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2006 FIFA World Cup

Guest The Architect

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Okay, could you guys cut out the slurs.  Dammit.


I mean, being an anglophile, I wanted England to win if the US couldn't.  Still, we're getting to be pretty bad with the "scumbags" "Mafia" "I-ties" and other such non-sense.


Yes, this Materazzi looks like a damned dirty player, but let's keep the comments centered on the individuals rather than the entire nation.

"I-Ties" isn't derogatory though, Eldar. It's more informal slang in the same category as "Yanks" or "Limeys." Also, we're only calleing Cheaterazzi (and maybe Totti) scumbags, not the entire nation.

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Ah. I see. I guess I-ties makes sense in that regard.


This Materazzi really does look like a dirty player, although I don't think it's good form to headbut the guy. The difference is that apparently this Zizou character doesn't normally play dirty while Materazzi does.


EDIT: But still try to keep your cool. I swear, if this weren't the internet, we'd already have a brawl on our hands.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I bet Materazzi would have uppercut Zidane if he was prepared. Seriously, such a low headbut's just asking for that. He must learned a fair bit when he was at Merseyside and those tattoos. Those random geometric and astral symbols have to be magic.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Guest The Architect

I woke up this morning and realised what a fool I had been about these 'soccer conspiracies' of mine. So I apologize to all of the people on these forums who have had to put up with my crazy ramblings, if I could take it back, I would. I've just been a sore-loser about Australia's World Cup exit, and yes, that is when I started developing these 'soccer conspiracies'.


So think of it this way, the old Architect who didn't believe in 'soccer conspiracies' and just passed off ironic historical soccer events as coincedences and controversal decisions and events in soccer as human errors is back, the stupid 'soccer conspiracy theorist' Architect is gone.


I suppose I've been listening to my older brother too much and my soccer buddies from school, who believe that Italy won the World Cup because it was fixed, I guess they've influenced me, and have been the main cause of my recent paranoid beliefs about the World Cup.


But finally, when common sense kicked in, I realised how silly and outlandish my 'soccer conspiracies' were, so now I ask, will you people on these forums forgive me and just pretend that nothing happened?


I know the World Cup is a legit sport, I've followed soccer for nine years, since I was seven years old, I used to play soccer (there's a medical reason why I don't play soccer anymore, it's similar to being a hemophiliac, but it's far more lethal) ;) So I've played enough and watched enough soccer to understand that there wasn't any theatre-play type soccer matches in this World Cup.


So when I talk about soccer from now on, I want to talk about it in a normal manner, like I used to, I've gotten over my biased opinions, I realise that I never had any concrete proof to support my 'soccer conspiracies' to begin with, and that if it cannot be proven, then Italy has won the World Cup 'legit[imate]ly'.


Once again, sorry for my rantings, and this long post. I guess now that the World Cup is over, this has kind of become the official topic for all soccer related discussion

on these forums.


By the way Llyranor, calling me a loser was completely uncalled for as well as ignorant and silly, since number one, you don't know me, so your in no position to judge me, and number two, just because I rambled on about those silly soccer conspiracies, that does not make me a loser, I'm not the only one that had/has biast 'soccer conspiracies', most of my mates beleive the World Cup was fixed in Italy's favour, so does that make them losers too? No, it doesn't, so shut up!

Edited by The Architect
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Well, that really blows the steam out of this thread. This is totally against the spirit of the Internet.




ost of my mates beleive the World Cup was fixed in Italy's favour, so does that make them losers too?


is amazingly tempting, let's get past this. ;) In fact, probably the only thing left to discuss is Zidane's apparently imminent press release on what exactly Materazzi told him. The Mirror also argues Zidane's mother said she wants Materazzi's bawls on a plate (quoted), but then, it's a British tabloid.

