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2006 FIFA World Cup

Guest The Architect

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why on earth would you head-butt a guy in the chest?

Because he's being allegorical. Zizou's a philosophical guy, you know? Scumerazzi was clearing attempting to aggravate his injured shoulder and likely spat a few nasty comments afterwards so Zidane turns on him like a charging bull on his matador!


And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for the I-Ties and those meddling yids! (As in Tottenham Hotspur scum - no racist connotations intended)


Well, at least he fought the Italian menace with his head, not raised high, but slightly bent. :rolleyes:


We're with you Zizou!



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Guest The Architect
No, I'm trying to imply that the lack of condemning evidence has nothing to do with the validity of an elaborate conspiracy theory based on numerology and what is absent, with no materiality. There's no need for Atreides to explain himself. :rolleyes:


Fair enough then, however, my conspiracy isn't just based on numerology, it's also based on the fact that in 1982, when Italy won the World Cup, there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League and this year there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League and Italy ends up winning it.


That's a bit of a 'what the?' Isn't it? It could be argued that the scandal fueled Italy's motivation to win the World Cup, it can also be argued that Italy played well enough to win the World Cup and were always capable of winning it, which is true, but remember, Marcello Lippi, the coach of Italy and 13 of their 23 man squad was apparently involved in the match fixing scandal, look, Italy probably did win the World Cup fair and square (well not really, the should NEVER HAVE BEEN GIVEN THAT PENALTY AGAINST US). But surely you must agree that the points I've made (which are facts) in my conspiracy are rather interesting don't you? At least give me that...

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That's a bit of a 'what the?' Isn't it?


Not at all. In any event anywhere, if you dig long enough you'll find similar 'curious' connections. I have seen far more mysterious and intricate numerological connections (esp. to 9/11) in forwarded emails from high school kids.

Edited by Tigranes
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I am extremely happy that France didn't win. I was the only one shouting in the neighboorhood when the Italians put their first goal. I also enjoyed the silence of the french after the match.


Also, enjoy something an italian friend sent me:


"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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So Zidane headbutted a guy because he was supposed to throw the game?


You're looking for the things after the fact. Had you actually been able to predict it prior to the tournament, I'd be much more impressed.



Ever since Australia got eliminated, you've been looking for evidence of a conspiracy. Look hard enough, and you'll find something.

Edited by alanschu
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So, having watched the cup all the way through and giving it a fair chance, I have to say that it kinda sucked. Hell, I wanted to like it, I did. A few things just bugged the **** of me:


Flopping and bitching at the refs is a HUGE issue. It happens to a lesser degree in US leagues (especially the bitching), most notably the NBA, but even there one bad call doesn't usually result in a massive change of the game. There are just too many points scored in a game. Still, it's a problem in the NBA. The Cup took flopping to a ridiculous level and, at least for me, sucked the enjoyment out of most of the games. I can't relate with a team that spends most of their time getting in the box and falling down hoping for kick. That wouldn't be so bad, as those teams would just lose, but the refs were calling obvious flops and it was altering games with goals that are hard to come by. The worst is that most players do one of two things after the flop: Stand up with their hands in the air with that "where's the call" look on their face or notice that no ref noticed their flop and immediately stop rolling around in agony to stand up and start running like nothing happened.


It just seemed far too accepted by the players of the field, the fans, and the announcers. It was a running joke on ESPN tho. It just seems that the refs wern't doing anything about it, the game needs to find a way to self regulate. Unfortunatly, playing a man down is for the rest of the game is a bitch, so there again the rules and refs prevent a good game from being played.


For those who said they cared about the US getting into the sport cuz it was good for the game, all this will certainly not help with the general US image of what soccer is and about the type of people who play it. In a word: soft.


I've got more reasons, but I have to go, so I'll get back to them later.



EDIT: O ya, I read that someone suggests FIFA review game film and essentially hand out red cards (pulling the player from the next game) for flops.


