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Posted (edited)
  Darth_Windu said:
Extremely unlikely, but still at least I'll actually want to play this, rather than 'Star Wars: Lets Grab as much Cash as Possible 2'.

Edited for it was just a rant against Windu nothing productive.

Edited by Theseus
  Lord Miltiades said:
  racofer said:
Has anyone else noticed that Biowhore did not even mention about K2 anywhere on their site?
You mean this?


What the hell. Nothing of this was in their site yesterday, not a single word mentioning K2.

Guest The Architect
Posted (edited)

If Lucas Arts isn't completely soulless they'll give Obsidian a chance to make KotOR3 and reveal the mystery of what happens to Revan & The Exile. Who gives a **** if it's not epic? I liked the low key, behind the scenes feel KotOR2 had going anyway. It'd be sweet to see another story filled with the type of drama and class you get in a good movie or book, rather than a wish washy black and white good versus evil tale, the kind of thing that surely one must get sick of after a while. I've always felt that Star Wars is a fantastic setting that hasn't been completely taken advantage of, which is why I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan by a long shot.

Edited by The Architect
  racofer said:
  Lord Miltiades said:
  racofer said:
Has anyone else noticed that Biowhore did not even mention about K2 anywhere on their site?
You mean this?


What the hell. Nothing of this was in their site yesterday, not a single word mentioning K2.


The entire story is build around K2.. The story of the first game mentioned nothing of a hidden threat or the true Sith Empire pulling the strings or even Revan leaving known space, that was all K2. So it's kinda wierd people are making a fuss about the new MMO neglecting the story in OEs sequel.

Fortune favors the bald.

  The Architect said:
Who gives a **** if it's not epic? I liked the low key, behind the scenes feel KotOR2 had going anyway.
And we have a winner.


The whole cloak and dagger deal with a few grand climax moments thrown in here and there worked pretty well in K2. And, in the grand scheme of things, the plot of K2 only very vaguely sketched the future of the Republic and the Jedi, leaving a lot of room for a game to bridge the gap between the end of that game and the established setting of TOR.


That said, I doubt OE will be given the chance to make it, when they were even denied permission to create a content patch to give a very much needed finishing touch to K2. Sad, really.

  The Architect said:
If Lucas Arts isn't completely soulless they'll give Obsidian a chance to make KotOR3 and reveal the mystery of what happens to Revan & The Exile. Who gives a **** if it's not epic?

The suits do. Sadly, their opinion is all that matters.

  racofer said:
  Lord Miltiades said:
  racofer said:
Has anyone else noticed that Biowhore did not even mention about K2 anywhere on their site?
You mean this?


What the hell. Nothing of this was in their site yesterday, not a single word mentioning K2.

That's true actually... yesterday you couldn't even say Kreia without it coming up on the swear filter...

  The Architect said:
If Lucas Arts isn't completely soulless they'll give Obsidian a chance to make KotOR3 and reveal the mystery of what happens to Revan & The Exile. Who gives a **** if it's not epic? I liked the low key, behind the scenes feel KotOR2 had going anyway.
Obsidian getting the chance to make KotOR 3 would've been a dream come true. Avellone's superb story and dialog writing is superior to anything BioWare, and that will probably include the MMO. But as it was KotOR 2 who hinted at the True Sith, in my opinion, it was KotOR 2 that hinted at a new Good vs. Evil conflict between the Jedi & the Sith. So I don't think you can blame BioWare for doing the obvious here.


What bothers me is Naga Sadow running around the Galaxy as the Emperor when he's supposed to be dead for more than 1,000 years. I guess that'll be explained soon, though.


Anyway, let's keep the MMO discussion to the MMO thread. We still got a Restoration mod to release!


Guys, can we get back on topic please? I know that TOR isn't what most of us wanted, and yet expected anyway. BUT it really has nothing to do with TSLRP...except that the release of TSLRP will probably be the last we ever see of the single-player KotOR franchise.


If you want to go over to the TOR boards and express your opinion, I have a ready-made thread :D



TSLRP Closed Beta Tester

Posted (edited)
  Darth_Windu said:
Guys, can we get back on topic please? I know that TOR isn't what most of us wanted, and yet expected anyway. BUT it really has nothing to do with TSLRP...except that the release of TSLRP will probably be the last we ever see of the single-player KotOR franchise.


If you want to go over to the TOR boards and express your opinion, I have a ready-made thread :D



I agree, Darth_Windu! Let's get back on the topic of how you shamelessly whore around your rant thread over at the TOR boards, on which you bothered to register while admitting you're not going to bother with the game itself!


Go go on-topicness!

Edited by random n00b
Posted (edited)
  Darth_Windu said:
Guys, can we get back on topic please? I know that TOR isn't what most of us wanted, and yet expected anyway. BUT it really has nothing to do with TSLRP...except that the release of TSLRP will probably be the last we ever see of the single-player KotOR franchise.


