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Favorite NWN2 companion


Who is your favorite NWN2 companion?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite NWN2 companion?

    • Khelgar
    • Elanee
    • Neeshka
    • Qara
    • Grobnar
    • Casavir
    • Sand
    • Bishop
    • Shandra
    • Ammon Jerro

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As the title says. For me, Sand clearly stands out. His snide, witty comments had me laughing all of the time he was in the party. Chris did a great job with the writing and the voice actor did his part perfectly as well. IMHO, Sand is on pair with BG2's Edwin and KotOR's HK-47 as far as sarcastic comic relief companions go. :unsure:


Runner up: Shandra. I liked here character a lot. She starts out as a simple farmer girl and builds up gradually from there. She also seemed to get along quite nicely with my Paladin PC, without seeming like an uptight arrogant prick half the time, like a certain druidess. :)" I would have made her my no.1 choice if it weren't for the

dreaded "FF7 Aeris effect" which makes her die on you at the start of Act3. Up to the very end I had hoped that I'd get a chance to resurrect her (this is a D&D game after all) especially when Ammon Jerro found that medallion of hers, but alas, it was not meant to be. Hmm, perhaps she could make an appearance in the expansion (i.e. like Aribeth in HotU)


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*gets clobbered on the head by Volourn*


Sand and Khelgar were pretty cool, and I liked Bishop as well. I haven't used Casavir and Grobnar much yet, but I plan to this playthrough. I think the only character I don't like has to be Shandra; the rest are pretty good, even Qara.

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The construct.


Because I can't choose between one of the others.

Edited by Pidesco

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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The construct.


Couldn't put him (it?) in because of the 10 entries per poll limit, so someone had to get the cut.


Isn't it Qara not Quara?


Sorry, my bad. :( I can't seem to edit the poll anymore so if a mod could correct this I'd be much obliged. Also, if he/she could somehow add Zhjaeve and Construct to the list it would be great :cool:

Edited by aVENGER
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I'm going to have to go with Neeshka, with Khelgar as a close second. Of all of the companions, these were the only two who really felt "real," but that might have been only because I used them the most. As for the others, Elanee ended up loathing my character due to my being an evil assassin, while the magic users never were useful when combined my playing style this time round. The others I never used unless I had to, so I can't give you a real imprecision of them. However, in ending, I will say that I found running two rouges was the best path that I come across so far.

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Sand is awesome. Elanee, Neeshka, Khelgar, Grobnar and Bishop are good too.


Shandra, Qara and Casavir are too one dimensional. Shandra is the worst of them all... bloody sheepwoman!!!!


Its a damn shame that they never banter amongst each other...

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Let's see.... my favs in order.


Khelgar (he's always cracking me up... and originally I didn't think I'd like him)

Shandra (Wicked cool :o )

Neeshka (She and Khelgar are a hilarious combo)

Elanee (The ultimate tank/healer.. plus I like druid stuff)

Ammon (I love this guy's attitude)

Bishop (I kept expecting a romance here... where the heck was it :aiee: )

Valley Gith (I kept expecting her to say Like, ya Know all the time for some reason)

Sand (Sarcasm only goes so far)

Casavir (he was cool until he started professing his feelings. :( Then he went on guard duty)

Grobnar (I wanted to kill him)

Qara (meh)

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Let's see.... my favs in order.




Valley Gith (I kept expecting her to say Like, ya Know all the time for some reason)


LOLZ Like totally. Her voice was to manly for my tastes.



I know :( Her voice actress had just a touch of it, but enough that I kept expecting it. :aiee:


Like, Know the words of Zerthimon are like totally cool, ya Know?

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Sand, definitely. The guy cracked me up.


Neeshka and Khelgar were both memorable, though Neeshka didn't wear on me well. Amazingly enough, none actively bothered me.


Bishop's designed impressed me, sticking a party with a CE companion should have been annoying and illogical for my NG ranger. But he was both impressed enough when you actually accomplished stuff that his hanging around made some sense, and I could say things like "Watch your tongue, or I'll cut it out" when he was especially rude, without losing influence or even having him sulk.

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Gogo Jorian Deliveries.


The problem I saw with some characters is that past a certain point you can't really do anything with them. Neeshka I pretty much sucked out the content fast, but with Sand I was really surprised becuase after the various sequences where he helpls you out (i.e. trial), I really didnt have much left. I did stick with him for quite a while, but didnt seem to have many chances to gain influence with him, either, so I couldnt get all that Luskan talk out of him.

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#1: Elanee


She's more dignified, mature, and level-headed than many of the other characters. I always include her in the party. Thank you Obsidian for creating at least one character whose company I can enjoy without reservation.

She'll be upset if you woo Shandra, but will remain at your side after Shandra's gone.



Runners up: Khelgar (initially unbalanced, funny and likeable), Sand (witty and just, but not a do-gooder), Shandra (naieve but pleasant, gets a raw deal all the way around :) )


So-so: Casavir (agrees with me all the time, but that's all), Qara (immature know-it-all), Ammon (evil, businesslike, stubborn), Zaehre (gith with Persian veil, speaks like a philosopher, friendly), Grobnar (annoying voice, overly silly, friendly), Neeshka (whiney loudmouth, selfish and greedy)


Utter Failure: Bishop (token evil character, must've been abused by his aunt or grandmother)

Too bad this wasn't AJ's descendant instead. I'd bleed him and leave his carcass for the animals, then use his blood to enter the haven. Thus I'd improve the world at least four ways: remove an idiot from society, feed the animals, fertilize the land, put an end to Ammon's twisted methods. :D


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A lot of what Bishop says does make sense, really, even if one does not agree. The dialogue options of the PC in response are also better than normal, which helps a lot. The only time when I felt Bishop didnt really make sense was when he talks about his village. Still, he's fairly likeable as a concept.

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