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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I understand Plano. I am mostly concerned with just completing the storyline. With K3, I want loose ends to be completed.

Anyway, to stay more on topic for this discussion...what kind of mini-games should they have? Same ones? Different ones? Not any new games?

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Pazaak: needs to have different types of AI (some patrons who want to play you should play like novices). also, I wouldn't mind there being a multiplayer version where several patrons are playing against the house....where you can see expressions on player's faces as they are dealt the cards and where they make VO comments.


Swoop Racing: I prefer the KOTOR 1 type and I like having 3 tiers of play. I would say most racing should be like in KOTOR 1 but maybe 1 world with the more tricked-up type.


Turret: I want full 180 Z-axis and I want the ability to upgrade to a quad turret....more opportunities to play the turret minigame would be nice....also, mix it up a little. The Ebon Hawk should be a target for pirates just as much as "the Sith" or whatever.


Rideable mounts/vehicles: OK, surprise me but I want something in this department and on more than one world.

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@moreKotor He was supposed to have died during the droid planet, but it was not put in there so he did not die.

@Plano I think there should be a new one. I really did not like the gun turrets, it was too hard to hit people. Maybe I can actually play djarik (sp?) that everyone talks about. Oh! And I would love to ride in a landspeeder for once, be able to move around through jungles in one and have like bad guys on ones that shoot at you... Yeah, I am thinking about the SW movies :wub: Also maybe you can get a small amount of xp everytime you blow something up or if you get so many in a row, you can get special prizes? I dunno.

Edited by Phaedra36
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I would like to see more new characters then old ones join your party just to give new stories and help to make the game fell like something new I would prefer to see the old characters only make cameo appearances a bit like what they did with Carth and Bastila in the Kotor 2.

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Maybe, but I doubt it. If they truly intend to make K3 and make it better than K2, or risk the outrage of the fans, I expect they'll release it in the late end of 2007 or later.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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HEy guys im new to this but let me know how u fill about how i think kotor 3 should start. First I think you should have a choice of how to start. First you can start as CArth Onasi and you and your ship searches for Revan like he was in kotor 2. Second you should be able to start off as a young jedi before the time of Revan and you should be able to train in the Jedi acadamy and once you hav e finished and reached the level of Jedi knight it should fast forward to your character in search of Revan following his force trail. Or last you should ba bale to start off as a sith lord in search off the exile to bring him to the Dark Side and help destroy Revan who is trying to destroy the true sith.

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I thought of some things I forgot to add in my previous post.


For the love of God, please, Obsidian, give us a new storyline. I'm officially tired of the whole Revan/Malak/Jedi Civil War/Mandalorian War thing. It's already been done twice now. Please don't put in Mandalore again. He was a fairly interesting character as Canderous, but as Mandalore he was pretty useless and dull. I also don't want to see any characters like GO-TO. I don't think anyone who played the game either liked GO-TO or used GO-TO. He was an albatross. I'm also tired of HK-47. Yes, HK is funny. Yes, despite he's literally a ruthless killing machine he's quite loveable, but he's been used enough. Other than perhaps a supporting role as an NPC, I'd rather not see any of the companions or main characters from the previous two games. And for those of you who think KOTOR II's story was a cliff hanger, it wasn't. Kreia told you what would happen to everyone. That was the ending. It was nothing more than reading some text. There was no big pay-off.


Please don't give us another Peragus, Telos, or Malachor. Peragus was the video game equivalent of getting punched in the throat. It was just an endless barrage of droids. It felt very hollow. It was kind of like how in school teachers would give you busy work that accomplished nothing. I play games because they're fun. Peragus, however, was a chore. Telos was also mind-numbingly dull, but more so because it was so long and a little pointless until you got planetside. Normally I love side quests and all that, but for some reason, Telos didn't set well with me. I still don't see why Malachor was a single player event. We spend the whole game leveling up our compadres and gaining influence with them only to spend an hour or two on Malachor by ourselves. What?! Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of having companions in the first place?


