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Ah, yeah.  Didn't realize you weren't using Seth.  Yeah I've read theories about not using certain characters because they're XP absorbers, but in my mind that's what the ruins and tower are for, to flesh out those who may have not seen as much XP in battle as Seth.  So a lot of times my game plan has been based around letting tanks take on a lot of the battle and have everyone else take out what they can.


I'm on the second to the last battle (I think) and struggling not to get at least one of my characters killed.


I try not to use the XP sink characters because I really hate going through the tower/ruins again and again just to level up a couple characters. It may be more frustrating in the short term when the non tanks die but if I can get 70 or 80 XP from a grunt by killing him with two weaker characters I usually try doing that instead of using a tank who may only get 10 XP. :shifty:


Usually when I use the tanks I don't give them any weapons or a really weak one that won't kill the enemy. Use them as bait to bring the enemy troops over where the rest of my force can get that first attack in on them instead of the other way around.

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Usually when I use the tanks I don't give them any weapons or a really weak one that won't kill the enemy. Use them as bait to bring the enemy troops over where the rest of my force can get that first attack in on them instead of the other way around.

:huh: :cool: :blink::)




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I guess I just play differently. Of course using characters after you hit 20 is silly, but I've managed to get a pretty even character level with who I'm playing with only going through the tower once (haven't even touched the Ruins other than to see what the first level was like).

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Well, I made it to the Superbowl, where my QB faced off against fellow Pro Bowler Tom Brady and the New England Patriots.


Unfortunately for the Patriots, they were riddled with injuries. They were down to their third string HB, and most of the offensive line was also out for the game. Given I have one of the best defensive lines in the game, I almost felt bad for New England. To add insult to injury, good chunks of their secondary was hurt, which made dissecting their defense even easier. By the end of the 1st Quarter it was 21-0, and by the end of the half it was 35-0. Their first point came early in the third quarter, when Santana Moss fumbled a punt in our redzone. The score ended up 63-14, and Clinton Portis rushed for 260 yards, and 5 TDs, including a 74 yard TD. My QB was solid as well, throwing for 305 yards, going 17-20 on the night, with 3 TD passes.


On the plus side, it seems like we were able to keep most of our core together. I told my agent I was interested in staying in Washington, and they rewarded me with a 3 year, 42 million contract, with an $11 million signing bonus. Brandon Lloyd also signed a 5 year deal, and most of the key players are here for 3-4 years. I smell potential dynasty here.

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Let's see Krook, at the start up screen, before you begin your season, you should go down to the 'My NHL 07' header. Go to 'Team Management', then 'Create Player'. When you're finished , it should prompt you as to where you want the newly created supastah to be assigned. Simply scroll to your team and you should be set.


And I would advise taking your faceoffs with the skill stick from the getgo. Just watch the refs arm before you pull back on the right analog.


Some of the online folks don't take too kindly to spamming the right button to win draws.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Bushido Blade, a Soul Caliber-esque fighter for the playstation. The fights are "realistic", which is to say that, as far as the PS' engine can manage, fighters play differently with different weapons, which are classed by weight (rapier to sledgehammer), and there's no health bar. The first hit usually ends the fight, but if you hit someone in the legs, they limp and can't run, if you hit them in the arms they attack slowly, etc. The game is also notable for its large levels, which you can run and fight through, and its "honor system", which allows you to play through a different ending if you only attack when a character can defend himself (no flanking, hitting on the ground, at the beginning of the fight, etc.) Naturally, it's very difficult.


A good game, but one that will never be revisited, as the rights are owned by SquareEnix (that's how you say it, right?) and they'll be happy to just keep belching out Final Fantasies until the end of time.

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I played it and got kinda bored with it. There never really was IMO much strategy to the fights and because they ended in one hit 99% of the time, the fact that you had vast levels to run through made no sense, as you never got to saw them unless you specifically decided to run around them.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Bushido Blade, a Soul Caliber-esque fighter for the playstation. The fights are "realistic", which is to say that, as far as the PS' engine can manage, fighters play differently with different weapons, which are classed by weight (rapier to sledgehammer), and there's no health bar. The first hit usually ends the fight, but if you hit someone in the legs, they limp and can't run, if you hit them in the arms they attack slowly, etc. The game is also notable for its large levels, which you can run and fight through, and its "honor system", which allows you to play through a different ending if you only attack when a character can defend himself (no flanking, hitting on the ground, at the beginning of the fight, etc.) Naturally, it's very difficult.


A good game, but one that will never be revisited, as the rights are owned by SquareEnix (that's how you say it, right?) and they'll be happy to just keep belching out Final Fantasies until the end of time.

I've always wanted to play that game. Just...one hit kills every time? Why? It would have been better to implement flesh cuts and the like

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Bushido Blade, a Soul Caliber-esque fighter for the playstation. The fights are "realistic", which is to say that, as far as the PS' engine can manage, fighters play differently with different weapons, which are classed by weight (rapier to sledgehammer), and there's no health bar. The first hit usually ends the fight, but if you hit someone in the legs, they limp and can't run, if you hit them in the arms they attack slowly, etc. The game is also notable for its large levels, which you can run and fight through, and its "honor system", which allows you to play through a different ending if you only attack when a character can defend himself (no flanking, hitting on the ground, at the beginning of the fight, etc.) Naturally, it's very difficult.


A good game, but one that will never be revisited, as the rights are owned by SquareEnix (that's how you say it, right?) and they'll be happy to just keep belching out Final Fantasies until the end of time.

I've always wanted to play that game. Just...one hit kills every time? Why? It would have been better to implement flesh cuts and the like

Well, they did. Some fights can last for two or three hits :blink: but a single charging attack to the torso will end a fight, so the first 5 seconds of the fight is usually decisive.

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It'd be awesome to fight against an equally good player and just parry and counter through the levels.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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It'd be awesome to fight against an equally good player and just parry and counter through the levels.

Without a health bar, the games almost always go to whoever draws first blood. If the AI was good, this wouldn't be a problem, but they usually just run around, charge and use power attacks. I'm growing very tired of it after 2 days.


Then there's the fact that if you get hit, you start the game over.

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Nnnngghh...must wait till graphic mod...must resist urge to play....

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I just ordered a brand new copy for 50 cents. I'll blame you if I don't get my money's worth.



Pffft, the second you get to the main menu of the game you'll have gotten your money's worth. Yes, the main menu is THAT good.



I've just reached the super freighter actually. HUGE level, so many options. Had a lot of fun hacking the consoles and turning the bots on the grunts, Westworld style... but without all that cowboy business of course.

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Let's see Krook, at the start up screen, before you begin your season, you should go down to the 'My NHL 07' header.  Go to 'Team Management', then 'Create Player'.  When you're finished , it should prompt you as to where you want the newly created supastah to be assigned.  Simply scroll to your team and you should be set. 


And I would advise taking your faceoffs with the skill stick from the getgo.  Just watch the refs arm before you pull back on the right analog.


Some of the online folks don't take too kindly to spamming the right button to win draws.



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I'm currently finishing up Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones


In the meantime I've been playing PuyoPop Fever and Animal Crossing Wide World, as well as Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Lego Star Wars II and Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria.


I have Summon Night 2 and SMT:Devil Summoner waiting in the wings.



I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl nhl

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