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nwn2 barbarian class.....


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Barbarian is one of the core classes for 3rd edition, so yes! They should be quite capable of kicking some ass.


I'm more of a monk man, myself :D


On that note, is the level cap / experience system the same one used in the original NWN? That is, do less powerful enemies decrease in xp value as you go up the level chain?

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Rogues, rogues all the way.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I was helping.  REALLY!  :shifty:


I believe it.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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Quick question: Is the alignment system a sliding system like in KOTOR / PST or chosen, as in BG2? With MCA it could be either. I'd hope it was the latter (better chance they'll allow for eeevil deeds.)

All indications are that the alignment management for NwN2 is modelled (and improved) on the KotOR2 one.




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Quick question: Is the alignment system a sliding system like in KOTOR / PST or chosen, as in BG2? With MCA it could be either. I'd hope it was the latter (better chance they'll allow for eeevil deeds.)

All indications are that the alignment management for NwN2 is modelled (and improved) on the KotOR2 one.

But i hope they don't forget there is also neutral, lawful, and chaotic aligment! :shifty:


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Quick question: Is the alignment system a sliding system like in KOTOR / PST or chosen, as in BG2? With MCA it could be either. I'd hope it was the latter (better chance they'll allow for eeevil deeds.)

All indications are that the alignment management for NwN2 is modelled (and improved) on the KotOR2 one.

But that raises some issues. Would you only be able to multi-class into being a paladin or monk? If you start off at true neutral, you wouldn't be able to yet utilize all class abilities when taking an alignment-restricted core class >_< You'd have to do a LOT of good, lawful deeds before you could utilize the paladin?


What then, eh?

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Quick question: Is the alignment system a sliding system like in KOTOR / PST or chosen, as in BG2? With MCA it could be either. I'd hope it was the latter (better chance they'll allow for eeevil deeds.)

All indications are that the alignment management for NwN2 is modelled (and improved) on the KotOR2 one.

But that raises some issues. Would you only be able to multi-class into being a paladin or monk? If you start off at true neutral, you wouldn't be able to yet utilize all class abilities when taking an alignment-restricted core class >_< You'd have to do a LOT of good, lawful deeds before you could utilize the paladin?


What then, eh?


I would guess that you select your starting alignment and from there on it can change. ;)

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Quick question: Is the alignment system a sliding system like in KOTOR / PST or chosen, as in BG2? With MCA it could be either. I'd hope it was the latter (better chance they'll allow for eeevil deeds.)

All indications are that the alignment management for NwN2 is modelled (and improved) on the KotOR2 one.

But that raises some issues. Would you only be able to multi-class into being a paladin or monk? If you start off at true neutral, you wouldn't be able to yet utilize all class abilities when taking an alignment-restricted core class >_< You'd have to do a LOT of good, lawful deeds before you could utilize the paladin?


What then, eh?


I would guess that you select your starting alignment and from there on it can change. ;)

So it's NWN, basically? ;)"

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So it's NWN, basically? ;)"


Like I said, that would be my guess. >_< How else would you go about it?

I dunno, you could do it like BG, where alignment is an immovable object (except with Viconia and Sarevok?) or if they were crazy, they could get rid of alignment altogether, Fallout-style ;). The way MCA's made it sound in the interviews I've read, there isn't so much of a "net-alignment shift" dynamic in NWN2 like there was in KOTOR2 (it would be much harder to explain, as it is) but influence mainly involves getting backstory out of NPCs, so it would appear that the alignment system seems more gestalt this time around. That's what I read initially, at least. Maybe they'll surprise us.

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