EDIT: found it

The caution-happy referees ruined the tournament further by rewarding bad acting, as forwards fell down in the box if a defender so much as breathed on them. If FIFA was serious about eliminating diving, it would increase the degree of difficulty by reviewing the offenders' fake actions and suspending them after the fact, just like it does with overly aggressive tackles. Until then, players will continue to imitate Greg Louganis/David Hasselhoff.
Edited by kumquatq3
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... look, Italy probably did win the World Cup fair and square (well not really, the should NEVER HAVE BEEN GIVEN THAT PENALTY AGAINST US)...


Look here. The guy didn't touch the ball and he trips the other with his left hand. The ref made a good call.

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in the quote it says the US, not Aus, so I'm lost...


He means against us not against the U.S.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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The only reason I saw part of the game was because I was at a graduation party and a bunch of people were watching it. I'm glad I was there to see the part where the guy head butted the other guy.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Zidane was made best player of the tournament anyway, too bad mafia slicks!!! :lol:)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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interesting take on Zidane and flopping from a writer who mainly writes about American Football (I happen to mainly agree with it):


Picture this. Michael Strahan (american football player) is tired of offensive linemen grabbing him, strangling him, chopping at his legs, talking never-ending trash, generally messing with him in fringe illegal methods and getting away with it. So he head-butts someone.


Will he get thrown out of the game? Probably not. He'll get a flag. But put him in the context of World Cup Football and the ridiculous grand opera tragedy it has become and he would not only get thrown out but a lifetime of greatness would be ruined -- at least for now.


Zinedine Zidane is not a flopper or a whiner or a moaner. I have never seen him pull one of those scenes from the last act of La Boheme, enacting his death tableau on the field after the merest brush of contact. I haven't seen him lying there at death's door while they go through with the most ridiculous of all dramas, the entry of the stretcher.


Imagine if the NFL were like that. Half a dozen stretchers called for during the course of the game, whereupon the nearly deceased leaps off it, shakes off the very fingers of the Evil One and trots back onto the field. Maybe Zidane was tired of all this, of this travesty, which rewards all the things that we were once taught were cowardly, but can be used to great advantage in this game.


So Zidane slammed a guy. He lost it. Writers all over the world are competing with themselves to heap scorn on France's greatest player. You know something? I don't blame him for getting sore. Almost every time I could find him on the screen, he had someone tugging at his shirt, tripping him or messing with him in some sneaky way.


The problem is he doesn't hit the canvas as the rest of those prima donnas do. So the ref must figure nothing is happening. Sure, he should have held off on the head butt, but to put the defeat of his team on his shoulders is a reach.


They say his magic foot would have provided the penalty kick France so desperately needed at the end. Did you see the one he scored in the first half? Guys like ABC announcer Marcel Balboa were gushing about what a clever little shot it was, but hey, it hit the bar on top and landed three inches away from not being a goal. The one that France missed at the end was the same kick, only this one bounced just outside the line.


I'll tell you another thing. I just about had a bellyful of this Balboa guy. First he complains about all the flopping. Then, when France gets away with one to set up Zidane's penalty kick in the first half, he tells us that the guy "did a great job of selling it." Yeah, a great acting job. Accent on great.


It's like hearing Balboa congratulate a pickpocket for the deft way he lifted a guy's wallet. I love World Cup Soccer. I hated this game. I feel sorry for Zidane, who has a temper, just as I do. Or couldn't you tell?


I felt to bits about him not diving and how the announcers seemed to accept (and even encourage) flops were spot on.


I've never even heard of Zidane before this cup (shocking to many of you, I gather), but I could tell pretty quick that he is the type of guy that the cup needs more of. Mentality wise, skill wise is obvious.

Edited by kumquatq3
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It should just say "FATALITY" in big red letters when he hits him.


That would be funny, because of mortal combat reference.


Mortal combat is funny.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Pixies is wise.


Anyway, kumquat's quote is right. Not that it excuses Zidane, but it doesn't matter - Zidane will be one of the best players of football history, and he certainly was the most entertaining player of the cup, because he had style and flair and actually used it to the team's advantage *cough* *CR17* *cough*. Besides, he's retired from football. It's rather trivial to worry about what he feels, or what he is; but the rest of us (uh, those of us who like soccer, anyway) should think about the current state of football and its dirty nature from this incident; the diving, the whining, the shirtpulling, the racist comments from players and fans, timewasting, etc.

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