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He talked backwards like his more famous counterpart?


Like, "Star Maps you must find. Lead them to the Star Forge they shall."


Or "Respect in your wisdom I have, Master Vrook, but your concern it is not."




I was kinda disappointed to hear him talking normally...




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

Yeah, they didnt want to take away from one of the most famous of all SW chars, that being Yoda.

"The dimmest light can shatter the darkest night, and the light I carry is in no way dim."



I agree that it was better to do as it was done.


He had a very Yoda-like voice, but was noticeably different from Yoda at the same time exactly because he didn't talk "backwards" like Yoda did.


If he had, he would have been a very forgettable Yoda-clone, whom we would all have done our best to ignore. Instead he became more original, while still having obvious ties to Yoda.


Yoda, Yaddle and Vandar's species has still not been revealed. Very annoying. We can assume thar they're generally strong in the Force, as the only three of their species we know of have been Jedi.


I wouldn't mind seeing, at some point, a visit to their home planet, possibly in Lucas' new TV show. And then, if they are all strong in the Force, we may even end up with a dark Jedi member of their species... :)


I like the "Yoda" race, they are pretty neat, powerful little guys.

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Yoda is a Jawa. The reason why the rest of them are all covered is that they are tired of having Sith lords seeking them out and killing them just to make a name for themselves... :thumbsup:




or maybe the rest are sith lords, and are just covered, because thats what sith lords do...yoda, vandar and yaddle were just messed up in the head...


"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."


Yoda was hilarious in the old trilogy, but in the new films he just drives me up the wall. The scene where hes breaking all of Luke's stuff and cackling is just pure physical comedic awsomeness. But wow, is he lame in the new trilogy or what? It was better when he only occasionally said thing backwards. BAD idea to make him speak backwards EVERY DAMN LINE.


that was extremely odd, and contradictory, in eps 1+2+3 he was serious he acted like a jedi master, wise and so on, but in ep 5 he was just a crazy munchkin jerk, maybe the darkside of dagobah got to him


It was part of the lesson that he was trying to teach Luke; that being that what you expect to find isn't always what you will find. Remember that Luke was seeking "a great warrior", but did Yoda look the part of one?


Yoda was broken after he had his arrogant ass handed to him by Darth Sidious. When you see him in Empire Strikes Back, he is just a shell of his former self.


Actually, Yoda was acting all cooky because he wanted to test Luke's perceptions and wisdom, which the farm boy of course completely failed. But Yoda always gave the impression of a cooky master in the original trilogy, something that is sorely lacking from the new films.

yoda is a broken jedi, and paves the way for the darkside


Palpatine ran from Yoda. And Yoda (propably) would'be won unless he hadn't lost "the high ground" by dropping from that weird-senator-ufo-thing-whateve-its-name-is

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- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




I think had they stayed in that office, Yoda would have won, and in answer to the topic, I think it was fine the way he talked. If anyone had heard Yaddle talk, We could determine whther Vandar had bad speech, or Yoda did...

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