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at least they don't scale your game like they did in homeworld 2...


you have 20 battlecruisers? ha HA! the computer magically has 10X that many fighters.


And on the lvl up thing, I'd think that you wouldn't increase stats at that point. Rather you'd have the stats slowly increase until the lvl up where your character gains a new skill.


For example, Ranma is a lvl 19 martial artist who's been working for a long time with his speed. in the middle of a fight he finds himself against sombody who can withstand immence amounts of impact. so what ranma does is start using said speed to throw 100 punches in the time it takes for a normal person to throw one. when he does this it'd be "Level UP!" for ranma and he'd become a lvl 20 martial artist.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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That is why I claim that there is something very wrong in the core design.


I want to play pure fighter, and now Shadowstrider tells me that I can't - I have to enchant and recharge weapons. So, as a fighter, I have to go through all Mages guilds first in order to get access to Arcane Univ and then "start" playing the game? Is this the main idea??


Oh, and don't forget that as a fighter I have to cast spells during fight in order to win (because otherwise my 17 level fighter with 90 strength gets down by two road bandits just in 5 seconds). If this is good game design, then I am a tram.

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You don't need enchant to create magic items.



The only "enchanting" I've been involved in is when I use the stones I steal when I close an Oblivion gate. If you click on it when it is in your inventory, a screen pops up where you can add that stone's stats to a piece of armour/weapon from your inventory list. I've made boots of water walking, gloves with 180 ft sense life, greaves which give me 12 additional strength and so on. I also made a Daedric bow with 25 extra frost damage and 70 charges.. It's great!


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You don't need enchant to create magic items.



The only "enchanting" I've been involved in is when I use the stones I steal when I close an Oblivion gate. If you click on it when it is in your inventory, a screen pops up where you can add that stone's stats to a piece of armour/weapon from your inventory list. I've made boots of water walking, gloves with 180 ft sense life, greaves which give me 12 additional strength and so on. I also made a Daedric bow with 25 extra frost damage and 70 charges.. It's great!



Yep but those things are so samey it's boring.


I'd suggest

+35 damage +35 health drain not only will you dish out tons. But you will heal faster than most things can hurt you

made the last bit of the game a total breeze.


I had a mace and a bow with the same properties.


Although at lower levels paying for recharges is too expensive and at higher levels it's a pain unless you carry around a lot of stones. I did find another way. But it's not for a pure fighter.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I don't like the scaling system. It's obviously not a deal breaker for me, but I'm just one of those fellows for whom the idea of danger and suspense, the possibility of greater risk for greater rewards, and the chance to let my guard down, even a little, is worth more than this so-called balance.


I haven't turned a deaf ear to the arguments in favor of the system. I simply disagree with them.

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Yep, guys, I am familiar with the sigil stones and soletraps in order to recharge your items. (Thanks for the help, but I don't need it, I am quite experienced player :lol: ) I have my blade enchanted with the Kvatch stone and it is OK, but why a fighter should do this? Just why?? I want to be a fighter, not half fighter/half mage. The game is unplayable for pure fighter. This is what I mean as bad design.

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I hate Guilds *sigh*.


Why o why do I have to join one in order to enchant items? :lol:.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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It isn't unplayable for a "pure fighter." It might be unplayable for "a pure fighter who outright refuses to use magic items, including drinking potions, eating ingredients or cast spells."


Just to test this theory, I made a fighter whose primary skills were blade, block, and heavy armor. The rest were arcane spells that I used to power level myself (auto cast spells), and walked away from the keyboard. When I came back I was level 13, with rusty iron equipment from the Char Gen dungeon. Proceeding with the main quest, I went to Jauffre and met bandit. Guess what he had... a glass axe and a rag tag combination of mithril and orcish armor.


Somehow, by the grace of god, through the use of potions and my rusty equipment, I won the fight. Was it easy? No, and I eventually had to retreat and spam my healing spell for a second go. Went back and finished him off.


With this new gear, I had no problem taking down single opponents without the use of spells, but only using potions.




Ive done some further investigating and my table still applies to ARMOR.


Weapons are available using the following chart:

Iron                 1
Steel                2
Silver               4
Dwarven          6
Elven               9
Glass               12
Ebony              16
Daedric            20


That is why you are getting elven weapons, and not armor, prior to 15.

