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Alpha Protocol at E3 2008

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oh he's so dreamy :lol:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Will there be any gameplay footage?

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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lol u r so funny

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Actually, if I was a game developer, I'd only post on Something Awful's game forums, because the slack-jawed idiots and raging, pissy nerds that pop up like weeds in every other gaming forum never take root there. They're either banned for boorish behavior or driven out by old timers. It's positively serene. Josh has posted new stuff there before.

Edited by Pop
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Actually, if I was a game developer, I'd only post on Something Awful's game forums, because the slack-jawed idiots and raging, pissy nerds that pop up like weeds in every other gaming forum never take root there. They're either banned for boorish behavior or driven out by old timers. It's positively serene. Josh has posted new stuff there before.



How is it you're there again?


And what's you handle?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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its only $10 american for an account

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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only if you're superlame

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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I'm a bit curious about the timed response system in the dialogues. What if you, like me, a slow reader of foreign languages? Will the game choose stance for me while I am still reading the first reply? Or are the replies keyword based and really, really short? I know that in Mass Effect, you'd never really know what the hell your character was about to say since what he said sometimes didn't match the keywords at all.. (haven't played it myself though so not sure how accurate this is).

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'm a bit skeptical of some of the features. Sounds a bit too good to be true, and very hard to implement. May be some examples are in order.


Edit: Some similar claims were made about ME in their marketing campaign, and turned out to be highly misleading. Obsidian does seem to be quite a bit more forthcoming than Bioware, but still I'm wary.

Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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It's E3 for gods sake. Where is the AP trailer????

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I'm a bit skeptical of some of the features. Sounds a bit too good to be true, and very hard to implement. May be some examples are in order.


Edit: Some similar claims were made about ME in their marketing campaign, and turned out to be highly misleading. Obsidian does seem to be quite a bit more forthcoming than Bioware, but still I'm wary.


What seems too good to be true?

Let me get back to sleeping. I'm tired...

Avatar made by Jorian Drake

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getting all the chicks

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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