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What games do the developers play?


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I had a C64 as a kid. It took 20 minutes to boot some games, but I loved it.


Now, I need to hunt me down one.

20 minutes ? You don't know how lucky you are then...


Try "The Hobbit" (the adventure game from Melbourne House), it takes 35 minutes to load from tape and crashes regularly.


Personally, I prefer Ultima IV to V. V just felt "wrong" somehow, with those big chunky graphics. Didn't have the same kind of immersivenes as Ultima I-IV, because of the smaller field of view (well, it "felt" smaller, might just have been my imagination)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The number of tiles on the screen were the same as Ultima IV, I believe.


However, when in forests/mountains, or at night, your visibility would get impaired in Ultima V.


And on the C64, I had the FastBoot cartridge on the back.

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I can still play Ultima IV from start to finish. I can't say that of any other Ultima game. About a year ago, I did play a game of it start to finish. It's clunky, old, and "quaint" by today's standards. It's still an awesome game.

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Ultima V was a well done fine tuning of Ultima IV, adding lots of details to the game in so many ways to improve the original. In terms of influence though, I would say Ultima IV ranks above it. It was just such a change from Ultima III or even other RPGs of the time in its plot and approach. Ultima VII was the best of the Ultima series. After that, the EA purchase had gone through and affected everything Origin did from that time on, eventually ending up with Ultima no longer being a single player series and all of the older employees having left. :p


I remember Ultima V worked better on the Commodore 128 than 64 because of the added memory. I don't beleive there was music when I booted in 64 mode for instance. I remember rubbing it in with a friend of mine who only had a 64. :p

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Ehm. For the devs that play more then one MMO. What is your favorite? ;)

I've played FFXI, DAoC and WoW over the the last year.


I played DAoC for almost 2 years. Solid MMO. I liked the class system, though the balance was pretty bad--especially in RvR (hybrids were the suck with Mythic's stance basically being that they should be weaker than pure classes). Still, RvR kept me coming back for months--and the raids into Tuscaren Glacier were pretty fun too =) I left because ToA was looking to be an uber grind which would be required to be competative in RvR. There was also no love coming for hybrids (my main was a Skald, a bard-like melee hybrid) and they basically had huge problems in RvR. The Darkness Falls concept was awesome. I hope other faction based MMOs use it.


WoW is shaping up 'nicely'. It's accessible, but I think veteran MMO players can see the same mistakes other MMOs have made slowly making their way into the game. It's not groundbreaking, but easy to just log in for an hour a night with few problems (unless you do instance dungeons, which can take a few hours). Maybe that's groundbreaking in itself. It's a good MMO for casual players. I'm not a fan of using a push system in beta test as it introduces far too many variables at the same time, but I am also not developing an MMO so I am giving them the benefit of the doubt as to that reasoning. I think the last push was funner than this push, but hopefully things will work out. I wouldn't classify it as a slam dunk yet, though some areas (the Undead lands) are simply amazing, top MMO quality. Other areas (Kalimdor) need so much love, I wonder if 4 months is enough time to do it.


FFXI just didn't sit well with me from the start. I couldn't enjoy the combat, the mobs that would chase (and hit) forever if you ran, the need to group at an early level to do ANYTHING. The world pass system, oy...just a lot of gameplay aspects that didn't appeal to me.



right now WoW is my favorite. I also played EQ on Tallon Zek--which was the funnest PvP experience on any MMO. Nothing beat rolling up on a camp populated by an enemy faction and simply leveling them to get the spawn. Bliss =)

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(my main was a Skald, a bard-like melee hybrid)

Really interesting fact of the day: skald means bard in swedish.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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There's an Ultima V or VI (cant remember) remake for dungeon siege that's looking very promising. They just went to E3 and showed developers (and lord brittish) their work as well.

That would be Ultima V: Lazarus. It looks great.


ultima.rpgdot.com has a breakdown on all the Ultima games, remakes, etc.


Has anyone looked at Tabula Rasa?


I think it is truly the only third generation MMO in the works. In really redefines the genre. It takes out all the mistakes of previous MMO's and focuses on having fun rather than leveling up constantly.

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Thought I'd revive this old thread to see if any of the new Obsidian recruits would care to share their favourites with us..


To all the Obsidian-Brian's out there: name your game!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Thought I'd revive this old thread to see if any of the new Obsidian recruits would care to share their favourites with us..


To all the Obsidian-Brian's out there: name your game!

Some of my personal favorites from the latest generation are:



The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec

GTA3 / Vice City

UT 2004

Madden 2004

Mario Golf


I'm a big platformer/action adventure/FPS player. I absolutely loved Halo and The Wind Waker.

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Do you guys have LAN parties?  While Fergie isn't looking of course...

Two nights a week we take an hour or so to play some FPS. Most of this year it's been Battlefield Vietnam, but the last two weeks it's been UT2K4. :) But that's only about 12 - 15 of us tops. The rest of the company is probably working or something. :) Feargus has been known to join in the occasional game.



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Halo isn't bad per se... on console, specially for the co-op. Unfortunately as a PC game, and more specifically as a PC FPS, i found it to be lacking. I was playing it and couldn't see neither the inovation, neither the fun. Blasting hordes of aliens to bits and running around corridors got old for me some time ago. I couldn't derive any enjoyment out of it in the end.


Though the vehicules are great, i must say.

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Halo isn't bad per se... on console, specially for the co-op. Unfortunately as a PC game, and more specifically as a PC FPS, i found it to be lacking. I was playing it and couldn't see neither the inovation, neither the fun. Blasting hordes of aliens to bits and running around corridors got old for me some time ago. I couldn't derive any enjoyment out of it in the end.


Though the vehicules are great, i must say.

Okay, I can see your point there regarding a PC FPS. I guess I should have been more clear when listing it...as I have only ever played Halo for the X-Box.


In my opinion, it's arguably one of the best console FPS since Goldeneye on the N64. Man...those were the days.

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I think it's great that Feargie joins in on the games occassionally.


Before I moved back to the midwest, I interviewed with a top-notch web-development firm in LA. They had a nice zen-garden and arcade in their offices. You could take a break and challenge the CEO to air-hockey during the work day.


I however, knew I would ultimately get fired for owning the CEO at air-hockey repeatedly.

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Goldeneye rocked the house. So did Perferct Dark B)

Goldeneye just had that funky aiming thing with the little yellow buttons going on. It was so freaking annoying. It made the game feel less smooth. Halo on the other hand felt that the controls were much nicer.

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