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Vampire: Bloodlines.


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Anyone else still playing this game? :(


So far it's pretty interesting, and already I'm unhappy with Troika... they had a lot of potential, shame they died.


I've got the 1.2 patch, and I understand there are further "fan patches" that actually fix the game (rather than mod it)... but for the life of me I can't find them.


Anyone have any information, or has tried them?

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I need to try Bloodlines again after i've finished Oblivion, i haven't bothered to finish the damn thing and im 130hs in.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Yeah it's garbage the way they do it; just fix the damn game, and cut the extra crap.



And a real shame it is as, if I remember correctly, there was some useful bugfixes in there together with sone not useful at all modding :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Welp finalized my character and started a game for realzzzzzzzz this time :)


Spoilers most likely :)



So far I'm enjoying my character Rain the Brujah :)


Find Mercurio? Check.

Kill thugs and get explosives? Check.

Meet crazy people on the beach and get obscure clues? Check.

Find medicine for Mercurio? Wtf? :)


Fortunately the medical building was easy to find... though the creepy happy guy in front really made me want to go postal :) Not to mention I felt bad for the dying young woman and did the blood exchange thing :)


Lemme guess, I'll have my own pet ghoul now :)



Give Mercurio his cash, drugs and explosives? Check, check, wtf????


Now he wants ME to use them.. but I gotta find some guy.. but I gotta find some woman and convince her not to kill the guy... so I can find the guy to find the building to place the bomb to blow it up? :wacko:


I feel like I'm playing a console rpg :wacko:


At least finding the two sisters was easy... but she wants me to crawl around the sewer... to find a ghost house? the hell?


Then I remember the big guy with the sword... ok... I'll play along for now....


So I find the house.. neat.. look at the obvious ghost tricks... lights blowing up... woo hoo... things thrown at me... woo hoo... I fall into the basement....... :) Then things got REALLY interesting :)


Survival horror at it's finest :)


Now I've got a locket, a diary and a nifty magic doodad and I'm about to leave the place... and that's all for tonight I think... whew... :)


So far, this is awesome :) And gives me that same feeling I had playing Deus Ex :)

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BL is a good game that could have been one of the best ever.


The atmosphere, the dialogue (mostly), and the characters are as good as any of the greats. It's npcs are on par with BG2 and PST. The music is great. The role-playing 'til the last part of the game is top notch (and, even the last part gets too much crap as there's still some role-playing there thoguh it is a drop off). Atmosphere is cool.


My biggest beef is the combat which is annoying (not hard though) as heck, and the bugs/super slowdowns.


I played the game once. I tried to play second time, and just didn't get far because the buggioness just got to me.


I have every intention of replaying the game.


I'd rate it at around the KOTORs though it should be much better than those games. it should be BG2-PST-FO2-NWN-FF8 great.


Good stuff. :)

Edited by Volourn


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So far I've only encountered one bug, but a reload fixed it :)


I hope that's the worst of it :D




um... :)




About the game... I forgot to mention that I really really hate Ed :)

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um... :)


He's a doo-dad!


re: Bloodlines. I'll probably give it another run after I get a new computer. The slowdowns were so horrible I won't even bother attempting it again on this comp.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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So far I haven't had any major slowdowns, though I've noticed some slowing when it rains.


I envy you. In some areas, my game looked as though it was going in slow motion. Or at worst, in combat, the enemy would be attacking me from down the hall one second, then when my screen finally moved, I'd already lost half health to the enemy clubbing me.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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though the creepy happy guy in front really made me want to go postal :)


So I find the house.. neat.. look at the obvious ghost tricks... lights blowing up... woo hoo... things thrown at me... woo hoo... I fall into the basement....... :) Then things got REALLY interesting :)

The ghost house is really impressive - that was the moment I decided I was going to like this game a lot. And I did. I hope Oblivion offers up something similar soon.


As others have said, there's a fall in quality towards the end, but nearer the end than a lot of games (Kotor 2 springs to mind). There's a whole lot of good stuff before that.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I've completed the game twice unpatched (only had to use the console once, each time). First with a Brujah, which was a rather numb experience in comparison to the hilarious Malkavian. Got two other games started after I patched it a few months ago. One with a Nosferatu, which has gotten to Hollywood. The nossie has surprised me a couple of times with bursts of laughter and tears of joy... and the other a Tremere, because I'm really curious about the blood magic, which has proven quite powerful so far. Haven't played it much after I patched it, kinda miss the option to bind the use key to the right mouse button.


A month ago I gave a copy away (it's back in stores and cheap, so spread it!) to an old friend. He was thrilled right away and while I explained some things to him he dug up some content I've never seen before...


I'm giving the game a rest, so I won't spoil it for myself.


Just finished hl2. At least there is ONE good game based on that engine and it's not hl2.


So far, this is awesome :- And gives me that same feeling I had playing Deus Ex :)

I envy you. I didn't feel a thing when I played Deus Ex.


Edit: Oh, btw: Bloodlines Unofficial patch 2.3 from PlanetVampire

  1. Install Bloodlines
  2. Patch with Official 1.2
  3. Unzip content of Unofficial 2.3 from 'Vampire -Bloodlines' folder

Edited by Janmanden

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So far I haven't had any major slowdowns, though I've noticed some slowing when it rains.

Before I put in a Gig of memory, Santa Monica when it rains and entering the downtown area of LA were major slow periods. Just so you know. I no longer thave that problem.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Welp finalized my character and started a game for realzzzzzzzz this time :)


Spoilers most likely :)



So far I'm enjoying my character Rain the Brujah :)


I would imagine that clan would suite you.


Find Mercurio? Check.

Kill thugs and get explosives? Check.

Meet crazy people on the beach and get obscure clues? Check.

Find medicine for Mercurio? Wtf? :wacko:


Fortunately the medical building was easy to find... though the creepy happy guy in front really made me want to go postal :wacko: Not to mention I felt bad for the dying young woman and did the blood exchange thing :wacko:


Lemme guess, I'll have my own pet ghoul now :wacko:


You will see her again later on. It's all good. 



Give Mercurio his cash, drugs and explosives? Check, check, wtf????


Now he wants ME to use them.. but I gotta find some guy.. but I gotta find some woman and convince her not to kill the guy... so I can find the guy to find the building to place the bomb to blow it up? :wacko:


I feel like I'm playing a console rpg :wacko:


At least finding the two sisters was easy... but she wants me to crawl around the sewer... to find a ghost house? the hell?


Then I remember the big guy with the sword... ok... I'll play along for now....



The Sheriff


So I find the house.. neat.. look at the obvious ghost tricks... lights blowing up... woo hoo... things thrown at me... woo hoo... I fall into the basement....... :p Then things got REALLY interesting :)


Survival horror at it's finest :)


Now I've got a locket, a diary and a nifty magic doodad and I'm about to leave the place... and that's all for tonight I think... whew... :)


You may give it to whatever sister you want ;)


So far, this is awesome :) And gives me that same feeling I had playing Deus Ex :)


The ghost house is the best part of the game. One of the few places of any game that actually startled me.




This may go against your Brujah personality, but if you want to get a cool place to stay compared to that dump in Santa Monica, be nice to the Prince when you meet him.



Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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This may go against your Brujah personality, but if you want to get a cool place to stay compared to that dump in Santi Monica, be nice to the Prince when you meet him.



On the other hand, it would be a shame wasting good roleplaying potential. The residence you get sort of match your character, even if she misses out on the various housing options in her first play through. One motivation for me to play through the game several times was to try "(un)living" in the different habitats you get offered and make myself at home there. I especially liked the Nosferatu one...



Well, just an oppinion :lol:

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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