Sand Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I really can't decide which version of HK is better. they way he is depicted in KotOR 1 or KotOR 2. The passivity upgrade (is that what it is called) was hilarious. Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer. @\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?" Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy." Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"
Weiser_Cain Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I'm giving them one more chance to be awesome. I wouldn't call them a bad development company but the games so far have failed to impress me much. Somewhat solid sequels that don't go far to improve upon the original isn't enough to keep me as a customer, I simply don't have enough money. Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (
Sand Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I usually give a company three tries before ditching them. KotOR 2 was questionable, but NWN2 was a solid game, in my ever so humble opinion, so the counter has reset. Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer. @\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?" Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy." Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"
DarkMagess Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 (edited) ouiouiwewe said: I thought I should vent off a little steam and contribute a little to the voices that speak negatively of NWN2 and KOTOR2 because Obisidian Entertainment apparently has the fortune of developing the sequels of some of the best games in history but not the ability to make the as satisfying as the originals. KOTOR 2: I don't really need to say much about this game because there's already a whole collection of threads in the KOTOR2 forum regarding, what many consider as, KOTOR2's terrible quality. I played through the game once and realized how much more could've been done with it. The UI's ok - almost the same as KOTOR1's. The plot's just terrible and incomplete. Dungeons and challenges are uncreative and mostly hack and slash. Graphics are either taken from KOTOR1 or of very similar design because I hardly notice any difference. My biggest gripe with KOTOR 2 is the plot, following swiftly by character development. The plot, as far as I'm concerned, made no sense at all. It was ultimately uninteresting and seemed to have very little to do with anything Star Wars related. Hole in the Force? What? How can you have a hole in the fabric of everything that is? Starting from a terribly weak plot is never good. By comparison, KOTOR could have been made into a trilogy of very satisfying movies. The plot was epic and interesting and the characters in your party were engaging. Which brings me to character development and romance plots. The characters in KOTOR seemed fully realized. I knew who Carth was, and the romance plot available with him was emotionally satisfying. The friendships with the other characters, also interesting. Juhani had a lot to say, and building a relationship with her was a rewarding journey. Now consider KOTOR2. Bal-dur was by far the most interesting person. There could have been an extremely satisfying romance plot there, but it never happened. I've read fanfics that complete that plot perfectly, but I shouldn't really have to find someone else's vision to give me the story I'm looking for. I didn't have to with the original game. I can't even -remember- the human's name, as uninteresting as he was. Their stories seemed to go nowhere. And, indeed, the end of the game acknowledged that by tossing some summaries my way in case I happened to care about my party, but you know, it's not that important. Quote NWN 2: I already got a bad feeling when I heard that Obsidian has the reins on NWN2 because KOTOR2 didn't feel too well. Surprisingly, NWN2 actually turns out to be a WORSE game than KOTOR2. The first thing that catches my eye (and ear) is that the game reuses most if not all of NWN1's sounds, musics, and voices. How very original. It might actually be even better if Obsidian stole NWN1's UI as well because the one they designed's just terrible. The inventory system is one of the worst I've ever seen because it's difficult to find what you need and there are no mechanisms that allow item sorting (unlike Morrowind/Oblivion/others). NWN1 got around that by using bigger and better graphics. Dragging things into quick bar is also very annoying. Unlike NWN1, you can't right click a slow and select from a tree of options. If you want to put knockdown in quick bar, you need to go to feats. If you want a spell in the quick bar, you need to bring up the spell book. either. There's not much to learn about each character and most of the dialogues are not very well written compared to the likes of SoU and HotU. I like the dwarf and perhaps the evil ranger. As for the rest, they are under-developed. There's almost no character development in them. In addition, I thought West Harbour and residents should play a little more role in the game. I don't like how Anyway. I didn't have a very high expectation for NWN2. I merely wanted it as good as NWN1 and perhaps I am asking for too much. My feeling for the game is that it has terrible UI, plot, and character development. Music and sounds are fine because they are mostly stolen from NWN1. Seeing that Obsidian has reused so much materials from previous games, one would've expected superb improvements in graphics but I don't appear to witness that at this point. Most of this I agree with as well. The UI hasn't been improved at all, imo. The quickbar is more annoying. Having to right click and hold on my character to access special commands is also annoying. I don't care about reused voices. But my biggest gripe with NWN2 is the same as my gripe with KOTOR2: character development and romance plots. These things matter! Why, after spending the entire game with Neeshka, am I still asking her who she is? Why am I asking her if she's a tiefling? What sense does that make to have nothing to say to someone who's been in my party for most of the game? I learn something about her past as part of the game, but what about, I dunno, a conversation about what's going on? Why