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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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This does not look like constructive input for KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions. Time to close this one down?


Why would you close it down?


It may not be KotOR3 we just talked about, but on the other hand, at least we didn't slash at each others ideas and preferences for once.


I must confess that I find discussing K3 a bit peculiar at times - you can only listen to people's call for customizable lightsabers and hooded robes so many times before it becomes repetitive... And nobody seems to read or care about each other's plot suggestions, which means that they either get slashed for their length and content or else (and worse) just sit there uncommented...


But fine, I'll try something else.


As people no doubt realise if they've read any of my many rants on the subject before, I don't much care for the d20 system. KotOR has been very tied to d20 so far, and it might be impossible to separate the two. However, I might prefer the devs take that chance and try another system. Anyone else feel that way?

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Tis true we talked about Anakin. However you can find parellels here between Anakin and Revan. Both underwent a trauma which apparently reduced their powers to shadow of thier former level (although in the case of Anakin, really nothing in the movies indicates that power anyway).


KOTOR and the D20 system go hand in hand until LA says otherwise. Personally I'm more interested in something that works than a particular system. But many people will fight to the death to keep the D20.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Now your talking about personality (with the exception of Carth) which is a whole different thing. Those are reflected in the dialogue and the actions those characters take. When I talk about rules I am talking about rules I am talking about how they create the reality of the setting. Such as how lethal a lightsaber is. Or how much Revan sucks or does not depening on how you build him. Although never does he live up to the hype.


When rules and hype clash rules always win.Because rules dictate the reality of everything in an RPG from how deadly a weapon is, to whether or not you can die from falling off a building.


So you have people telling you how great Revan was. But whatever is left after the "accident" dosnt back that up at all. Therefore Revan is no longer that great.


Heres another thing to muse since you brought up Kreias explanation of what happened in KOTOR. If the Jedi never actually rewrote his memory. Then where did all these abilities disapear to ?



If they had not rewrite his/her memory than s/he had not loose its abilities at all. You always refer to the technical side of the game as an argument for the abilities of some chars. Well, some are set, true. But some chars abilities are more than the sum of its parts. I do not want to repeat myself over again. The abilities of Revan, her or his role in the SW-World isn't set by the character classification but by SW Galaxy and Fiction (developed by GL and LucasArts). This classification just serve for game amusement and to make the game playable. The rest is fixed, therefor Revan was the most powerful jedi at that time. That has nothing to do with hype, technical score, experience levels etc, but with fiction. If you take only the technical structure than Luke would have been much weaker than Revan and Bastila.


What would I like to have in KIII is the following:


1. more planets

2. some chars from KI + KII (maybe Carth, Mission, T3 M4 (it's so cute!), HK)

3. to experience system in KII was ok, I liked the specialisation to Jedi Guardian etc.

4. a better store system for wapon, lighsabers etc. I would like that my chars personal lightsaber to be named in the store so that I know that my char is equipped by this special lightsaber.

5. more opportunity to design the char at the beginning (hair color, clothes etc.) in addition to the already known char designs of KI+II

6. maybe a stronger influence possibility on the chars and more election opportunities of dialogues.

7. NO GENETIC MANIPULATED RANCOR! (I hate these animals)

8. No required Swoop. That was quite good in KII.

9. More side missions.

Edited by Grand Lord Revan
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If they had not rewrite his/her memory than s/he had not loose its abilities at all. You always refer to the technical side of the game as an argument for the abilities of some chars. Well, some are set, true. But some chars abilities are more than the sum of its parts. I do not want to repeat myself over again. The abilities of Revan, her or his role in the SW-World isn't set by the character classification but by SW Galaxy and Fiction (developed by GL and LucasArts). This classification just serve for game amusement and to make the game playable. The rest is fixed, therefor Revan was the most powerful jedi at that time. That has nothing to do with hype, technical score, experience levels etc, but with fiction. If you take only the technical structure than Luke would have been much weaker than Revan and Bastila.


But according to Kreia , they never did.


No , the SW character and fiction mean nothing if the reality of the RPG rules don't reflect it.Any outside sources are completely meaningless in an RPG since you know only what your character is supposed to know.

Maybe at the time of the Mandalorian wars he was. But after his "accident" he clearly was not. Much like Darth Vader after he got segmented.


He may well be.Lukes power isnt measured on the same scale. It's made quite clear that the Jedi and Sith that came before KOTOR were much more powerful than those currently running around.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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The Jedi in Kotor are more powerful yes. I think 3 droideka's are no match for Revan would they?

But here I go referring to Destroy droid / Force Lightning. I wonder how Revan would stand up against Palpatine or perhaps Mace Windu.

