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Nother NWN2 Preview


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And here's another new interview



Chris Avellone [Lead Designer on Planescape: Torment and KOTOR2] has been doing a lot of work on this for about a year now writing all the dialogue for the companions and some of the major characters in Neverwinter Nights 2, so we're focusing a lot on the story.


So that's how we're trying to make the story interesting and making it about you, and then also making it a little different. What I sometimes say is that we're trying to change the convention of having areas of the game that stays still and then you arrive and then it plays and then it stops when you leave. We're trying to make them evolve over time so that when you go back, they're a little bit different, and little things like that.


Well we'd originally hoped to do an Xbox 360 SKU and we'd actually done work on the engine, it was an OpenGL render before, whereas Neverwinter Nights 2 is now a DirectX engine. That was done to put it onto the 360, but after we did that and we moved down the road, it turned out that it was going to cost money to do the 360 SKU though everybody knew that upfront, and so it was...yeah. Let's just say that it was on the cards but we didn't have the money ourselves to do it.


At the moment I'm under orders to say third quarter...so...


We have been in talks with LucasArts to do KOTOR3 since August 2004 and we'd had hopes to start on it after KOTOR2. LucasArts are currently thinking about it, but we'd be really happy to do KOTOR3 if that's what LucasArts wants.


About Sega:

It's an original IP that we came up with ourselves.






(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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A piece in you?


Agree, sounds a bit rough.

You're level 1, and you got an army of plane-travelling Gith-ninjas on your tail? Sounds very 6_man_Palladium_PnP_PG_lvl_90_char'ish.. >_<


Oh well,.. I'm sure it'll be great anyway.



Edited by Junai
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The piece in you revelation seems to come much later in the game, though. Fearghus talks about two different temporal positions in the same space (hometown).

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It is better than releasing an unfinished product.

Agreed, I can wait an extra 3 months if it's going to make the game better. I would love to play it now, but I'm glad Atari is giving them plenty of time to make sure the game is right when it ships.


Edit: I hope its challenging, Feargus talking about making the beginning easy for newbs wasn

Edited by Ellester

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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The rules need tobe easy for n00bs to grasp but the action needs to be challenging as challenging a game can get, within the confines of the rules system in use but there hasn't been a challegning d20 System game yet so I doubt NWN 2 will be.

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Make a training tutorial that is optional, so you dont have to go through that c**p at the beginning of the game. Like Myth1. That game had a funny and entertaining tutorial.

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