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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I don't see why Jolee would have a problem. It would be his chance to change what he thought was wrong with the original council.


He may not stick it out for too long. But I dont think he would refuse if asked.


True, but I would rather see that happen during or toward the end of K3 than just presuming it beforehand. It seems to me like a major point in K2 that the old masters have long refused to acknowledge the very points that Jolee made in K1 - especially if you pay attention to what Zez-Kai Ell tells the Exile on Nar Shaddaa - and so K3 should conclude with the formation a new order based on the insights and experiences that people like Jolee can give the order rather than the old "nardnosed" discipline of Vrook and his ilk.

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Latest Poll Standings


I (32)

K (30)

F (15)

J (12)

A (7)

L (6)

B (4)

N (3)

M (3)

H (3)

D (2)

G (1)

C (1)

E (1)


Those damn stooges from the LucasArts forums are the ones responsible for all those 'I' votes. It sucks how 'I' is winning. Go 'K'!


Yes, but I'm not really that surprised. I mean, this is the K2 boards, so it's not surprising to me that the votes go very much in favor of what die-hard K2 fans would prefer. No doubt things would look a lot different if you asked on the K1 boards or some other forum.

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Latest Poll Standings


I (32)

K (30)

F (15)

J (12)

A (7)

L (6)

B (4)

N (3)

M (3)

H (3)

D (2)

G (1)

C (1)

E (1)


Those damn stooges from the LucasArts forums are the ones responsible for all those 'I' votes. It sucks how 'I' is winning. Go 'K'!


Come to think of it, I think you're looking at your own poll the wrong way.


To reiterate...


How would you handle the fates of Revan and the Exile for K3?


A) Kill them both off

B) Play as Revan

C) Play as the Exile

D) Play half the game as the Exile, the other half as Revan

E) Limit them to minor cameo appearences

F) Both to make appearences but not be the main character or a party member

G) Don't kill them off, but don't make appearences either

H) Kill either Revan or the Exile off, but not both

I) Start as the Exile searching for Revan and when you find him/her, have them both as main characters with two different parties and ships

J) Having both Revan and the Exile as party members under a new main character

K) Give Revan and the Exile major roles, but not be the main character/s or PM's

L) Having Revan as the Main PC and the Exile as a party member with Revan...

M) Having the Exile as the Main PC and Revan as a party member with the Exile

N) Go a new main character in K3, have the Exile join your party 2/3's into the game and have Revan join your party 3/4's into the game...

O) Set K3 anywhere between 50-500 years after K2, so that Revan and the Exile are only mentioned briefly in dialogue, but you would have an opportunity to say what they did depending on what there genders and alignments were


Now, options A, G H and O kill either Revan or Exile or both or doesn't get them into K3 at all. Together these come to 11 votes.


Options B, C, D, I, L and M have Revan and/or Exile as the main PC in some way. Together these options have 48 votes so far.


Options E, F, J, K and N sees Revan and Exile appear in the game in some way, but not as the main characters, though their signficance in the game varies (we might not want to count E here, but then it only has one vote, so it hardly matters and is easy to subtract). Together this comes to a massive 61 votes. So it's fair to conclude that the majority of us want Revan and the Exile in the game, but not as the main character(s) - we want a new main character. We just disagree on how much we want Revan and the Exile to influence the story, though we do want them in there.

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Guest The Architect
Come to think of it, I think you're looking at your own poll the wrong way.


To reiterate...


Now, options A, G H and O kill either Revan or Exile or both or doesn't get them into K3 at all. Together these come to 11 votes.


Options B, C, D, I, L and M have Revan and/or Exile as the main PC in some way. Together these options have 48 votes so far.


Options E, F, J, K and N sees Revan and Exile appear in the game in some way, but not as the main characters, though their signficance in the game varies (we might not want to count E here, but then it only has one vote, so it hardly matters and is easy to subtract). Together this comes to a massive 61 votes. So it's fair to conclude that the majority of us want Revan and the Exile in the game, but not as the main character(s) - we want a new main character. We just disagree on how much we want Revan and the Exile to influence the story, though we do want them in there.


I've taken your advice into consideration Jediphile and instead of completely changing my poll I'm leaving the choices I had there but I'm introducing two tables...


*Note that vote counts are collected, combined and updated on both the LucasArts and Obsidian Forums


Table 1 (The Latest Poll Standings)


I (33)

K (31)

F (15)

J (12)

A (7)

L (6)

B (4)

N (3)

M (3)

H (3)

D (2)

G (1)

C (1)

E (1)


Table 2 is set up like this


P) Combines the votes of A, G, H and O which result in either killing off Revan and/or the Exile and them somehow not being involved in K3 at all


Q) Combines the votes of B, C, D, I, L and M which result in having Revan and/or the Exile as the main PC in some way


R) Combines the votes of E, F, J, K and N which results in Revan and Exile appearing in the game in some way, but not as the main characters, though their signficance in the game varies from either having a major role or possibly a minor role which is based on E but the point is they'd make an appearence so E still counts into this category


Table 2 (The Latest Poll Standings)


R) 62

Q) 46

P) 11

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Ok, there has to be multiple start points in the next game. I officially hate telos and peragus now.