I guess Revan would win but it would be a tough battle.

To get back on topic. I haven't recieved many votes for my poll any longer. Best Idea I would suggest here is that we could play as a force sensitive not discovered by the Jedi Order. Probably born in the outer Rim or Unknown Regions.

Gives a lot of possibilities.

Master Vandar lives!

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Guest The Architect
Best Idea I would suggest here is that we could play as a force sensitive not discovered by the Jedi Order. Probably born in the outer Rim or Unknown Regions.

Gives a lot of possibilities.



That's the idea I'm using for my story.

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Best Idea I would suggest here is that we could play as a force sensitive not discovered by the Jedi Order. Probably born in the outer Rim or Unknown Regions.

Gives a lot of possibilities.



That's the idea I'm using for my story.


I still prefer a yound padawan who was youngling until shortly before the game begins.

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No , the SW character and fiction mean nothing if the reality of the RPG rules don't reflect it.Any outside sources are completely meaningless in an RPG since you know only what your character is supposed to know.

Maybe at the time of the Mandalorian wars he was. But after his "accident" he clearly was not. Much like Darth Vader after he got segmented.


Actually, Vader was a tough opponent even after that. He faced eight jedi who set a trap for him at the Conclave on Kessel and he killed the lot of them! Not exactly pathetic...

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No , the SW character and fiction mean nothing if the reality of the RPG rules don't reflect it.Any outside sources are completely meaningless in an RPG since you know only what your character is supposed to know.

Maybe at the time of the Mandalorian wars he was. But after his "accident" he clearly was not. Much like Darth Vader after he got segmented.


Actually, Vader was a tough opponent even after that. He faced eight jedi who set a trap for him at the Conclave on Kessel and he killed the lot of them! Not exactly pathetic...


Not to to take anything away but those jedi weren't even on the same page when they tried the attack. I know he did kill two right off the bat but remaining three dealt with by stormtroopers... <_< Jedi set a trap and they don't account for stormtroopers(turrets or something). Vader actually faked a moment of weakness, that's something Anakin wouldn't have ever done which is a good thing :)

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what a like me for KOTOR III?

1. To have influence on your companions is a good idea, return to do it n.n.

2, New  planets Corusant is a good idea.

3. New allies.

4. New Caracter PC, Revan and the Exile Well ve very strong like having them like protagonists.

5, Previous caracter who you can handle, Atton, Mission.

6. The encounter of Revan and his ejem like, who to say to them? lovers? o.o Bastila Shan/Carth Onassi.

7. That at certain moment you can use to Revan and the Exile.

8. In order to have an excellent appearance with the caracter who chose in both games, serious prudent to put images previous that chose for Revan and the Exile, although to litle Revan if to alter = D not short long hair but some scars. Good serious everything = D


1. Agreed, but it needs to be implemented better than in K2. It made no sense that Handmaiden still lost influence when you did evil things after you had both become Sith, for example. Similarly, HK-47 still wanted to kill every meatbag in sight after I had given him LS mastery. Not good... But still a good idea, it just broken in some areas and needs to be fixed.


2. We all seem to want Coruscant. At least, I cannot remember anyone saying that they didn't want to see Coruscant in K3.


3. Obviously. I would prefer the number of companions to be smaller, though - you don't need half of them anyway. At least, I never used T3 in K1 or GOTO in K2...


4. Finally someone who sees it the same way I do. We seem to be in the minority, though.


5. The problem with the old characters is that they might have ended up in different places depending on your final LS/DS choice in the game. For example, Atton could be a Sith or a Jedi by the end of K2, and Mission is dead if Revan was DS. That makes it pretty difficult write a story that takes it into account. That said, I have voiced support for both of those in my own preferred plot, though Atton was not playable, and Mission was only playable for at short time.


6. If Revan is in there, then the love interest in K1 is more than likely to be touched upon, I think.


7. Yes. I wanted them both to be playable at the climax/finale of the game.


8. I think you should be able to choose both gender, alignment, appearance and jedi class for both Revan and Exile.


Welcome to the forum.


Good, also it is question of knowing how a little the history of the video game to be able to know that will be in KOTOR III.


For example at the end of the KOTOR2 Kreia the future says to you of each one of your companions reason why to take off to Mira, Visas, Mical and Briana, GOTO so that they are not important part if not so that or they have a moved away future of the way of the Exile, in this case (it is possible) that they make appearance or they enter the group Atton Rand, Bao-dur, the droids HK-47 and T3-M4 and Mandelore/Canderous.


