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Since NWN3 is rumoured to be a MMORPG, how about a return to an old (favourite) D+D Campaign setting?


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There are going to be non-DnD CRPGs in the future, and Obsidian will (touch wood) make some of them, so why restrict yourself to DnD ones?


Why can't Obsidian do both? D+D and non D+D


And since people above have suggested that 4E plays like a CRPG or MMO - doesn't it make sense for Obsidian to use the system (I see a lot of negativity towards 4e - which I haven't played, my D+D PNP era was 2nd edition - and I've often wondered how many people have merely read the rules and took a dislike without actually playing the system - cos there does seem quite a few people like that)


If you want to see why people dislike 4e, check the link in my last post.


All the DnD settings come with having to make a deal with Wizards of the Coast and probably giving them some of the profits and having them "verify" all your stuff.


As someone whose knowledge of D+D 3rd edition and above comes from playing CRPGs i have no problem with the use of 4e as the basis of the next D+D CRPG - for me the important thing is the adventure and the setting (and a toolset which goes with both), i wouldn't even mind if Obsididian done a PLANSCAPE-esque adventure using there own rpg system (as long as they change enough details to avoid copyright infingement).

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As someone whose knowledge of D+D 3rd edition and above comes from playing CRPGs i have no problem with the use of 4e as the basis of the next D+D CRPG - for me the important thing is the adventure and the setting (and a toolset which goes with both), i wouldn't even mind if Obsididian done a PLANSCAPE-esque adventure using there own rpg system (as long as they change enough details to avoid copyright infingement).


What's with the Planescape-esque stuff you keep wanting so badly? What's wrong with an original setting? As much as I love Planescape, it's not the end all be all of RPG settings.

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As someone whose knowledge of D+D 3rd edition and above comes from playing CRPGs i have no problem with the use of 4e as the basis of the next D+D CRPG - for me the important thing is the adventure and the setting (and a toolset which goes with both), i wouldn't even mind if Obsididian done a PLANSCAPE-esque adventure using there own rpg system (as long as they change enough details to avoid copyright infingement).


What's with the Planescape-esque stuff you keep wanting so badly? What's wrong with an original setting? As much as I love Planescape, it's not the end all be all of RPG settings.



because there is so much scope to the PLANESCAPE - it can literally be any setting you desire - there is an infinite amount of planes after all. All of the CRPG have had very generic settings with relatively few exceptions (PLANESCAPE being one of them) and PLANESCAPE so memorable that even after 10 years I still platying the game and talking about it.

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As someone whose knowledge of D+D 3rd edition and above comes from playing CRPGs i have no problem with the use of 4e as the basis of the next D+D CRPG - for me the important thing is the adventure and the setting (and a toolset which goes with both), i wouldn't even mind if Obsididian done a PLANSCAPE-esque adventure using there own rpg system (as long as they change enough details to avoid copyright infingement).


What's with the Planescape-esque stuff you keep wanting so badly? What's wrong with an original setting? As much as I love Planescape, it's not the end all be all of RPG settings.



because there is so much scope to the PLANESCAPE - it can literally be any setting you desire - there is an infinite amount of planes after all. All of the CRPG have had very generic settings with relatively few exceptions (PLANESCAPE being one of them) and PLANESCAPE so memorable that even after 10 years I still platying the game and talking about it.


That trait is not unique to Planescape, it's up to the imagination of the people who make the setting for the potential game.


The Planescape license is dead and buried, WotC would probably want any RPG makers to use their crappy new cosmology with their awesome new planes like the Feywild.


EDIT: Why do you feel the need to fully capitalize "Planescape"?

Edited by Purkake
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That trait is not unique to Planescape, it's up to the imagination of the people who make the setting for the potential game.


The Planescape license is dead and buried, WotC would probably want any RPG makers to use their crappy new cosmology with their awesome new planes like the Feywild.


EDIT: Why do you feel the need to fully capitalize "Planescape"?


The setting is important - it's the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, Star trek and Babylon 5, Doctor Who and Back to the Future. - All are Sci-Fi, but all have their unique vision and philosophies . In the case of PLANESCAPE and FORGOTTEN REALMS, its like the difference between Bladerunner and Ewoks:The Battle for Endor.



