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NWN2 only 20 hours long?


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I would say that the trend toward shorter games has more to do with the fact that the gaming demographic is older now.  A lot of people in their late 20s and early 30s simply don't have the time (or don't want to make the time) to become embroiled in 60+ hour games.

I hope not because by the same logic you might say I don't have time to read a book over 300 pages. Neither is true. I did not read Shogun in one night and I never spent 60 consecutive hours in front of my computer.

Edited by Guard Dog

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Because I know that I tend to get a handle of games faster and play the game efficiently.  It took me 20 to 25 hours to beat IWD 2.  It took me 12 hours to beat BGDA.  It took me 28 hours to beat KotOR 2.  And so forth and so on.

Wow on your first playthrough you beat IWD2 faster than QA sprinters who had worked on it for months. Somehow, I think you're exaggerating. My first playthrough of IWD2 took 80+ hours and I was the lead designer. It was rare in the extreme that I had to reload for any battle and I knew how all of the puzzled worked.


And Feargus' initial estimates for IWD2 were 30-40 hours. Even if you are, in fact, the most amazing CRPG player ever, those who finished IWD2 typically clocked far more than 30-40 hours on it.


You guys spout estimate times, but each and every time I play a game I am under that estimate time by a good 25 to 50 percent.  So, Feargus says 20, I expect to beat the game in 10 to 15.  Not worth my time.

So basically you don't care what the actual player-stated length of the game is on release, you're going to base your purchase on what the head of the company (who, like me, hasn't played through the game from beginning to end) says months prior to release?

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Clueless about console games as usual :p


Most Console RPGs take about 50 hours... and that's if you rush through them at high speed.


60+ is what they usually go for, and most console gamers want LONGER rpgs not shorter ones.


People on a board for Shadow Hearts from the new world were bitching because the game could be beaten in *shock* about 40 hours (and that's without doing the sidequests)


Heck, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne has about 200 hours of play value in it.


You clearly don't understand the situation, Hades-lite :p

Ah yes I am sure they are epic long games.


You wouldn't know as you've never played a console game :)


How can you honestly complain about something you've never tried? :)


Come on, DR, get a PS2 and see what you're missing :)


Sure I have in the past. My ex and my best friend have the bloody things.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Wow on your first playthrough you beat IWD2 faster than QA sprinters who had worked on it for months.  Somehow, I think you're exaggerating.  My first playthrough of IWD2 took 80+ hours and I was the lead designer.


What can I say, I have a gift for these things. :p Except for that damn godmode bastard werewolf. :)


And Feargus' initial estimates were 30-40 hours.  Even if you are, in fact, the most amazing CRPG player ever, those who finished IWD2 typically clocked far more than 30-40 hours on it.


Well, it was an IE game, and all IE games have the same basic style which I have honed with multiple playings of BG, BG 2, IWD, and PS:T which I played to death (30 to 40 times each) so when IWD 2 came out it was pretty much a breeze. Add to the fact that I know 3e decently well I was able to make a fairly optimized and powerful party that pretty much owned more than half the game.



So basically you don't care what the actual player-stated length of the game is on release, you're going to base your purchase on what the head of the company (who, like me, hasn't played through the game from beginning to end) says months prior to release?


Who is better to know the game than the those who created it? I trust you guys enough to give accurate information on game length in a game you created.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Sure I have in the past. My ex and my best friend have the bloody things.

Is that one or two persons ? :)


Well, Mr. Sawyer sort of hit the spot, nobody really has a definite clue until the game is completed...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well, it was an IE game, and all IE games have the same basic style which I have honed with multiple playings of BG, BG 2, IWD, and PS:T which I played to death (30 to 40 times each) so when IWD 2 came out it was pretty much a breeze.



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Its hardly a conspiracy when it is transparent as glass.


Most conspiracy theorists believe everything is transparent :)"


how about taking him at face value since he's the one with the info and we are not.... then if it proves to be false, complain... and if it proves to be true you don't look foolish :p

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Sorry, I am not David Copperfield. Sorry, no illusions up my sleeve. Hell, no sleeve.


In any case I appreciate Feargus being honest about the game length and I will be buying it, but I will be waiting when it its the bargin bin, just like I did with Bloodlines. By then there might be a mod or 2 worth downloading.

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Sure I have in the past. My ex and my best friend have the bloody things.


How many have you played? :)


At the least pick up a PSX (for about 30 bucks now), you can find some excellent games on that system :p


Heck, there's even a version of Diablo for it :p

Enough I have played. I can recall playing Kotor 1 and 2 on it since the ex prefered it on the X-Box than the pc for some reason.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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