doesn't she have something to say to me when Elanee leaves? Furthermore, it's very obvious that Casavir likes my character. He tells me he's distracted. But that's the extent of it. I can talk to him about Old Owl Well all I want though. Why? Why after a character says something like "I find myself seeing to your safety before everyone else's" is there no real follow up? Why doesn't HE ask ME how I'm doing after there's a big shake-up? Perhaps you folks at Obsidian need to read some good fantasy with romance elements, because you keep leaving this aspect out of your games. It's part of what makes the whole thing a fulfilling experience. And it gives you greater story possibilities. Imagine a plot where a romance develops and THEN your chosen lover betrays you. Or is taken. It's not all about hacking and slashing. It's about living a good book. And good books have characters that you care about. They have characters that you love. You all need to read some good books. Quote My intention of saying this is not primarily to spite the designers of course, but to express the fact that they'd need to be more creative in designing their games and more adept in making better design decisions. The fact that they get good sales for both KOTOR2 and NWN2 is not that they did a great job but that their predecessors (developed by OTHER studios) had pre-built a great customer base for the sequels that Obsidian released. Amen. You're now 0/2 Obsidian. NWN2 isn't bad, per se, but it's lacking. I feel let down by the things that aren't there which keep it from being legendary, the type of game you tell everyone you know to go get. Your games sell on the reputation of Bioware games. And when you don't deliver as good an experience, that hurts you. Do you think you could sell a KOTOR3? I'd be highly skeptical. NWN3? Maybe. Edited February 7, 2007 by DarkMagess
samm Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I never played KOTOR2, because KOTOR1 was kind of boring and I read about the sorry ending of the sequel. NWN2 was really fun though. Yes, it was a shame that all the sounds from NWN1 were reused, and yes, it was strange to have the same questions to ask your companions until the end. Obsidian should have forgotten about the romances (hello, no RL anyone?) and put more effort into developing a more logical dialogue-system with the party-members. Also, it was bad that a thief didn't have a real chance to be anything but a murderer. Yes, NWN2 could have been better, BUT: It's a very good game as it is, the most fun and engaging fantasy RPG I've played since BG1 (seen from the point in time when it was new and I was young and unexperienced) because: The party-members were mostly done much more interesting than in any game I've played. It's just the b*tching amongst them, the unavoidably joining NPCs and the dialogue-system that was strange. Their story background, visual design and comments on game-situations were very well done. There were major motivation points, such as the trial, the keep, the variety in quests and fighting-tactics (if you took an interesting party-constellation with you) The graphics are quite beautiful at most places, and if viewed from the same angle and distance are equal or superior to the renderings of good old IE. The whole OC was so much better than anything from NWN1... I never cared to play HotU's SP-campaign for more than the first 3 hours or so because I don't want to start at level 15 and go epic. That already sucked in BG2: TOB (and BG2: SOA too to a lesser extent). The UI is very good The possibilities for CC are much, much bigger: from interface to effects to possibly completely phantastic environments to the script-interface everything is so much >NWN1. Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority
ouiouiwewe Posted February 8, 2007 Author Posted February 8, 2007 I notice that there are a number of people disagreeing with my rather negative perspective of KOTOR2 and NWN2 and I'd restate that this is all a matter of taste and some people can be more gentle critics than others. However, personally, I have played a lot of PC games and experienced a lot of different cool stuff so my standards may be a bit higher than the average people. I find it difficult to believe that people find NWN2's UI is one step up from NWN1's (No, KOTOR2's fine becuase it's essentially the same UI as KOTOR1). The mini map, for instance, is very inconvenient to use. First and formost, it lacks contrast. In places like the orc camp exterior, it is nigh impossible to pick out which is the road and which is the impassable terrain. Also, the mini-map should've followed NWN1's style which contains the whole map on one screen (and zoomable). It's much easier to navigate this way. The quick bar is improved in the sense that it has 70 more slots than that of NWN1's. On the other hand, it is also less centralized. Many of us would like combat modes and all other actions being controlled through this tab and not in separate places. Also, it is much more convenient to add skills by a simple right click and pick from the tree rather than opening up the character page and drag the thing from the skills or feat page. As for the story of NWN2, I'd rate it mediocre at best, as I've said in the past. It's really nothing compared to HotU, Torment, and BG2. If you compare the character development and dialogues between NWN2 and the latter three, you'd notice a great deal of difference in quality and depth. The "influence system" soudns cool in theory, but I've yet to notice any henchmen who would give me a lasting impression like Morte, Deekin, and Minsc + Boo. Mr. samm commented he didn't try HotU out because of its epicness, but a large part of the campaign's charm comes from its plot, clever dungeon designs, and interesting universe. If fighting is all you care about, you've missed out on a large part of the fun. Anyway, what I say is entirely based on my opinion which noone has to agree with. However, I do think they are accurate criticisms towards Obsidian's two virgin projects. If they are good game designers, they probably should give them some thought and perhaps do a better job next time rather than relying on a series' pre-established reputation to earn them the bucks.
