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Dragon Age Discussion


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sadly, this delayed release news actually comes as a bit of a relief to Gromnir. our primary desktop at home is getting a tad long in the tooth, and we were serious considering building a new gaming rig. the thing is, the only pc game we is genuine looking forward to in near future is/was dragon age. felt a bit odd to be spending $1500 for a bunch o' new hardware that would only be needed for 1 game over the course o' the next 6-8 months.


am much preferring pc gaming, but there is simply so few exclusive pc releases that interest Gromnir nowadays. soz were the only one we bought in last 8 months.


just not worth the effort and expense to build a new rig for one game that will also be release on xbox at same time.


HA! Good Fun!



That's essentially my problem, as well. I spoiled myself a few months back and got an Alienware laptop (after spending all day fixing computers, building one is the LAST thing that I want to do when I get home, so I purchase my home systems). I was really looking forward to playing Dragon Age on it. Unfortunately, with a simultaneous release, I am not so sure that I'll actually get it for the PC. It's a minor pain hooking up my laptop to the widescreen, whereas my PS3 is constantly hooked up to it. My wife loves to watch me play RPGs (and RTS games, too; weird), so she prefers me playing games on the PS3 as opposed to the laptop. It's not so much that I have to get it on PS3 (or that I'm being forced to), but the opportunity cost for waiting for the PS3 cost (6 months of extra time on the PC) is much lower now.


Have you considered the fact that the controls on PS3 will probably be inferior to the PC. I don't want a console vs PC war here, but the game was clearly designed for the PC in the beginning at least. Also the PC version will probably be cheaper.

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The GUI for the PC will be totally different than the GUI for the console. Bioware has stated this.


That's great, but they can't change the whole combat and movement system around for the different platforms, right? At least one of them is going to suffer, I hope that both won't.

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The GUI for the PC will be totally different than the GUI for the console. Bioware has stated this.


That's great, but they can't change the whole combat and movement system around for the different platforms, right? At least one of them is going to suffer, I hope that both won't.

Who says they can't?

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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The GUI for the PC will be totally different than the GUI for the console. Bioware has stated this.


That's great, but they can't change the whole combat and movement system around for the different platforms, right? At least one of them is going to suffer, I hope that both won't.

Who says they can't?


I don't think that there has been a single instance where the basic gameplay mechanics have been significantly changed between the PC and console versions, especially for simultaneous release.(correct me if I'm wrong)


Props to them if they do, but that would be almost like making 2 different games and I don't see such dedication from Bioware or EA.

Edited by Purkake
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The only main difference is going to be the control scheme of the two versions. A game engine can handle more than one type of GUI.


What I'm trying to say is that the GUI won't be the main problem. You will move your dudes around either by clicking on the ground ala Baldur's Gate or with the keys/analog stick. One of those methods will work, since it was the original one and one will have been added later and will probably have problems. Also, in combat you will either click to select the target for your spell so that you can aim the spell at the ground/whatever or you will cycle through targets with the shoulder buttons and be limited in your targeting.


See the difference? You can't just "change the control scheme" because the way a gamepad works is significantly different from the way mouse/keyboard work.

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Sure. The OP was:


I am wondering if the pc and console versions are going to be the same or is dragon age going to go the route of the Baldurs gate games. I hope they are the same because I am not a pc gamer I game on an xbox 360 but I really want the full experience of the dragon age world. I already have the game reserved so either way I will be getting it because the console versions of Baldurs gate were still fun. I am also planning to buy the book that comes out. I really feel like this is going to be a truly immersive experience, like I said, as long I am able to get the whole experience.


and Priestly's response was:


Each version will be best suited to the platform that it is targeted for. This means that things like controls and menu system will be best suited for the platform. We will have more information on the differences as we get closer to launch.
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Dragon Age will be released this year? Who-hooo! This is good news for me, i thought that is was supposed to be released sometime in 2010.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Sure. The OP was:


I am wondering if the pc and console versions are going to be the same or is dragon age going to go the route of the Baldurs gate games. I hope they are the same because I am not a pc gamer I game on an xbox 360 but I really want the full experience of the dragon age world. I already have the game reserved so either way I will be getting it because the console versions of Baldurs gate were still fun. I am also planning to buy the book that comes out. I really feel like this is going to be a truly immersive experience, like I said, as long I am able to get the whole experience.


and Priestly's response was:


Each version will be best suited to the platform that it is targeted for. This means that things like controls and menu system will be best suited for the platform. We will have more information on the differences as we get closer to launch.


