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no the collecters edition isn't worth it. On the bridge mission for me it the machine guns were cutting down the troops like grass... my problem was I didn't have any tank traps up so the tanks would just run over defenses and I ended up loosing the bridges and being pushed back to the church.


Regular version it is then. ;)


I got pushed back to the church as well, but only because the artillery knocked out the HQ. I could easily have held the bridges if the artillery shots hadn't started hitting my bridge defences. :)

the last campaign mission is fun... the "bonus" objective for the medal is to kill 300 guys.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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no the collecters edition isn't worth it. On the bridge mission for me it the machine guns were cutting down the troops like grass... my problem was I didn't have any tank traps up so the tanks would just run over defenses and I ended up loosing the bridges and being pushed back to the church.


Regular version it is then. :)


I got pushed back to the church as well, but only because the artillery knocked out the HQ. I could easily have held the bridges if the artillery shots hadn't started hitting my bridge defences. ;)

the last campaign mission is fun... the "bonus" objective for the medal is to kill 300 guys.


You've beaten the game already? Not very long is it? :)

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How good is your created defensemen?  I usually create a centerman, and even though I don't have an arbitrary cap, he usually peaks out at an overall of around 80.



I'm 81 I believe. So far I have goals in about half of the games I've played, but I don't really have a lot of assists. Nobody on my team is even close to the leaders league wide. Damn you skill stick!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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In the PC version it seems really, really easy to score goals from defensemen.


The EA onetimer hardly ever works too (though it's probably a timing issue with my roommate and myself playing on the same team.


Goalies aren't aggressive enough. You can pretty much be right in front of them and they don't poke check you, and you can just pick the corner. They also play the pass WAY too much. I actually scored on a pass once, because it was way too late and the target ended up going behind the net. But the goalie played it like a pass, so he slid across the crease. The puck just slid right into the net. I was rather unimpressed.


I'm glad it was my roommate that bought it, and not me. I'm not sure who the genius was that decided "switch player" should be the same button as "spin-o-rama" when you have the puck. Frequently I'll go to switch players just as he touches the puck, so I'll do a spin-o-rama right in front of my goalie, end up WAY out of position, turning the puck over to the other guy. With the unaggressive goalies, it's almost always a goal.



Overall, a mediocre effort. Hopefully the 360 version is better.

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no the collecters edition isn't worth it. On the bridge mission for me it the machine guns were cutting down the troops like grass... my problem was I didn't have any tank traps up so the tanks would just run over defenses and I ended up loosing the bridges and being pushed back to the church.


Regular version it is then. :)


I got pushed back to the church as well, but only because the artillery knocked out the HQ. I could easily have held the bridges if the artillery shots hadn't started hitting my bridge defences. :p

the last campaign mission is fun... the "bonus" objective for the medal is to kill 300 guys.


You've beaten the game already? Not very long is it? :blink:

It is pretty long... I just had two days strait to work on it (there are seventeen levels and most of em take over an hour to complete.)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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In the PC version it seems really, really easy to score goals from defensemen.


The EA onetimer hardly ever works too (though it's probably a timing issue with my roommate and myself playing on the same team.


Goalies aren't aggressive enough.  You can pretty much be right in front of them and they don't poke check you, and you can just pick the corner.  They also play the pass WAY too much.  I actually scored on a pass once, because it was way too late and the target ended up going behind the net.  But the goalie played it like a pass, so he slid across the crease.  The puck just slid right into the net.  I was rather unimpressed.


I'm glad it was my roommate that bought it, and not me.  I'm not sure who the genius was that decided "switch player" should be the same button as "spin-o-rama" when you have the puck.  Frequently I'll go to switch players just as he touches the puck, so I'll do a spin-o-rama right in front of my goalie, end up WAY out of position, turning the puck over to the other guy.  With the unaggressive goalies, it's almost always a goal.



Overall, a mediocre effort.  Hopefully the 360 version is better.


Are you using the skill stick? I didn't even know there was a spin-o-rama option with that, all my skill moves are done with the stick. On the 360, change player is the same as pass.


Anyways, I've had less one-timers, but they are pretty rewarding when I've connected on them. I'm thinking about upping the difficulty to the max, as I've only lost one game and that went to a shootout. I'm 5-0-1. It's not that I've had easy games, it just seems like the other team can't score enough.

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Oh right...You're one of those fancy computer people tain't ya?



Nope, I'm one of those paranoid about my house burning down people. ;)


I'll wait for the new cooling tech, or whatever the heck it is. :ph34r:


But I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want that game :)

Deus Ex? System Shock 2?


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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NHL 07 got 82% and NHL 2k7 got 83% so this year it really doesn't matter which version you choose at least.










Unfortunately, the Xbox, Playstation 2 and PC versions of the game are just more of the same from last year. Apparently they didn't even try to invent this time. I guess they're considered "dead tech", but why the PC is included in that package is beyond me. Explains why alan is a bit disappointed at least.


PC NHL 07: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sports/nhl07/review.html

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Oh right...You're one of those fancy computer people tain't ya?



Nope, I'm one of those paranoid about my house burning down people. :shifty:


I'll wait for the new cooling tech, or whatever the heck it is. :ph34r:


But I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want that game :-



Aren't the heat issues a bit overstated (and rather old news)?

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Are you using the skill stick?  I didn't even know there was a spin-o-rama option with that, all my skill moves are done with the stick.  On the 360, change player is the same as pass. 


Anyways, I've had less one-timers, but they are pretty rewarding when I've connected on them. 


I've hit the spinorama maybe twice in about fifteen or so games. It seems like the perfect move for Ales Hemsky, although half the time I start by pressing the analog stick to the right and halfway through the semi circle I shoot it into the crowd. :shifty:



I think I'm going to get NHL 07.


Once I migrate my 360 account, it's gonna be go time. What team do you play as?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Are you using the skill stick?  I didn't even know there was a spin-o-rama option with that, all my skill moves are done with the stick.  On the 360, change player is the same as pass. 


Anyways, I've had less one-timers, but they are pretty rewarding when I've connected on them. 


I've hit the spinorama maybe twice in about fifteen or so games. It seems like the perfect move for Ales Hemsky, although half the time I start by pressing the analog stick to the right and halfway through the semi circle I shoot it into the crowd. :(



I think I'm going to get NHL 07.


Once I migrate my 360 account, it's gonna be go time. What team do you play as?


The Kings of course.

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