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Future of the Serenity franchise

Plano Skywalker

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I recently finished watching all Firefly episodes and, also, the movie Serenity.

I have to say I was quite impressed by the immersive, "I can almost see this happening" kind of feel.


I doubt the show will ever resurface (at least not with the same name, cast, and story arch) but more movies could be made.


It has been reported that, thanks to strong DVD sales, the movie is profitable. Hopefully, there will be a sequel (s).



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I recently finished watching all Firefly episodes and, also, the movie Serenity.

I have to say I was quite impressed by the immersive, "I can almost see this happening" kind of feel.


I doubt the show will ever resurface (at least not with the same name, cast, and story arch) but more movies could be made.


It has been reported that, thanks to strong DVD sales, the movie is profitable.  Hopefully, there will be a sequel (s).




It can only go 2 ways. Either it's dead for good or it will go the Star trek way.


To be profitable in Hollywood, movies must now cover most of their cost during the first week/weekend(from release day to following sunday, inclusively). If the film achieves such a "feat", a sequel is almost assured(like 80% sure). If not, the franchise is pretty much dead(like 80% "pretty much").


I'm hoping it will go Star Trek, without R.Berman of course.

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Firefly: TNG ftw!


Edit: Honestly though, hopefully they'll make something more.. my Firefly needs have not yet been satisfied.


A game maybe.. space/cowboy crpg?..

Edited by Rhombus

What do you want?.. blink.gif

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"To be profitable in Hollywood, movies must now cover most of their cost during the first week/weekend(from release day to following sunday, inclusively). If the film achieves such a "feat", a sequel is almost assured(like 80% sure). If not, the franchise is pretty much dead(like 80% "pretty much")."


Not quite some true. Many movies do poorly in theatres; but then do really well in DVD sales that they continue on.


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I want a Firefly Action RPG.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Not quite some true. Many movies do poorly in theatres; but then do really well in DVD sales that they continue on.



Please. Name 5.


Well, Hulk and Punisher are two... I'm not sure, but I think Daredevil was another.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Not quite some true. Many movies do poorly in theatres; but then do really well in DVD sales that they continue on.



Please. Name 5.


Well, Hulk and Punisher are two... I'm not sure, but I think Daredevil was another.


Hulk, Punisher and Daredevil are getting sequels? :wub:

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the "selling point" for a sequel could be Josh's ability to keep the special effects costs, and overall production costs, in line. obviously, he would probably want to do more in a sequel but could keep that aspect down if it meant the difference between production and non-production.


of course, there has been talk of a made-for-tv and "straight-to-DVD" production but I'm hoping any sequel will start off on the silver screen. I think this has the potential to fill the vacuum of space opera on the silver screen.

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I honestly don't know how Daredevil is getting a sequel, that was retched. In fact, the Jennifer Garner spin off was partly a sequel (she was signed to both simultaneously.) You'd think two stinkers would be enough.


The Hulk did pretty decent, from what I remember. It had a big budget, so it was probably hard to match, but I don't remember it being a real disappointment at the box office.


The Punisher was made pretty cheaply. It didn't take in much, but I doubt it had a huge budget to cover. I'd like to see a sequel, although I wasn't entirely satisfied with the first one. The character development was pretty shallow. They had that great guy with the guitar who seemed like he'd be interesting, and they did nothing with it. Still, Thomas Jane was a great choice.

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the "selling point" for a sequel could be Josh's ability to keep the special effects costs, and overall production costs, in line.  obviously, he would probably want to do more in a sequel but could keep that aspect down if it meant the difference between production and non-production.


of course, there has been talk of a made-for-tv and "straight-to-DVD" production but I'm hoping any sequel will start off on the silver screen.  I think this has the potential to fill the vacuum of space opera on the silver screen.

The formula the Paramount used with all the Star Trek films was to provide a budget approximately what the film would make (based on what the last film(s) made): about, about $50 million, I think (less Paramount's projected profit). (It's on the director's commentary for Search for Spock, I think: the director's commentary of Wrath of Kahn is well worth a listen, too.)


To continue the analogy: each time a new Star Trek film was made, up until the fourth, I think, there was no plan to make another. After the fourth was the biggest EVER, they signed up to do a total of ten.




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I think Firefly needs the Captain and Jane to create the same atmosphere as the series and the movie. The rest of the characters can be replaced, but I think they are crucial.


But TNG found a pretty awesome captain replacement...some might say an even better choice than Shatner. Personally I think they are pretty different beasts. Firefly is much more character and dialogue driven, while Star Trek was always based more around literary themes with a healthy dose of sci-fi talk.

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Mal, Zoe and River are the central characters. The others are important, but not vital. (JW always wants a teenage girl superhero in his productions. :o)


I would have liked Book to be there, too, but that avenue isn't going to be explored except in flashback. :(




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Mal, Zoe and River are the central characters. The others are important, but not vital. (JW always wants a teenage girl superhero in his productions. :blink:)


I would have liked Book to be there, too, but that avenue isn't going to be explored except in flashback. :(


right, they are the central characters in this story arch which will never be explored in a weekly show format again. if it is explored, it will be explored in movies.


however, I think the (not so fantastical) setting (love the whole terraforming thing) would lend itself to a new show that is not on a firefly-class ship, is not based on smugglers, and has a completely new cast.


the "evil empire" story arch we are in now has to be resolved with the 3 characters you mentioned....no question about it.

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Well, the last I heard there was this one bugger that is trying to by the rights of Firefly from Fox, try to convince Whedon and crew to go back to the small screen with it, and have it be on the primary line up of of the merged UPN/WB network.

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