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Favorite villian


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Oogie Boogie from Nightmare before Christmas ^_^

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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a little side note on deadpool... HE CANNOT DIE. he's got a healing factor better than wolverine. And they use that for comic effect in his books.


Uh. This is, in fact, not the main reason why Deadpool cannot die.


Deadpool is effectively immortal because Thanos will prevent him from dying so he cannot consumate his relationship with lady death.


I suspect a fight between him and Lobo would go on forever. Unless Lobo kills Thanos. I don't know if that is possible, though.


Interesting Note: Both Lobo and Deadpool have a miniature version of themselves; Li'l Lobo and Widdle Wade. Both of them also serve as parodies of rival companies' characters; Wolverine for Lobo and Deathstroke for Deadpool.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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a little side note on deadpool... HE CANNOT DIE. he's got a healing factor better than wolverine. And they use that for comic effect in his books.


Uh. This is, in fact, not the main reason why Deadpool cannot die.


Deadpool is effectively immortal because Thanos will prevent him from dying so he cannot consumate his relationship with lady death.


I suspect a fight between him and Lobo would go on forever. Unless Lobo kills Thanos. I don't know if that is possible, though.


Interesting Note: Both Lobo and Deadpool have a miniature version of themselves; Li'l Lobo and Widdle Wade. Both of them also serve as parodies of rival companies' characters; Wolverine for Lobo and Deathstroke for Deadpool.

it's not Li'l Lobo... it's Slobo. who's currenly a statue in the 30th century.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Deadpool is effectively immortal because Thanos will prevent him from dying so he cannot consumate his relationship with lady death.



THE Lady Death? :thumbsup:




(the one with the big boobies)

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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A lot of people hate me for it, but I thought the sociopathic President Richardson (that was his name, right?) was also adequately awesome.


Moving further into geekdom on the TV, I think Lt. Kavanaugh on The Shield is a very compelling villain.

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Ooh... I'd probably have to say Mumm-Ra from the Thundercats T.V. series when I was little... incredibly creepy and I have a thing against undead creatures:




Also, I feel I should add Linda Fiorentino's Bridget Gregory/Wendy Kroy... very sexy and evil... although, I'm not sure she counts as a villain per se:



(This was the most appropriate picture I could find of her for this movie... since most other pictures involved body parts that would confuse and upset the younger members of the forum)


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Ooh... I'd probably have to say Mumm-Ra from the Thundercats T.V. series when I was little... incredibly creepy and I have a thing against undead creatures:


*Mumm-Ra Pic*

When i was a wee lad I also thought he was creepy. Upon recent viewingI have realised that he isnt creepy at all but ratehr a camp an ineffective villain. I gues he was creepy as the robot bear...


*picture of lady not sitting like a lady*

(This was the most appropriate picture I could find of her for this movie... since most other pictures involved body parts that would confuse and upset the younger members of the forum)

I can still see up her skirt... and it frightens me :ph34r:

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it's not Li'l Lobo... it's Slobo. who's currenly a statue in the 30th century.


Look it up; he was originally called Li'l Lobo, he didn't take the name Slo-bo until later.


He's got it better than Widdle Wade. Widdle Wade's dead and buried at a kid's playground.


Deadpool is effectively immortal because Thanos will prevent him from dying so he cannot consumate his relationship with lady death.



THE Lady Death? ;)




(the one with the big boobies)






I mean, death. The grim reaper. Who is, in the Marvel universe at least, female.

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Isn't the "Ultimate" series of characters the most extreme and extremely silly? (If not, then the joke doesn't work ...)


Not really. It takes the old chracters of Marvel and their origins in the modern day instead of having them start off in the 1960s. Such as today Peter Parker got a job at the Bugle not as a teenager photographer but as a web designer for their newsite. Also it retunes them just a bit such as with the Hulk. Gamma irradiated adrenaline and testosorone (msp) can make one very destructive and well, very horny.


They also did some revisioning such as Gwen Stacy being killed by Carnage, which wasn't Cletus Cassidy, but a failed clone, I think, of Parker made by Doctor Conner.


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Ultimate Deadpool is nothing like regular Deadpool.


Deadpool is a weapon X reject with an enormous healing factor and a disturbingly realistic view of his life ("This isn't really happening... there's this guy with a type-writer"). He is a parody of comic book characters.


Ultimate Deadpool is some lame mutant hating jerk who works for some 'reality show' on which mutants are hunted for entertainment. He isn't funny, he doesn't know he's a comic book character, and he doesn't even talk in yellow bubbles. I don't even think he has the healing factor, but I'm not sure.


The Ultimate universe has this annoying drive to make everything 'dark' and 'gritty'.

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Hah, I absolutely hated Ultimate Alison Blare(aka Dazzler), a lame punk "rawker" and Ultimate Beast, who was like the ultimate geek sympathy avatar. Ultimate Rogue and Wolverine, along with Parker and most of the Ultimates(everyone there is total nutcase) were very well done.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Hah, I absolutely hated Ultimate Alison Blare(aka Dazzler), a lame punk "rawker" and Ultimate Beast, who was like the ultimate geek sympathy avatar. Ultimate Rogue and Wolverine, along with Parker and most of the Ultimates(everyone there is total nutcase) were very well done.


I respected their descision to leave Beast dead. I hope he doesn't come back.


Ultimate Wolverine was a bit of a pedofile.

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Great. I went into this thread thinking, "Please, let noone have mentioned my favourite villain yet!" and BOOM, the second post (Hurlshot, you jerk!), there he was. Alan Rickman in Die Hard. Oh well.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Ultimate Deadpool is nothing like regular Deadpool.


Deadpool is a weapon X reject with an enormous healing factor and a disturbingly realistic view of his life ("This isn't really happening... there's this guy with a type-writer"). He is a parody of comic book characters.


Ultimate Deadpool is some lame mutant hating jerk who works for some 'reality show' on which mutants are hunted for entertainment. He isn't funny, he doesn't know he's a comic book character, and he doesn't even talk in yellow bubbles. I don't even think he has the healing factor, but I'm not sure.


The Ultimate universe has this annoying drive to make everything 'dark' and 'gritty'.

I thought that was Ultimate Arcade... but I could be wrong. Ultimates is just nutty and they beat up the only good characters (thor and Banner)


alos the Hulk is not from gamma radiation. He's a failed attempt to remake Captain America. His second ultimate appearance (first in the Ultimates) was banner taking his hulk serum and mixing it with captain americas blood and injecting it into the vein on his forehead.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I really like V too (from "v for vendetta")

Even though the movie was a pretty poor translation of the graphic novel...


V WAS NOT A ****ING VILLAIN YOU [have got that wrong, he was an ANTI-HERO]!


Thank you.


No thanks.


Still I think he was a super cool kick-ass character

and by the way, he's sort of a villain in his kinda way, don't you think?

And anti-heroes are quiet cool, hmm?

I liked the comic book more than the movie.



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