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Yeah, but to be fair Australia WERE robbed by the cheating Italian players. Italy were given a last minute penalty which WASN"T a penalty at all - the diving git deliberately tripped over a guy lying prone on the ground. Now despite this being shown a million times on the big screen, the ref sticks to his "decision." But whilst nobody directly saw Zizou headbutt Cheaterazzi, they send him off. Now what happened was neither the ref, assistant ref or their officials saw it, but the fourth official saw the replay on the big screen, who then told the assistant referee, who then subsequently informed the ref of the "incident" - which ultimately led Zidane to being sent off. FIFA are officially denying it to save face, buy virtually every commentator who was there saw this. Personally, I'm all for using instant video replays, but then it's got to be consistent and apply to everyone. How many dozen match turning incidents which were clearly given the wrong decision were made in this WC? And it's not just the Aussies who were gimped, but pretty much everyone. I mean Holland was screwed over more times in their match against Portugal than anybody's ever been in an entire WC full stop. The refereeing in this tournament was abysmal. That being said, this entire WC was piss poor tbh.

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..that is when I started developing these 'soccer conspiracies'.

Soccer conspiracies? What soccer conspiracies?


Welcome back, old Architect!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I woke up this morning and realised what a fool I had been about these 'soccer conspiracies' of mine.

Was a family member in the shower?!? :o

I've followed soccer for nine years, since I was seven years old, I used to play soccer (there's a medical reason why I don't play soccer anymore, it's similar to being a hemophiliac, but it's far more lethal)  ;)

Bummer, dude. :(

By the way Llyranor, calling me a loser was completely uncalled for as well as ignorant and silly, since number one, you don't know me, so your in no position to judge me, and number two, just because I rambled on about those silly soccer conspiracies, that does not make me a loser, I'm not the only one that had/has biast 'soccer conspiracies', most of my mates beleive the World Cup was fixed in Italy's favour, so does that make them losers too? No, it doesn't, so shut up!

It's okay, Mr Llyranor is just jealous that he couldn't think up his own cool conspiracies.




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Yeah, but to be fair Australia WERE robbed by the cheating Italian players.  Italy were given a last minute penalty which WASN"T a penalty at all - the diving git deliberately tripped over a guy lying prone on the ground.  Now despite this being shown a million times on the big screen, the ref sticks to his "decision."  But whilst nobody directly saw Zizou headbutt Cheaterazzi, they send him off.  Now what happened was neither the ref, assistant ref or their officials saw it, but the fourth official saw the replay on the big screen, who then told the assistant referee, who then subsequently informed the ref of the "incident" - which ultimately led Zidane to being sent off.  FIFA are officially denying it to save face, buy virtually every commentator who was there saw this.  Personally, I'm all for using instant video replays, but then it's got to be consistent and apply to everyone.  How many dozen match turning incidents which were clearly given the wrong decision were made in this WC? And it's not just the Aussies who were gimped, but pretty much everyone.  I mean Holland was screwed over more times in their match against Portugal than anybody's ever been in an entire WC full stop.  The refereeing in this tournament was abysmal.  That being said, this entire WC was piss poor tbh.

Do not raise the ire of the family ...


(btw this is a MUCH better and coherent hypothesis, so the CONSPIRACY is BACK!!)




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It's okay, Mr Llyranor is just jealous that he couldn't think up his own cool conspiracies.



But that would meen Lyranor-Isa is not the one True Profit?! Must we patiently wait for the last profit to teach us the last creed - the belief in the Oneness of Hostile Takeovers?


Come O' Mighty One! For we are in need of your Profithood!

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Only the true profit can interpret the profits, see.


And only the true profit denies his own profit.


What does this mean?


Llyranor is an alt .... of the Architect! ;)




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By the way Jags, the player Snotti spat on two years ago was a Dane, so I was already a bit biased against the Italy team, but now it has evolved into pure h8. ;)


Will be interesting to hear what Zizou says this evening, and why is one of the posters here obsessed with Materazzis tattoos? :(

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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But finally, when common sense kicked in, I realised how silly and outlandish my 'soccer conspiracies' were, so now I ask, will you people on these forums forgive me and just pretend that nothing happened?

