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Everything posted by warrenk

  1. Being a padawan on Coruscant would be excellent! That is a great idea! I agree with you that bringing Darth Plagueis into the story would be a bit premature and boring (knowing his fate) but perhaps we could learn something of his ancestry?
  2. Forgive me if I am doing this wrong! But I just want to get my ideas out there. I am a big fan of KOTOR I and II. Regarding the STORY: Please give us a new character. It would be great if we had more than light and dark paths to worry about. We should start out as a Padawan to allow us to build the force powers naturally and allow more time in the story to pass. We should be able to grow, become scared (strong and menacing, skinny and agile) and show some growth depending on how you play. Similar to Fable perhaps! Let the story span a period of 30 years! Whats the harm. You could start the story shortly after the events in KOTOR II and alow the Republic and Sith regroup. I also feel strongly that we should learn something of Darth Sidieus' (spelling?)mentor. He was so powerfull that he had the power over death! Now that is a Dark Lord! How long did he live? Who is this guy! What was his ancestry? Perhaps Reven had something to do with this? Please give him a roll in the Knights of the Old Republic3! Also, please give us more twists in the story. Perhaps a seemingly good choice will have grave concequences and cause much emotional regret. KOTOR II was just a little to anti-climatic for me. Even so I still loved it. The story was great, until the end. I really appreciated the levels of grey! More like real life! Regading GAMEPLAY: Take some tricks used in the movies/ROTS game, and when dealing with security doors actually give us the ability to melt the doors with the lightsaber! An absolute must-- with boss characters and/or Dark Jedi Masters, just don't stop the action to have dialog. Make sure that the light sabers are crackeling and hissing during the dialog. Make the death of the boss characters more dramatic by showing dismemberment (I don't like gore, but come on this is a lightsabler battle limbs will come off). The fights need to last longer with the main bosses! That my two cents!
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