Sand Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 ouiouiwewe said: I notice that there are a number of people disagreeing with my rather negative perspective of KOTOR2 and NWN2 and I'd restate that this is all a matter of taste and some people can be more gentle critics than others. However, personally, I have played a lot of PC games and experienced a lot of different cool stuff so my standards may be a bit higher than the average people. You standards are not higher. They are just different so get off your high horse and stop being so condescending. I have been gaming, in both the computer/console and PnP front, since the days of the Commodore Vic 20 and the Dungeons and Dragons white box. I have played many games and many campaigns. So freaking what. Quote I find it difficult to believe that people find NWN2's UI is one step up from NWN1's (No, KOTOR2's fine becuase it's essentially the same UI as KOTOR1). The mini map, for instance, is very inconvenient to use. First and formost, it lacks contrast. In places like the orc camp exterior, it is nigh impossible to pick out which is the road and which is the impassable terrain. Also, the mini-map should've followed NWN1's style which contains the whole map on one screen (and zoomable). It's much easier to navigate this way.The NWN2 UI is just fine. It gets rid of inventory tetris, which I despise, and the blasted radial menus. Whoever though radial menus are a good thing needs to be shot. As for the minimap it is fine as it is for me because I don't use it. Quote The quick bar is improved in the sense that it has 70 more slots than that of NWN1's. On the other hand, it is also less centralized. Many of us would like combat modes and all other actions being controlled through this tab and not in separate places. Also, it is much more convenient to add skills by a simple right click and pick from the tree rather than opening up the character page and drag the thing from the skills or feat page. I disagree. The mode bar and the quick spell cast menu are two of the best things in the new UI. I love them. I also disagree with the whole skill tree bull. Just drag the skill or feat onto the bar and boom, one click use instead of a 2 to 3 click use. Quote As for the story of NWN2, I'd rate it mediocre at best, as I've said in the past. It's really nothing compared to HotU, Torment, and BG2. If you compare the character development and dialogues between NWN2 and the latter three, you'd notice a great deal of difference in quality and depth. The "influence system" soudns cool in theory, but I've yet to notice any henchmen who would give me a lasting impression like Morte, Deekin, and Minsc + Boo. Mr. samm commented he didn't try HotU out because of its epicness, but a large part of the campaign's charm comes from its plot, clever dungeon designs, and interesting universe. If fighting is all you care about, you've missed out on a large part of the fun.HotU was way too over powered. It was the best out of the NWN1 set up but pales against NWN2. There are just more options for the story to go with all the various party members. NWN2 is no BG2 or PST but it is far superior anything that Bioware did with NWN1. By the way, I hate epic levels. Worse thing ever to happen to DnD. Quote Anyway, what I say is entirely based on my opinion which noone has to agree with. However, I do think they are accurate criticisms towards Obsidian's two virgin projects. If they are good game designers, they probably should give them some thought and perhaps do a better job next time rather than relying on a series' pre-established reputation to earn them the bucks. NWN2 is the best CRPG since BG2, hands down, and they are supporting it big time. I think they are doing a great job with NWN2. If you don't then oh well, I hope you find a game you do like. See ya. Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer. @\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?" Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy." Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"
alanschu Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 (edited) Quote However, personally, I have played a lot of PC games and experienced a lot of different cool stuff so my standards may be a bit higher than the average people. I'm thinking more your standards are different. I have played computer games since the Apple IIe. Edited February 8, 2007 by alanschu
Tale Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 No, no, don't you see, his standards are higher! And Sand's standards are even higher than that. This guy uses HotU as a standard. Sand's more discerning. "Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
Sand Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 HA! Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer. @\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?" Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy." Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"
Xard Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 PS:T and BG2 beats NWN2 for sure, but HotU? Radial menus were horrible, why so many NWN1 fans love them are because they got used to them. I started to like them too, but I remember how I thought for first months with NWN1 that they were very, very sucky. HotU's plot is no better than NWN2's. Dialogue and roleplaying are definetly much weaker. Can't remember last time game had dialogue good as NWN2, propably some parts of K2 and K1. HotU was level ok for me. But by all the hells, how can you say SEER is a deep character? How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them. - OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)
Gorth Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 (edited) My Standards are much higher than everybody elses and therefore my opinion carries more weight than yours K2 was a decent game with a crappy ending. NWN2 was a good game which actually had an ending. Not sure if either of those two games will enter the ranks of classics, but as long as you get your moneys worth of entertainment out of them... Somebody hide this poor horse carcass from the kids with sticks. Edited February 8, 2007 by Gorth “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein
Dark_Raven Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 This being Obsidian's forums, you will have the fanboyz and fangrlz coming out of the wood work. Obs is awesome! K2 and NWN2 were great games! Great games made by the very same great people who brought us such classics as the Fallout series and the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale series.. Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.