If you want to go over to the TOR boards and express your opinion, I have a ready-made thread :D



TSLRP doesn't really matter now. If this was released several years ago, I think there would be more people interested. "The Old Republic" has already pushed people's interest further down the storyline. Jedi Exile and Revan's fate will be explored in the new MMO. The HK-Factory and the ending to "The Sith Lords" has finally been fleshed out by BioWare. Look at the new swtor.com site, and you will see how insignificat the HK-Factory is to the overall story. I'm more geared towards playing the first "Knights of the Old Republic" game. Team-Gizka was not done in time, and that is not anyone else's problem except for theirs. Who really cares at this point. I'm sure they did a great job, but its too late for me to even bother.


  Darth_Windu said:
TSLRP will probably be the last we ever see of the single-player KotOR franchise.
Says who? You. "Knights of the Old Republic" is moving into comics, games, and many other directions. There will continuously be room for a singleplayer game. Whenever a series like this is successful, the publishers seem to find ways to keep it going. I'm beginning to think that Team-Gizka has members with big heads. Get over yourselves.


Plus, they haven't done anything visually significant in recent memory. All they did is splash on a few words, and then everyone started yelling, "They are making progress." Where did they make progress? Adding a few words to a webpage is not progress. Its called stalling for time. People are getting bored from waiting.


Well, I hate to burst your bubble, The Wait Is Over!

Edited by Marcus
  Lord Miltiades said:
You mean this?

What utter and complete cack. Way to not even ATTEMPT to finish a story. :down:


Oh yeah, and "high-five*, Archie. I agree. :(


More on topic:

  Darth_Windu said:
Extremely unlikely, but still at least I'll actually want to play this, rather than 'Star Wars: Lets Grab as much Cash as Possible 2'.


Agreed. I'd pay to play TSLRP before I pay for the MMO. And I really can't wait, now. Looks like TSLRP is all we're ever going to have.



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

Posted (edited)
  babydol said:
What utter and complete cack. Way to not even ATTEMPT to finish a story. :down:


Oh yeah, and "high-five*, Archie. I agree. :(


Agreed. I'd pay to play TSLRP before I pay for the MMO. And I really can't wait, now. Looks like TSLRP is all we're ever going to have.

Nonesense. There are plenty of other game mods out there.


  babydol said:
What utter and complete cack. Way to not even ATTEMPT to finish a story. :(
How do you know that there are not any answers in the up coming game? What factors do you have? Where does it say that "The Old Republic" doesn't answer the missing pieces found in "The Sith Lords"? Show me your proof. Edited by Marcus

Look, I'm not here to argue my opinion with you. If you look jolly forward to the MMO, THEN GOOD FOR YOU!!!


But don't come onto the TSLRP thread and spout this garbage:


  Marcus said:
TSLRP doesn't really matter now. If this was released several years ago, I think there would be more people interested. "The Old Republic" has already pushed people's interest further down the storyline. Jedi Exile and Revan's fate will be explored in the new MMO. The HK-Factory and the ending to "The Sith Lords" has finally been fleshed out by BioWare. Look at the new swtor.com site, and you will see how insignificat the HK-Factory is to the overall story. I'm more geared towards playing the first "Knights of the Old Republic" game. Team-Gizka was not done in time, and that is not anyone else's problem except for theirs. Who really cares at this point. I'm sure they did a great job, but its too late for me to even bother.


Your opinion is NOT the people's opinion. Keep your MMO LURVE talk in the MMO threads.:down:



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

  The Architect said:
If Lucas Arts isn't completely soulless they'll give Obsidian a chance to make KotOR3 and reveal the mystery of what happens to Revan & The Exile. Who gives a **** if it's not epic? I liked the low key, behind the scenes feel KotOR2 had going anyway. It'd be sweet to see another story filled with the type of drama and class you get in a good movie or book, rather than a wish washy black and white good versus evil tale, the kind of thing that surely one must get sick of after a while. I've always felt that Star Wars is a fantastic setting that hasn't been completely taken advantage of, which is why I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan by a long shot.



While I sympathize brother and totally agree with you - Lucasarts is just milking money wherever they can. And they're just doing what blizzard did with World Of Warcraft --> enter the MMO business and try to make their game as grand as possible, the better the game - the more money they'll milk from it. And an MMO you can milk indefinately (in theory)


I too, would prefer to see a Knights of the Old Republic III


I think an awesome name for K3 would be "Knights of the Old Republic III - the Dark Path" :( gives a nice ring to the name, doesn't it?



and I hope Gizka's going to be done soon with TSLRP :down:

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster - and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you"


QUOTE(The Architect @ May 9 2007, 05:18 PM)

And if LA announces KotOR III will never be made shortly after TSLRP is shut down, is it reasonable to assume that what happened to Alderaan in A New Hope would happen to LA HQ?

