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Mass Effect 2 to appear in GDC

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And yet you were fine with KOTOR.

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I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
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Did your poor feelings get hurt by the fiction pixel female?
No, my feelings got hurt by Bioware charging me $60 for a content free game.


I highly doubt it was any more "content free" than Kotor. :)

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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"Really? How did you aim in Neverwinter Nights? Or Baldur's Gate? Or KotOR?"


I moved the cursor with the mouse and click on my enemy. Just like in ME. Except in ME, I pressed buttons.

So combat in Baldur's Gate is just like in Mass Effect. Interesting. I was under the impression combat in Mass Effect was like a shooter, in that you had to actively aim your weapon at every target in the battle and fire your weapon manually at each and every one of them. You know, like the definition of a shooter.


So is Doom also just like Baldur's Gate?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Really? How did you aim in Neverwinter Nights? Or Baldur's Gate? Or KotOR?"


I moved the cursor with the mouse and click on my enemy. Just like in ME. Except in ME, I pressed buttons.

So combat in Baldur's Gate is just like in Mass Effect. Interesting. I was under the impression combat in Mass Effect was like a shooter, in that you had to actively aim your weapon at every target in the battle and fire your weapon manually at each and every one of them. You know, like the definition of a shooter.


So is Doom also just like Baldur's Gate?


Mass Effect is a shooter. Your stats effect the accuracy and strength of your shots. However, you can aim while paused so you need little to no 'shooter skill' to play it.


This is, again, my issue with BioWare taking a step away from the usual, but not far enough. They'd have been better to do what Fallout 3 did in terms of weapon fire.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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"KOTOR was content free? KOTOR had more content than any game I've played."


ME had more cotnent in its pinky finger than KOTOR had in its entirety. And, it was of better quality.



"Mass Effect is a shooter."


No, it's an Action RPG. Just as advertised.




"Your stats effect the accuracy and strength of your shots. However, you can aim while paused so you need little to no 'shooter skill' to play it."


If you don't need 'shooter' skill to play it obviously it means it wasn't designed to be a shooter. It was designed as Action RPG hence why stats effect your combat. It has shooter ELEMENTS - just like BG has rts ELEMENTS; but isn't an rts.



Guys, just because a game has guns and is real time does NOT make it a shooter. ME is an Action RPG.



P.S.Mkrkeu, no matter how you try to twist it, you attack in ME just like in any game I have ever played NO MATTER THE GENRE - you point, and click. Heck, TOEE which is 100% turn based... you have to point and click for every single attack. Guess that makes it a shooter. L0L

Edited by Volourn


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ME is not a shooter. It's an Action RPG that has shooter elements just as BG is an RPG with rts elements.


But, I guess BG is an action game because the action is all the hack and slash combat. L0L


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Word play. I love it when people can't think outside of genres.


I love it when people discuss semantics purely because they are too insecure about their ability to actually make a point.

Fortune favors the bald.

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There's a difference between how easy a game is and how much player 'combat skill' is involved. IWD has almost no combat skill involved; it uses tactical skills.


Which uses more player skill, shooting a geth with a gun in ME or hitting a mob with an arrow in Diablo?


Or maybe I spent all day looking at < and > and != and >= and <= and I'm a little tired.


Don't lie. You spent all day looking at Ed Benes' Red Sonja images.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Mass Effect is a shooter. Your stats effect the accuracy and strength of your shots. However, you can aim while paused so you need little to no 'shooter skill' to play it.

I know it is. I just love watching Volourn squirm and cry his way around it forever.


The funny thing is that he considers Deus Ex to be a shooter but not Mass Effect.. >_<

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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There's a difference between how easy a game is and how much player 'combat skill' is involved. IWD has almost no combat skill involved; it uses tactical skills.


Which uses more player skill, shooting a geth with a gun in ME or hitting a mob with an arrow in Diablo?


Or maybe I spent all day looking at < and > and != and >= and <= and I'm a little tired.


Don't lie. You spent all day looking at Ed Benes' Red Sonja images.

well << could look like a pair of red sonja's boobies

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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There's a difference between how easy a game is and how much player 'combat skill' is involved. IWD has almost no combat skill involved; it uses tactical skills.


Which uses more player skill, shooting a geth with a gun in ME or hitting a mob with an arrow in Diablo?


Or maybe I spent all day looking at < and > and != and >= and <= and I'm a little tired.


Don't lie. You spent all day looking at Ed Benes' Red Sonja images.

well << could look like a pair of red sonja's boobies


She has more than one pair!? >_<

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Except I didn't tell her to shut up, or that I hate her, or that she's the worst soldier in the world. My reprimand was quite reasonable under the circumstances, and I'd be a poor leader if I said nothing.


So she took what you said to heart, and assumed it to be standard for the course. Suck it up if you don't like the consequences of your actions.


Yet the developer decides to punish me for playing the game the way I see fit by taking away what little content is left in the game. If they want your choices to matter, ideally they should provide alternate content instead of just deleting it.


Even if the most plausible scenario is for her to do nothing? Suck it up if you don't like the consequences of your actions.


Anyway, I didn't even start out complaining about this, I just remarked that she clammed up and thus I didn't see whatever depth her character had, you then proceeded to make a mountain out of a molehill,


Nah, you tossed it in as more ammunition for why this decent game is utter ****.


trying to prove the crappy game is a masterpiece.


Strawman. I pointed it out because your silly expectations and lack of intuitive thinking failed to recognize that Ashley's course of action makes perfect sense. You're just upset because it's not what you wanted to happen. If you tell Ashley that unprofessional discussion is not approved, she restricts her conversations to mission and task related stuff, like a good soldier would. But I understand you don't like ME because you don't have expectations that are in any way grounded in reality.


Anyway, because of your rudeness and hostility I will no longer respond to anything you say.


Yet you just did, or were you looking to have the last word.



It's not my fault that you take two virtually identical games, claim one is awesome and the other sucks, and then open yourself to let your arguments get picked apart for the numerous holes they have in them.


I've treated you the same way that you treated me and other people, but given your disconnect in comparing KOTOR with Mass Effect, I wouldn't expect you to make this connection either.

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