Ok, I guess I will wait and see.

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Dragon Age will be released this year? Who-hooo! This is good news for me, i thought that is was supposed to be released sometime in 2010.


Until its on the shelves hope for the best, expect the worse. Both nwn1 and nwn2 got pushed back at least once. It happens in PC dev to every game. I can't recall any recent game that was released on the initial target date. Hells sims3 was just pushed back from this month to june! lol

Admin of World of Darkness Online News

News/Community site for the WoD MMORPG



Jericho sassed me so I broke into his house and stabbed him to death in his sleep. Problem solved. - J.E. Sawyer


"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente


Expecting "innovation" from Bioware is like expecting "normality" from Valve -Moatilliatta

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sadly, this delayed release news actually comes as a bit of a relief to Gromnir. our primary desktop at home is getting a tad long in the tooth, and we were serious considering building a new gaming rig. the thing is, the only pc game we is genuine looking forward to in near future is/was dragon age. felt a bit odd to be spending $1500 for a bunch o' new hardware that would only be needed for 1 game over the course o' the next 6-8 months.


am much preferring pc gaming, but there is simply so few exclusive pc releases that interest Gromnir nowadays. soz were the only one we bought in last 8 months.


just not worth the effort and expense to build a new rig for one game that will also be release on xbox at same time.


HA! Good Fun!



That's essentially my problem, as well. I spoiled myself a few months back and got an Alienware laptop (after spending all day fixing computers, building one is the LAST thing that I want to do when I get home, so I purchase my home systems). I was really looking forward to playing Dragon Age on it. Unfortunately, with a simultaneous release, I am not so sure that I'll actually get it for the PC. It's a minor pain hooking up my laptop to the widescreen, whereas my PS3 is constantly hooked up to it. My wife loves to watch me play RPGs (and RTS games, too; weird), so she prefers me playing games on the PS3 as opposed to the laptop. It's not so much that I have to get it on PS3 (or that I'm being forced to), but the opportunity cost for waiting for the PS3 cost (6 months of extra time on the PC) is much lower now.


Have you considered the fact that the controls on PS3 will probably be inferior to the PC. I don't want a console vs PC war here, but the game was clearly designed for the PC in the beginning at least. Also the PC version will probably be cheaper.


am assuming from the get-go that the pc controls is superior, but so what? how much is the superior controls worth to Gromnir. $1500? probably not.


the longer Gromnir waits to build a new gaming rig, the better the rig will be, 'cause we never spend more than $1500 to build a gaming pc. the relative speed at which pc hardware obsolesces and the current infrequent releases o' genuine pc titles we is interested in playing, means that the longer we manages to wait before building a new rig, the more cost efficient will such an investment be in long run.


HA! Good Fun!


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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sadly, this delayed release news actually comes as a bit of a relief to Gromnir. our primary desktop at home is getting a tad long in the tooth, and we were serious considering building a new gaming rig. the thing is, the only pc game we is genuine looking forward to in near future is/was dragon age. felt a bit odd to be spending $1500 for a bunch o' new hardware that would only be needed for 1 game over the course o' the next 6-8 months.


am much preferring pc gaming, but there is simply so few exclusive pc releases that interest Gromnir nowadays. soz were the only one we bought in last 8 months.


just not worth the effort and expense to build a new rig for one game that will also be release on xbox at same time.


HA! Good Fun!



