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How's Warhammer Online?


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So far, queuing has been pretty lame. But you can be anywhere in the world and join a queu and you can do whatever you want while waiting. Am I mispelling queu? It looks wrong.


But the scenarios are just one aspect of the game, I prefer the RvR battle grounds myself, which are open to the entire server.


It's definitely an MMO. If you disliked other MMO's, I don't see it changing your opinion. It's a polished one with an emphasis in PvP and grouping.


I can see giving Age of Conan a try, as it is a bit different in terms of combat, but WAR follows the standard MMO gameplay ideology. And why shouldn't it? It's been very successful so far.

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I played alot of the beta.


I liked some things but HATED how spammy the game is. For a large majority of the classes normal attacking is useless and you have a skill that you spam every second in the place of attacking. What the hell is the point of making auto-attack do no damage and instead having you spam a skill that essentially BECOMES the autoattack.


This added way too much useless buttonmashing for my taste.

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I haven't followed the development of WAR very carefully, but I slightly remember that it was very long in development, even before Mythic picked it up from the Original developer. But yeah, whatever. It's Mythic, it's Warhammer, it's gonna be fun. I'll pick up my copy the next days.

Edited by Morgoth
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I'll say that I generally don't enjoy MMO's. I've played WoW, Planetside, and City of Heroes each for a decent amount of time, and enjoyed them, but always dropped out after my first 6 month subscription ran out.


I am really hooked on WAR though. The RVR content is just so much fun. The entire MMO really does a great job with PVP combat, the public quests spice up PVE in pretty interesting ways as well. The TF2 + MMO feel of WAR gives me the feeling that I'll really stick with this game for quite a while. Anyone who enjoys competitive games, even if you normally don't like MMO's, might want to look into this one.

My blood! He punched out all my blood! - Meet the Sandvich

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So, got it today and played it til lvl 5. It's pretty slow in these low levels, so I hope it starts to reach some momentum once I get to higher levels. The game's pretty fun though. Public Servers are a little bit a mess, I expected some carefully designed missions that can be accomplished together, but instead the fights are only confined in small designated areas where stuff gets quickly killed. Got a nice pair of gloves though. But I hope these quests get a bit more complex down the road. What I found more intriguing are the RvR Scenarios. I only tried out one, and I died often because I was still so low level, but it was a heck of fun, plus it's a great way to get XP fast. Otherwise, the game is very solid. Technically not very impressive, and the art style is rather inconsistence, goes from "meh" to "very nice". Anyway, no big deal. On the positive side though, the installation and patching process went smoothly, and the client and servers are all very stable and fast. So far, so good. I have to play more though before I get to see the full potential of WAR.

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At rank 10, I haven't seen much that would make me call the quests complex. The battles get more complicated, though.


I like how the map makes finding quest areas super easy. It makes it easy to knock out 4 or 5 in quick succession.


There was a pretty good quest line in an enemy town, you sneak in and then gather stuff to disparage the name of the local marshal. Once he's under arrest by the church, you have a clear path to kill the local lord.


Some of the orc quests are funny, too. I had to gather knocked out dwarves and put them in barrels, then roll them off the castle walls.

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I see. And it also has dedicated battlegrounds (ala WoW)? So its like a partial PvP server? I dont understand the WO world, whats the point of having both or whats different between a "battleground" and an RvR area?


The point, at least for me, is that I never have to stop doing PVP. I can queue up for the scenarios (aka battlegrounds), and then go fight in the open RvR areas. I can quest if I get bored, or if we've dominated the RvR area, but that doesn't happen to often, so I can stay playing against other players and still level up lots and get cool loot. It's very refreshing.

My blood! He punched out all my blood! - Meet the Sandvich

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I see. And it also has dedicated battlegrounds (ala WoW)? So its like a partial PvP server? I dont understand the WO world, whats the point of having both or whats different between a "battleground" and an RvR area?


