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About thelastusernamenotalreadytaken

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  1. :| Um. I'm just glad you guys don't have jobs in Obsidian's writing department, no offense. :~) I'll just bug out of this scene now and hope somebody at Obsidian clicks a wrong link and happens across one of my whines. Have fun guys. :-o
  2. um i still haven't caught up on this thread but i just wanted to say NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. It's not so tough people, I really don't get how so many people can get so confused. LITERALLY, your choice is WHAT you say, not HOW you say it. You click a caption that says: "You order a Bacta-Fizz Soda". That's all! It's that easy! And if there's a light-side way to do it, then it becomes: "You politely request a bacta," and if there's a dark-side way to do it, then you can pick, "You aggressively demand a bacta." So instead of clicking a link that says, "Yes, I'm a meek light-sider and I'd like to please kindly humbly request the possibility of a beverage of some kind!", or a link that says, "Grr I'm mean and evil gimme one or else grr!", you just pick something generic and your /own/ dialogue is all your own. GEEZ >:~( ok catching up with the rest now (as if it really matters)
  3. ... huh um whatever! if you get my point you get it, if you don't you don't, I didn't come here to debate all my complaints even if that's seemingly what everyone wants to do. :-o the point is just that if it were letting me choose WHAT i'm saying but not limited me to PRECISE DIALOGUE, i would never go "huh, that's a stupid way to say that, but whatever that's the only logical thing for what I want".
  4. One needn't successfully "kill the force" to just effectively "go with" her /logic/, and naturally in so doing yeah you'd have to kill her. I mean, even if your character fully intended to "kill the force", the game would end no differently - you'd be killing Kreia as part of her final lesson...and beyond that, well, that's the next game in the series, isn't it?, not KOTOR2. And that's not what I meant at all about dialogue. I mean, instead of it saying for your choices: 1. Hello! I would like a glass of bacta-beer. 2. Gimme a bacta-beer, or I'll punch you. 3. My head is full of tasty cakes. It would be: 1. Politely request a bacta-beer. 2. Threateningly demand a bacta-beer. 3. Speak nonsense. just cuz sometimes i think "huh, none of these sound like good things to say, guess i'll just choose based upon logical effect"
  5. Hi! I dunno if Obsidian ever reads these things. :-o I see so many retarded ideas over the course of some of the past threads I just can't expect that they would see fit to really read this stuff. :~) But nevertheless!, I've loved KOTOR and KOTOR2 like no other games ever, so I'll speak of my most heartfelt wishes and then shut up forever and ever. 1) Gray/Neutrality: Please give us the option to play more Kreia-minded characters! In my first post to this forum, http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=40262 , I'm basically complaining about how Kreia spends the whole game trying to teach us something, and I got really into it and tried to figure out and do right by her -- but the game just doesn't let me go her way, it forces me to pick black-or-white when her way really makes the most sense to me/my character. I wouldn't want for "gray" to be something that's selected at startup or on some power-up screen - I'd want a player to really have to comprehend the logic and follow through in-game to /achieve/ that status. but come on, give us the option at least!, it was such a let-down in KOTOR2. 2) Starting points. Yeah!, somebody's mentioned this before - the worst part of replaying any good RPG is that the beginning is always the same. I've given up numerous restarts of Arcanum, KOTOR and KOTOR2, Fallout 1 and 2, and Planescape, just because I was like, "damn, I really don't want to kill those things and hunt for those items all over again just like the last 20 times!" so alternate starting points or starting points that change in myriad fashions according to random calculations, that would be just lovely. 3) More faces. I HATED the faces in KOTOR2. :| Either let us 'craft' a face like in most MMORPGs, or have a lot more faces to choose from. What's with the ugly hair on all the dudes?, why is there always a "mullet-head", who picks that guy?! I feel like in KOTOR the faces were "what you want to be like", and in KOTOR2 they were "what you actually look like", cuz they all looked like a bunch of nerdy teens. I still laugh everytime i see that red-headed dude :~) he looks like most people i know who've played M:TG 4) More face-wear would be nice, just cuz i like masks. :~) 5) Keep the item-improvement system, that was brilliant!!! :D 6) d00d where r the rocket launchurs??? idkfa anyway thanks goodluck much <3
  6. Well I love Kreia to pieces!, and I guess it doesn't matter so much what "side" she falls into technically?, I just like KOTOR I'm not really into the movies so I don't know all the logic of what makes one light or dark, but I still, personally, think she qualifies as neutral ultimately, in terms of her goals in-and-of-themselves -- the final results of her plots are, taken on their own, "gray". Ends, not means, I suppose - and she addresses this point in the course of the game. I guess the only point I was really trying to make - I wasn't trying to start a debate on what Kreia "was" - was just that, hey, come on, there really, really, really should've been that option, right?, and I know that in KOTOR3 I'd love to do my utmost to stick to what Kreia had taught - and if there isn't that option yet again, well, I'll feel like I'm being forced to play a certain type of character not of my chosing, then, which always stinks. :| ...especially in a game in the KOTOR series, which stands out above all other games in terms of non-linear, moral-driven character-development. Another thing that bugs me is that in RPG games, the dialogue is always written for you. I think it'd be nicer if it just said /what/ you say, not /how/ you say it. but i guess that's digressing kindof but that's bugged me and i just wanted to say it. so anyhow, don't get me wrong, I love Kreia -- and yeah, I guess I dislike what Obsidian did/didn't do, not Kreia herself...the whole point is that I dug the character /so/ much and then just didn't have the choice to go her way, really, at any point in the game. I've replayed the thing SO many times, hoping against hope that, well, maybe if I do /everything/ in my power to keep my influence with her high (and I used cheat codes too, out of desperation!), /maybe/ a new dialogue tree will open /somewhere/, and it just never did omg :| I've thought about restarting the game several times since, but I'm always dissuaded by the inevitable realization that I'm just not going to get the thing I want most out of the game, and I drop it. i'm messed up i guess but i just got into this game like no other ever.
  7. It drove me nuts that I had to pick Good or Evil - Light or Dark. I wanted desperately to do exactly what Kreia was on about, to try to figure out her rationale and carry through it to its logical conclusion - to be neither white nor black but gray, to sit astride the balance of cosmic forces like a towering colossus and command both as I progressed towards absolute pow--...er, uh... :"> sorry, it just bugged me. anyhow yeah i mean i loved the game to death, could've looked past any of the missing content otherwise, but it was such a bummer to witness a character like kreia, to hear her thoughts for the whole game, to, as a player, figure out what her logic was, interpret the game in its terms, feel like i was really figuring something out above-and-beyond the standard dialogue-tree puzzles, fancy myself discovering the ultimate 'hidden level' - realizing she's right...and then not have the ****ing option to go anywhere with it. i felt like i was being forced to play a dimwitted character - /i/ could figure out kreia's teachings, why couldn't my dude?, he had high INT! :'( i loved the game but i still feel i can say it spoiled it for me :| i know obsidian will never, ever read this far into such a crazy message, but i so so so hope that in the next one they give some options for a "neutral" character...without making it stupidly obvious, by making it something you achieve rather than 'select'... i think kreia was just the neatest character in a videogame ever, I've never had the little philosophical nooks and crannies of my gray matter excited in such a fashion by any computer game ever, I had thought, "Well, computer game designers know about puzzles and graphics, but they'll never get dialogue or philosophy right - only great writers can manage that." but then obsidian goes and teases me so cruelly with kreia :~( if im the only one who feels this way, i feel special and that's nice :~) but since they'll probably only ever do something about the 'problem' if /other/ people feel this way too i guess i have to want some of you to have gone through this as well didja????
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