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And this comes from the guy who cries a river for some individuals beaten up by Uwe.


I don't even know why I even bother trying to explain my position on these matters to you, but I'll give it one more try. If there is anyone being hypocritical here it is you Dark Moth. You claim to be a Christian yet find it hilarious to see people suffer, but then again given 2000 years of Christian history I can't say I am surprised.


So what I place more value on the lives of my family and friends over strangers. Everyone places more value on the lives of the people they love and know over people they don't. BASIC. HUMAN. NATURE. I place more value on the lives of my fellow Americans over strangers from another country because we share the same bond as being Americans. BASIC. HUMAN. NATURE.


However, I do not find enjoyment in seeing other people getting hurt unlike others here. I do not see these two things as contradictory at all.

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lol I luv when pepole soffer


Get a grip over the christian-hate.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Look, you'd have a valid point if we we're some goddamn fundies, but as it is right now we're mostly normal people. And your side comments just look like you are trying to be "lulz snide!!!!11".

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Just to get this straight; has anyone actually written that they find suffering funny? Apart from my unfunny aolspeak.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Incidentally, can I get anyone impeached for NOT telling me we had to go to war with North Korea over WMD? :lol:

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Incidentally, can I get anyone impeached for NOT telling me we had to go to war with North Korea over WMD?  :lol:





Probably yes. Although the actual charges would likely be more technical or maybe even unrelated.


After all, impeachment is a political process.

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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Just to get this straight; has anyone actually written that they find suffering funny? Apart from my unfunny aolspeak.


Dark Moth:

I find the stupidity of the people who actually accepted the challenge funny.


Uwe lied and tricked these people into boxing him, making sure they were unprepared to face an experienced opponent, and Dark Moth found it funny. Laughing at these people's pain. Of course this has nothing to do with North Korea.


Bush is indeed the worse president we have ever had. Man, I am never going to vote Republican again.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Pain? Nah. Apparent lack of logical thought process? Yes.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I'm not convinced that Kim is as crazy as he is portrayed in the western press - especially the press which is US owned and otherwise affiliated.


It's entirely your prerogative, but I decided he was a basket case when he opted to run a represssive police state, kill millions of his citizens by economic mismanagement and ideological fervour ...and have that haircut. ;)




I actually did a search some time ago on the phrase "economic mismanagement" which I decided I had heard too many times about Cuba, Russia, Argentina, North Korea, Sweden, France, Germany and so on, with frequency decreasing as the nation becomes less socialist and more friendly to US business.


If we could just get Cargill business cooking in NK (with what crops I don't know)I'm sure all claims of economic mismanagement would miraculously vanish without a single ounce of additional food ever reaching hungry NK mouths. (w00t)


I think there is a case to be made for claims of economic mismanagement but I also think the claim is often ideologically motivated - code speak for socialist or poor. :(


We certainly are helping to make economics a problem for the NK by freezing their assets. ;)

Edited by Colrom

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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Muso, I disagree.


As Muso said, I found the stupidity of the people who got themselves beat up funny. Those were my exact words, no? I didn't find them beaten to a bloody pulp funny, but they should have had more sense than that. So no, not the same thing, though you probably wouldn't want to admit it. My views on this give you no right whatsoever to judge me as a Christian or as a person., so don't do it. You of all people have no right to go about judging others' character based on their reaction to one silly situation. But hey, not as if you use logic, right?


As I said, of course you wouldn't see the blatant hypocrisy of your posts. It's one thing to place the lives of your family and friends over another, but it's another thing entirely to completely disregard the lives of strangers just because they live in another country. You have the nerve to claim you care about the sufferings of others, then you come along and propose we eliminate an entire population off the face of the earth regardless of the lives lost. Your basic philosphy is, 'they're not from my country, so their lives are worthless'. Funny, that's the same language bigots use. And don't give me that stuff about you caring so much about those who suffer. You're the same one who said yourself that you'd never help out a person under attack by someone else. "Being a hero is a sure way to get killed," you said. Where's the hypocrisy in that, Hades?


But I guess this is to be expected. A while back I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when you said you'd turn over a new leaf. But so far, I have yet to see any significant change in your posting whatsoever. You still show the same blatant hypocrisy and bigotry (anti-Christian among others) now that you showed back then, and the fact that you show it and yet still can't seem to realize it makes my physically sick. So before you go off trying to demonize me, give yourself a good, hard look in the moral mirror.

Edited by Dark Moth
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So I can't judge Christians because I have no right to do so but they have every right to judge me?  I don't think so, Dark Moth.

Since you majorly edited your post, I'll respond to this as well. I never said they had the right to judge you, did I? I said that if you don't like them doing that to you, then don't do the same to me or others. Yet more hypocrisy coming out of you.