The point, at least for me, is that I never have to stop doing PVP. I can queue up for the scenarios (aka battlegrounds), and then go fight in the open RvR areas. I can quest if I get bored, or if we've dominated the RvR area, but that doesn't happen to often, so I can stay playing against other players and still level up lots and get cool loot. It's very refreshing.



I love PvP also. I find it much more challenging then running the same instances, fighting the same mobs that do the same action every battle. However, even though WoW has PvP servers I dont think Id like it too much as I want to fight when I want to fight and not get ganked in the back while Im running normal quests. Sounds like Warhammer has figured out a nice balance of the two.

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I too am enjoying my time in Warhammer. Currently playing a on the Order side, as they seem to be the "underdog" and least populated realm. Right now I'm alternating between the Shadow Warrior and the Warrior Priest. Shadow Warriors are not extremely powerful but I love playing range DPS classes and this class hasn't disappointed me yet. I love being able to knock back tanks 100 feet in the air and their Whirling Pin ability(AE root) has saved my ass several times as well as provided me with some "OMG" moments. The Warrior Priest is a hybrid healer/fighter and is a tough little bastard. It reminds me of the Friar in Dark Age of Camelot, which was my favorite class to play.


I really only have a couple of problems with War so far and that is server pop. balance and longevity. Right now, mostly all servers are Destruction dominated which doesn't make things too much fun for those of us that are playing Order. Plus, Mythic axed Order's "cool" looking tank and left us with an Elven tank that wears a dress and a Dwarf tank which is a short bearded dude wearing a dress. Not that I have problems playing a Dwarf or Elf but a majority of the gamers out there do, so they'll go play Destruction so they can play the "cool" looking Chosen tank. Mythic seriously needs to give Order back the Knights of the Blazing Sun class and they need to do it ASAP.


How long will I play War? Not sure. I played WoW for 4 years but do I see myself playing War that long? No, not right now anyways. Aside from RvR the game has nothing else to offer. There aren't that many PvE dungeons and the few that they have are small. Crafting is an absolute joke which hurts me more than anything considering, in DAoC, crafting was a huge part of the player economy. Player housing was also a great feature of DAoC, not just for storage vaults and ports but you could also find certain trophies in the game world to decorate your pad with. Maybe Mythic will add/improve these things later but as it stands right now I'll probably play War for several months before I get bored and go back to WoW or LotRO.

Edited by Setzer
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I've now reached Rank 10 and entered Tier 2. So far, so good.


Does anyone know where I can find transport animals? Shouldn't there be some sort of caretaker in the warcamps where I can rent/buy some flying beast? I haven't found anyone, and running long distances between the warcamps to finish quests gets tiresome...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I, Gorth, who had thought that he would never join the MMO mob has finally had a change of heart. My general "fanboyism" of the Warhammer universe/setting pushed me to the edge and a friend gave me the last push over the edge. Going shopping for the game come the weekend. May the most brutal faction win! =]

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh, hey, check it out. I was just going to start a WAR thread and one's here just waiting for me! I'm getting this game tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. I kind of dread the first patch download because I've never played one of these games that didn't have a sizeable patch the first time it runs. Still, I'm optimistic. I really love the darker feel of the Warhammer universe. Oh, the WoW universe is dark, for sure, in theory. In reality, though, they just fail to convey anything beyond "do this and get a shiny new sword. Do it enough and get a freakish looking sword that's ten times larger than your character and looks entirely goofy." Now, you might wonder how I could level such a charge against WoW while accepting the exact same transgression on the part of Warhammer. Do you wonder? I'll tell you, I don't know. Maybe it's because I really see Warhammer, both FB and 40k, as a miniatures game. I was exposed to the miniatures game before I found the RPG, so the flashy colors and outrageous gear doesn't bother me. I guess that's not a real defense, but the fact remains, whether I like it or not, that I don't mind the over the top look of Warhammer while I hate it in WoW. TOMORROW! TOMORROW IS WAR DAY! W00T!

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