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Who will win the console war?

Who will win the console war?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win the console war?

    • Sony's PS3
    • Microsoft's 360
    • Nintendo's Wii

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Now, see, THIS is the reason why you should have quoted the entire little piece of text.


Read the bold part. I wasn't making the argument that he was completely right, or I would have said so. I wasn't even interested in bringing the argument any further than that. But I overestimated some of the board members ability to think one step beyond the apparent. I always make the mistake of assuming I'm dealing with normal people on the board and not kindergarten level intelligence.


By the way, the original post mentioned popular opinion. He didn't specify which popular opinion though. I realized that my reference for popular opinion was that the mass of reviewers, when the normal default of the popular opinion is the masses of game players. Work habits, I guess.


So because not everyone thinks like you, that means they've only got kindergarten level intelligence? So why was it then, if you were only giving a hypothetical arguement, that you continued onwards with that line of thinking? When you brought up that comment (when you linked to gamerankings and talked about the top 20), I responded with a clarification of popular opinion being that of gamers, and not reviewers, and you then responded ending it with "the argument still stands". So if you weren't trying to defend your claim, since it was just a "one might argue" stance, why did you continue to try and prove your point?


I realize right after my next response, you shifted your focus on that volorn guy, but I still take insult to your comment that anyone not argreeing with you or thinking like you (essentially what you're eluding to) has a kindergarten level intelligence.

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So why was it then, if you were only giving a hypothetical arguement, that you continued onwards with that line of thinking?

Because it is annoying when people misinterpret, deliberately or not, what I write and continue arguing a point that I was hesitant to make myself.


I realize right after my next response, you shifted your focus on that volorn guy, but I still take insult to your comment that anyone not argreeing with you or thinking like you (essentially what you're eluding to) has a kindergarten level intelligence.

Feel free to take insult to whatever you want, if you feel it is valid for you personally.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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More Sony PR.


Translated from some German interview. Babefish'ed. http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/...,418642,00.html


We invented realtime 3D graphic 1994 with Playstation. Nintendo 64 came out 1996 and had Realtime 3D graphics too. But we didn't blame Nintendo and said: "Nintendo, you stole our idea!"


He expects that every PS3 game will use the motion sensor technology.


I and the consumers don't care about Live Anywhere.


Sony has some plans with MySpace but Harrison can't talk about it.


He believes that PS3 is the place where consumers will use the internet, watch movies and play games. "The Playstation 3 is a computer. We don't need the PC"


EDIT: Oh, right. That's Phil Harrison.

Edited by Llyranor


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I honestly voted PS3 on this thread because I enjoyed both my PS and PS2.

But in the last few weeks my mind is changing.

Not that I am taking sides but I think I'll just stay with my PC, upgrade it and enjoy whatever I can.


Don't they know most of us don't care about the stupid console we play on? The only thing we care about are the games.


Console war, console war. What is it good for?



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X-box 360 has such a head start over the others I voted for that. Plus I read somewhere the X-box 360 price will drop the day PS3 is released. As for the Wii, the name is too corny and cheesy. It would have been a good name to give it on April Fools day, then on 2nd of April say "Actually, its called ...". X-box 360 is the same tried and tested controller, all the Wii's hype about motion sensing has yet to be proven IMO.

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Didn't the Dreamcast and Saturn have huge headstarts as well?


Dreamcast had all those piracy issues crap that knocked Sega out of the console league. If Microsoft can persuade more titles to come onto X-box 360 like they have with GTA4, and indeed slash their prices when PS3 is released and push the X-box 360 hard in the Japanese market, then they should win. To be honest, I wouldnt buy any of these consoles, I have a perfectly good PC that can do more than play games :-

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I don't know who will win the console war, but I do know who has won me: Nintendo. I haven't purchased a Nintendo console in sixteen years, but the design principles and revolutionary gameplay of the Wii (coupled, of course, with the state of the next-gen consoles) have won me over. My wife and I are both ecstatic about the Wii, and plan on playing it with our daughters (only one of which is capable of playing at this time). Kudos to Nintendo.

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