Edited by Shadowstrider
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It isn't unplayable for a "pure fighter." It might be unplayable for "a pure fighter who outright refuses to use magic items, including drinking potions, eating ingredients or cast spells."


Actually, we're only talking about enchanting items. We aren't talking about any of the other things you mentioned, because they are available without hiking it to the Arcane University.


If we can track back, the bone of contention was your statement that:


You guys are relying far too much on being GIVEN items. The creation system is in place for you to create magic items on your own.


So if Player X is having difficulties as a Fighter with "GIVEN" (dropped/bought) items, X should go ahead and enchant things. Now, does that mean you are saying X (Shadowpaladin, was it?) is an inferior player in terms of skill and therefore most other FIghters can get by comfortably without enchanting? Or does this mean that you strongly recommend most players DO enchant?


If the former, well, that's for SP to say (:lol:), if the latter, my/our point stands - Fighters should not have to be forced into an Arcane University with draconian entrance requirements to get by the game without getting kicked in the ass al the time.


Anyway, on the weapon tables: Thanks, that clears it up a bit better. makes sense to me.

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I was replying to this:

I have my blade enchanted with the Kvatch stone and it is OK, but why a fighter should do this? Just why?? I want to be a fighter, not half fighter/half mage. The game is unplayable for pure fighter. This is what I mean as bad design.


He has a problem with using magic for anything, apparently. I can only assume this means spells and scrolls, witht he possibility of potions.


I wasn't replying to points you were raising (haven't read them). I'd say that, yes, as in any fantasy game it is "strongly adviced that you enchant your gear, whether it be with sigil stones or otherwise." It isn't mandatory, but if you don't your life is much more difficult. I can get by with my unenchanted glass axe just fine, but if there were 3 foes it would likely be a different ball game (as it should be).


I don't know what you mean by "getting by comfortably," but if it means cruise through 2 enemies without losing half your health, the answer is definitely no.

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I was replying to this:


Aha. My apologies. :p


"strongly adviced that you enchant your gear, whether it be with sigil stones or otherwise."


I'm sounding like a dead horse croaking, but your sentence is misrepresentative of the situation: it should be


"strongly advised that as a fighter character you join the mages guild and perform many quests for them and reach a decent rank so that you may enchant your weapons."


I imagine it wouldn't be a problem for the RPers if enchanting tables were free for use everywhere, though as a mage myself, I prefer Oblivion's setup. :p


Oh, and by"get by comfortably" i mean not have to get one's ass kicked all the time - SP had a problem getting by without enchanted weapons, and you said he should enchant. That's the whole focus here.

Edited by Tigranes
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the scaling system works good and so does the level up system.



if you spend all your time practicing your mercantile or speechcraft skills then you're probably not the right man for the job of ridding Tamriel of evil


of course the game will be harder for a moneygrubbing pansy, it's the way it should be and if you can't cope with it use the nifty difficulty slider, it really works

Lois: Honey, what do you say we uh...christen these new sheets, huh?

Peter: Why Lois Griffin, you naughty girl.

Lois: Hehehe...that's me.

Peter: You dirty hustler.

Lois: Hehehehe...

Peter: You filthy, stinky prostitute.

Lois: Aha, ok I get it...

Peter: You foul, venereal disease carrying, street walking whore.

Lois: Alright, that's enough!

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I'm not a member of the mage's guild, and use sigil stones.  In fact, I prefer sigil stones.  So, no, I stand by this:
strongly adviced that you enchant your gear, whether it be with sigil stones or otherwise.


Perhaps then you should have made taking down the gates a bit more interesting.


The problem with Sigil stones like most things in Oblivion is ,they are random. Now IWD had random loot. But it also had enough fixed loot to get you through if you were not particulalry lucky with what dropped.


Also, the more gates you hit , the more you level.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Oh, and by"get by comfortably" i mean not have to get one's ass kicked all the time - SP had a problem getting by without enchanted weapons, and you said he should enchant. That's the whole focus here.


The only point of difficulty I had was Kvatch. And at that point there was only one sigil stone (which wasnt a very good one).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Weapons are available using the following chart:

Iron                 1
Steel                2
Silver               4
Dwarven          6
Elven               9
Glass               12
Ebony              16
Daedric            20


That is why you are getting elven weapons, and not armor, prior to 15.


