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Games make you do drugs


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I can get very cranky without caffeine. It controls me.

My life is in shambles.

Caffeine will forever have its hold on me. I tried going a day without it. I will not make that mistake again.

I regularly wean myself off coffee for a few days / weeks, so that when I want to control my alertness more precisely. Adequate hydration is the key (at least seven to eight cups of water a day). :)




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I can get very cranky without caffeine. It controls me.

My life is in shambles.

So do I...I lash out at everyone and everything when I've had too much. Almost lost a dear friend 'cause of it. Then again, for those few days, I was drinking a Juicy Juice bottle full of coffee using twice as much grounds as was recommended and getting like 3 hours of sleep a night. Swore off of it, too.




Went a month.



*sips coffee* :)

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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So do I...I lash out at everyone and everything when I've had too much. Almost lost a dear friend 'cause of it. Then again, for those few days, I was drinking a Juicy Juice bottle full of coffee using twice as much grounds as was recommended and getting like 3 hours of sleep a night. Swore off of it, too.




Went a month.



*sips coffee* :)


Were you playing games at the time ? :ph34r:

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I can get very cranky without caffeine. It controls me.

My life is in shambles.

Caffeine will forever have its hold on me. I tried going a day without it. I will not make that mistake again.

I regularly wean myself off coffee for a few days / weeks, so that when I want to control my alertness more precisely. Adequate hydration is the key (at least seven to eight cups of water a day). :)

If I don't get my fix, I will get severe migraines and it usually happens right behind my eyes. No I will continue on with drinking my Mt. Dew.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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The problem is that the body develops a tolerance to any substance given over a period of time. Most of the caffeine you are imbibing is just there to prevent you from getting a headache: you aren't getting any real benefit from the caffeine. If you wean yourself off for a week or so, then you can get the full effects again, and if you keep your daily intake below about 200mg, then you won't suffer any symptoms due to addiction. :wub:




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Sometimes it's a bit silly what you see coming in in the emergency psychiatry department.


'I have massive anxiety problems!'

'How much coffee do you drink?'

'10-15 cups a day!!!'




(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Those decaffeinated adverts from the eighties were brilliant!
Easy for you maybe, not me. If I don't drink something with caffeine within a few hours of getting up, migraines start to set in.

Nothing worth doing is easy. :wub:

It's not worth doing I guess. I like having my Mt. Dew on a daily basis just like people who are wired up on coffee and cigerettes.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Easy for you maybe, not me. If I don't drink something with caffeine within a few hours of getting up, migraines start to set in.


Those are just withdrawls, you won't get them for more then a couple of days.


The problem with quitting coffee for me is depression.


Caffeine actually works an as anti-depressant for me, and every time i try to quit i start to feel suicidal after a few days...

Edited by Lyric Suite
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well... with some serious drugs Ubersoldier MIGHT sound like a good game... (god I should have found a review before I bought it)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Caffiene never worked for me because the stuff runs through my system too damn fast. I think it has to do with seemingly accelerated metabolism (since I got off the anti-depresants which made me gain hella weight, I haven't been able to eat fast enough to maintain any sort of weight, I overeat constantly but I'm building muscle and losing all the fat I accumulated). It's like, ooh, coffee, I feel awake now. Then two hours later "OH MAN I'M JONESIN' FOR A NAP SO HARD!"


Too expensive to drink it as an alertness aid. I find sleep deprivation a better tool for a quick short term boost to be honest. Floods my system with adrenaline that doesn't really leave until I sleep. It's probably unhealthy though. At least my mind's sharp.



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I find sleep deprivation a better tool for a quick short term boost to be honest.  Floods my system with adrenaline that doesn't really leave until I sleep.  It's probably unhealthy though.  At least my mind's sharp.

Very unhealthy. Under stress the body produces loads of cortisol, which ain't good for you in high doses for long durations ...



The hormone lowers the activity of the immune system in the blood. It reflects leukocyte redistribution to LNs, bone marrow, and skin ( Cohen, 1972; Cox & Ford, 1982; Dhabhar & McEwen, 1996; Dhabhar and Dhabhar; Fauci, 1975; Fauci & Dale, 1974; Fauci & Dale, 1975; Yu et al., 1974). Acute administration of corticosterone (the endogenous Type I and Type II receptor agonist), or RU28362 (a specific Type II receptor agonist), to adrenalectomized animals induced changes in leukocyte distribution. Bone formation is also lowered by cortisol.


These normal endogenous functions are the basis for the physiological consequences of chronic stress - prolonged cortisol secretion causes muscle wastage, hyperglycemia, and suppresses immune / inflammatory responses. The same consequences arise from long-term use of glucocorticoid drugs.


Also, long-term exposure to cortisol results in damage to cells in the hippocampus. This damage results in impaired learning. However, short-term exposure of cortisol helps to create memories; this is the proposed mechanism for storage of flash bulb memories.




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Dude, I know this. I'm talking about once in awhile, generally when I can't sleep or I get so wrapped up in something I forget to. My focus is pretty intense when I'm interested in something, new studies suggest it's the ADD.



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