Xard Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 And PS:T! :D How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them. - OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)
Pavlos Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 *Ventures out from shadows* Hmm... I think I'll quote myself for my opionions of Neverwinter Nights 2. If you feel like skipping through this excessively long post, I'll summarise: Neverwinter Nights 2 is a truly excellent game that suffers from one or two "interesting" flaws. In 2002 BioWare released the original Neverwinter Nights, featuring an incredible toolset and revolutionising the CRPG scene by unlocking the secrets of 3D and freeing the genre from the chains of the ageing Infinity engine. Not only this but the game featured an epic and forgettable storyline and some truly boring areas, all of which looked remarkably similar to one another. Don -- Do not invent details which are not in the play
Hurlshort Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 So...does it bother anyone else that this thread begins "An user review"? It forces me to pronounce it oo-sir. Very disturbing for a a guy with such high standards.
Wistrik Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 (edited) I've had some time to think about the game and read points brought up by others. I have reviewed the game before, but hopefully I can expand on my initial feelings with this post. My comments will be limited to the OC (original campaign) that ships with the game, as I've spent almost no time with the toolset. Overall the game is pretty good; I rate the OC at about 7.5 on a scale of 1 (should never have been developed) to 10 (a masterpiece worth hanging on to for a long, long time). Story The plot vehicle is the oft-used but still popular "kill the big bad enemy". The story topic is interesting, especially the way the protagonist is drawn into the plot. I thought the Githyanki involvement was well done. The game plays as if we are reading a book; it has a mostly fixed path (two branches but with many overlapping elements) and we are predominantly at the author's mercy, for better or worse. Though I prefer games that let me determine my own path, pivotal plot elements aside, this game's linearity is handled in a way that makes it tolerable. I also enjoyed how the KoS character was developed through various 'history lesson' elements. I haven't played the alternate 'darker' path of the story, but I enjoyed the 'lighter' path. (Minor nit: Lord Nasher twice repeats his glowing speech about you, first in his castle and again when he's first encountered in your keep. The words are identical, and this makes his speech seem hollow, like a recording.) On the other hand, the contrived plot element of Ammon being the KoS was very transparent, especially since we know from watching the opening movie that the KoS isn't human. While I didn't initially associate Ammon with being the warlock in that movie, there was never even the spark of an idea in my mind that he might be the KoS. So I was rather annoyed whenever an NPC tried to insinuate that Ammon was the KoS. I feel Ammon could have been introduced in some other fashion, or perhaps it would have been better not to see him at all until we entered his haven. Almost anything would be an improvement. Characters I've adventured at length with Khelgar, Elanee, Grobnar, Sand, Shandra, and Z (since I can never remember her name). Of the bunch, Khelgar seems to be the most developed character. Elanee is pretty good, but Shandra is more believable. Maybe I'm just not a druid at heart, but between the two, Shandra seemed more like a real person to me. Grobnar is good for some laughs, though I had to get used to his slightly annoying high-pitched voice and manner of speaking. Sand is downright hilarious at times, but can be very level-headed when it counts. The remaining characters seemed to fit various cliches, for better or worse, and I had a hard time liking them. Forced party configurations ( ) need to go away from CRPGs and never come back. Sometimes I want to play solo, but I can't do that in NWN2. No, I have to go to an older game, something made before some... challenged person or group of people... decided forced parties were cool, the in thing, da bomb, a better standard, etc. Even if I managed to get used to NWN2's method of managing parties, the contrived dialogs break any feeling of freedom in that regard. No matter what we do, all NPCs act like they've always been in the party. Thanks to the influence system, this is damning to the player who doesn't make sure to run around with every possible NPC and do all their little quests. It all culminates in the hideously contrived 'betrayal' sequence