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grimace style

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About grimace style

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  1. I thought of some things I forgot to add in my previous post. For the love of God, please, Obsidian, give us a new storyline. I'm officially tired of the whole Revan/Malak/Jedi Civil War/Mandalorian War thing. It's already been done twice now. Please don't put in Mandalore again. He was a fairly interesting character as Canderous, but as Mandalore he was pretty useless and dull. I also don't want to see any characters like GO-TO. I don't think anyone who played the game either liked GO-TO or used GO-TO. He was an albatross. I'm also tired of HK-47. Yes, HK is funny. Yes, despite he's literally a ruthless killing machine he's quite loveable, but he's been used enough. Other than perhaps a supporting role as an NPC, I'd rather not see any of the companions or main characters from the previous two games. And for those of you who think KOTOR II's story was a cliff hanger, it wasn't. Kreia told you what would happen to everyone. That was the ending. It was nothing more than reading some text. There was no big pay-off. Please don't give us another Peragus, Telos, or Malachor. Peragus was the video game equivalent of getting punched in the throat. It was just an endless barrage of droids. It felt very hollow. It was kind of like how in school teachers would give you busy work that accomplished nothing. I play games because they're fun. Peragus, however, was a chore. Telos was also mind-numbingly dull, but more so because it was so long and a little pointless until you got planetside. Normally I love side quests and all that, but for some reason, Telos didn't set well with me. I still don't see why Malachor was a single player event. We spend the whole game leveling up our compadres and gaining influence with them only to spend an hour or two on Malachor by ourselves. What?! Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of having companions in the first place? Please don't make it take so long to get our lightsaber. The set-up in KOTOR was perfect. We did the Endar Spire which was nothing more than a nice, short tutorial. Then we did Taris which was a nice little piece of story and character development. Then we went straight to Dantooine to become a Jedi and get our saber. Meanwhile in KOTOR II we have to jump through hoops like a circus animal for hours upon hours before finally gathering all the pieces of our lightsaber. And on the subject of lightsabers, it would be nice to get some hilt customization or different hilt models. I don't mean choosing between single or double, I mean what the saber looks like. I'm talking purely from an art stand point. Although it's fairly unnoticable, it does get a little dull staring at the same hilt. I know this may be a little difficult given the series' gameplay and it's a bit unneccassary, but it's possible to do it, we'd appreciate having it. It would also be nice to have a few Jedi robes without the cloaks. I personally prefer the cloak look, but a lot of times in the prequel films the Jedi would take off their cloaks before rushing into battle. Again, it's not necessary for me, but I wouldn't mind having it. Please, please, PLEASE give us a level cap we can actually get to. The cap for KOTOR II was 50. Even doing everything in the game that brought xp, you ended the game at around level 35 or so. And the hississ spawn was worhtless because it took forever and everytime I did it, I could no longer recieve lightsabers as either a reward or a loot drop. I understand that if the cut content was still in the game, we could probably get to level 50, but it wasn't in the game, so we couldn't reach the cap. And because of that, it was impossible to max out the CHARACTER lightsaber crystal from the Crystal Cave. I never got anywhere near the max on that, because we couldn't level up enough. Even with the hississ glitch, you couldn't max out the crystal because Kreia wasn't there to tune it multiple times for you. So the CHARACTER crystal was a brilliant idea. If you put that in the next game, please make a crystal power cap that's obtainable. I would also love to play on Coruscant in the REAL Jedi temple. Dantooine has been done to death. Actually the whole Outer Rim thing has been done to death. I would love to see some new planets, preferably core worlds. Korriban has been done enough, too. It's old hat now. The only past planets I'd actually like to see are Tattooine and Manaan. But not the underwater portions of Manaan. Perhaps the ruins of Ossuss. That would be pretty cool. I think that's everything. Thanks.
