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Bethesda + Their Games


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I am currently waiting for my copy of The Phantom Menace for playstation to arrive. I can't wait.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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a bit about the story:


Midway hired one of the writers from the acclaimed "Playmakers" to pen the

script for the game's story, a tale of a disgruntled owner who basically

cleans house to start his team over (new GM, new coach, new roster) while

at the same time striking a deal with the mayor in a plot to exploit fans

and taxpayers alike for millions of dollars in a bond issue for a new stadium.

Throughout your campaign, there are a series of movies updating the plot, but

I expected more, not only in terms of the number of scenes, but in terms of

interactivity in the story. Sure, you can decide whether or not to spend money

on hookers for your opponents when the situation arises, but there should be

scenarios like that between every game, and for the most part, you're expecting

a new scene and all you get is forwarded on to the next matchup. This might be

the building of something bigger, though, with next-gen. Imagine an interactive

world where you can actually walk around with your players and go to the club,

get in fights, flirt with cheerleaders on your own. That might be the future,

but right now what you're stuck with are short cut scenes, and while some

are humorous, I was really expecting more.



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Fallout 3 will not be missed by me, just mocked relentlessly.


you know, they MIGHT just hit a home run with it.


nobody thought BioWare could create a true SW CRPG but they did.

They might, but I don't care enough about Fallout to care about Bethesda. None of the Fallout games would even make my top 10. Not enough incentive to invest into a Bethesda RPG. I wouldn't trust Peter Molyneux to make Fallout 3 either, no matter how the industry or other gamers would praise it. Different tastes. I have enough games to look forward to not need to be worked up about one from a company whose games I don't enjoy. I'd say that's fair enough. Jagged Alliance 3 doesn't mean much at this point, either.


Zuxxez (Topware) has the licence to both JA and SC, they r not moving anywhere yet :ermm:


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Fallout 3 will not be missed by me, just mocked relentlessly.


you know, they MIGHT just hit a home run with it.


nobody thought BioWare could create a true SW CRPG but they did.

They might, but I don't care enough about Fallout to care about Bethesda. None of the Fallout games would even make my top 10. Not enough incentive to invest into a Bethesda RPG. I wouldn't trust Peter Molyneux to make Fallout 3 either, no matter how the industry or other gamers would praise it. Different tastes. I have enough games to look forward to not need to be worked up about one from a company whose games I don't enjoy. I'd say that's fair enough. Jagged Alliance 3 doesn't mean much at this point, either.


Zuxxez (Topware) has the licence to both JA and SC, they r not moving anywhere yet :ermm:

Erm, StrategyFirst owns JA right now. They hired Mistland to do JA3D and JA3 before (NOT good devs). JA3 suddenly disappeared, so Mistland is only doing JA3D right now. The franchise in and of itself doesn't really mean much at this point.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Its a sports game.  CRPGs and Sports do not mix.  Its like putting a nerd in a quarterback position.



Sounds pretty valid to me.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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This is the best news I have heard all day.




Go go Morrowtrek!


It's good if its true :ermm:


It amazes me that people still don't understand they are just publishing it...


Anyways, quite a few sports titles have serious RPG components. You have stats for every player, they go up with experience. The new Madden and NCAA games allow you to create a player and lead his career through college and pro levels. You can actually change your appearance, do TV and movie spots...there really are a ton of options. You can also create your own stories through the franchise mode.


The fact is, I know some action RPG's which deserve the title even less than some sports titles.

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Its a sports game.  CRPGs and Sports do not mix.  Its like putting a nerd in a quarterback position.


This is absolutely untrue.


You could very easily create a sports RPG. In fact, most WWE wrestling games are more RPG than the Final Fantasy series. You have to keep the crowd amused by doing high-entertainment moves, you can try to charm female characters to be your manager/teammate, you have ultimate control over everything from your ring entrance, appearance and even combat reportiore. You get to allocate stats (and since half the people here associate stats with RPGs, anyway half the people here should say these games are RPGs to the max!!!), and in some of them (at least the very first smackdown, you could even name your moves, giving them quite a bit of character.


Same with many of the modern sports titles. Sure, they're RPG-lite, but they have more RPG features than many so-called RPGs do, nowadays.


I would love to play a full-on RPG sports game, where I have to work my way up from benchwarmer to starting, and taking the team to a superbowl. Hell, you could do it based on actual playing skill, or brown-nosing coaches. Then once you become an actual starter you could become an arrogant prick, or a mentor towards new players.


Closed mindedness for the loss.

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"I'm enjoying Fallout 3."


Oh really? I thought FO3 was just in the very early planning stages? Now, you are saying you are 'enjoying' it? That would mean that the game's development has progressed...



And, the only reason I think FO3 is gonnd suck is because, quite frankly, Bethesda's games IMO plainly suck. No offense to SS since he didn't workj on the other Bethesda games.


He's also right, however, that some sports games espicially wrestling ones are very much RPGs or at least RPG Lite ones.


And, most importantly, they're usually fun. :shifty:


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"I'm enjoying Fallout 3."


Oh really? I thought FO3 was just in the very early planning stages? Now, you are saying you are 'enjoying' it? That would mean that the game's development has progressed...


I'm enjoying Fallout 3, not PLAYING Fallout 3.


And, the only reason I think FO3 is gonnd suck is because, quite frankly, Bethesda's games IMO plainly suck. No offense to SS since he didn't workj on the other Bethesda games.


Why would I take offense? Even if I had worked on 'em? Aside from the fact that you have horrible tastes (Jade Empie *gags*), millions and millions of people enjoy them.


People should enjoy games for what they are, not dislike games for what they are not. Only fanatics dislike something because of something it isn't.

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