That's essentially my problem, as well. I spoiled myself a few months back and got an Alienware laptop (after spending all day fixing computers, building one is the LAST thing that I want to do when I get home, so I purchase my home systems). I was really looking forward to playing Dragon Age on it. Unfortunately, with a simultaneous release, I am not so sure that I'll actually get it for the PC. It's a minor pain hooking up my laptop to the widescreen, whereas my PS3 is constantly hooked up to it. My wife loves to watch me play RPGs (and RTS games, too; weird), so she prefers me playing games on the PS3 as opposed to the laptop. It's not so much that I have to get it on PS3 (or that I'm being forced to), but the opportunity cost for waiting for the PS3 cost (6 months of extra time on the PC) is much lower now.


Have you considered the fact that the controls on PS3 will probably be inferior to the PC. I don't want a console vs PC war here, but the game was clearly designed for the PC in the beginning at least. Also the PC version will probably be cheaper.


am assuming from the get-go that the pc controls is superior, but so what? how much is the superior controls worth to Gromnir. $1500? probably not.


the longer Gromnir waits to build a new gaming rig, the better the rig will be, 'cause we never spend more than $1500 to build a gaming pc. the relative speed at which pc hardware obsolesces and the current infrequent releases o' genuine pc titles we is interested in playing, means that the longer we manages to wait before building a new rig, the more cost efficient will such an investment be in long run.


HA! Good Fun!


HA! Good Fun!


Why not just play it on your laptop? Unless they really screw it up, it should not require some astronomical specs.


Also, I can tell you from personal experience that waiting for just the right moment to build a pc never really works. If you get a Core i7, 4GB of ram and a decent graphics card($100-$150) you should be set for the time. You can get all that for around $1000 on a good day. You can always upgrade later.


Of course I am not suggesting that you buy a new PC just to play DA.



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The delay is allowing me to get some much needed upgrades before its release. These are the upgrades I am getting:

AMD Phenom II X4 940 (3.0 ghz Quad Core)

AMD 790GX motherboard

Two Saphire Raedeon HD 4780s in Crossfire

1000 Watt Ultra X3 modular power system

6 1.5 TB Hard Drives

Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro

16 Gig of RAM


I will be ordering the CPU, Motherboard, and the 1st video card next week. After that I will be setting aside $300 a month to upgrade the computer til I have everything.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Also, I can tell you from personal experience that waiting for just the right moment to build a pc never really works.

i think that's actually his point... he has no need to upgrade now, so he might as well wait 6 months so he can get the exact same hardware later, but at much lower prices. i do the same, i wait till i'm in dire need of an upgrade and buy stuff that's been out 6 months or so, hopefully right after a major CPU or GPU release (which seem to never occur simultaneously). of course, my "dire need of an upgrade" definition is probably much higher than the average joe's (as soon as i'm bored and want to build another PC, i'm in dire need).



comrade taks... just because.

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I'm gonna upgrade my videocard sometime 2010, when DX11 enabled cards get released. Until then, my fine 8800GT will serve me perfectly.


Funny thats the card I have... *insert x-files theme music here*


Indeed its a great card and I can play most all games on max or not that far from such.

Admin of World of Darkness Online News

News/Community site for the WoD MMORPG



Jericho sassed me so I broke into his house and stabbed him to death in his sleep. Problem solved. - J.E. Sawyer


"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente


Expecting "innovation" from Bioware is like expecting "normality" from Valve -Moatilliatta

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The delay is allowing me to get some much needed upgrades before its release. These are the upgrades I am getting:

AMD Phenom II X4 940 (3.0 ghz Quad Core)

AMD 790GX motherboard

Two Saphire Raedeon HD 4780s in Crossfire

1000 Watt Ultra X3 modular power system

6 1.5 TB Hard Drives

Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro

16 Gig of RAM


I will be ordering the CPU, Motherboard, and the 1st video card next week. After that I will be setting aside $300 a month to upgrade the computer til I have everything.



Egads man, what are you doing with 9 TB of storage?

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Oh, Hades is upgrading again! I see he's always buying AMD CPU's...no wonder he needs to upgrade every year. :lol:


Actually, my current CPU is an Intel Single Core.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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