Please don't make it take so long to get our lightsaber. The set-up in KOTOR was perfect. We did the Endar Spire which was nothing more than a nice, short tutorial. Then we did Taris which was a nice little piece of story and character development. Then we went straight to Dantooine to become a Jedi and get our saber. Meanwhile in KOTOR II we have to jump through hoops like a circus animal for hours upon hours before finally gathering all the pieces of our lightsaber. And on the subject of lightsabers, it would be nice to get some hilt customization or different hilt models. I don't mean choosing between single or double, I mean what the saber looks like. I'm talking purely from an art stand point. Although it's fairly unnoticable, it does get a little dull staring at the same hilt. I know this may be a little difficult given the series' gameplay and it's a bit unneccassary, but it's possible to do it, we'd appreciate having it.


It would also be nice to have a few Jedi robes without the cloaks. I personally prefer the cloak look, but a lot of times in the prequel films the Jedi would take off their cloaks before rushing into battle. Again, it's not necessary for me, but I wouldn't mind having it.


Please, please, PLEASE give us a level cap we can actually get to. The cap for KOTOR II was 50. Even doing everything in the game that brought xp, you ended the game at around level 35 or so. And the hississ spawn was worhtless because it took forever and everytime I did it, I could no longer recieve lightsabers as either a reward or a loot drop. I understand that if the cut content was still in the game, we could probably get to level 50, but it wasn't in the game, so we couldn't reach the cap. And because of that, it was impossible to max out the CHARACTER lightsaber crystal from the Crystal Cave. I never got anywhere near the max on that, because we couldn't level up enough. Even with the hississ glitch, you couldn't max out the crystal because Kreia wasn't there to tune it multiple times for you. So the CHARACTER crystal was a brilliant idea. If you put that in the next game, please make a crystal power cap that's obtainable.


I would also love to play on Coruscant in the REAL Jedi temple. Dantooine has been done to death. Actually the whole Outer Rim thing has been done to death. I would love to see some new planets, preferably core worlds. Korriban has been done enough, too. It's old hat now. The only past planets I'd actually like to see are Tattooine and Manaan. But not the underwater portions of Manaan. Perhaps the ruins of Ossuss. That would be pretty cool. I think that's everything. Thanks.

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@GrimaceStyle and Jenko

Look you guys, the third one is an ongoing rpg. I am sorry, but everyone expects Revan and the Exile's story to end. How can it end if there are no more characters from I and II? I mean, the last game is supposed to be epic. I feel it would be plenty epic if I got to team up with people that saved the galaxy twice and are here for the last and final round.

And Grimace, yes Kreia did decide their fate but she was still very broad on each of the subjects except Mira who died because she wanted to help people. I mean with some, she did not decide their fate like Bao-Dur, Atton, and the droids. At least when I played through the first time all she said about Atton was that he was a fool, and that he knew he could never offer my character anything because he was a fool.

And others that did have their fates decided are broad but allows the devs to develop K3 more to their liking. Like I predict Handmaiden and Disciple to be a part of the new Jedi Order for instance.

Also at the very end, Kreia explained to the Exile that she had to leave everyone she loved behind and set off in search of Revan. I am sorry, but it would be very silly if it was like..."30 years later after <insert name here> defeated the True Sith with the help of Revan and Exile comes a new uprising.."and that is where the game starts. If they wanted to not continue the Revan storyline, they would have made I and II not connect. Since they did, the 3rd one would logically connect as well.

Grimace, I agree with you on some things such as a level cap you could obtain, the robes, the planets, but I just don't see eye to eye with you on just abolishing the storyline.

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Guest The Architect

Before I post my main K3 story ideas, know this, I'm going to go by the cut-ending of K2 and if you want to hear my story, you'll have to email me and I'll send a personal message containing my FULL K3 story this time around containing spoilers etc. What I'd post is all just fanfic though, I do not have inside connections to LucasArts and Obsidian.

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I'll be happy if K3 just ties everything together and ends everything in a decent way - with multiple replay value. And I don't care who the main villains are - put in an option to redeem them. It is utterly absurd that Revan gets redeemed, the Exile can redeem him/herself in his/her eyes but the main villains? Oh you can try, but you always fail. It sucks. I know, I know "deal with it."




I want to see HK-47 leading an army of HK-50 droids; I want to see the Mandalorians follow (ultimately) under Revan's banner. I want to see everything I did in the two prior games have a positive (or negative) impact depending on my alignment. I want to see the "New" Jedi Council put together. I want to see Force Ghosts.


