hope to have content only available to those that have ME1, but they're still going to do it in moderation."


Whatever, it's a moot point.




Edit: I know that some people hate the word 'canon' so how about 'default scenario' just like there's a 'default Shepard?'

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Is it weird that I like having lots of different paths and stuff in a game, but almost never replay them?


I just don't feel like trudging through the same stuff again. On the other hand when I see a path split, I go down one to see where it goes and then check out the other as well, so that I don't miss anything.

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I wonder when a patch removing DRM from ME will come out. Then the game might be worth buying.


It's already out. Isn't it? I read the article about it and spore months ago. I'm also sure the steam version doesn't have it.


On that note is the limited install thing back for ME2?


I'm pretty sure that style of DRM is dead. For DA:O everyone that buys DA new gets Shale(pc companion) for those that buy it second hand pay $14.95. I think they might be using Stardocks model. Which is a good thing.

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I wonder when a patch removing DRM from ME will come out. Then the game might be worth buying.


It's already out. Isn't it? I read the article about it and spore months ago. I'm also sure the steam version doesn't have it.


On that note is the limited install thing back for ME2?


I'm pretty sure that style of DRM is dead. For DA:O everyone that buys DA new gets Shale(pc companion) for those that buy it second hand pay $14.95. I think they might be using Stardocks model. Which is a good thing.


I don't know, that's the first I hear of it. Maria will enlighten us when she gets around to it.


DAO uses a regular disk check.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Guest Slinky
I don't know, that's the first I hear of it. Maria will enlighten us when she gets around to it.

ME has never had any need for the DVD except for installing, but there is the stupid 5 installs limit. There is a tool that can unactivate used activations and so get them back, and apparantly that tool has been added to 1.02 patch. Don't know how the steam version goes with the activations.


ME2 DRM cheme has not been determined, as far I know.

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Guest Slinky
* Romance confrontation conversation will fire after 3rd planet complete

Romance "confrontation"? Did I miss anything?

If you are nice both to Ashley and Liara, they will confront you and make you to decide which you want to warm your bed. If you pick Liara, Ashley will go ballistic. If you pick Ashley, Liara will go like "Oh okay". If you try to pick them both, they both go ballistic. Can't remember can you show the door to both of them.


That confrontation worked just fine in my game, so it's probably some individual bug if it doesn't happen.




Looks like the PC version of the second DLC is out.... and surprise surprise, it is not free like the first one! And you have to get it from EA store with EA downloader! Just wonderful!

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* Romance confrontation conversation will fire after 3rd planet complete

Romance "confrontation"? Did I miss anything?

If you are nice both to Ashley and Liara, they will confront you and make you to decide which you want to warm your bed. If you pick Liara, Ashley will go ballistic. If you pick Ashley, Liara will go like "Oh okay". If you try to pick them both, they both go ballistic. Can't remember can you show the door to both of them.


That confrontation worked just fine in my game, so it's probably some individual bug if it doesn't happen.




Looks like the PC version of the second DLC is out.... and surprise surprise, it is not free like the first one! And you have to get it from EA store with EA downloader! Just wonderful!


Really? I completely missed that. Love triangle between a blue alien and a xenophobic human, that almost warrants a second playthrough alone :lol:

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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i really want to know the default on whether ashley or kaidan survived.


I hated kaiden so he better be dead! (did anyone else think he was obnoxious as hell?- come to think of it, I didnt like most of the npc's personalities.)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I really dug his sad childhood :lol:


i disliked him so strongly from the beginning I never asked about his childhood.



Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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lol, I was so happy when I found out that I could leave kaidan to die! I actually wondered if the game set that up because it could tell I hated him.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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If you pick the both, Liara was still okay with it I think.


Liara showed a remarkable amount of thought and level-headedness while still landing a few zingers on Ashley/Kaiden, especially for someone who's never been in a relationship before.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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If you pick the both, Liara was still okay with it I think.


Liara showed a remarkable amount of thought and level-headedness while still landing a few zingers on Ashley/Kaiden, especially for someone who's never been in a relationship before.


I love how there are 100+ year old aliens who are still "young" and haven't learned anything about other people in all that time. I'm sure there's a TVtrope for that...

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