Posted (edited)
  babydol said:
Look, I'm not here to argue my opinion with you. If you look jolly forward to the MMO, THEN GOOD FOR YOU!!!


But don't come onto the TSLRP thread and spout this garbage:


  Marcus said:
TSLRP doesn't really matter now. If this was released several years ago, I think there would be more people interested. "The Old Republic" has already pushed people's interest further down the storyline. Jedi Exile and Revan's fate will be explored in the new MMO. The HK-Factory and the ending to "The Sith Lords" has finally been fleshed out by BioWare. Look at the new swtor.com site, and you will see how insignificat the HK-Factory is to the overall story. I'm more geared towards playing the first "Knights of the Old Republic" game. Team-Gizka was not done in time, and that is not anyone else's problem except for theirs. Who really cares at this point. I'm sure they did a great job, but its too late for me to even bother.


Your opinion is NOT the people's opinion. Keep your MMO LURVE talk in the MMO threads.:down:

Your opinion is not the people's either. Somewhere along the way people stopped being fans of "The Sith Lords", and then they became minions of "Team-Gizka". I wonder why? Do you people have such a low opinion about "The Sith Lords" that is has caused you to lose objectivity? I'm here to talk about Obsidian's work. I'm a raving Obsidian fan. I will express my opinion, period. This thread is about the freedom to express one's thoughts about "Team-Gizka". Good and bad opinions are allowed here.


I'm a Obsidian fan 100%. All I get from reading this thread is how bad Obsidian did work on "The Sith Lords", and how Team-Gizka is here to save the day. I would have closed this thread for bashing my company's software by now.


Sniff. Sniff. Obaisidan did such a bad job. Sniff. Sniff. Someone save us. Sniff...
Get a job and grow up.


Sniff. Sniff. I can't because Team-Gizka will save the day. Sniff. Sniff...
BioWare saved the day. Also, don't call Obsidian out of the game yet. Someday they may just get the chance to make a sequel. Time will tell. Until we have reached such a time, enjoy the third sequel to The Old Republic. Team-Gizka who? I don't know a "Team-Gizka". I only know about Obsidian, BioWare, "The Sith Lords", "Knights of the Old Republic", Lucas Arts, and "The Old Republic". Objectivity dictates such logistics. Edited by Marcus
  Marcus said:
All I get from reading this thread is how bad Obsidian did work on "The Sith Lords", and how Team-Gizka is here to save the day. I would have closed this thread for bashing my company's software by now.


Amazing, I guess you cannot comprehend that most, if not all, of the people who support Team Gizka think that The Sith Lords was a good game - albeit one that was rushed to publication by LucasArts. Team Gizka is not "here to save the day," they are here to make a good game better. As for the "growing up" part of your post, well... All I am going to say is that your little hissy fit is the most immature thing posted in this thread for quite some time. :down:

Posted (edited)
  Strix said:
  Marcus said:
All I get from reading this thread is how bad Obsidian did work on "The Sith Lords", and how Team-Gizka is here to save the day. I would have closed this thread for bashing my company's software by now.


Amazing, I guess you cannot comprehend that most, if not all, of the people who support Team Gizka think that The Sith Lords was a good game - albeit one that was rushed to publication by LucasArts. Team Gizka is not "here to save the day," they are here to make a good game better. As for the "growing up" part of your post, well... All I am going to say is that your little hissy fit is the most immature thing posted in this thread for quite some time. :down:

Yeah. This thread shows it well. People have to get their lips off of Team-Gizka's behind. "Knights of the Old Republic" will live on, and Team-Gizka is a side note. All I care about is Obsidian's footnote to the series. Edited by Marcus

Dude, am I the one that came in here crying about the fact that "TSLRP doesn't really matter now"?


YES. SOME OF US STILL WANT TO PLAY IT. And don't condescend to try to tell me you're a fan of K2. I don't want to hear that crap. "I would have closed this thread for bashing my company's software by now." OK, so with that logic, you love K2 SOOOOOOOOOOO much more than people who are putting hours of their own time restoring stuff that's contained IN THE GAME FILES. You really have no idea what the TSLRP IS, do you?


If you don't like the TSLRP, nobody says you've GOT to play it. It's that simple. SO PISS OFF with your " This thread is about the freedom to express one's thoughts about "Team-Gizka". Good and bad opinions are allowed here." :down:



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

  Marcus said:
"Knights of the Old Republic" will live on, and Team-Gizka is a side note.


I doubt it. If there is a Knights of the Old Republic III some people might stop awaiting the mod, but if there is only the MMO I expect the opposite reaction.


So have we taken a step-back and cleaned up the sand or do I need to get all grumpy?

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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