Hahahahahaa, you'll never live this one down. :(

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Ah hell, this is the internet. You can live anything down. Don't listen to my MtG playing doofus friend. However, we will still joke about it every now and then just for the hell of it. Why not?


Hey, the biggest compliment in the internet is to make it back into the fold with a long standing running joke attached to your name.


As for these ridiculous tatoos, why get one in the first place? If you're ever on the run from the law, there's nothing like a distinguishing feature that's easy to identify. Silly damned things, these tatoos.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Ah hell, this is the internet.  You can live anything down.  Don't listen to my MtG playing doofus friend.  However, we will still joke about it every now and then just for the hell of it.  Why not?


Hey, the biggest compliment in the internet is to make it back into the fold with a long standing running joke attached to your name.


As for these ridiculous tatoos, why get one in the first place?  If you're ever on the run from the law, there's nothing like a distinguishing feature that's easy to identify.  Silly damned things, these tatoos.

For once we agree, o bloody-handed one! :huh:



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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@ Headbutt Incident: Should it really matter what the victim said? Physical violence is physical violence and should not be used as an option because someone said mean things to you no matter how bad it is. If that's all it took, I'm sure everyone would be ussing headbutts as revenge as I don't think there's anyone who has lived past the age of 10 who hasn't had mean things said to them.


That said, if the victim did say what some are accusing him of; he should be ashamed. Still no exuse for headbutting someone over words.


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The other thing is, there isn't a whole lot of contact in soccer/football. Don't get me wrong, it's a physical sport, but a getting slide tackled isn't like getting hit in american football, rugby, or hockey. As a player of both soccer and hockey, I get much more angry if I get leveled into the boards then I do if I get tripped in a soccer game.







Honostly, I couldn't even find a video of someone getting hit hard in a football match.

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Check out Par.4


Par. 4: If any player, association or club official or spectator perpetrates any kind of racist or contemptuous act as described by par. 1 and/or 2 of this article, three points will automatically be deducted from the team concerned, if identifiable, after the first offence. In the case of a second offence, six points will automatically be deducted, and for a further offence, the team will be relegated.

In the case of matches without points, the team concerned, if identifiable, will be disqualified.


I don't think it will come to that but...

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The other thing is, there isn't a whole lot of contact in soccer/football. Don't get me wrong, it's a physical sport, but a getting slide tackled isn't like getting hit in american football, rugby, or hockey. As a player of both soccer and hockey, I get much more angry if I get leveled into the boards then I do if I get tripped in a soccer game.


Ok, so what is your point? There isn't supposed to be a lot of contact in soccer. As for the intensity of getting hit in soccer, remember that the only protection players have are shin pads - it takes less of a collision to cause damage than in something like ice hockey.


Honestly, I couldn't even find a video of someone getting hit hard in a football match.

Did you even see the materazzi videos a couple of pages back? :huh:

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Ok, so what is your point? There isn't supposed to be a lot of contact in soccer. As for the intensity of getting hit in soccer, remember that the only protection players have are shin pads - it takes less of a collision to cause damage than in something like ice hockey.


Next time read the posts prior to mine. I was explaining that it is easier to be provoked into hitting someone in a sport where there is more contact. I was trying to say that it would be more understandable to headbutt somone in the chest plate if you had been getting bruised and battered all game.


And the reason that soccer players only wear shin pads is that if they didn't, people would have broken shins every game. This is why hockey players wear equipment to protect their entire bodies, because there is a chance that they could break any given bone at almost any given time on the ice. Wearing less protection doesn't make soccer/football any more 'tough' then any other sport.

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Heh, talking trash about his mother and sister (one of them is sick, as far as I remember? confirm please) - Very mature, Materazzi! :huh:)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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