I want to be able to unite the Galaxy against the "True Sith" - not the followers of an ideal, but the suvivors of the original race. The fallen jedi/original sith race hybrids - *those* True Sith that both K1 and K2 mention.


I want to see HK-47 standing over a battlefield of corpses behind Revan, and Mandalore behind Revan with whatever of his clans are left (likely not a lot); I want to see Revan and the Exile stand facing the horizon - before they part ways. I want the option to see Revan end the exile to "seal" the wound in the force. I want a sentimental ending with an element of tragedy - the self sacrifice. Revan fell to the darkside for the "greater good" (only it didn't work), and now the Exile gives up his/her life to save the force. I want to see Revan walk away, never to return. I want the sins of his/her past to weigh heavily on him, so much so that he cannot live as a normal jedi any longer.


I want to see Bastilia, Brianna last of the Handmaiden, Disciple, Juhani(sp?), Visas, Yutha Ban(sp again) and a couple of others on the new Jedi council. Maybe Dustil too. I want Bao-dur to die tragically that sends echoes that will last for centuries. I want Carth Onasi to be given a decent role - and possibly Admiral Dodonna(sp?) to make a return.


I want to talk with the Ghosts of Kevar, Vrook & Kreia. I want to see Vandar and Dorack's ghosts. I want to see the full old jedi council assembled near the end of the game. I want to see the Exile beg forgiveness from them, and Revan too. And damnit, I want them to finally admit that Revan was right to go to war, and moreover, that they are the true saviours.


I want Atris to give up her robes as a jedi and live as Jolee did to atone for her sins. And damnit, right at the end, I want Jolee to say "You did good kid, maybe you're not so bad after all."


And that's just for the story.


And put in more worlds. It's been said over and over and over again, but bah, it bears repeating.


But most of all - make K3 memorable enough to not only surpass its predecessors, but make it great enough to secure a place in RPG history so it will be remembered within the ranks of being one of the greatest RPGs ever made

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Before I post my main K3 story ideas, know this, I'm going to go by the cut-ending of K2 and if you want to hear my story, you'll have to email me and I'll send a personal message containing my FULL K3 story this time around containing spoilers etc. What I'd post is all just fanfic though, I do not have inside connections to LucasArts and Obsidian.


Hey will you send it to swishplayer@aol.com

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the story we are in now is something of a mess...that is one reason K3 cannot cut and run....the present story arch has to be wrapped up and wrapped up masterfully.


now, going forward in this franchise, there is simply no reason future games cannot be self-contained stories.


K3 should set up certain things (such as joinable factions) that can be used in future games. But the main plot has to be resolved in K3.

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I'll be happy if K3 just ties everything together and ends everything in a decent way - with multiple replay value. And I don't care who the main villains are - put in an option to redeem them. It is utterly absurd that Revan gets redeemed, the Exile can redeem him/herself in his/her eyes but the main villains? Oh you can try, but you always fail. It sucks. I know, I know "deal with it."




I want to see HK-47 leading an army of HK-50 droids; I want to see the Mandalorians follow (ultimately) under Revan's banner. I want to see everything I did in the two prior games have a positive (or negative) impact depending on my alignment. I want to see the "New" Jedi Council put together. I want to see Force Ghosts.


I want to be able to unite the Galaxy against the "True Sith" - not the followers of an ideal, but the suvivors of the original race. The fallen jedi/original sith race hybrids - *those* True Sith that both K1 and K2 mention.


I want to see HK-47 standing over a battlefield of corpses behind Revan, and Mandalore behind Revan with whatever of his clans are left (likely not a lot); I want to see Revan and the Exile stand facing the horizon - before they part ways. I want the option to see Revan end the exile to "seal" the wound in the force. I want a sentimental ending with an element of tragedy - the self sacrifice. Revan fell to the darkside for the "greater good" (only it didn't work), and now the Exile gives up his/her life to save the force. I want to see Revan walk away, never to return. I want the sins of his/her past to weigh heavily on him, so much so that he cannot live as a normal jedi any longer.


I want to see Bastilia, Brianna last of the Handmaiden, Disciple, Juhani(sp?), Visas, Yutha Ban(sp again) and a couple of others on the new Jedi council. Maybe Dustil too. I want Bao-dur to die tragically that sends echoes that will last for centuries. I want Carth Onasi to be given a decent role - and possibly Admiral Dodonna(sp?) to make a return.