That's not actually a bad idea. I like that one a lot. It should definately be included. :rolleyes:


Maybe they could include a chapter style progression like Half Life 2 ? Would that work though? Since it'd mean making a new character each time.. :ph34r:

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Ok, there has to be multiple start points in the next game. I officially hate telos and peragus now.


I think that's more an argument for writing a more interesting early game than for having multiple starting points. I find that to be very confusing. I mean, what would the point be? KotOR games have very fixed and linear plots, but it's on that basis the story can become deep and interesting. To build to the climaxes, the story frequently needs to set up a number of things in the early game, which I think would clash with the idea of multiple starting points. That seems to make it a choice between multiple starting points and strong story, and I'll go for the latter every time.

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The point is to make the game less linear so you can play it more than once and not feel like your doing the same thing over and over and over again running through the game for an hour, just till you get to the meat of the game where you get to make your own decisions. That's the idea behind more than half my suggestions and I can't understand why people like you think you need to have a rigid storyline on rails to have any depth. I don't see what one has to do with the other, other than some mystic force coming down from on high and making the devs dumb as a one trick brick. Am I crazy for remembering that choice was one of the major selling points of KOTOR?

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I think one way to do the multiple starting point thing is like this:


after your 3rd playthrough, your subsequent playthroughs have an easter egg dialogue option that, essentially, allows you to skip a certain section of the game.

for instance, let us say that, instead of Peragus, we were at some sort of Academy....you could skip that part, but only after the 3rd playthrough.


that is not exactly the same as "multiple starting points" but I think the general idea is the same.


the Academy thing is especially doable since this could contain little to no main story clues and, hence, could be bypassed without sacrificing story.

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The point is to make the game less linear so you can play it more than once and not feel like your doing the same thing over and over and over again running through the game for an hour, just till you get to the meat of the game where you get to make your own decisions. That's the idea behind more than half my suggestions and I can't understand why people like you think you need to have a rigid storyline on rails to have any depth. I don't see what one has to do with the other, other than some mystic force coming down from on high and making the devs dumb as a one trick brick. Am I crazy for remembering that choice was one of the major selling points of KOTOR?


Hmmm... Maybe the solution is to not make the forced early game so bloody long. I do agree that it can be quite a pain to have to walk through it for the n'th time, especially on Peragus, where there really aren't any LS/DS choices that affect the immeidate plot in any way, unlike Taris, where you can collect bounties, work for the black vulkars, etc.

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Buried in one of my posts was another way to do it, based on your class. I think this along with quickly getting a ship or some other form of transit would free up the opening of the game enough, then again it might be annoying if one class got to start off on a cooler planet so make that a recommended start point.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Hi! :)


I dunno if Obsidian ever reads these things. :-o I see so many retarded ideas over the course of some of the past threads I just can't expect that they would see fit to really read this stuff. :~) But nevertheless!, I've loved KOTOR and KOTOR2 like no other games ever, so I'll speak of my most heartfelt wishes and then shut up forever and ever.


1) Gray/Neutrality: Please give us the option to play more Kreia-minded characters! In my first post to this forum, http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=40262 , I'm basically complaining about how Kreia spends the whole game trying to teach us something, and I got really into it and tried to figure out and do right by her -- but the game just doesn't let me go her way, it forces me to pick black-or-white when her way really makes the most sense to me/my character. I wouldn't want for "gray" to be something that's selected at startup or on some power-up screen - I'd want a player to really have to comprehend the logic and follow through in-game to /achieve/ that status. but come on, give us the option at least!, it was such a let-down in KOTOR2.


2) Starting points. Yeah!, somebody's mentioned this before - the worst part of replaying any good RPG is that the beginning is always the same. I've given up numerous restarts of Arcanum, KOTOR and KOTOR2, Fallout 1 and 2, and Planescape, just because I was like, "damn, I really don't want to kill those things and hunt for those items all over again just like the last 20 times!" so alternate starting points or starting points that change in myriad fashions according to random calculations, that would be just lovely.


3) More faces. I HATED the faces in KOTOR2. :| Either let us 'craft' a face like in most MMORPGs, or have a lot more faces to choose from. What's with the ugly hair on all the dudes?, why is there always a "mullet-head", who picks that guy?! I feel like in KOTOR the faces were "what you want to be like", and in KOTOR2 they were "what you actually look like", cuz they all looked like a bunch of nerdy teens. I still laugh everytime i see that red-headed dude :~) he looks like most people i know who've played M:TG


4) More face-wear would be nice, just cuz i like masks. :~)


5) Keep the item-improvement system, that was brilliant!!! :D


6) d00d where r the rocket launchurs??? idkfa



anyway thanks goodluck much <3

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Forgive me if I am doing this wrong! But I just want to get my ideas out there. I am a big fan of KOTOR I and II.