In the case of Atton it would be as in the case of Bastila and Carth which they appeared more by short time they were not member of the group and depending on the path which you decided for Revan at certain moment of the game appeared or no..


So it really seems to me that there will be new companions and in the case of main Caracter, I continue thinking that no longer could be Revan or the Exile, to again learn everything from 0

Edited by NadiaZeta
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what a like me for KOTOR III?

1. To have influence on your companions is a good idea, return to do it n.n.

2, New  planets Corusant is a good idea.

3. New allies.

4. New Caracter PC, Revan and the Exile Well ve very strong like having them like protagonists.

5, Previous caracter who you can handle, Atton, Mission.

6. The encounter of Revan and his ejem like, who to say to them? lovers? o.o Bastila Shan/Carth Onassi.

7. That at certain moment you can use to Revan and the Exile.

8. In order to have an excellent appearance with the caracter who chose in both games, serious prudent to put images previous that chose for Revan and the Exile, although to litle Revan if to alter = D not short long hair but some scars. Good serious everything = D

1. Concur, but they need to spend more time on the system ... balance it for all the supporting characters, and make it so that if you turn them to the dark (or light) side, they actually change their dialog and motivation.

2., 3., 4. Concur

5. I'd rather not - possibly if they join late in the game

6. You should have an opportunity to dialog with those who were close to Revan and the Exile

7. I'd rather not ... except possibly in the very end of the game

8. Concur that specific details for Revan and Exile should be chosen ... including class combos


In addition ...

- make the swoop races actual races instead fo time trials.

- if we're going to have lightsaber "forms" make them mean something ... the "ready" stance, flourish, basic attacks, parrys, etc. should reflect the form.

- continue to improve the workbench. I liked tinkering with stuff.

- more flexibility in the path you take throughout the game ... I always feel like I'm watching a 5mph train wreck (starting with the trains 60mi apart) once I finally get to the end ... Rakata-Temple-Star Forge was not quite as bad as Dantooine-Telos Academy-Telos-Ravager-Malachor-Trayus Academy but they were both too linear.

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Any one have any news on K3?

No I guess not. What is somewhat more frustrating though is that we now have 18 parts of Kotor III: Idea's and Suggestions in which I have never seen a developer coming to have a look. Maybe they do but we have no evidence of that. And then we also have a note on this site under the "Contact" button saying:


*Please note: Regarding game and story submissions: We have a strict company policy explicitly forbidding us from accepting or even reading unsolicited material. We will not accept or even read unsolicited proposals, ideas, stories, or projects sent to us through any means.


Which I can understand as they would otherwise no doubt be bombarded with ideas from fans all the time. So I guess I could ask if anyone has been able to get into contact with the developers in any way and if so, how and with what kind of idea's?

Master Vandar lives!

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Guest The Architect
Which I can understand as they would otherwise no doubt be bombarded with ideas from fans all the time. So I guess I could ask if anyone has been able to get into contact with the developers in any way and if so, how and with what kind of idea's?


I'd kill for the developers to hear my K3 storyline proposal.

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Which I can understand as they would otherwise no doubt be bombarded with ideas from fans all the time. So I guess I could ask if anyone has been able to get into contact with the developers in any way and if so, how and with what kind of idea's?


I'd kill for the developers to hear my K3 storyline proposal.

I will do it if they don't make KOTOR3 <_<


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Guest The Architect
I will do it if they don't make KOTOR3  <_<



What is with the get-lost sign? Anyway, I don't care who writes the K3 story for the game IF there is one but as long as we can choose the genders, alignments and perhaps appearences of Revan and the Exile and we play as a NEW main character then I'm happy.

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I will do it if they don't make KOTOR3  <_<



What is with the get-lost sign? Anyway, I don't care who writes the K3 story for the game IF there is one but as long as we can choose the genders, alignments and perhaps appearences of Revan and the Exile and we play as a NEW main character then I'm happy.

I also want to have a LS/LS/LS game, where in K3 I can have in party Zaalbar and Mission and Jolee and Carth...I also wanna see a Carth-Atton fight :)



...and if player has a LS/DS/LS game, then a wookie battle!!! (w00t)


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Guest The Architect

Whoa! In the last two days, I received '13' emails from people from the BioWare Forums and ten of them voted for J! I also got two votes for K, and one for G, so...


Table 1 Latest Poll Standings


K (40)

I (36)

J (26)

F (15)

A (:)

L (7)

N (6)

H (5)

M (4)

B (4)

G (3)

E (3)

D (2)

O (2)

C (2)


Table 2 Latest Poll Standings


R) 89

Q) 50

P) 19

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