I want to talk with the Ghosts of Kevar, Vrook & Kreia. I want to see Vandar and Dorack's ghosts. I want to see the full old jedi council assembled near the end of the game. I want to see the Exile beg forgiveness from them, and Revan too. And damnit, I want them to finally admit that Revan was right to go to war, and moreover, that they are the true saviours.


I want Atris to give up her robes as a jedi and live as Jolee did to atone for her sins. And damnit, right at the end, I want Jolee to say "You did good kid, maybe you're not so bad after all."


And that's just for the story.


And put in more worlds. It's been said over and over and over again, but bah, it bears repeating.


But most of all - make K3 memorable enough to not only surpass its predecessors, but make it great enough to secure a place in RPG history so it will be remembered within the ranks of being one of the greatest RPGs ever made

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Astrocreep, why would they all be dead at the end when the credits roll? o.0

Dyan, I like your ideas. I want to friggin redeem a Darth person as well! Also about Atris though, you left her the chance to die when the Sith like stormed the Hidden Temple so she could be dead o.0. Probably not though because it did not officially show her die.

As for Bao-Dur dying, I think he should as well. He was a generally well-liked character and him dying would make an impact on the K3 players.

Also Dyan, I want Mandalore/Canderous and his Mandalorian clan all gather together at the end (like Canderous is amassing the army the whole time and can't be a party NPC) and fight in this huge war and all die valiantly with a battle that screams honor. I want Canderous and his Mandalorian clan to die out peacefully and with happiness. End the age of the Mandalorians and let them fight in a battle with honor and glory, but have them die at the end in my opinion.

Edited by Phaedra36
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I'll be happy if K3 just ties everything together and ends everything in a decent way - with multiple replay value. And I don't care who the main villains are - put in an option to redeem them. It is utterly absurd that Revan gets redeemed, the Exile can redeem him/herself in his/her eyes but the main villains? Oh you can try, but you always fail. It sucks. I know, I know "deal with it."




I want to see HK-47 leading an army of HK-50 droids; I want to see the Mandalorians follow (ultimately) under Revan's banner. I want to see everything I did in the two prior games have a positive (or negative) impact depending on my alignment. I want to see the "New" Jedi Council put together. I want to see Force Ghosts.


I want to be able to unite the Galaxy against the "True Sith" - not the followers of an ideal, but the suvivors of the original race. The fallen jedi/original sith race hybrids - *those* True Sith that both K1 and K2 mention.


I want to see HK-47 standing over a battlefield of corpses behind Revan, and Mandalore behind Revan with whatever of his clans are left (likely not a lot); I want to see Revan and the Exile stand facing the horizon - before they part ways. I want the option to see Revan end the exile to "seal" the wound in the force. I want a sentimental ending with an element of tragedy - the self sacrifice. Revan fell to the darkside for the "greater good" (only it didn't work), and now the Exile gives up his/her life to save the force. I want to see Revan walk away, never to return. I want the sins of his/her past to weigh heavily on him, so much so that he cannot live as a normal jedi any longer.


I want to see Bastilia, Brianna last of the Handmaiden, Disciple, Juhani(sp?), Visas, Yutha Ban(sp again) and a couple of others on the new Jedi council. Maybe Dustil too. I want Bao-dur to die tragically that sends echoes that will last for centuries. I want Carth Onasi to be given a decent role - and possibly Admiral Dodonna(sp?) to make a return.


I want to talk with the Ghosts of Kevar, Vrook & Kreia. I want to see Vandar and Dorack's ghosts. I want to see the full old jedi council assembled near the end of the game. I want to see the Exile beg forgiveness from them, and Revan too. And damnit, I want them to finally admit that Revan was right to go to war, and moreover, that they are the true saviours.


I want Atris to give up her robes as a jedi and live as Jolee did to atone for her sins. And damnit, right at the end, I want Jolee to say "You did good kid, maybe you're not so bad after all."


And that's just for the story.


And put in more worlds. It's been said over and over and over again, but bah, it bears repeating.


But most of all - make K3 memorable enough to not only surpass its predecessors, but make it great enough to secure a place in RPG history so it will be remembered within the ranks of being one of the greatest RPGs ever made

Edited by jorian


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