Regarding the STORY:


Please give us a new character. It would be great if we had more than light and dark paths to worry about. We should start out as a Padawan to allow us to build the force powers naturally and allow more time in the story to pass. We should be able to grow, become scared (strong and menacing, skinny and agile) and show some growth depending on how you play. Similar to Fable perhaps! Let the story span a period of 30 years! Whats the harm. You could start the story shortly after the events in KOTOR II and alow the Republic and Sith regroup.


I also feel strongly that we should learn something of Darth Sidieus' (spelling?)mentor. He was so powerfull that he had the power over death! Now that is a Dark Lord! How long did he live? Who is this guy! What was his ancestry? Perhaps Reven had something to do with this? Please give him a roll in the Knights of the Old Republic3!


Also, please give us more twists in the story. Perhaps a seemingly good choice will have grave concequences and cause much emotional regret. KOTOR II was just a little to anti-climatic for me. Even so I still loved it. The story was great, until the end. I really appreciated the levels of grey! More like real life!


Regading GAMEPLAY:

Take some tricks used in the movies/ROTS game, and when dealing with security doors actually give us the ability to melt the doors with the lightsaber!


An absolute must-- with boss characters and/or Dark Jedi Masters, just don't stop the action to have dialog. Make sure that the light sabers are crackeling and hissing during the dialog. Make the death of the boss characters more dramatic by showing dismemberment (I don't like gore, but come on this is a lightsabler battle limbs will come off). The fights need to last longer with the main bosses!


That my two cents!

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It would be nice if "cliffs" and "holes" actually mattered. Thus, I could use force push to knock the next "Kreia" from her 'lofty perch'...

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Hmm, i just remembered something that i wanted improved on from K2. I wanted Visas to be able to have a prestige class, since she starts as a jedi, and you can jedify others, but not her.


I also agree with what some people earlier in the thread have been saying about quality over quantity in regards to jedification, that is, you should only be able to "jedify" one person. it'd make for more replayability too :-

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Please give us a new character. It would be great if we had more than light and dark paths to worry about. We should start out as a Padawan to allow us to build the force powers naturally and allow more time in the story to pass. We should be able to grow, become scared (strong and menacing, skinny and agile) and show some growth depending on how you play. Similar to Fable perhaps! Let the story span a period of 30 years! Whats the harm. You could start the story shortly after the events in KOTOR II and alow the Republic and Sith regroup.


I want a new character too, and I also want it to be a new padawan, preferably on Coruscant.


But please not the Fable-concept. I prefer to avoid that in KotOR.


I also feel strongly that we should learn something of Darth Sidieus' (spelling?)mentor. He was so powerfull that he had the power over death! Now that is a Dark Lord! How long did he live? Who is this guy! What was his ancestry? Perhaps Reven had something to do with this? Please give him a roll in the Knights of the Old Republic3!


I think that's a little early. Besides, it's a bit difficult doing a truly interesting story with Darth Plagueis, when we know that he will eventually be killed by Sidious, meaning that the main character can never kill him in the game.


Also, KotOR is a full 4000 years before the movies. Darth Plagueis may be able to control life and death, but I still think that's stretching it rather far...


Besides, I want resolution to the unfinished stories of Revan and Exile in K3 (even though I don't want either to be the playable PC).


Also, please give us more twists in the story. Perhaps a seemingly good choice will have grave concequences and cause much emotional regret. KOTOR II was just a little to anti-climatic for me. Even so I still loved it. The story was great, until the end. I really appreciated the levels of grey! More like real life!


Yeah, that could be good.


Regading GAMEPLAY:

Take some tricks used in the movies/ROTS game, and when dealing with security doors actually give us the ability to melt the doors with the lightsaber!


That's already in there. Try smashing a security door with a lightsaber - the character will just put the sword there and hold it until the door opens shortly after. Sure did for me when Visas failed her Security checks on the Ravager...


An absolute must-- with boss characters and/or Dark Jedi Masters, just don't stop the action to have dialog. Make sure that the light sabers are crackeling and hissing during the dialog. Make the death of the boss characters more dramatic by showing dismemberment (I don't like gore, but come on this is a lightsabler battle limbs will come off). The fights need to last longer with the main bosses!


Yeah, I agree. It may sound gory, but we've seen sliced off body parts in every film. It's sort of expected. And D20 Star Wars rules do allow for it - just implement the Wounds rules. Who cares if the Sith lord loses the hand or even the head once he's down to negative vitality anyway?

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