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What are you playing now?


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Jags and I have a session of XML2 that we still haven't finished, or else I'd be online with the 360 now, although I have to admit I've been tempted to switch over anyway. Damn internet loyalties!!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm not sure what the heck EA was thinking with their default control scheme.


They ended up putting the default shoot buttons on the right shoulder, and while they have pass on the right analog stick which can be nice, the pass button is on the left shoulder. But the switch player while on defense is still button 2 ('X' on a PS2 controller), which while on offense is spin-o-rama. And the old school mainstays for slapshot and wrist shot have been replaced by dive and block pass/shot. I should be able to fix the controls to put shoot back, but the defensive switch player is permanently bound to spin-o-rama.



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I think I may have to pass on Company of Heroes at least until I get a new graphics card. Playing through that demo again I was experiencing massive lag this time after I had three times as many units on screen all firing and throwing up clouds of dust.


I can hear my poor 9600 Pro crying as it struggles to output more than a single frame per second judging by how much of a slideshow my defence of the church became. Several stugs dueling with my AT guns throws up an awful lot of dust that my card just can't handle. :geek:


It took me 30 clicks to finally select one of my troops because the game wasn't responding.

Edited by Deraldin
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I'm dying to play Dark Crusade, but right now I'm playing as Dyfeint in Arthurian:Total War, which would nowadays probably be called Western Wales.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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After playing about forty or so games in the last few days of EAs' NHL 07 I've decided to restart my season with a few of the rookies from this season. Plus I've increased the length of periods to ten minutes from five. That gives my created defenceman, who was 14-17-31 in 42 games a better chance at cracking the leader board for defencemen throughout the league ( which incidentally is an absolute pain in the ass to get to :( ) . I want the Norris trophy too, dammit!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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My co-workers are playing Oblivion at work right now....so my Urge to play oblivion is rising!


Don't fight it.


And when you play, make sure to use lightning. :ph34r:


I've historically been partial to the beefy tank, but my previous attempt at the game (which was cut short because of me getting a new computer) as primarily a theif was good fun!


Decisions decisions.


Considering I won't have internet at home until Friday, it seem more likely every moment!

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I've historically been partial to the beefy tank, but my previous attempt at the game (which was cut short because of me getting a new computer) as primarily a theif was good fun!


Decisions decisions.


Considering I won't have internet at home until Friday, it seem more likely every moment!


Get a lightning sword or bow then :ph34r:


Trust me, hitting things with lightning in all it's forms is pure comedy. :ermm:"

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Fire doesn't make enemies do flipflops or send them flying through the air 50 feet over your shoulder. :-"


Not to mention almost ALL of the Oblivion monsters are vulnerable to lightning for some reason. <_<


I think I did have a lighting bow.  I got it from a Vampire (who was level 5 :p)


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