CephasT Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 In kotor I and II the bodies always fell the the ground the exact same way, you could force push some one to death and they would get back up and fall the ground, if they could make at least one other position for the corpses to fall that would be great.
Ferr.M Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 The Architect said: I can only speculate but I get the impression that these KOTOR comics are being used as backstory telling devices, I'd wager that there trying to make things clear in terms of backstory as a buildup to KOTOR III, and the potential game developers could use information that is revealed in the comics as material to base their plot on. I'm not saying that the devs will force a 'canon' Revan and 'canon' Exile on us in KOTOR III (which is the biggest 'NO-NO' of them all), however, it may become clear... -Who the 'True Sith' are... -What there goals/plans/intentions are... -How long they've been in the unknown regions for... -What they've been doing in the unknown regions... -How and when Revan found out about the 'True Sith'... -Who else (if anyone) apart from Revan, Kreia and the Exile know about the 'True Sith'... -Why the 'True Sith' did not attack the Republic/Jedi after the Jedi Civil War when they were clearly in a weak, vulnerable state... -What Revan has been doing in the unknown regions all this time... -The 'True Sith's' connections/influence toward the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War and the Shadow War... -The 'True Sith's' actions before and during the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War and the Shadow War... I doubt whether most of these questions will be answered in these KOTOR comics, although, perhaps some of them will be, however, if KOTOR III is made and it is a sequel that brings closure to the Revan/Exile/True Sith story-arch in a 'finale to a trilogy' sort of way, then it is likely that at least some of the points that I made will become known before KOTOR III comes out... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I also want to figure out more about ALL of that in KOTOR III. The main thing is what/who the True Sith are, and why they're in the Unknown Regions. But I do also want to see some of the KOTOR II characters... "May the Force be with you."
Plano Skywalker Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 as I see it, KOTOR 3 has to wrap up the Revan/True Sith story arc. I think most of us can agree on that. I would hate it if they just keep "leaving room" and leave Revan unresolved. that is what K3 must do. what K3 should do is to set up joinable factions for future games in the franchise. Maybe the True Sith will remain in some fashion or other and maybe the Revan/Malak "pseudo-Sith" will remain, albeit under a different name. And then, there is the Krath, another dark side faction that is appropriate to the ancient setting. LS factions could include various Jedi splinter groups as well as things like Republic Fleet, Republic Intelligence, etc. faction-specific quests and party members would be cool.
Ferr.M Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 (edited) I agree. And yes, COURUSCANT IS A MUST!!! (w00t) Edited July 11, 2006 by Ferr.M "May the Force be with you."
kirottu Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 You mean Coruscunt, right? This post is not to be enjoyed, discussed, or referenced on company time.
Ferr.M Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 kirottu said: You mean Coruscunt, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah... that's what I said. "May the Force be with you."
GhostofAnakin Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 kirottu said: You mean Coruscunt, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean Coruscant, right? "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
JediKnight72 Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 CephasT said: In kotor I and II the bodies always fell the the ground the exact same way, you could force push some one to death and they would get back up and fall the ground, if they could make at least one other position for the corpses to fall that would be great. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that is a must because its werid. They also need to fix when you use static and then use force wave because they fall over and get back up.
lightsidedmarker Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 (edited) I would would like to play as an ithorian jedi.... those guys are the coolest thing (even though they look like tapeworms. And even more (non-human/droid (besided that grey mechanic)). Another thing i would like to see is more planets, more quests/side quests, more forcepowers/feats. Since i am a follower of the light i refuse to teach any of my party memebers any darkside feats and skills. I would also like to see more hilt styles for lightsabers (so far in the game i've only seen 2). Um... what else... the ability to buy a ship, home, or maybe even a fleet of fighters. KOTOR is ristricted really to story mode and i would like to see other modes like free roam, and some better minigames that require some level of skill besides addition and subtraction. A more interactive enviorment where people treat and react to you according to alignment. I would also like to see more classes. It would be cool to be like some sort of diplomat for the senate or something of that sort. Edited July 11, 2006 by lightsidedmarker
JediKnight72 Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 lightsidedmarker said: I would would like to play as an ithorian jedi.... those guys are the coolest thing (even though they look like tapeworms. And even more (non-human/droid (besided that grey mechanic)). Another thing i would like to see is more planets, more quests/side quests, more forcepowers/feats. Since i am a follower of the light i refuse to teach any of my party memebers any darkside feats and skills. I would also like to see more hilt styles for lightsabers (so far in the game i've only seen 2). Um... what else... the ability to buy a ship, home, or maybe even a fleet of fighters. KOTOR is ristricted really to story mode and i would like to see other modes like free roam, and some better minigames that require some level of skill besides addition and subtraction. A more interactive enviorment where people treat and react to you according to alignment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> have you ever played SWGs it has some of that but it sucks now dont buy it.. The ithorian jedi in the clone wars seris was cool
lightsidedmarker Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 have you ever played SWGs it has some of that but it sucks now dont buy it.. The ithorian jedi in the clone wars seris was cool <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeh... that guy is frikn awsome. Don't you get his hilt from the ithorian guy on citidal station after you help him out?