at the end of the game. I can't describe in words my exact feelings about this portion of NWN2, so... :angry10: Quests Most quests are standard fare, but are handled in a way that keep them from being boring. The one that tops them all is the stronghold. It's a lot of fun building up defenses and improving relations with farmers and merchants. I also enjoy recruiting various colorful people to assist me in running the place. Combat Overall I enjoy the combat system, and I'm glad pausing remains a standard feature in CRPGs. I do wish, however, there was some way to improve on the visual effects for (Great) Cleave and other rapid attack feats. It's very underwhelming to execute a Great Cleave and have my character appear to do nothing while monsters fall down at his feet. The attack looks more psionic (Scanners, anyone? hehe) than physical. Graphics The graphics are generally better than those of NWN. Trees blow in the wind, the sky looks better, the tiled look is mostly gone, character models no longer resemble '80s plastic dolls, and so on. For those able to run the game with all settings maximized, it looks very nice. I miss the animated clothing from NWN, like seeing my character's shirt blow in the wind or when he moves. In NWN2 all clothing is static. Dresses/robes look hilarious when the character is running. I usually give Elanee some armor as fast as possible so I don't have to see her running in that default outfit she comes with. Ugh. So while the graphics are nice overall, there are some gotchas here and there. Sound Some harp on the sound being borrowed from NWN, but all I care about is that it sounds good, and it does. The music is excellent too. Performance Hopefully a future patch will continue to work on this. I won't use the toolset so long as the game is such a performance hog on my computer, and I'm not in that big a hurry to upgrade my hardware when my other games don't need it. (I'm also waiting to see what happens in the hardware world this summer.) There it is, and I think I only ranted once. *whew* I'm sick, I have a headache, and I'm stuck at work. So I apologize if any of that came across in my review. Whoa, can you say "medicine head"? Edit: woot, can't type. Edited February 8, 2007 by Wistrik
alanschu Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Hurlshot said: So...does it bother anyone else that this thread begins "An user review"? It forces me to pronounce it oo-sir. Very disturbing for a a guy with such high standards. Hahaha. Took me a moment to figure out what you were talking about.
ouiouiwewe Posted February 9, 2007 Author Posted February 9, 2007 Quote This being Obsidian's forums, you will have the fanboyz and fangrlz coming out of the wood workYes, of course. This is Obsidian's domain and I expected to be bashed. Quote The graphics are generally better than those of NWN. Trees blow in the wind, the sky looks better, the tiled look is mostly gone, character models no longer resemble '80s plastic dolls, and so on. For those able to run the game with all settings maximized, it looks very nice. I agree that the graphics are an improvement compared to NWN1, but there's also an enormous difference in the system requirements as well. It does have a rather similar recommended setting as Oblivion, which is a game with some very amazing graphics. Quote On the other hand, the contrived plot element of Ammon being the KoS was very transparent, especially since we know from watching the opening movie that the KoS isn't human. While I didn't initially associate Ammon with being the warlock in that movie, there was never even the spark of an idea in my mind that he might be the KoS. So I was rather annoyed whenever an NPC tried to insinuate that Ammon was the KoS. I feel Ammon could have been introduced in some other fashion, or perhaps it would have been better not to see him at all until we entered his haven. Almost anything would be an improvement.Yes, I was surprised too when the PC thought Ammon's the King of Shadow. In fact, I find the Ammon part of the plot quite flawed. His motivations, his requests for demons/devils going back to their cages, his killing of his granddaughter, etc, are all quite questionable. It is as if they are forced so that his role conforms to the intended chain of events. Also, why doesn't he know about Shandra? I thought he used to visit her according to Shandra's dialogues. Quote Great games made by the very same great people who brought us such classics as the Fallout series and the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale series.. Ah. I didn't know that. I wonder what caused this drop in standard. It's very disappointing to see a B-class game when they have made A+'s before.