  2. I'm gonna admit that I pretty much read none of the previous posts in this thread. I'm lazy, sue me. Please keep in mind, that I only play the xbox versions of the games, so all my gripes with the last games apply to the console version. Look, Obsidian. We know you're either at least in the planning stages of the third installment or planning to do a third installment. Based on the success and popularity of the series, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out LucasArts is gonna be pushing for a third game. So without further ado... I liked KOTOR's story better than the sequel's, but I liked KOTOR II's ambiguity. I know Obsidian has completely different writers than BioWare, but it would be nice to see a balance between the two writing styles in the third. The influence system was awesome. Keep it in. The option to make some of your companions Jedi was great. The sole reason I play Star Wars games (post-N64) is for the Jedi, so don't hesitate to keep that feature in the third game. For those who don't want a lot of Jedi, they dont' have to train their companions to be Jedi. Everyone wins. However, I hated the fact that Bao-Dur couldn't wear robes because of his lack of arm. In order to give him any protection, I had to stick him in armor, which restricted most of the better Force powers. What a rip off. The light/dark side system was implemented much better in KOTOR II. I'm looking forward to see the improvements in the third game. Honestly, I wouldn't care if it was improved. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. (But don't be lazy either. I'm a stickler.) The item system in KOTOR II was better for one reason: it had more stuff. A lot more, actually. But for some reason, out of the countless times I played the game, 90-95% of the time I ended up with bottom-of-the-barrel items like chemicals, shields, and small amounts of credits. In other words, I got everything I didn't need and nothing I did. Countless games I would go without getting a single Jedi Knight robe. Items are my favorite part of this series, so you can imagine my frustration at getting nothing. I liked how KOTOR had (for the most part) set loot drops in terms of lightsabers, crystals, and robes. It was nice actually having more than enough robes Perhaps in the third game, you guys could make some crystals and robes appear at set locations. Or maybe improve the loot tables so that better items drop more frequently at lower difficulties. I'd actually like to equip my party with decent robes. What can I say? I'm a robe freak. I think everyone will agree with me that we need (not want, NEED) more visual customization for the main character. Perhaps not just choose from pre-made heads, but actually create our own. Nothing too detailed. Perhaps choosing just a basic face shape, eye color, hair, facial hair, and skin color. I would also LOVE to make an alien character. Please interject some Sith/Dark Jedi throughout the game. I'm not talking weaklings with staffs. I'm talking lightsaber-weilding bad @$$es that jump you at certain points in the game like in KOTOR. Speaking of Sith, I really liked hanging out at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine with all the Jedi. That's one of the things about KOTOR II that bummed me out; the lack of Jedi NPCs. I know it was important for the story, but still. Interacting with more Jedi would be a plus. Adding ranks would be a nice addition, too. Please keep presitge classes. That was a great idea. The ranks I'm talking about would actually take more work than just reaching a certain level. Perhaps completing a series of side quests or getting a certain amount of light/dark side points would grant you a new rank. The ranks would be Padawan, Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Sith Apprentice, and Sith Lord. Everyone would start out as a padawan and depending on your allignment, you'd get an appropriate rank. Perhaps each rank gives you stat and damage bonuses, making you stronger.
  3. For the most part KOTOR had a much better story, while KOTOR II had much better gameplay (despite bugs). KOTOR's story seemed more in the style of the original Star Wars Trilogy with the good vs evil, black and white story. KOTOR II's was more in the gray area like Revnge of the Sith. Although a prefer a darker story, KOTOR II's seemed rather convaluted and difficult to follow. It kept jumping between being chased by the Sith and being chased by the Exchange. It was like two completely seperate storylines that never connected. I never knew why I was really searching for the remnants of the Jedi Council anyway. Why was I even going after Darth Nihilous? Why was I coming out of exile in the first place? Because I was told to? If I defied the Council by fighting in the Mandalorian War, why would I bother listening to people I didn't know? The characters in KOTOR were far more developed than in KOTOR II. The revelations in KOTOR were also far superior than in KOTOR II. I saw Kreia's turn coming since Peragus. It was pretty obvious. But I never suspected the revelation of Revan's identity in the first game. It was covered up so well. The gameplay in KOTOR II was great. I especially liked the fact that skills played a more important role in your character. I loved the influence system and the option to make some of your companions Jedi. Personally, I think more Jedi is a good thing. They're all I ever use. Gaining stat bonuses from conversing with your companions was also a big plus. It's pretty much a wash on which game is actually better.
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