I never said their lives are worthless, just that i put more value on the lives of my family, friends, and fellow citizens.  Nor do I totally disregard the lives of strangers from another country.  I said I place the lives of my fellow citizens higher than those of another country.  That does not mean I don't care, but if I have to choose between an American or an Iraqi, or a North Korean, or a Danish, or a Israeli, and so forth I choose the American.  Just as an Iraqi would choose an Iraqi, a North Korean would choose a North Korean, a Danish would choose a Danish, a Israeli would choose an fellow Israeli over an American.  That does not equal total disregard.


Also I am willing to put my life on the line for a family member and a friend.  A complete stranger, who knows.  Never really been in that sort of situation.  Oh, I did try to be not so anti-Christian then I had to throw out a Christian couple out of my store for trying to push their dorctine on the patrons.  As they left they told me I was going to burn in hell and that God hates me.  I get more attacks like that from Christians than any other religion, so I feel kind of justified in my views of Christianity.

But I'm not surprised. You constantly seem to shift your POV depending on the argument for the sake of being right. You can't say that you care about the lives of others then say you're willing to annihilate an entire population off the globe. That does not show you care at all. Nor does that justify your belief that it's okay to wipe out an entire population simply because they aren't part of your country. You know, I'm sure Hitler or bin Laden would say the same thing. If you can't see that, then I really can't waste my time with you.


Blah blah blah blah. You say stuff like that all the time. You always say that you have to throw Christians out of the store for imposing their beliefs on others, then they turn around and say God hates you. It's like the same scenario over and over with you. Even if you're telling the whole truth, which I'm starting to doubt more and more, that does not in anyway justify your bigotry. You're using inductive reasoning, a big logical fallacy, to apply a generalization to an entire religion and group of people. Believe it or not, there are actually Christians outside of Ames, Iowa. With every post you make, you show more and more why you can never be taken seriously. But that's all I'll say for now. This is getting too personal and we're already derailing the thread enough as it is. So until you show that you actually are willing to grow up and stop your obvious hate-peddling, we really have nothing more to say to each other. Adios, Hades.

Edited by Dark Moth
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I did not say we should arbitrary wipe out an entire population because they were not of my nationality. Way to put words in my mouth, Moth. If a nation attacks us we have the right to protect ourselves by whatever means necessary to neutralize the threat. If North Korea never attacks us or one of our allies then we should just let them be. If they do decide to laucnh an attack then that is a different matter.


As for the Christian argument, I can only go by my experience and my experience only.

Edited by Judge Hades
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NK will never have China behind them if they attack anyone, simple enough. North Korea, or the North Korean situation, is nowhere near advantageous enough for China to do so, economically or politically. China might be 'neutral' or make life more difficult for the US camp to negotiate, but in a situation of real hostility China will pull out and either stay quiet or help get rid of the NK threat.


I disagree on this point. I think if NK attacks, it will be with the knowledge that it has Chinese support. Despite China slowly intergrating itself into the world economy and various reforms it is still very much not a democracy and is still controlled by the Communist Party.


I think preserving their form of government is a important agenda for them. I doubt China will just sit back and watch as the US, SK and probably Japan, launch military counter-attacks against NK and ultimately re-unify the peninsula. I don't think China would be pleased with a nation heavily influenced by US policy to be sitting on their border. They might consider it a threat to their system.


Of course I could be wrong. Maybe China will decide its potential economic and political losses far outweigh any benefits gained from supporting NK.


And without foreign help, South Korea doesn't even need anybody else to defeat the North Korean army. Actually, that's one ofthe reasons I want American troops out of there - Americans (regular ones) don't want to be there, Koreans don't ant them there, Nobody needs them there, and in the case of a war American reticence to let anybody else command their units around in any way will simply create communication and national pride friction. Conventional warfare is not at all a real danger for anybody. It's 1/ blackmailing from NK and the continuation of this situation; 2/ from that it could lead to an eventual breakdown of the NK and thus, nukes; 3/ guerilla warfare and missile hits, etc, from NK to esp. SK and Japan.  That's what is dangerous.



I pretty much agree though I believe the South Korean opinion is divided on the matter. Most younger people of my generation want US troops gone while many people of my father's and grandfather's generation who have experienced the war and the following years of poverty and hardship think that the presence of US troops provide a strong deterrence for any more invasions from the North. Though the opinion seems to be shifting towards removing US troops recently.

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Since you majorly edited your post, I'll respond to this as well.  I never said they had the right to judge you, did I?  I said that if you don't like them doing that to you, then don't do the same to me or others.  Yet more hypocrisy coming out of you. 