This is what has a chance of dropping not what actually drops though right ? Like you definately wont see steel before level 2 (although I got a silver sword at level 2 it was from the Arena).


At level 6 I've yet to see anything silver but the odd arrow.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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It isn't unplayable for a "pure fighter."  It might be unplayable for "a pure fighter who outright refuses to use magic items, including drinking potions, eating ingredients or cast spells."


I think you need to look up the definition of pure fighter if you think it includes casting spells (thats a fighter/mage). :p"

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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It isn't unplayable for a "pure fighter."  It might be unplayable for "a pure fighter who outright refuses to use magic items, including drinking potions, eating ingredients or cast spells."


I think you need to look up the definition of pure fighter if you think it includes casting spells (thats a fighter/mage). :p"


Even with spells like "Fortify Strength", "Fortify Agility", etc?

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Even with spells like "Fortify Strength", "Fortify Agility", etc?


Yep , ever see Conan cast a spell ?


Someone did a pretty good likeness of Conan over at TES (using the character builder).


Potions. While I think the way the game uses them is cheap are a given.


Heres something from the intro written by Bethesda.


"And just like you can go and do whatever you like, you can also be whatever kind of character you want."


In truth, clearly not the case at all.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Even with spells like "Fortify Strength", "Fortify Agility", etc?


Yep , ever see Conan cast a spell ?


Someone did a pretty good likeness of Conan over at TES (using the character builder).


Potions. While I think the way the game uses them is cheap are a given.


Heres something from the intro written by Bethesda.


"And just like you can go and do whatever you like, you can also be whatever kind of character you want."


In truth, clearly not the case at all.


Would my character be considered a pure fighter if I only use potions and I have a high alchemy skill?

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Would my character be considered a pure fighter if I only use potions and I have a high alchemy skill?


It depends how strict you want to make the definition(although buying and drinking potions is fine). For example a fighter for whom sneak attack in an integrel part of his combat strategy isnt really a pure fighter.


My character wasnt a pure fighter because everytime someone went into a block stance he threw a fireball at them.


Oblivion has some odd definitions. Like classifying Merchantile as a stealth skill for example.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Perhaps then you should have made taking down the gates a bit more interesting.


The problem with Sigil stones like most things in Oblivion is ,they are random. Now IWD had random loot. But it also had enough fixed loot to get you through if you were not particulalry lucky with what dropped.


Also, the more gates you hit , the more you level.


*I* had nothing to do with Oblivion or its gates.


It is entirely possible to run through several gates without leveling. Cast invisibility, run through, repeat.


It isn't unplayable for a "pure fighter."  It might be unplayable for "a pure fighter who outright refuses to use magic items, including drinking potions, eating ingredients or cast spells."


I think you need to look up the definition of pure fighter if you think it includes casting spells (thats a fighter/mage). :huh:"


There is no definition of pure fighter, first of all. Not in any dictionary I have available. Second of all, reread the quote. I included casting spells because that includes scrolls. A pure fighter who doesn't drink potions, use magic items or eat ingredients is what we would call gimp.


Addendum: Conan was a barbarian.

Edited by Shadowstrider
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Heres something from the intro written by Bethesda.


"And just like you can go and do whatever you like, you can also be whatever kind of character you want."


In truth, clearly not the case at all.


It is true, if you want to be a gimp who doesn't drink potions, use ingredients or use any magic items you can. The game will just be REALLY tough.


Go try to play a fighter in BG2 without using any magic items, or drinking any potions. See how tough it is.

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*I* had nothing to do with Oblivion or its gates.


It is entirely possible to run through several gates without leveling.  Cast invisibility, run through, repeat.


There is no definition of pure fighter, first of all.  Not in any dictionary I have available.  Second of all, reread the quote.  I included casting spells because that includes scrolls.  A pure fighter who doesn't drink potions, use magic items or eat ingredients is what we would call gimp.


Addendum:  Conan was a barbarian.


That you would say that is interesting....


Which again is totally contaradicting the spiel about making any character.


So your basically saying that you can play whatever character you like. As long as you play the type of character we designed the game for?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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