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But I must admit it looks damn good.. and damn inspired by World of Warcraft. That's a good thing, by the way.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The thing is in NWN 1 the game lacked tactics and was not balanced. I mean, a great wyrmdragon being soloed by a 16h level character is simply outo f the question. You need a proper party of at least 4 to take one of those down. I prefer the BG style of controlling NPCs and it looks like that is coming back in NWN 2 which is a good thing. Also the NWN 1 AI was lacking. Bioware did make some improvements with the patches but still, it was lacking.


The best AI in a CRPG so far is the Radiant AI in Oblivion and even that is... well.. weird.

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The A.I. in NWN 1 was...basic, at best. And the visuals were so damned dead...just ugly.

Edited by LoneWolf16

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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"I mean, a great wyrmdragon being soloed by a 16h level character is simply outo f the question."


Can be done in BG2... with a lower level characetr even. Nice try though.



"The best AI in a CRPG so far is the Radiant AI in Oblivion and even that is... well.. weird."


Can't comapre that; but comapred to other games I have played, NWN's AI while far from perfect is definitely amongst the best.



"NWN 1 was a step backwards compared to the Infinity Engine games."


No. A step up. Better role-playing. Better combat. Better options. Better longtitivity.

Edited by Volourn


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No. You are wrong. The NWN AI is better than most plus. And, it's also superior role-playing wise than role-playing a 6 Headed Hydra...


That said, at least for the NWN2 OC, I'll be controlling npcs as I'm sure it'll be balanced with that in mind. Role-playing will suffer in that regard; but there's other role-playing that should make up for it. :lol:

Volo, whenever you post, I always find something that amuses me.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Actually I though the combat and role playing were quite worse in the NWN OC than BG 1 and BG2. he writing was definitely worse. It did give you more options and better longivity due to the toolset and the 3e rules, I will give you that. Also the dragons in BG 2 were a B**CH to do solo, hell even with a party. In NWN 1 they were quite simple to kill.

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"In NWN 1 they were quite simple to kill."


Read the NWN1 OC Spoilers Section to be proven wrong, Mr. Werewolf. :-



"Actually I though the combat and role playing were quite worse in the NWN OC than BG 1 and BG2."





" he writing was definitely worse."


No except in the case of joinable npcs. All of them had interesting backgrounds and personalities but the way they were written was a turn off so most people missed them. Other than that the quality of the writing is equal to BG2 and BETTER than BG1.



"Volo, whenever you post, I always find something that amuses me."



Edited by Volourn


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No. You are wrong. The NWN AI is better than most plus. And, it's also superior role-playing wise than role-playing a 6 Headed Hydra...


Rolep-playing my ass.


'Ho look, i can't control my party members, like in real life, ho soo realistic, this is great roleplaying, wheeee'.


By that standard, Oblivion it's the pinnacle of a roleplaying experience.


How about this: the minimal (if any) roleplaying benefict of having non-controllable NPCs was completely overshadowed by the total and utter destruction of gameplay.

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NWN's OC had "roleplaying"? >_<


Well, I guess if by roleplaying you mean... you're a no name chosen one who has to run to 4 different parts of the town to find 4 items so you can move to the next area and go to 4 different parts of the wilderness to find 4 items so you can.... :)

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"Well, I guess if by roleplaying you mean"


Many quests had multiple ways to complete them, and dialogue skills mattered (would have mattered more if in some instances you simply couldn't 'retry' them which was a problem in NWN as well as both KOTORs). Hopefully, that part will be fixed in NWN2 though.


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Many quests had multiple ways to complete them,


The whole thing was a "you are good or shall be good and save the land" kinda thing.


I started with an evil character and became neutral good just by playing the thing >_<


That's not roleplaying :)

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"I started with an evil character and became neutral good just by playing the thing "


That's funny you emntion this as this is imposisble unless you purposefully played the goodie two shoes as the main quest (and it's one of its negatives) doesn't effect your alignment at all so why make things up?


Obviously, you weren't role-playing your character. >_<


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Many quests had multiple ways to complete them, and dialogue skills mattered (would have mattered more if in some instances you simply couldn't 'retry' them which was a problem in NWN as well as both KOTORs). Hopefully, that part will be fixed in NWN2 though.


Nay. You see, roleplaying doesn't just imply a good number of options, but rather, wheter those options are worth even pursuing.


I don't want roleplaying, i want a meaningful roleplaying experience...

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"I started with an evil character and became neutral good just by playing the thing "


That's funny you emntion this as this is imposisble unless you purposefully played the goodie two shoes as the main quest (and it's one of its negatives) doesn't effect your alignment at all so why make things up?


Obviously, you weren't role-playing your character. >_<


Not. :)


I did stuff for cash, I killed people who annoyed me (sadly not aribeth at the school) and just played to win.

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"I started with an evil character and became neutral good just by playing the thing "


That's funny you emntion this as this is imposisble unless you purposefully played the goodie two shoes as the main quest (and it's one of its negatives) doesn't effect your alignment at all so why make things up?


Obviously, you weren't role-playing your character. :-


Not. :(


I did stuff for cash, I killed people who annoyed me (sadly not aribeth at the school) and just played to win.



What if one just did it for free and not accept any monetary compensation?


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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There was very few instances where you can solve quests in different ways and in the main quest there was only one way to solve it. Also there is no real way playing evil in NWN. No matter what, you end up saving Neverwinter.

Edited by Judge Hades
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