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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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How about a Jawa instead of a droid? With talkback of course otherwise it would be too much like slavery.


Jawa's don't fight.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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How about a Jawa instead of a droid? With talkback of course otherwise it would be too much like slavery.


how about choices? no reason why the number of potential shipmate NPCs out there have to be limited to the max slots on your ship.


heck, K1 did better in this regard than K2....K1 had 2 optional party members...K2 had 1.


(I agree, though, we do need some of the "exotic" races....I don't like the idea that "well, that's just a thug race"....no, a want a Rodian to save the day)


but I do think having a selection of (optional) purchasable droids (including melee-oriented droids) would be really sweet.


the fact that the astromech droid will play a unique role is a given.

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how about choices?  no reason why the number of potential shipmate NPCs out there have to be limited to the max slots on your ship.


heck, K1 did better in this regard than K2....K1 had 2 optional party members...K2 had 1.


;) Seemed the other way around to me. Could I ask you to elaborate?


(I agree, though, we do need some of the "exotic" races....I don't like the idea that "well, that's just a thug race"....no, a want a Rodian to save the day)


True. I actually had a rodian jedi master as an optional NPC on Coruscant in my own K3 plot suggestion...


the fact that the astromech droid will play a unique role is a given.


Apart from the Sith trying to subvert the republic and conquer the galaxy, that seems to be about the only constant in the Star Wars universe... :D

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choosable backgrounds...hmm... :sorcerer:



...is your char from Coruscant and has politicians as mother/father?...are you an infant on Onderon, stealing bread on the streets?....or a dancer of Corellia...maybe you're a pilot for Naboo Airforce?...did you ever killed someone in your life...did you enjoy it?...what species are you if not a human?...what gender?...are you mature, or just a kid yet?...maybe even 80 years old?...are you force-sensitive?...if yes do you know of it?...are you rich and have somekind of powerbase yourself....are you the brother/sister of Revan/Exile or any other chars from KOTOR 1-2 ? ;)



This would make a great improvement not just to KOTOR 3, to any other RPG-s after it ;)


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agreed Jorian....if they use BACKSTORY as a storytelling device (and they probably will for a Jedi story) then it would be sweet to have multiple backstories to choose from.


and it would be sweet if your backstory actually affected certain things, such as which optional party members you might run into.

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agreed Jorian....if they use BACKSTORY as a storytelling device (and they probably will for a Jedi story) then it would be sweet to have multiple backstories to choose from.


and it would be sweet if your backstory actually affected certain things, such as which optional party members you might run into.


...And multiple possible side-quests based upon

background/gender/homeworld/race/etc. ;)


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Those ideas would be really awesome, but I think that any game developer wouldn't want to spend that much time creating all these different backstories and sidequests and different plots...  :lol:

Just have 3-9 backstories,2 (or becouse of some alien) 3 genders, 1-3 races, 6-12 plots mixed up, and you get a replayable game of nearly incredible size :thumbsup:


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the bottom line is, while they will continue to use backstory, they have to tone it down a little...no more "chosen one".....you are just a Force Sensitive in the right place at the wrong time.


the more they tone down the backstory (and its use in the dialogue trees, etc), the easier it is to have different ones.

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the bottom line is, while they will continue to use backstory, they have to tone it down a little...no more "chosen one".....you are just a Force Sensitive in the right place at the wrong time.


the more they tone down the backstory (and its use in the dialogue trees, etc), the easier it is to have different ones.


K2 did not really use that route, exile was considered average in the force he just did something unique. Revan was just powerful not really chosen to do anything.

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K2 did not really use that route, exile was considered average in the force he just did something unique. Revan was just powerful not really chosen to do anything.


ehhh, excuse me but

the one who, when he reconnected to the Force, caused all livings things to be in jeopardy (they even tried to strip his powers because of it)...yeah, just a regular joe....jeez, Exile was more powerful than Revan and that dovetailed into his backstory...and if you think Revan was not an example (variant, if you will) of the "chosen one" device, then I see no reason to have this conversation with you


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no i understand what you mean you want it to be like how in K1 you felt you were a normal jedi with no backstory.


exactly! walking out of the Taris apartment with Carth, I felt like an ant in a world of elephants...that is exactly the idea.


there can be backstories, but they need to tone it down.


the main reason that they need to have some sort of backstory is to explain how you came into focus with the Force since the Jedi don't train adults.

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i agree with you i was kind of pissed when i found out i was revan because i was like hey this is my character wtf. i think it would be nice if the backstory can happen as a progression of your feats, kind of how it happened in fable. As you make yourself into the uber jedi your acts create your background.

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I go for the option "K". Perhaps the PC can be someone that Revan found on his search of the dark power, etc, whatever he is really doing there. PC can be a rather ordinary force sensitive guy/gal that hooks up with Revan due to his/her force appealing or by a pure coincidence.


We can think this as if we are that little girl who d entered to Ebon Hawk in K1. Someone, without any true connection, appeared at a wrong place in a wrong time.


imho, playing either as Revan or Exile or both would result as a bad "escape route" from creating a unique 3rd scenario. The script should evolve around all the key characters of K1 and K2 but it must be something new, something that brings a new point of view to this story.


Only an opinion

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You know I am starting to change my mind if I wanted a new pc. Why? Because I kinda consider this series a movie. How would you like it if it was not all about Luke Ep. 4-6 and Anakin 1-3? Yeah sometimes it would be nice to spice up some things, but we already have 2 uber jedi. We don't need anymore >.> The 3rd one should just be the main character of Revan.

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Unlike the movies, there is no overall villain; there is no one manipulating you from behind the scenes. There is no visible evil figure. All you know is that there are "True Sith" whatever - whoever - they might be and both main characters from the two prior games have run off to fight them, or are sending others off to fight them alongside Revan.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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