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Without faith (and, I don't just mean the religious kind as there is all types of faith); you are a very sad human indeed.



I take no offense to any type of faith as long as it is not aimed to cause injury to others, and I'd like to believe that most people base their life on a set of principles and beliefs. The fanatics however do scare me.


Fanataics should scare everyone. I've seen some pretty scary fanatical atheists recently. Thumping on about how religion is the cause of all the World's ills, and should be ruthlessly stamped out...

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


Fanataics should scare everyone. I've seen some pretty scary fanatical theists recently. Thumping on about how atheism is the cause of all the World's ills, and should be ruthlessly stamped out...


Fanataics should scare everyone. I've seen some pretty scary fanatical theists recently. Thumping on about how atheism is the cause of all the World's ills, and should be ruthlessly stamped out...


Fanatics should scare everyone. I've seen some pretty scary fanatical people all my life. Thumping on about how anyone who disagrees with them is the cause of all the World's ills, and should be ruthlessly stamped out...

  Blank said:
Fanataics should scare everyone. I've seen some pretty scary fanatical theists recently. Thumping on about how atheism is the cause of all the World's ills, and should be ruthlessly stamped out...


We agree! Lets be best friends forever!


  Aristes said:
Fanatics should scare everyone. I've seen some pretty scary fanatical people all my life. Thumping on about how anyone who disagrees with them is the cause of all the World's ills, and should be ruthlessly stamped out...


Whereas you, sir, have become my arch-nemesis. The only scary fanatics are the ones I have some sort of problem with! *shakes fist*


I think those buses are really preaching to the wrong religious fanatics. I mean ours don't burn down churches, as a rule.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


Africa is a strange place. Magic, both the good and the bad kind are still alive there. I mean there are people who think raping a virgin will cure them of AIDS. I wonder if the LRA still remembers what it was they were supposed to be fighting for.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


  Gorgon said:
Africa is a strange place. Magic, both the good and the bad kind are still alive there. I mean there are people who think raping a virgin will cure them of AIDS. I wonder if the LRA still remembers what it was they were supposed to be fighting for.


Never mind that. There was the whole business with people hunting albinos to use their organs for muthi magic. While in Nigeria they are afraid of using a gourd as a motorcycle helmet because it might allow the driver to cast spells on you (LINK)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

  Volourn said:
Without faith (and, I don't just mean the religious kind as there is all types of faith); you are a very sad human indeed.


Place your faith in one hand, crap in the other. See which one gets full first, Volourn. Faith, belief, and hope are pretty useless.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

Posted (edited)

Well it's like Curly says, you gotta find that one thing...




Even if faith is self hypnosis, if it makes you happier and more able to deal with life's challenges, who are you to say it's worthless.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


  julianw said:
Well. My question is that people keep drawing the battlelines along atheists and religious people when I always thought atheists believe in the non-existence of God, and is obviously quite religious because of their faith in this non-existence of God. I have always believed that the pure atheists are a very small minority of society where most of the non-religious people are simply agnostic that is to be doubtful or skeptical about the existence of God.


This isn't logically sound though. I don

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

  Maria Caliban said:
  julianw said:
Well. My question is that people keep drawing the battlelines along atheists and religious people when I always thought atheists believe in the non-existence of God, and is obviously quite religious because of their faith in this non-existence of God. I have always believed that the pure atheists are a very small minority of society where most of the non-religious people are simply agnostic that is to be doubtful or skeptical about the existence of God.


This isn't logically sound though. I don

  Hurlshot said:
The problem here is that you have many atheists putting a lot of meaning into the idea that there is no God. Maybe they shouldn't be called atheists at all.


Religious person "There is a God"


Athiest person should respond with "Huh? Why are you at my door, I'm trying to drink my martini and fornicate out of wedlock!"


But you have atheists getting into the argument, saying "There is no God" when they really don't need to bring it up at all. It doesn't affect them that the other person believes in a God, so why bother?


I had a similar approach for many years. I'd simply accept the notion that God existed, but I refused to acknowledge his sovereignty. Why should it make any damn difference?


I do, however, agree with Gorgon. If faith in God is what it takes to make it through the day then how is that worse than my childlike faith in pies and ale?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


Well. I always liked a quote from some 17th century philosopher: I bet on God because if I win the bet I get eternal life; and if I lose the bet, I lose nothing.

  Hurlshot said:
But you have atheists getting into the argument, saying "There is no God" when they really don't need to bring it up at all. It doesn't affect them that the other person believes in a God, so why bother?


Why don't they need to bring it up? Because other peoples religious beliefs do affect them.


This ad campaign isn't selling anything, it's promoting an idea, and is a response to a similar campaign. Ariane Sherine visited a website advertised on a bus that told her she was going to burn in hell for eternity. "Blimey, that's a bit harsh, what should I do about this? Oh bugger it, there probably isn't a god anyway, so I'm going to stop worrying and just enjoy life."*


Of course the creators of the original site could respond with a new campaign: "There totally is a God and you'll burn in hell if you don't believe in Him!" And they'd be doing it for the same reasons the atheists did, as a response to a message they believe is wrong.


"Sherine visited a website advertised on a bus that told her she was going to burn in hell for eternity. "Blimey, that's a bit harsh, what should I do about this? Oh bugger it, there probably isn't a god anyway, so I'm going to stop worrying and just enjoy life."*"


Hilarious. But, God doesn't exist, so it shoudln't bother her. Liek i said before, would you make a couynter adcertsiing campaign if someone made a message of 'You are bad so Santa won't brinbg you Christmas gifts?'. Come on, now. It's foolish to get all up in arms over a fictional charcter that you don't belive in might send you to hell which is a palce you don't believe in after you are dead." L0L


  Hurlshot said:
...But you have atheists getting into the argument, saying "There is no God" when they really don't need to bring it up at all. It doesn't affect them that the other person believes in a God, so why bother?


Conversely, you have religious folks getting into the argument, saying "There is a God and non-believers will either burn in hell or be murdered for heresy" (depending on the religious fanaticism involved, of course)... when they really don't need to bring it up at all. It doesn't affect them that the other person does not believe in a god, so why bother?


You see? Double standard. Society accepts religion's right to proselytize and even impose religious values codified into law, which affects believers and non-believers alike. However, non-believers are not allowed the right even to publicly express their beliefs without a huge outcry which usually ends up with something to the effect of, "why don't they just keep their damned opinions to themselves!"


Now I'd agree to that, since I've no wish to have "There is no god" signboards plastered in public areas any more than I appreciate seeing "Jesus Saves" signboards plastered in public areas. The problem comes in when one is allowed and accepted, and the other one isn't.


If that makes any sense...


"However, non-believers are not allowed the right even to publicly express their beliefs without a huge outcry which usually ends up with something to the effect of, "why don't they just keep their damned opinions to themselves!" "


The problem here is the real hypocrisy is the athiests are proselytizing that they hate being proselytized to. L0L


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