Sigil (which still exists even in 4e) is such a unique setting with a wonderful mysterious atmosphere were nothing (or very little) worked in the same way as in the generic worlds (remember charms instead of potions for example). I'm not just on about the city itself, I am on about the whole PLANESCAPE ethos, its everything from the language of the characters to the Factions. The rule of three to belief defines reality. The PLANESCAPE setting was about more than Hack and Slash - philosophy and belief was just as (if not more) important. The role playing opportunities (as opposed to the dice throwing bits) were far greater and the setting didn't shrik away from the seemer side of life either - PLANESCAPE was definitely for the more mature gamer.


As I have said in previous posts the elements that made up the setting (Sigil and the the Lady Of Pain, the inner planes the outer planes etc) all still exist. Granted they have been watered down (made more child friendly i guess) but they are still there. I think even in their simplified nature, Obsidian could make so much with them. Like I say if the PLANESCAPE name is dead, Call it Sigil and beyond or Sigil Days or whatever. After all I'm pretty sure that Neverwinter is just a city within a campaign setting.


Okay, I'll put to you this way. If there is another D+D game which setting would you prefer - PLANESCAPE (or Sigil Days if you prefer) or FORGOTTEN REALMS? (and don't just say I won't buy another D+D game - this is a hypothetical question about which you would prefer to see not what you think of 4e)


As to why I type PLANESCAPE in capitals, err.... there is an an archaic reason which involves many strange secrets that I can't tell - or to be honest I haven't a clue. I just do. In my defence I did with FORGOTTEN REALMS as well.

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I didn't say that Planescape isn't great. What I said was that there's no reason it has to be only great setting. There's no point drooling over it's greatness as it is dead and buried. I'm pretty sure Sigil goes with the Planescape trademark.


You don't have to copy Planescape to make a great game or setting, every setting doesn't have to be generic medieval Europe with magic. I'd like them to try something completely different, something that hasn't been done before.

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I didn't say that Planescape isn't great. What I said was that there's no reason it has to be only great setting. There's no point drooling over it's greatness as it is dead and buried. I'm pretty sure Sigil goes with the Planescape trademark.


You don't have to copy Planescape to make a great game or setting, every setting doesn't have to be generic medieval Europe with magic. I'd like them to try something completely different, something that hasn't been done before.


Perhaps I'm greedy, but wouldnt mind seeing something new either. The point of this topic however was a replacement D+D single player franchise if NWN goes down the MMO route of SW:TOR.


I don't Think Sigil does go with the PLANESCAPE trademark, because Sigil does have a section of its own in the 4e Manual of the Planes, and therefore is still a valid setting.



EDIT: besides with a 'Sigil Days' campaign bein set in a multiverse, you could have something compltely new within the same enviroment. You could even have trips to DRAGONLANCE and FORGOTTEN WORLDS planes if wanted, so everyone wins wit a 'Sigil Days' campaign.


If anyone can come up with a decent name rather than 'Sigil Days' I would be very much obligied, since everyone keeps telling me the PLANESCAPE name is dead and buried,

Edited by CrazyPea
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That trait is not unique to Planescape, it's up to the imagination of the people who make the setting for the potential game.


The Planescape license is dead and buried, WotC would probably want any RPG makers to use their crappy new cosmology with their awesome new planes like the Feywild.


EDIT: Why do you feel the need to fully capitalize "Planescape"?


The setting is important - it's the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, Star trek and Babylon 5, Doctor Who and Back to the Future. - All are Sci-Fi, but all have their unique vision and philosophies . In the case of PLANESCAPE and FORGOTTEN REALMS, its like the difference between Bladerunner and Ewoks:The Battle for Endor.

To be more accurate, it's the difference between TOS(s :lol: )/TNG/VOY/ENT and DS9. Yeah, DS9 is great - I own four seasons on DVD, I like it a lot - but it's still Star Trek, and you can't escape that, and no matter how much it breaks the mould, it's still tied into being Star Trek and infected with that flavouring.


Edit: Also, shouldn't the title for this putative NWN-in-Sigil really be Days of Our Hives? o:)

Edited by Darth InSidious

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I would just point out that while "Planescape" is dead "Torment" isn't. WotC still maintains a trademark registration against it (Reg# 2778296, if anyone's really interested and knows TESS) so there's no inherent block to a Torment 2.