It was kind of too wordy, so I edited. I do onto others as they do onto me, Dark Moth. Christians judge me, so I judge them. I judge them based on the teaching of the new testament and by their own actions and words, both those I have met personally and the 2000 years of history.


In fact there are only two decent Christians I have discussed these things on a regular basis, and only met one in real life. You and one of my co-workers, a Unitarian, whose philosophy I can really dig.


And yes, I said I will try not to be so judgemental on Christians and well looked like I failed big time, not surprisingly.


Okay, take one thousand six hundred and eighty six..

Edited by Judge Hades
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It's entirely your prerogative, but I decided he was a basket case when he opted to run a represssive police state, kill millions of his citizens by economic mismanagement and ideological fervour ...and have that haircut. :lol:



I decided he was a basketcase when he started singing that "I'm so Ronrey" song.

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It's entirely your prerogative, but I decided he was a basket case when he opted to run a represssive police state, kill millions of his citizens by economic mismanagement and ideological fervour ...and have that haircut. :lol:



I decided he was a basketcase when he started singing that "I'm so Ronrey" song.


I love that movie. I sing it sometimes too, accent and all...you know when I'm lonely

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(CBS/AP) As the U.N. Security Council agreed on the text of a resolution imposing sanctions on North Korea, U.S. officials believe that last Monday's North Korean nuclear test might have been a dud. North Korean officials indicated that they might abandon the nation's nuclear program in exchange for aid and security promises.


Results from an initial air sampling after North Norea's announced nuclear test showed no evidence of radioactive particles that would be expected from a successful nuclear detonation, a U.S. government intelligence official said Friday.


The test results do not necessarily mean the North Korean blast was not a nuclear explosion, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to disclose the sampling results.


The U.S. government remains uncertain of the nature of the underground explosion, officials said, although the air sampling tends to suggest that the test blast was not entirely successful.


Japan's U.N. Ambassador Kenzo Oshima, the current council president, and U.S. Ambassador John Bolton, who introduced the resolution, announced the vote Friday morning after a brief closed council meeting to discuss the latest draft resolution.


"There may some additional changes to the text," Bolton said, "but we do have unanimous agreement."


Bolton said the council's agreement just five days after North Korea's announcement it had detonated a nuclear device was "a sign of the determination of the council in the face of this threat to move quickly."


Oshima said he would set a time for the vote Saturday.


The United States, Britain, France and Japan reached a compromise agreement with Russia and China at a meeting Thursday that allayed Chinese and Russian concerns that the resolution could be used to launch a military attack on North Korea.


The latest draft would only authorize non-military sanctions against the North and clearly states that any further action the council might want to take would require another U.N. resolution. It also eliminates a blanket arms embargo in the previous draft, instead targeting specific equipment for sanctions including missiles, tanks, warships and combat aircraft.


Shortly after the announcement at the U.N., the ITAR-Tass news agency reported that a Russian envoy says North Korea wants to implement a year-old agreement to abandon its nuclear programs in exchange for aid and security guarantees.


Russia's envoy to six-nation nuclear disarmament talks was in Pyongyang on the first known high-level foreign visit to the North since its claimed test Monday.


Haha, their firecracker doesnt blow right and the backpedaling begins immediately.

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Haha, their firecracker doesnt blow right and the backpedaling begins immediately.

I've been wondering about this 'Nuclear Test' since it happened. I'll bet the crazy son of a bitch dumped a kilo-ton or two of conventional explosive down a hole and lit the fuse to make everyone think he had a nuke so that now he can have the respect he 'deserves' in the eyes of the world.



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Shortly after the announcement at the U.N., the ITAR-Tass news agency reported that a Russian envoy says North Korea wants to implement a year-old agreement to abandon its nuclear programs in exchange for aid and security guarantees.


Haha, their firecracker doesnt blow right and the backpedaling begins immediately.


Dude if you still haven't figured it out...that was one of their primary intention in the first place...among other...

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Just heard on the telly a few minutes ago that the US did verify radiation in the area indicating a nuclear blast. With the various interests being what they are, take this new info however you choose to.


I'm not one to take information at face value when the 'person' offering it has an agenda at stake. I would prefer to see the raw data ( ionization values, rad count, GM values, hell...even an electroscope ) for myself and make my own decision.


EDIT...Hey, I just broke 200 posts! :blink: ( for me, that's something )

Edited by tarna



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Okay, so anyway last night I dreamt that I was in some sort of army cadet dorm where suddenly Kim Jong ill was present, in this nice white dress uniform, very unlike his usual dull commie khaki windbreaker.

I went past him and said "hi Kim", and I got a nod!!! OMG OMG :D


Anyway, a bit later he must have been impressed with how silly danish soldiers were bahaving, since he started pinning collar medals on all of us, a very shiny one with an image of himself. :o


We were so proud. :">



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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