sion01 Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 Okay, I'm going to lay down everything I think should be in KotorIII. Story- The time period is 2 to 3 years after the end of kotor2 and you are a completely new character starting out as a padawan learner of the last remaining jedi. i haven't figured it all out yet but for some reason your special and are chosen to go to the unkown regions and find out the fate of Revan and The exile. You go through a series of planets getting more powerful and and knowledgable as you go along;Plot twists could happen here and there to keep some exciting momentum. Eventually at the climax of the story you meet Revan and the exile. Now Revan and the exile would have to some how be developed whether in the beggining of the game or right before you meet them into the proper alignment and features that you left them in the previous games. Anyway you meet them and if you are the same alignment or something along those lines then you stay with them, but if you are against what they are doing then you fight them or some kind of battle goes down. The key is that the ending is so epic that we will be amazed and it will tie up all the loose ends and all the unawnsered questions from the previous games and finally seal the series with like I said some kind of big epic ending. Feats;Powers- I would like to see the return of most all the owers from the other games and maybe a couple really cool things that are alittle different and add variety to each battle; like force invisibility where you become invisible for one turn and your oppenent can't attack. This would probably take alot of force power away to balance it out. Characters- I think that there should be some returns of old characters in things lik cameos or something lik that. An interesting idea I thought might work is that some party members with you might not stay with you the whole time;like if a party member decides to get stuck in trouble and you have to rescue him {remember Zaalbar getting in wookie prison on kasyhkk. I never was able to finish the side quest and bring him back so he stayed.} or they might just ask to stay for whatever reason and maybe you will pick them up later. I think there should be probably one main party member that is so important they always are with you. For character generation there should be a couple more variations to choose from in a number of things. Weapons- I just hink they should add a couple more original and interesting weapons as well as some lightsaber custimizations. Sorry to drag on like this but i needed to get this out because i don't know about you guys but i think this game needs to come out and be the biggest, and best kotor ever!!!!! java script:emoticon('')
JediKnight72 Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 when a Opponent is double bladed and two of your charcaters are fighting him he should be able to fight them both at once which could open more feats and more to team attack. New attack animations
Darth Nuke Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 My ideas Planets: Mandalore, Coruscant, Alderaan, Unknown Region World, Unknown Region sith World, Cathar, Arkania, Races: Bothans, Feeorin, Togorian, Massassi, Story: Just something epic and something that has the Star Wars feel. A good ending. KOTOR 2 must be completed
Bart Vader Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 The ideas of going to alderaan and beyond the outer rim are pretty cool. but the story has to include revan in a big way or it'll just be irrelevant like much of KOTOR 2. but seeing as the basis of the series so far is to begin with a new character and revan having amnesia again would be weak. so you should play as a padawan who has a great destiny or something, then revan can be your new master after the death of your original master from the start of the game. this would require a canon version of revan though, which im informed is male LS. which would mean the great Jolee Bindo could return!!! as well as vandar tokare, if we're to believe he survived Nihilus destruction of Katarr.
szioul Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 Darth Nuke said: Races: Bothans, Feeorin, Togorian, Massassi, <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...Zabrak and Arkanian might be cool too.
DAWUSS Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 Nemoidians FTW DAWUSS Coach C said: Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
Exar Kun Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 szioul said: Darth Nuke said: Races: Bothans, Feeorin, Togorian, Massassi, <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...Zabrak and Arkanian might be cool too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Verpine race located on Nickel One in the Roche Asteroid Belt.
zczl Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 in kotor3 ithink we should have all the alien races in all the movies and games to be used as the main character because just human characters are boring!More colors in the lightsaberselection would be nice.and i think this should be the last star wars knights of the republic game and at the end it should be a climactic fight that changes the galaxy,and it should be a longer game to occupie people who play games a bit to much like myself.also in my opinion there shouold be more than ten playable characters because ive beaten kotor1,and kotor2 and i got bored with these characters.AND IF YOU WONT TELL ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTER AT THE END AND WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM or HER UNLIKE YOU DID WITH REVAN AND EXILE JUST DONT HAVE A MAIN CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!! and put jedi academy somewhere besides dantooine.and i think you should ave a choice on if you have a lightsaber at the beginning and whether your going to be a jedi sith soldier scoundrel etc.Having a trainee for you to influence would be a great idea.and please putthe jedi classes into padawan knight and master no gaurdians or sentanielscosulars watchmen wepon master etc. ,and the same thing wiyh the sith. and if it would be possible to have pets that would be much apriciated.ok
GhostofAnakin Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 szioul said: ...Zabrak and Arkanian might be cool too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We had Zabrak in KOTOR II. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Krookie Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 I don't think LA would allow one of them to be playable character.
DAWUSS Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Let's be a Nemoidian or Mon Calamari DAWUSS Coach C said: Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
GhostofAnakin Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Alright, let's. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
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