Most interesting thing about Planescape as an IP is that apparently in 2003 they were planning on making a TV series (!) in the setting as there's an expired registration against Planescape for use in TV.

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The Next 4E Campaign Setting


And finally (or for those of you scrolling down to the bottom!), Bill announced the next campaign setting for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons:


Dark Sun Campaign Guide




One wonders if Obsidians SEKRET Project is perhaps this setting???

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I would just point out that while "Planescape" is dead "Torment" isn't. WotC still maintains a trademark registration against it (Reg# 2778296, if anyone's really interested and knows TESS) so there's no inherent block to a Torment 2.


Most interesting thing about Planescape as an IP is that apparently in 2003 they were planning on making a TV series (!) in the setting as there's an expired registration against Planescape for use in TV.



So, since everything needed exists in 4th Edition and the TM is there, there is nothing to stop Obsidian making a 'Torment 2: Sigil Days' RPG :)


Still need a better name though lol - Howabout 'Torment 2: The City of Doors.'

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So, since everything needed exists in 4th Edition and the TM is there, there is nothing to stop Obsidian making a 'Torment 2: Sigil Days' RPG :)

Except it isn't really Obsdians decision to make? :)


Atari are the ones who has to have the desire (and money) to make it, since they have the publication rights and investment power and WotC/Hasbro owning the IP has the final word on it.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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So, since everything needed exists in 4th Edition and the TM is there, there is nothing to stop Obsidian making a 'Torment 2: Sigil Days' RPG :)

Except it isn't really Obsdians decision to make? :)


Atari are the ones who has to have the desire (and money) to make it, since they have the publication rights and investment power and WotC/Hasbro owning the IP has the final word on it.


So if Obsidian wanted to make a D+D game they couldn't turn to Atari/WOTC and say 'We've got an idea.... We think there is a market for a Torment 2/Sigil-based D+D RPG'?


You know, a sales pitch?

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For all we know, Obsidian may had done it. And got turned down.



They may have done, but there again they may not have done.


It is so easy to be dismissive and negative about things. Imagine for a second what could be accomplished if people stopped looking for reasons no to do things and started looking at ways that things could be done instead.

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Not denying the possibilities. I simply gave one of them which, whether its pessimistic or otherwise, we will never know the private dealings made between Obsidian any any publishers involved until years later.


The cancelled Seven Dwarves RPG for instance.

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Not denying the possibilities. I simply gave one of them which, whether its pessimistic or otherwise, we will never know the private dealings made between Obsidian any any publishers involved until years later.


The cancelled Seven Dwarves RPG for instance.


Perfectly true, but since we don't know according to the schrodinger, that makes both possiblities true (or at least according to his cat :)), so I choose the possiblity that a pitch hasn't been tried yet until I find out differently:)

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Doesn't this make interesting reading? A description of the upcoming Dungeon Masters guide 2:-


This core rulebook for the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game features advice and rules for Dungeon Masters of all levels of experience, with a particular focus on running adventures and campaigns in the paragon tier (levels 11

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Doesn't this make interesting reading? A description of the upcoming Dungeon Masters guide 2:-


This core rulebook for the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game features advice and rules for Dungeon Masters of all levels of experience, with a particular focus on running adventures and campaigns in the paragon tier (levels 11

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I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea, crazy. In fact, it could be cool. I guess I'm like the rest of the folks here in that I don't think it can happen. However, it's only as crazy as convincing the license holders that it will make money. Do that, and you've got it. Sure it sounds crazy crazy crazy, but it's a crazy world in which we live.

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I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea, crazy. In fact, it could be cool. I guess I'm like the rest of the folks here in that I don't think it can happen. However, it's only as crazy as convincing the license holders that it will make money. Do that, and you've got it. Sure it sounds crazy crazy crazy, but it's a crazy world in which we live.




All it would take is to show there is a viable market for Torment 2: City Of Doors. So lets do that. Tather than say it's not going to hapen or PLANESCAPE is dead get over it or 4th Edition sucks etc Let's just focus on proving there is a viable market for the game.


So to future posters I ask one favour - post here if you want to see a Torment 2: City Of Doors, naysayers please naysay somewhere else -_-

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