Blade of Mystra Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Review? Negative: It's obvious OEI wishes it had more time with NWN2. I actually dont fault them for that. The reason I consider it a negative, is because I have no guaruntee they will ever meet the expectations the game deserves. Positive: NWN2's Plot. The diplomacy that OEI has maintained with the community. The improved toolset, improved graphics and dimensions to create awe inspiring modules.
samm Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 (edited) This is not meant to be bashing, but informing: ouiouiwewe said: Quote Great games made by the very same great people who brought us such classics as the Fallout series and the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale series.. Ah. I didn't know that. I wonder what caused this drop in standard. It's very disappointing to see a B-class game when they have made A+'s before. Obsidian != BlackIsle, and BlackIsle didn't develop BG but just publish it, and not mentioning PS:T (quote quoted) is a sacrilege... The Fallout-Team wandered off to found Troika, but I don't know if some of them are now at OE. Obsidian does however have several employees taken over from BlackIsle, the Imperator, the Webguy (Bishop Sawyer ), MCA et al. They don't remake the same games they made in the past, and probably, you're gloryfying past times anyway. PS: T is my all time favourite game, and I've never since played anything coming close to the experience it offered, but it does suffer under a lot of unfinished stuff. IwD1 didn't have any noticable flaws except using BG2's avatars if you installed HOW, but IwD2 did. BlackIsle did have several games cancelled and was closed by dying Interplay. So please don't wish past times back. As with your standards being higher: People have said everything there is to say about this, except: If you have been playing since your youth that is probably a long time gone (no offense, just a guess), it's only natural that gaming per se loses it's appeal. You live no longer in the times where your taste dictates the style of games because you're not in the target audience anymore. The target audience is the 12 to 17 y.o. from nowadays, which I'm glad not to be part of. That's why there are not many games to your liking anymore. Plus: Development did get a lot more expensive and does have to adhere to tighter schedules to create visually interesting titles. It's natural that many other aspects get lost in this process dictated by an unforgiving market. And especially if you take all these things into account, NWN2 will stand from the average CRPG out dispite it's flaws and mistakes (including NWN1 with it's nearly infinite development time since BG1, the boring Elderscrolls series, the lacking Gothic series etc.) edited for better english Edited February 9, 2007 by samm Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority
ramza Posted February 10, 2007 Posted February 10, 2007 I am surprised with all this OIE-fanboism... All I have to say is that Obsidian hasn't done an excellent job these last years. KOTOR2 was crap, NWN2 wasn't really better than NWN1. Some things in the first game were bether than in the sequel and vice versa. This isn't a good thing... I was expecting from developpers such as the oned from OIE to make at least a sequel that would be better than the first game in every aspect. Even before, I can't BIS' products were anything good: the IWD series were just hack&slash games (with average storylines) and PS:T wasn't appealing to the majority of the community of players. IMO, games made by these developpers are nowhere close to the quality of the Bioware games (not that the latters cannot be criticized either, but they are better). You guys just need some measure and stop praising Obsidian for releasing rushed and unfinished products. Back then, BIS was always releasing completed products. The more you praise Obsidian for their average games, the fewer efforts they will make to release a completed and quality game...What will it be next? Half of the game's content will be coming in a patch? I don't like mediocrity nor stagnation... OIE just needs to change its policy and make better planning over the game development period... I don't want them to fall to the level of bestheda or any other of these companies... Cheers and no offence meant. "Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc "I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me Tigranes said: Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it.
alanschu Posted February 10, 2007 Posted February 10, 2007 Quote All I have to say is that Obsidian hasn't done an excellent job these last years. KOTOR2 was crap, NWN2 wasn't really better than NWN1. And here you are hoping that they'll do Jefferson.
ramza Posted February 10, 2007 Posted February 10, 2007 alanschu said: Quote All I have to say is that Obsidian hasn't done an excellent job these last years. KOTOR2 was crap, NWN2 wasn't really better than NWN1. And here you are hoping that they'll do Jefferson. Jefferson is a one-man project and it happens that I have more faith in Sawyer's skills as a designer than those of the rest of OIE' team... "Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc "I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me Tigranes said: Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it.
Gorth Posted February 10, 2007 Posted February 10, 2007 ramza said: Back then, BIS was always releasing completed products. Yeah, like Fallout 2, Torn, Van Buren, Jefferson... Face it, nobodys perfect (except possibly David Braben, Ian Bell and Mike Singleton, but thats another story). “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein
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